HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-02-07, Page 3e" " 4-, •-'-• • it AiAneOst. litOrt 4,001 ha * aid Sloo4.Tonic tith, thaliirde eettling tb4; Olen enor oh to captiare epeeiMene tioll Mine* lin otternir barbed/sink 09perflUgus. alfwe beelutelY „enloy the eXcite- *Ott and the Sport Obtained la net Withotit novel intermit. , rnaU metal frame. Shoirldlede insthe siliape of' et h011OW triangle at, "tikthed te• 100 yarde etoot line an4 ;kept. afloat by a 'good -idSOCI *OW Ot • • effrk, The, Odes of the metal' frame . 'a* then covered with bitis cif fat k ocht tie. hard ekin of whtch la securek7 -bound thereto. The beat theoWn afl iihtisthestinelniilqW1Y-Pekt infL Tree/aptly a great albatross swerve IhtntIgh the sir, ImPelled or .eneionar 'to Investigate the nature of •the Oat 'leg pork, It settles before the dalaitY Mersa sir toed; nunthere ,of birde rol. bow mit, each one- made bold by corn, 'POtition, and then the nPOstIlegins, ' • At tide, miersent ridditionei line must be. oven in order to compeneate for • the Progressing, sf the ship, thus en' Oiling- a bird to :lotto the desired food. • With a eadden rush the supreme ef, fort is niade.• Once 'or twice the at-, tonillt Proves loeffectual; 'but, rendered • .bold 1131 greedineek a final grab finds' the curved bill tiecurely•Wedged 'nista° the apex a the Wangle., as the fierce . .tugs on the line quickly indicate. , ,Steadily the hani made hand over nand, until a heipleks-albateose bodi- ly lifted oa to the Ii0Oir in aft absolute- ly uniejured condition. • A. "sieckened line enables the bled escaPe, and a it a marVelous restorer and tonic." Try Ferrozone--sold everywhere by I How Are Your Nerves? The daily giftgil of life burne 110 vitelity-4iiter than be renew* it He gets shaky, etarte at teas- es in Me Weep, and Is reedy to fly oft the handle any uncut% The ntl'una Men la nervous beeanso' hie !noon so tbin hie nerve ll are starved to death. He amide Ferromna I Rears, netiela upon digestion. rt' ettelliletea secretion of gestrie juice, magnum: perfect cligeotion, pre. pares feed tfe` It ealt beet Once as - tett Hence the blood is nourteliedris for - tilted: made redder, richer stronger. To the whelPorganierni411111nRied a vim, endurance and. reserve Of 'N't --Or• that the nervous men rower knew be - The restorative power of ,FerronOne lag ;sePareteiy, Open a• penny la 't „„s: este are full of wi d life and, because I wits 00 anxious to 'save for ix mina is -marvellous. In a month it. will make ijimea , ao4 also tested the drardapeta7 aeunetum;aytolitthe eaeodoethretr &parlor/2 day,' And then the bank ailed-tbe - PAO tickets ,from, II b you feel like new, just as it did 1.1* -r Keel H Newsome. of Robeson, who ag., bank that had my peer little hoard I am told that. tett Years 'go no (leer that had been 'wrung out or my heart's writes: "I owe e debt Of gratitude to .It mno'eeem Istrituge that a learned were seen in ' Western Connection*. blood -and on that day when 1, stood Ferrozone which saved My lite after professor should Plit hilneelf to Mich To -day as a result cif a few years' pre- & severe siege of nerVous prostration. so ealonnt .9f trouble to„demonstrate tection„ you, 'eau pick up the fresh Penniless 1:said; 'Nevef. again snail I save money. 1 shall spend,' as 1 go Abollt a year ago My health gave (Vt. what every schoolboy Who had ever , trail df the deer forty-five mine -ten 1 was in SIACh A week, irritable condi- 'Nosed a satin already knew. 'ret, as a I froln Broadway. what little I mull alai enjoy myself.',.. tion I couldn't work, and found tbat -••• matter of 'fact few roily do gram i ' Lesson For Canada. ,. My old aunt keeps asking 'tvliat I'd do' 'three doctors did mitt/Mg for the la hi b - ' "For you, f Canada.this • d that if i fell sick and ' couldn'twork.. I laws w c govern such an appar- i. Ys • 0 is wsn„ dinggist reccoMinenOecl Perrozoue as the best preparation . for .oervops OntlY ..etraightfOrsvard ' matter as the , Vt.,r1.1,,,„.tilalalife of the American cion't mean to be ill, and I'm far less troubles, so I commenced with -one tossing of a coin. In the words of the ... Ss , sssii.iicl, for it •has Moir to Imp if.' have plenty of good is • d - • fore IOr %Man, the noted -Araerfcan "°41Ire 41)( 7°1-1 401 teener le the nstUta, eta., ate., adtirsaSed the Ocala.' woman at the tetettght ta the audio than Olub: Toronto, reeently on "The — tfiE CLINTON NEW E ACat MAKE OUR FORESTS PAY. , .1 INVESTING MONEY. II American Post Maticei String Plea ighet the Girt in the !Red* Hee Se • , e FM- the Indio", .. Say. as 41...... 1/1/4"41/1114*3 at the Tivoli* et Pee , Writer of Indian talee, lover of•hanker' aelved thebrowu 'mired young I Bemis or Tails. , protection of the wild,” and in ilia "re YQU taking lea'Ve et Year CHANCE AND THEGIIT CLASH. ' ca,,,,,„„,ing ina„„„,. mo,„ a strong pies seuses,, Vera," replied the budding for the Indian, as well tta the ' Wild scullitof in thti long eieeved apron, **to I " Throer BeYs *be Olide Are Against • his statenien* show "Long age, whea 1 Wins Young and Ariother flied,' Yet Oben,* earl slis II....e Pith . ; wise, before 1 had teemed bow to be 4-OddratmeowosthomokithmetemTato70:73erotnte:sor. • roi;;p-rurolofittejuectrtegasaletireeru.Ior.Tolittbaeteelsopgrearetp,bleetsip1442:tubie .lerarnes. tphoenswtbolme a' lewd 4nejooyntemedelYeeltfo,"thhilf; 3:41,1 rearooi Once apent tile greater fatal of tlWainetineld a rich Teveutle Pr-twr'' ''.1 sered reY reeneY" t slat" aniraels and forests,. riga usi if We haVe money enywherel 1 • • M.r. Warman has studied Cartada'a Ar" vey, artiatse if 11•11.10 Tarn Ten TiMes la Insgamsee, aide of •the loMber e5oeation to0, a$ '" part at Ilia vacation daupertttety toes. :01n07.1 state. obittra a misiliitoU Mei) and'Serliillied. I wouldn't treat loyeelf ins owing and inoanii_c.aretio,unteov,neenautrleasiniu Vitnimoniintle. to the theater or a box Of candS, 1 hew. it fell. open , the Obaling lara eaC year. ' :"'bclarldea la a .nbeaP place and wore, ris 25004 d "They go to Mai e because...lot, raa. wr gowns nu they fell off me beestuse tablet at meals. Every box of Ferro - zone I took did me Wore good than the prpriOnS one, and it wasn't very long before I was strong enough tO, move around again. In threemonths 1 was completely cuted. Ferroaceie braced up my nerves, gave me o strong, healthy constitution, and is certainly mattered" 'Wits 'perinitted 'Such ef- fiFyggiste,ie 500 boxes , , , fort sUdden eight -would obtain release. • , • The other birds invariably cOMmence - to atutek woniided covered% 4 steady bileasemiuired, Oren if the nisi -cideil`reut Your Panes,• to sive: it from 'its frianda. Once, safely on deck the. nianclibles are tied together, for otio. ,tirwise, the bird throws up an oily Auld, a dentgiweable babit possessed by all the tribe. . ' ", - • • ... Sirlajeet to this precaution 'it may, wander gravely around. -to ,survey tbe new horizOn of life.: The :large eyes gaze with a triily :pathetic confidence expre,ssive of anything a s age spec e w sthe inquisitive bird solemnly waSelln te and fro among the equally inquIst.. tive human • beings around.. True, it ,obiects ;-slIghtly. -to .the lirocess Lef,1„ measurement,' pecking- sharplY. by *ay t. ••of protest, but a gentle.; box on the ear soon indilogs .the dimen- . 'steins are rapidly ,noted, •the albatross • meanwhile reposing affectionately in • the arms of the .Seeond.-ofticer. The skelmen happens to be al. sniali pne, but the. tiring etpansion from rip to tip to. toss than ten, feet,.the'..ertreme length of body hi three feet sit inches And the formieable hill meiteuressniss ward ot four 'inehaasscornhill: Maga- Kt Wi • • • • •'; - ". ; 'Thirty-nine Distinct Varieties of Work - --bras Many men. According re alie United States be- • Teen of labor, the old sate( "It takes • wine tailors to make st• mac" • is filled with misinformation,' for in reali tdon. *weak', finds, it takes . thirty-nine men of different. traders just to make e coat under the present system of shop manufacture, for the day when one tailor measured the customer, Olt out the deft and, enth his apprentices 14ped .it Into a and pressed garment bas practically passed. To- ,. elaY-all--oneatidices-maysdosthrough-bisa entflie life is to mirk the ,place 'where buttons are to be sewed on. Aoother on never !nuke places tor buttons ripecialty is to park buttonholes & third man spend' the long day in sewing ' on buttonssinsfourthsinsosikS_ lag buttonholes. Men who sew sleeves olo not make . armholes. . The armhole . place ta shoulder shapers, ' nod these last do! not- Much ".collers, which are a cliatinet specialty'. • liven the men who • manipulate the tailor's' 'goose are divided PM premiers of, neetrae„ edges,. linings, sleeves and coat - pressera-a-The-basteressticksto-one-disist, . • ...rate functionary, . the basting puller, -undoes their works. _Even the coat. 'strap is 'a separate province. Sea that . • •' when• the e•t is finished it represents thirty-nine disfinet varlet:lee' .of • work' • by as Many men- And When a Man :tleallY puts On the 'coat hills wearing the product of 312 fingers'and sleventy- alght Minnie, not Seoamting the digiM I those who sheared the sheep, wove Abe ch3th, dyed it, nished It, shipped fit and cut it nor the ink stained clerical blinds winch kept a book record a all s the- proeesses. .;Probably from sheep • wearer the mat was handled by at Meat 3,040 fingers.. • • CANADA'S CREDIT NOT SHAKEN Now • Stadds Higher than Ever( • In Great Britain. • • • Mr. Willian 'Mackenzie, president of after the Canadian Northern Railway, Ilea returned to the Dominion r an ' eight months' trip abroad. • He expressed himself as well pleas- ed with his success from a financial standpoint and intintated that a large amount of Work would be done on the Canadian: Northern 'during the at. I•le said that tne finan- diar panic ,in • the ni though Of course regrettable, had had the' effect' of emphasising t,he sound- ness of- our banking aystexn and the :fact that. we were mete able to stand. akine. *. In fact, We did not • feel -the collapse in the States any oiere thin European countries, or, in other words, all the whole: thing amounted• ..to was a touch of nerves. The result .is that our credit in 'Europe is better now than it has: ever been. • "The -country is now, and meat . continue to need -Capital form outside. :It is. very mu& like a rapidly grow- ing "boy. The more his strength in- creaies. the more food and clothes he re uires," , ' : • • • ".• '-4. 1 : : respect to immigraiion. Mr. Mackenzie bad lonxid no evidence of in the flow, to -Canada. This depended c jelly on t e. repo o tei-si Your wilder- fond and n fair atuoutit or pleasure • it;that-tth1)316,1417d s' thaieant•ZRYno°treii"t'aeaten°d7; 1 '";terseuen,elk•ife•gytauth:e6xeaernt: harnveer iftt 11130844%ea vnati! And if 1 should be ill -Well; Id have. , n - or tails turning up repeatedly -13 'Pres i able letison-to hold what- Ai' have, ' 8°43° °°t1 times to look back °II anY- "dimly as follows: "But first of all you Must save the.; hew." , "What do you put your extra enemy , The chaixor of a head is•one-halfr Of ., shelter. The ionise is the natural optwrueothrdhbeeatdsuoieiftodsilhoa.wirilinr_tbgsua:csctetsossn.:onnha,e.lorname.artehuttitiu-. -. -heseta7 game.anadhigyour arel?ieswintreY 0370°Wyfeottar.. i 14/17 . 0114:41bea-r!"grodespked elle girl. ‘:°, the beau. q . r, . I 1 ' rivers will dry up, your fish will die, •"Toilet cream." said Rhoda euecluet- naultiplied by one-half multiplied by 1 and desolation will brood over this . ly, "the finest of seam foods for the one -half --that Is, one-eighth, . Now lan4aatigtrvinaatidoennleoeft ftgre: .10rea hair and Sign, a }ipeseeuse and a hair- what run of eleven heads? .It.is safe to need entail no expense ti: the clitote t. • dresser twice a week and ,an occasion- al ' rest cure. I consider that. the best what de You sanipese is the cbance of say that not man/ Persons, however . hTaliveerebeaere eutf°resta ildoSwit erien and investment I can makes Any invest - n over , years, an e accustomed to tossing coins, have res- annual revenoe increases as the Years ' wont that keeps one looking. young settee this, out The 'feet is that one -i go by. ...The old • shying that you MI- "rpn" of eleven heads is on the aver- pays, better interesethan any of tn ot coin,tossint, . , does hnstovet hoyidougroor hoerbandB4yeasteieitntitoolic• ba,nk,yosuci„ek• new my' sister Emmeline age only to be eapeeted in 2,048 sets lumbering you cut out the old trees I'm five years older than she Is an Although the ,men. in the street may . and encourage- the young ones. It no better looking naturally. As not have reckoned this, he is always would be almost as foolish to let your child she promised •far better • than quite positive that if,' say, a coin haSforests go to waste uncet, . as to an ' ew physically. -Yet now she has wrinkles them ' to be . lumbed wastefully. tenon tentimes head upward he is Mark them, and rea:perthe rich' reward, ' around her eyes, actually, and I don' safe to start ,bneking .. tails. He puts i but work them up. An Canada: ; expect to have'. any for - twenty years hie money on tails turning up be- "If an American insiMafactilrei *Yet She's thin' and she has a lit° cause, he Say% it stands to sense that ViilltEl to work up your raw material, stoop, and she found a gray hair yes does It? • At the eleventh toss the heed ' Pel-hthl4emeenie-434" ' ' ' h 8 calls sh6' Nv°r used to prevail that ahe big plant • ry g and slaving to says,. money fo of the coin is just as big as it eirer came to Canada for cheap labor. That her old age She's 'getting old age for Was, 'Whitt-raysterious influence ean is not so to -day. The .Iiiternational her money. i• tell her thet Girls; a Past event, the tossing of ten beads, scOrveoster ale f wages in, Hamilton and J 1- • Co. paysprecisely the sgril P 'andthe beauty leaned, forward iinpress ' have on a future one' which; hail- no • cago, end still saves thirty cents pn IvelY, link • with them--nauxely, , the tossing the filet cost of producing, a certain . sand times -it pays, in a purely prac "it pays.-4've seen it a thou of the cein the -eleventh time? Surely machine in Canada... Whatever the• Ilea! way, to keen Young arid Pteflar each toss ,is,an event by itself, as. Sir answer to this, it is certainly, no re:. Therefore- your intmeY lit fnqat Efirani Maxim. said of a- -game at rori- .fieetion ,. upon Canadian' werlanen. , creams. and Complexion Ibrushen;i • lette at -Monte cask,: . • ,., • • -Speaking now as a Canadian to Cana- I "Clothes for mine," said the girl .in •"It is a Pure, unadulterated question diens (I'ra at least a half-breed), 1 i the new tailored suit "1 bellevelood say let Americans and American ealn- 1 'clothes help one more In the battle of of chalice' and it la net influenced in . 41 come and assist in turning: to acs the least by anything which has ever count the iieli resources . of t Dom- alifeeethtteatilacatnioyn9litbliegyelast%tailWlifitabt"; iieohnie. taken place before or that 'ever. will ali,atid Aeveloph:1 your coma_ faro, , „ take place in the future." • , * - .,' try, but let them do their developing • A. nasty • week, of r•lain speaking .this above the boundary. ' • • , . . for the . monks, tyho had published "Certainly it is good business to •' in/Saliva it family; schemes Yoe -"breaking the . bank". and cut and market your • merchantable The eneding_ee it realsoaire mina lied , besesplang-deperided winger,- on , but the-L-eutting--ehottl,d--Ax••-•-ir•-tetigte-reetek•-xed-x-tdii - theiry,-tbsit if one game ended. in a done intellikeotly, and all brush and • a • • i" 4•111: 11 • • I : 14 1 , • 41. 444 .1" rcat enmity Sale, 'Isstoocr worth ..of new, seasonable .,gootis to be cleared during. the next two weeks at wholexale prices, and in some eases less. These goods are all new and ukto-date and at regular prices, are excep, aortal values. Space will not permit of my quota- tions, but if you will read ,thelist below, it will give „ you son* idea of how we are sacrificing profitt men,r, futiband (3ape,regOlar 75o and 111.00 Sale price 50e See cape In south window. fieo's lined Boots, regular price 52.00, Sale price $1,2t5 Slim; 6, Women 'e Felt Boots, regular 111.$5, gale price $1.18 'Worames heavy lined Sateen Underskirts, regular Price,41.75, Sale . Price $L25 A few Of thorn. $1.25.1olack Sateen Linderskirts left at tafie „- $8.00 Grey Wool Blankets: *OA ; $'2,75 Grey Wool Blankets, 01,95- 4 few pairs only Men's heavy Duck Rubbers $1„17i& lothing. ' Men's Bildt melton Overcoats: velvet collar,: regular Prig% $0.59, Sale price $3.35 1110.043 Overcoats; in Meltons and Tweeds; 'for January Sale. isaso Special prices on all lines of Dry goods, (Slothing, l'aoots and Shoes . during this. sale. „Our eapensesaare very light, and We can give you better value for your money than you can get elsewhere, Come -and see, ltirristeel Bros. 1111111117111111111$1111111111INE*01111011111.0111IIIIIIMMagooliniOW , w Fruits. carry the best ficom best Shippers. • ' JEta1SINS-Valences. Sultanas, seeded and table 'raisins. • • • Et ItIallIgTs-Fineit cleaned, Patrias, Pigs, Peels, Nuts.: Dates, Candy - '• • - Oranges, etc. Our prices lower than offerings of inferor • from otber-soorces-Call•and see, '''' • ' • • • • • ' -•• '''' • TEAS- Stark, Green, 3.apan and Mixed Ektra Value for 2e. • •• • , HUG,Trra- Granulated, Yellows and Rano 'we lead ha Quality and 'Quantity • per Sonar or bags (24 lbs Brown Sugar for $1.00, • s * Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Fancy China, Tabie arid ,.., Library Lamps, Largest and Finest assortment ever offered. ' in Clinton, Cheaper than ever, White. Toilet es $1.25, Din- . , , ina ea et 40 piece . • . . - . .. $3 oo. 4 different patterns in:open stock get %hat you want - CASH PAID FOR ' BOGS AND BUTTER ' ' J. W•IRWIN . SaVe 100. per. cent .• •. . • . • • • . Why buy patent Emulsions of Clod Liver 01 il,,when you ran get our OWI/ ' make at exactly half the price? Our own is 25C and 50c. Patent are 500 and $1.00. The Patent Einulsious are not guaranteed: We absolutely • '• guarantee ours to contain 50 per. cent. pure Norway Oil, combined' with the , . properMOW) o ypop osp nes. t is palatable and easy to take and one Nt of the best remedies for Tuberculosis, Bronchitis, deep-seated coughs aad • , er_watriikfrs_Csislalissists_iiedition where a powerful nutrient tonic is required: •, . . ; a• gas --,t;hemist„. • 1 _ 't • 1-10VEY DisPensin41 CLINTON :people y. settled,- and their -"-exa eellent accounts of the splendid laud in the •west would continue to attract a constattly incrteising .stream. . He was of the opinion: thatBritish public • opinion was in favor of the Allred line if it could be shown that it would pays. and on that cegtdition (4 ormilii he !reels subasidixo41.- -..„,„,--k„..— • • 'A FRIGHTFUL- DEATH. • • • Is one from suffecetions and soma - times follows a bad attack otAsthrna. The aid fashioned; remedies , May „re-; Hem : hut never :mire. Best restate come frocn Catarrhozone, waiCh tures Asthma -after -hone -is abandoned,. les !poetise Catarrhozone kills the Asthma gerrn that it mite% ChokIng spells andalabored beeething• ate relieved, suffocating Sensations - and loss of breath are cured. Evary. trace of Asthma is driven frona the systenaand eveno!1eh Ponies- experiencesirnm edi- ate relief and lasing cure. Equally good, for•Bronchitis, Throat trouble arid Catarrh. Sold by all dealers in 25c and $1 sizes. Get Catarrhozone to -day -it does cure, • . • • PROGRESS AND 'LABOR. . Pctlic:Zan ih t;a:trZ:11uFa 11-angement say--- a the. Canadian Paeillo railroad ' with 113 machipista • , • . • • . . • . A •sun motor was etre oe the objects shown at the recent exposition hi Mad-, rid. It .is useful for puraping. water,. working threshing Machines, ereeting electricity, bte., and alter the ••machine, has been bought theres no furthers expense.' • ' . • .• ••• , .-Magnete --forsaffting • • purposes -any codling •Into inermislog use in British iron works. Castings weighing two�r three tens are lifted -by electro Mag. Bela. Muth' time.is saved it tomparl- ion with the use of hooks and other &vices, as the throwing of at ewitca Elephant Police. energize° the magnet' ifr The sight of nix pairs of elephant simultaneously at work capturing half dozen struggling., • trumpeting mates is ati imposing one Like a pair ef "animal polieemen .arrestIng a pria- ober, the great beasts sidle alongside a victim, take Min between theni and. , jostle and BA:Neese and worry him, tail first, toward a tree. • Every inch la contested by the herculean fighters until nearing* stout tree or stain!) the. • , 'little brown elephant catchers slide. •fiOni their laments to the, ground, trawl' under the ponderous bellies and shut. Sing, kicking feet, slip- cable slings about a hind foot • and take a tura around a tree -Strand Magazine. A Park:den" nietalliirgiestl • engineer claimer to have Perfected a process- of welding cermet.. to steel wire so as ta Make a uoneorrosive -coating. many advantstge.s, it is said, Orin result front the uae Of this neW wire, sueli as high tensile strength and. elasticity, cora- felted with !smaller surface exposed to wind and sieet than would be the case with iron wire of the same conduetiso " • • : . , BURNT HIS TOES litADL)r • Bet he led' never again use a cheap eoen cure toritaining acids. The only safe and painless cure is Piitnana's Corn Extractots It never burns al- - ways cures -buy "Putnam'e," Brilliant hica. . „ . "1 can't understand," Said the strati- What la Charm? • • A women may be ever so beetitiful get, "since the monument is "perfectly cylindrical in form, why they put bx to look upon,. but If she hasn't a charm „ *last* railing *retold it" of 'manner, a cordial, frank, endearing "Perhaps," replied the native, "they • personality, the pretty eyes and soft, 0 - 4111•dril• have enengh Mffing te ge rii. ttrele.her here ts":Plengeltir°llin•CftiVenntdif:gr' tIolt " je . --much- time •--60 the external appear- h emcee and neglecting what are meet ea- 9 paper n t e a me Provinces . n a The robtehefelotake besttIn flfl _, sassy disposttiss„ we, admire pai,kne ts. sentlal of all, a well groomed mind. i writing to us state' I belluty of form and features. we tle- r it rnerileinethar has faded the test of hams, find we find enjoyment la ante. 41 Would say that f do net know of light to look upon . *bite, perfect 1 Mine like fdlNA.RD'S LINIMENT* It le 2211 22088, but the things that has been an unfailing,. remedy in our helm friendship aad toteetion are hatieelnahl ever biller! I 060 reineMber; ... ... . and bat outlived degeks of would-be sweemegig °T. -rerlaratitet itUti- * thedatill, a 10,tieetripelliat tealpatitaialat, , V --- - , • • .aretr a second time were. kw., which ieduces the danger from forest men whose husband had been draw,' debris burned aa the Cuttingpeoceees, Puted to breaka the news to a poor we. eudiug win for 'Ted" the chances against it fires, and leaves the soil fit for w ed- • • • a third time' less stilt and so on. Thia of course would be a spend seed. No. • aro of forest should be "Doei mown " • , . . a• meadow, leaving only a "f10'4.4 was tbe firdignant lady", reply. enough argumn et • provided that you hateful stubble of stumps.iIInele-Sarn "Too're ,a lime" be sarid.--Loogost • t gard e dozens of ,games . of roe- is cutting . one hendred billion feet Tatiera 0.: I : tette or Wises of a 'coin all as one con- of lumber annually and growing "' -----“-,---a--• . - tinuons, event. It is• quite safe, for -in- tb_irtY-five billion feet to fill the gap. . NE1rElt• CRY QUITS. stance, to offer beforehand big odds TWAY Years_ • at this •pace will 4 ele4r , . You may be weak,slee less,net vc,us against a coin turning pp heads ten I his land. '• , times rlinning, $31,3t A r I . Practice --"s• lands in Ontario -land fit for settle- spair. Never say die till yoa have used digestion, may be poor, ut don't de., • 44,. "treacly . there are two kmds ot peblic house loafer does not do this. merit and landfitfor •forests. All erirozone, have -to do is to sout eurrey id the most 'wonderful body What he (foes is to bet on each se -pa•• . rate tosO by itlielf, thus defeating Ina- separate .these riepy h lands and theY milder, the • best .nerve and system tonic 'known., Eerrozone gives tone .ftheir public. ,for kind patronage', we take this oppOr- a wnseinz"hesedds-egaimtt-e-"In. will all Yield rtch returns; The Crown and vlgoeto the whole lardymakes I turning .up heads eleven thanes are as forests of Saxony yield $4 50 per acre you eat, cense trendy it provides tunity of returning thanks,. and wish all a prosperous has been shown, something Ilk& 2,000 per Minima despite extravagant, semi- eased pouris ment Day by dry you . and thoroughly.enjoyable i0o8. .• ' cr to 1. But suppose you only !tart bet- military management. _Ontario should' %vow in strength - weakness, loss of . , . . . • " • „ cieep, apprehension all • pass .ixway. , ' • - --- • - . • . ,.- • • ting at the tenth toss. • What are the have at least 50,000,000 acres orkreat You get wellastay well, look well. Do odds against :* the .. eleventh tess.. again , rhoneiged mb: gnerritvvisSink:f. Ai, ogze.. - dseeraireerarrtonzmooriehoitx'seessuee to benefit All . , . . • gnus some open, to tne sportsman ESA .............0.4..... ,. . - Reduced Prices Still. Continue. beTinbren°111,8% far ltrc" m being' Ziinh-ta Toe. sgarni. Mr. Southworth esti- , • .. • - - .. , oar...6k • , • „ • • • • ,To the Public. , , Feeling ourselves greatly indebted to the purzhasing 1, are •aotimile 1 to 1! - To, use 'an „metes that '40,000,000 . acres of forest' • , • aped Form *For Girls. Trishism, the odds. are even -that- is would_sprodnce $30,000,000 net ?mini- . In entering and leaving:ra_room_a_... to say, If you spilt bp,the eleven tosses" ' aLly..• • • ' young girl always: permits an eider Into eleven' Separate events to be bet. • "'Op in the northwest corner of Woman' to Preeede her. on separately Your bets shoule be • Thunder, Bey, north of Lake Nepigob ' The elder wanutio precedes the girt "even money" ail •the time, botrever siSuth of Lake Joseph and inlet of the on entering a, car, .parriage, restaarant , Rainy • River district, lies. a reat often headla toe up running, But if g '-_leseatm...refitrytry to attreet bers Uf the household. _e dr theater, , ' ., • • . : , „ . .. stretch of wilderness which should he youseletv-the-eleventoiseSee.enonomss --set-sot -iremediately,as--a,---forest-and- ' When entertained at a house full of bined ,event and you offer a prelirais. earoe preserve.. - ' • ' young 'people •she vifirnerfeirto Oho nary bet against the whole eleven re. , "And. 'when you have established courtesy and Interest intim older inem- sults being heads ypu will ...bar---to----these give gigantic adds. -" . 1 some of the millions that -lie spent A well 'bred girl Wilt not -absorb the All this "goes to Prove the absolute in Maine.' ' • , • conversation at an rifternewitea,,Ituicii uncertainty of gambling. Tbe great- Mr. Warman" is a. strong • advoCate t est- nAthematicians of the day cannot " of "Thlotfoili of qt. huntinik•lirnse . or dinner by telling flippant stories. or • iv. tt p. ,. s 3, , ure a few be certain' how a coin will fail, so that • acnis ine 1-%kv:13, rig UC the man O1. mereii average : abilities American eportemett to eome.., tver: , her good manners and girlhoed. , to fnlut.langhs , but ' at the 'cost Of resect for . whe "stakes.!anything important on the He also eoedemee doge itz doer aunt. ',' 'When letroductions are under WO' oss ef a coin is allowing that part of , „ing.„ as a means of driving tbe-deee the 'youngest girl Is the last to he in - hie fortune to entirelyoitside his -1 too far Mirth. • • ode ' " et:ren, She follows her mother: neV- control. ' ' •• . •• • ' .. ,. --**---- '*-.' ea precedes her, in advanclug to meet , . , . her hosiess7 ' sal,ISSZ-',4s- • ';' s's• •-•• -7- , After dancing the 'young giel doeS not ' • • ..Juirt*4.11. alri Na well bratt gm aeceptifiiii iorviee, IEVIEINITUROE P4mtd ur. 7. TVR'R77,N1"41.'N.'.0.,St... 717" 241: thank ber Rattner. She hat confcrred ,--' 'the favor?. and he.thanks Int19:' - • , , , clost ter ivhar he es, see he kin kik atratavalneZinj: it bypitikentlearnice *-10.linitlitt you ter blazes."-4-tlanta Constitution.. ,tivotankot,ot, ..he. ad. • . or a nimmared V . 7---'..--- ' Had Reasons. ' "We are going to put all the grafters - ' • • in• jidl," declared the prosecutor. . •7 largelliiholstered Chaire .• from ...-,...... $5,50 to $8.50 4 Morris Chairs $7.50 to 88.50 Very special line at,..: $14,00 SPecial inglatreSses Regular $5,00 -Mattresses for $400- —The best ialifestbatints-eveeleft • cup store, • • Parlor Cabirietrem. $30.00 ' • for.... $25,00 Parker Cabinets reg. $14.00 ' '''' -.,...;$11,00 31 ()Ouches ranging in price • • fr om to. $33.00 s Our special is • ' • 20 Iron Bedsi reg $7.00 - •-• for • '$6.00 - Cabinets reguierlprice • ..$5 Ofifor ............ 75 " . 50sfor ......... arva . . 15 Ofifor ...-..... 13 00" ° 14 00 -for -L--------12-09- • Dressieg Tables 2 only • ••'• ' • "special for ..$20.00 We will let the matter of profit be Che lase considerations We • Must reduce our stock of Chrismas Furniture, so now is your chance to buy usefull and ornamental goods,, at very low prices. al er & Ros:8 • . , : • ,.• Too Wise For Him. . . How Many There Are sn'o'Dwair„'s a -Georgy mule frote up in de You Will be enrprised TO Learn Poison Factories • •41•444m.o• . er Dickey'. *lie wants you ter come "Don't let, bite fool you'," said Broth, Did you ever feel stilted and dell after eating A hearty dinner. When food is retained too long in the stomach, because of stomach weak- ness, the poison factory works over time and there is giddinees, confusion of thought, despondency, heart burn, sleepbssriess, nervous trouble and other for,ns of indigestion. • It ishigh time to look, aboot for quick health when you have dizzy *pane after eating. The general use of Mi-o.na stomach tablets puts ,within the reach of every One a reliable and positive cure for all stomach weakneeie. Mi -e -no gtiick- ly cures the worst cage of indigestion, and the pain and distress which 13 Often felt after moale will soon dieap- telwar, such Is the wonderful curative power- this little tablets, acts upon entirely different rineiples from stay, of the other rem. dieft that have been Jibed in stomach rouble, it is taken before meals, and CI& Times. Nem Pfile Ink pro* lieissierfal as A specitle ,etrengthening action *se the *OIL Mrs. bail/ Mat 4141.00L pon the miracles of the stomach, Ont., Mit* 4/ iraikblibled lair Mail INS mailing the flow of digestive juidee If you have Catarrh. rid yourself of haat troirtarsOike koemi betas fie it SEWS iltiebb nd this repulsive disease,Ask ,Dr Shoop dos to" shieesof eta have bow withers* gOrgett173,LaatIchnfgrttil'yn of Itaelne, Wits to You free, Newt end Nero, Pills for abase Wadi. and lama 00d Vtibleh is oaten, trial box of hie Dr Shoope's Oat,tarrh continue &gag at aan frudinar reenedy. A ifiriltilk. single test will s thaetat ths bed reiaildi Woe ever wood he 41.041a- la Rohl hir druffeete every eurelv tell you a itarrh truth well *wales op aie ityittora, Vote ow liberty' * where for gog, and we positively guar -fifit„.„,„„ k antee to refttnd your rooney should ,472...r47 ..„„J‘ki:„r 11,117:"r4 Write today *00 tail Aitivilet ter AO Nan& et ethie you porehaee a box and be diesatiefied """v"6"15°"'-', " With resulte. _Write for free earripie I Psis SO" wa* tor lexe or tie* Irmo tOr$131, dattotsieg w &ow Company, Ltd, Ads. ht the Nor steak, ettreaditetita:" Tha imlbere °39 "164 ort Onterie, some vary "pit why are y� u so slow?' "Say, you wouldn't 'deny us the pleasure of anticipation; woUld YOu7" -Philadelphia. Ledger.. " Preferable. "Do youssprefer colne Without Mot- toes?" ' "Yea". answered the etrugglieg Ott. zena "It's a goad idea. infinitely preferable to motteee without eoln."- Washington Star. ." The Bird In Hand. . Clara -So her engagement to •George , has been auriouneed.‘ tint' I thought She was prettyfetid ef Arthur. • Ginevleve-She was, but Art was wand- tin* was deetinga-Bairmas THREE lisyinglintes in.. wommo 'LIFE WHEN MILBURN'S IliART ANI NERVE 141413 Sid shone en abashes mosaltY formal his haus htelth. The gest whoa she is hire *dales Irma ierrir heed into the fail bloola otvrollai4bood. thO second pedal den cOarittlitAsi * aPsuId drain On tie warn is dating preosisy. • The third sea one most liable to kiwis hesirtitaid eirestretibls laduzleig"ibMaitialita.4 alt throe polo& Ihibura'S Sarni Wei Oeinnetitereand imitaterree 4 Still To The Front •••••—•st-s-,, •, 114 We 'make known to you tbat.we are prepared to serve you better than ever the °barrio of Banks does not affect' MI the point with us is to' supply your. • Wants. We have an immense variety to choose from. Vt. e Mtn Inept any mon. petition IS a legitimate Way. We want your custoin and ean make matteM pleasant and profitable for you. Try. Us for Dry Goods, Groceries, Boo* Mid --Shoes; Rubbers, Leggings, Sox.- Robes, Blankets, hardware, Salt in harreie or eacks. Coal stove and nut., We will take your Cash, Butter Eg TalloW and Dried Ooplee(fer a shorttimentt highest prices. Tonne Cash or Produce. arm. oFFntt- We Would au. 'FAO farmers with Uottonade, Denims. Shirtalege: "ViTrapPerettes, Flanpelletfs, White and Grey Cotton, Prints. Spools, et4e,'„riti these goods could be made up in the slack time, and allow yett to bring in your butter, eggs, ,etes later on, Emporium •• ADA/ViS. Londetoboroi Jam 20/08 • TilE LAST CALL, • It is ebielutely neceseary thatitil outetanding accounte he 041,14 by the 15th Of February in ordet. that we may close up our Intel. • nese, Those who have- not yet; settled up, must ROVerti 01601004S aeCoUnta not. paid will be 'pieced oftewhere for teailement. .11sroirSio kuinball & AlIcfriath slum* • ,