HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-01-31, Page 8E BIG
hav*e been busy tatting stocl.
Counting .414 lating everything that is in
the store. " Everything that we found, for
any reason whatever, shouldnot be here,
has been thrown out to one side, and • will
go on nine ,tables Satinday morning, mark -
prices that wll»maker the selling
positive certainty. We are going to call them
because each and everyone will be a verit-
able gold mine or every buyer in search of
BAROAINS. There 'will be all kinds .of
things on each table,'hut not much ot. any °
-single line. From all over the , store we.
fiave, gathered , the supplies.
Every cieparunenteontributed its share.
We cannot tell you what you will.find on
each table, but each Will be numbered,
and.you can.take your choke of every-
thing on it it''One price.
• T4ble-,No.
Choice:for 5c • •
Table No 2
Choice for loc.
Table Nt. 3
Choice. for 15c
Table No...4• .
1-lo1ce for igc
Table Na. 5
Choice for 25C
Table Not.0 •
Choice, for .5oc
Table 'No.' •
Cheice for 75C
Table :No. 8
Choke for Si.00
PRIDA.Y. JAN. 81, 1005 -
Loral Notices.
DR. OVENS, London. (*prawn, Oen.
Jet. Specialist, will be at W.S. It,
Illohn°01 Drag Obi% on Thursday.
304, Ofith. unless; properly fitted,
&admits catarrh and failing eyeeight
gown igoides.
rON Nwiv astA.
on. 31, 1900
Local NettS. Iasi Irony Tlieturno
A Window in the P 0 lobby wart uttlea soott, vostmaater, born 3m 1
broken on Saturday', filet, 1800, Long May he
Regular Meeting of the town 0oun-
Monday night next Liberal Convention
Good Pride''', whir* fella on April I
17th, willtir.tiKtekt holiday. 1 oolprootbn of the Lthe*aja of
Thos Mason lined a couple of oath; West Buren will be held in the Tern -
of cattle on Saturday laat. peance• Goderich, on Friday Ian
Menace Sheppard of the meleee'e
Bank staff, is laid up with congestion
of the lunge.
The regular meeting of the W T U
will be held et the home. of Aire, A. T.
• Coo this Friday ftern n
Cottle has the thanks of both the in. Miss lkialVaret Hablcirk, Of Mensal', ent. •
mates and those asSociated With the and Mr Jas H Brucefield, are
1st, to day, at 1 o'doelc p, mg for the
purpose of selecting a candidate for
the next election to the Provincial
Legielature. It was expected that Hon
G MacKay,. the fAberal leader' would
HOSPITAL NOTES--ThomasPe ' ) " * present, and address the Convent-
Mr ion, but finds that ie cannot be pres-
HOsgital, fOr a, donation of flowers for attending the Biti-Qtt Pualaeas College, " Miss Wighbman of town, nurse, is
• all t WWI de, Misti Mecireggor of Torontb• , attending wee ohamoey of wet4t
• Kippen. was able to leave home ibis Mr J kL Worsell, of Ootlerich. drove 1 Wawanosh,
week, as was also Mr Trillium! of down here on Sunday; and. could nut
ZUrich. drive back until Wednesday, OWilltr. to
the stortn.
A 'STORM.— The winter has been
Rink, thisSli'riday). evening. The lee
FrOPrhg carnival' takes place on the
heretofore so pleasant , that roost A
'people hoped it would continue to the should be in ;Rime condition, A num-,
Monda3r carried them back to the
end, but the storm of Sunday and her of very handsome, prizes; are of,
realization of an old time winter. Mon, feted:
day morning, everybody around town Mr W Leitch, of Chlselhorst, in te-
• newing his subscription to the New:
had to join the snow-shoyel brigade,
and the good healthy exercise of Era, says "Your paper is above the
shovelling snow was in full swing for average of the locals, and well worth
a time., the price." •
Messrs, Caraphell and Billiard, of the
PROFITABLE- We are told on the late Sovereigh liana staff, have keep -
best of authority,: that one fanner who
notified that their services will not he
supplied green peas to the Exeter Can.'
fling factory last year,realized over $60 required at the expiring oz alive
an acre therefrom. Also, that the months.
shareholders of the factory realized Mr P B LeforineoTtown,who
• • •
over 25% profit on their investment; has b noting a business in Buf-
and last year was not considered an falo..is atpresent in London It is said
extra good year for an investment of he dropped censidere.ble money by his
thh krnd. latest venture,
Mr Kelly, who is reported to have
'CARTOONIST. J W 'Bengough, heen shot while trying to quell dis-
cartoonist and entertainer, has not turbance at a dance in Louisiana, was
been Clinton for a number of years, a brother of Miss NeIIie Kelly, so long
and no doubt many will want to hear
him on the evening of St Valentine's , an employee of the Jackson Mfg Co.
dry, Friday. Feb. 14th The Whitby 1 Mise Annie Worthington, who has
Chronicle speaks of his extraordinary beep indelicate health for. some time;
genius. His mimicry in word. is . not , has not improved, we are sorry -to---sv
second to his imitations with the and has gone to Egm :ndville where ,
crayon. . she will remain for a time, with relit- I
NEW DRY GOODS STORE -Mr. t.1°,-,"8'
Percy Couch, who has for some time in Inarrits—Mri Hall and
family desire to thank the many
•the employ of Hodgens Bros, and his
sister, Mrs Ross, ' have deckled to open. iffatyd!awnhdowkoinulddlYespeciany,
thank her
sent letters of syni-
up a dry Foods store, and have rented
the Premises lately occupied by the suite 10
norsso wthhaonayt attended to theirneeep•
Misses Oantelon 'nay intend to put
Ewen entirely new stoek, and wi 1 open The following, from the Mitchell'Ad-
up about the 1st of March. As both vocate, refers to a cousin of Mr Was. i
are well known'and have had consider-
man, of.towni•-On Sunday night the
able experience, they will push fore,
Borholin occurred. He was sick for •
delth of Mr Chas F. Wessman near .
share of the dry goods trade.
only a, few days with brain fever. • ,He'•
ODDFELLOWS—The fo owing ate4 W"
the, officers installed for .the ensuing known and his death will be regretted
six months;— by a large circle of acquaintances. • ,
J 1' t3. Bro L E Doherty • . It.was.stated in last weelei. paper,:
that, Mrs Ed Castle was sick, and :was
thougut-to be alright in a few days.
. It was found necessary , to her remov-
,ed to the Hospital .on Sunday. and
undergo an operation in which four
Table -IND
Choice toi-7-$11.25
You will find some of the biggest- Dry Goods
Bargains you -have- ever-- 4een-in-towii,aon-ttiese
Klondyke Tables, Saturday and next week.
A Big Coat Bargain Saturday.
Any TWeed $ 6.25 ,
Just about lior luclies lack* lett in' loa, All ure this
seasons garments, correct in style, •perfect in At, well tailm•ed from
• fret class materials. 'W e are winding up one of the best mantle •
seasons we ever had. You knew we never carry a single </moment
over and to make sure of the selling Saturday?; e'er you tg rig
your choice of these laskfifteen fO?" ••••• • • • • IOW LU,'
. • •
Regular pricea.wire $12.00, $15.00, $17.00.
Some More
Saturday Barvins
Some Bargains Tor Saturday shoppers at this
W ••
- 10111112110.0/0•6* otilthilaW9L
day, and people who buy are getting Dry Goods
cheaper than any store can or will self :`the goods
for. You know the kind of stock we handle,
Nothing better within your reach. It is all selling
at Bargain Prices. Here are the. Specials.
Waistings and Tweed Dress Goods, 20c
Fancy Mohair .waistings, it, assorted cc•lors, also
Tweed dress goods, double fold, various weights, suit-
able for skirts or full costumes, regular 80c and 35c, 200
• N.G, Bro N -Kennedy— • -
.V G,Bro H Alexander
•'Secy, B J Gibbings •
•• Treas.-J B Chant
• Per Se J Wiseman
' R g N e • doctors took part. It is • believed , s he
L S N G., E Jackson • is doing nicely, and is hoped she will
soon be able to be taken back to her
Conductor, K Wilkin home. • •
L S 5, W H Cud000re • CANN1NTG.--Col Hoare, of the Gravel
Ohaplai ,n J Tucker Road, north, believes in what is known
J G. F Hall • as "intensive farming," and Is "bf the
R S V 0, 0 L Palley opinion that farmers must specialize..
L 5, N Johnston - if they expect to make money. As an
experiment he last year had seven
- • .
thousand cans of fruit done up at the
Hooke match last •
Friday evening, between bto er c an
Clinton,was attended by a large crowd
Goderich having brought a band and a
tkusiste_wern outiblerce. The game -
'iVar,len, A Castle
ing the same for • the markets of the
.coming spring and sublimer He ex.
pressesbunself as satisfied that the re-
number of supporters; while. local en-
, ,
-Growing A much-more-extenslYerauge
was fast, clean and unobjectionable up •-
ttirmi ' will be up to his expectations, .
of fruit than anyone else in this vicin-
to almost the end, very few penalties IV, he is in a very favorable
being handed out. A few minutes' be-
fore time eras tip the score stood 8 - 8, for an experiment of this kind.
And at this point the referec,Mr Basso!" „.,DEATH OF ROBERT DOWNS SR,
of Stratford, gave a ruling against one Our readers will deeply. regret to
of the Goderich players, to which he learn of the death of Mr Robt Downs
objected, and during the bandy •of
words, spectators crowded the ice and
a row startetLiii which Chief ' Joseph
Wheatley, who was trying to restore
•order, was struck with a hockey stick,
and severely cut about the head. sus-
taining injuries which have confined.
enter Any Day:
Winter term in.all departments
e the Central Business College,
Toronto, off ors splendid chances
for. spending a few months
pleasantly and profitably. 25
teachers Catalogue free. Write
' for it. • • e
W. 11. Shaw, Principal,
Tome & Gorrara Sts., Toronto,
. • ..
. oat of Oc
Note, -Paper •
Court Imperial is characterized by smartness
'and individuality,mithout at all sacrificing Refine.•
ment Itis a linen crash finish, with new plaid
effect, in strictly good taste and entirely new.
Wexford Weave inspires good writing. It is
unequalled for a smooth surface and strength,—
It is a perfect paper- Perfect* in looks and in use.
• just the kind you like to receive, and a courtesy
when you sendit
The W. D. Itair Co.,'
Often t4e Cheapest — Always, the Best,
After two very Succe.ssfuL Sales, there are a num-
ber of R.emnt nes 4eft in • Cottons, - Prints, .Shirting,
• perettes,: Dress Go
etc, Which we put on Sale next week, at a very low
pricer to clear Ahem out before stock -taking; Feb.
65.00 Men's Coon Coats, $55.00.
Four only Men's Natnral Canadian
Coon Coats, good, long, deep fur, well .
made, sizes 42, 44...and 46, reg „
.` „„
865, sale price • ......"..:...•••••••••••••33AU
$22 00 Men's Calf Coats, $16.00.•
Peur--only-Men's Brown -Cali
Coats, with black Astrachan Collar, a
splendid Coat,well furred,good,
rootny-Coats,reg.--$22,---for $16.00-
Sr., which rook place on Monday at
the residence of his bon Richard, in
!Myth. - He suffered a paralytic stroke
somelime ago, and though he recover-:
ed Sufficiently to get around, it was
thereal cause of his death. He was
its his 75th year, hid- wife predeceased
him to the house since. him four years ago. He was born in
• • • the old country.and name td this
As a resultof this game' .Gotlerich country when quite Young, and settled
has •been suspended by the0 H A — in Goderieh. • Re. there -learned the
This came as a surprise to the Clinton blacksmithing, and afterwards moving
team, and we are told, was neither ex- to Auburn where he opened out a
pected or desired, as the Goderich blacksmithing and. carriage shops,
team, on the whole, was not reepoinli- which he continued for years. 1Ie
ble for what happened, and some of retired from business, and came to
the members expressed their dee» re- Clinton,, to liye, some thirty -years ago
Rat at thetime. • Both teams. shcnild but started businesq again in Clinton
Join bands and resolve to be the best which he gave up some 8 or 10 years
of friends. for a game Of hockey or ago and has lived•retired since. He
anything like it, isloo insignificant to was a quiet conscientious man, who
cause unpleasantness between towns made many warm friends, and was
ataram..6»...aense rivals, and..!_w.hiehL;....hig.hly...respected hv all with whom h
should continue on the most friendly ca
mein n contact. He was a member
relations. 1 o 1 n arm • ree urc , an a, ire-
141-01115akeber i_te, amiof fansoaegompanwd ded rat in_politics•-lie-leaves-four children
by a odly n
to Seaforth Tuesday evening •last, and to mourn loss, one daug ter,and three
goum . prcee
m. in Toronto
8°1181 j"
met defeat at the hands of the Sea,forth , Mrs on, Auburn; and
team. The game was a good exhibi- n ichainton,
bition of Hocitey, and theresult might, tbok place Ball's:cern.
r V. in ednesdatoyth. ,. The funeral
have been different if Clinton had its etery, Mullett, at which 'place the re -
y '.
usual line -rip. . mains of his wife are interred.
. •
$2o.00 Women's .Astrachan Coats, $13.
2 only Wornens black 'Astrachan ,
coats size 34 and 36 black satin lined
good -quality lining, self collar
regular $2o.00 for • $13.00
$25.�o Astrachan -Coats $20.00
--only-we-men's Astraehan---eea
good glossy color, sizes 36 and 38, satin
lined full sleeve with cuff, regu- _
••••••.•••••• . , .,.........$20.00
tar $25 00- r -
- -
Men's Odd Pants •
Men's odd Tweed Pants, in stripes
and checks, space will not permit of de-
scription,but the following prices ought
' to clear them out .
.Regular 81,25 Pants fer 08c
. . Regular 1,50 Pants tor zO
• Regular .2.00 Pala' for 1 50 •
Re gulai 2 50 Panto far 2 10
Regular' 00'Pants for 2 65
Regular. 3 *Pants for. 300
$to.ob Men'S Coats • $7., 0
• Mens black Opeviotiand Grey check
Tweed Coats with . or without •gelvet
collars up to date style reg$to.00„,., ri„
for , . . ; . „. 41,3U
$75o Black-Ooats,$6.75_
• Mens Black Cheviot Coats,„;good
loose coat, well made and trimin
ed regtiar $7.50 for . .$6.15
75c rweed Sultings, 35c • ••
200 yards fancy tweed suitings, light and dark •
shades, double fold, will make splendid costumes. They •
were 60c and 75e you take your choice of tbe lot at per 12
yard •0.‘010
Rain Cloth Special, at $A,05
Extra quality showei-Proof cloth, our own direct
importations,,,. extra wide, fine quality, guaranteed
• shower proof, 'grey and ,fawn, regular $1.50, makesei ng
splendid rainy day skirts, clearing at per yard flUU
$1.25 Slack Dress Geoids 75c
Fancy Black Dress Goods of various kinds, Canvas
• Cloths, etc, A gathering together of seVeral lines of 7gfi
high class materials, regular $1,15 and 51.25 per yd.... I di; F •
One yard wide Tafetta Silk $1.05 • i
Extra. quality black tafetta Silk. futl guaranteed,
name woverf•on edge, fail 88 in. wide, suitible for •
_either Coats or full Dreases, regular $1.50, special Per$1. fl
yard , . • ..... .... ei1.1.
04011.10 g
Colored Tafettas and Loulaenne 48c
Genuine clearance of plain TafettAts,tottisonneig and
Toilette silks, all shades, the kat e•ids of our lines that 1
Sold at 754,85c and 00c, all gathered together and out on A OA t
the bargain table at your choice per yard
1;1125 Bleck Tefotta 88c -
Very heavy blaek teatsilk, every yard fully '
!itittranteed our standard $1415 quality, cannot be
bot*ht Mr less than that twice any where, two dresses QOA
tosell at per yard 444 44t44.. 400V v0r . UUU
mean moneysaving prices to you and to us. If
you can buy at Twenty per cent off the regu-
lar price, that's money made. If we can dis-
pose of surplus stock, that's money saved by
us. We take stock at the first of February,
and for the whole of the present month, we
are offering a reduction of 20 per cent. on -
what we have left of our winter goods, for
• spot cash: T..ke advantage of our Stock-
• taking sale and save Money
$$.00 Goods for $4.00
Boy's 'Coat at uost
Boys black and greyCheviot coats,
nobby styles and newcuts, well -made
and trimmed, selling'at:cost price
so pairs Boy's Pants .
so pair of tboyOknee. pants lined
'throughout made from Scotch Tweed
ends hom, our- own tailor shop all „„ •
'sizes worth from $1.25 to $/,75.
$45.00 Astrachan Coats,- $32.50
4 rnly• women's bla.ck Astrachan
coats,whole skins well furredbest
satin_lineci, sizes 34, 36, 38„„.
and 40,. reg. $45,00 for• , aa
$50.00 Astrachan -Coats $36.50'•
. 6 only womens bla.ck Astrachan
and Bokaran fur coats, with natural or ,
sable collar and revers,, made. of . whole •
skins and close curl, a guaranteed coat,'
sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40 reguiar,6,,50
$5000for . . .. . .
$50.06 Near Seal' Coats, $30.00..
4 only womens Near Seal fur coats
Satin lined, Sizes 36, 38 and 40 in box
4: -60-RhiSiatiblouse ijle, regular„„"„ „ft
$50 o& for.. U I/
• $55.00 Bokaran Coats, $38.50 . •. . ..:
• 4 'only *omens black Bokaran fur
coats, sable collar and revers. best satin
lining •semi fitting- or Russian . blouse
fsi.*s'i re!.1..1.,r......P.r..1.73
5 8.5.0 •
$75 00 Bokaran jacket, $60.00 •
5 only womens Bokaran Jackets 2
styles to choose from, made of whole
skins and guaranteed for -1 year
•all sizes, regular $75.00 for
$4.00 Goods lir $3.20
$8.00'Goods_lor $2.40
$t.00 Goods for $1.00 •
$1.00 Goods for 80c.
Flannelette, Blankets, 829
25 pair only :white and grey flan-
nelette blankets, first quality. Sat .
urday 'and Mimday price 920
$6.50 pure wool Blankets, $5
to pair only pure wool finest qual-
ity' white blankets, fancy border, hill
size 8 lbs weight, regular $6.5o
• Saturday and Monday price......$5100
$3:75 Wool Blankets, -$2 75
0 pair only white • wool 13Ianketi,'
good large size and Weight, pink or
blue' border, regular $3.75, pric •
for Satiirday andlVlonday only..e:$2•75
.00 Wool Blankets. $3.89 ' •
12 pair only • pure wool white.
blankets,with pink or blue border, large
size, full weight, regular $5,00, „. nA
Saturday and Monday price..,. •;i„ijy '