HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-01-31, Page 69 '4 • • Tat fl4NWN. NEWXX& • • 't tilANY CURIOUS -WA-NtS .Dolft • .. • How„ Magoon. HOusit Officiels Ars a.. 4 • i• . WOMEN,. AS SMUSSJ..ESS, . ARRESTED' A 2 TEU. OLD SOT -1 OP. GREAT FAR NORTH. C or Cold -1 ee. .cerimine arte-r's • Little Live. r 1111,94., "lino DOW SlitnIttvire .40`AP74 Tier wan, eneeite Miterikeeeliellellen • ,ROUTJACHE, FON DIZZINESS. FON NIEIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID. LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION : - FON SNOW SKIN. FOR 'DIECOMPLEXION 16111V11722.11114WITIOMMOWNWRIW mratilourely lregetanOes:7-46 CUREeleICK HEaryk.r Chas Pa,ulon, a Swedish American, now in Winnipeg, says he went to work at Vermillion Bay for the G T P and was so maltreated for resenting improper proposals to his wife, that he and she had to leave for safety. aoIj 11 Before placing*your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very Vest goode carried in stock and sold ,at the lowest possible price. . .4 reirderazaa_y_loeleft nt nayis er Rowland' Hardware store. or with I W.". lit Elee tevenSon, le Light Plant, HUMOR OF TRADE WITH INOIANil ' 1 PeCtillar Gina of Customers -Pesky •Buyers Damand •ull Assortment- - Seine Funny Purchaseie-FureSkins 1 as current Coin -I ndian Shopper Hes Queer Taste -Believes In Vire • tue of Patent Medicines. 1. They are the Indians of the far 1. north. Wilderness -born and • wilder. neettrained though they are, they Want the things Oat, wear, and play ! with that the white Man brings them, • and therein omelets much of the inn nner of Indian We and eharaeter. A jar of, orange marmalade at a wigwam breakfast, tor instance, or a red cot- -011'parasol -in ethe_bande of a sane dried eauaw, is a in,t funny; but et - such, in part, is the trade with the nerthern Indians. It is to satisfy the curious wants of these people that there has recently gone dowels, the Mackenzie River the ' most remarkable trade precession in America, ' It left Athabasca Lending n e a er par • 41. IT CAN HAVE OCT ONE RESULT IT LEA,VES THE THROAT or LUNGS • OR BOTH: APPECTEIN • Pittsburg, Pa..--Georige Sheffer, 8' Raffled Sly Fair Asa. years old, woe lemisteel on a warrant ,,rid charged with trespassing, A neighbor more that George tore up his teem and /timer beds. But the, 1ClotItilert: tite,loilrietrtso.lthrnthCeliner Ae. Tyhdle mer, Ont., Wool oniseee year older than baby Shatter when his mother noticed that •he suffered with Seel* attacks of Billowiness. ahe tried eirerything 'one, could think' of, but the YOU .NEED • oat it is t ue, but we believe there •. hoY e'rew' steadily worse. "X eennot "AS long as..theie ere wom. in the ' world there will be sinuggling." ThiS WU said by a Mgt postern. House officml recently w len asked far his views on the smu gling prob- lem, -Which has Weenie eerious and Is keeping many men wake nights. • It explains w citizens having pulls are demand every day in ' AY PINE in trouble.. OW, WOODS NORW the week to elp some.pretty woman • STRUP.IS THE MEDIVINE, "Of cours we cannot say 08011401Y 99111•9111.019 9; let* wemen gf the high- s praise 'Pruit-a-three too higlins,” It is without aneeqnal as a remedy far Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throee, Pain in the Chest, Asthma, Whooping C.,ough, Quiusy and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. •• A single dose of Dr, Woodli Norway Pine Syrup will stop the cough, soothe the threat, and if he O'Otigii oome settled on the lungs, the healing properties of the Norway Pine Tree will prooleim iti great virtue by promptly eradicating the bed effeotse and a persist- ent nee of the remedy cannot fail to bring shout a complete o re. • nearing the Top of the Continent, Bp not be humbugged into buying so. .being the annual:voyage of the, trad- :called Norway Pine Syrups, but be mire are Many SO est respects ili y who think A no writes Mrs, c line, "1 bave -tried err • . wrong to b ing thohsands of defiers' many.. different .einde of medicine for worth of arms apparel, and iniia-e My en. Re has had hilioue attack* oath to a t'llizig that will get it ever ' since he was three !retire old. througe th 'tli at paying duty; •••and since he began to take "Frulea. tives " tie haa been SO well. • " "Terult-a-, "There ate other woniene. well known in the community as dispensers of tives ", are ' the ideal medielne for chns ,ohan,ynattans'of philanthropic, en- dren,tta wen as ,grown -folk, alley are terprises and institutions,. who have .peasant to take alio mile in action - being •made of fruit juices and tonics, "growls It was' not theeder, 'It wale died away Jute, a aellea of muttered friends in the dressmaking and millin. ery business, and having lived abroad See a hox. ' At all dealers. • .• - - ' a year do not hesitate to load their the voice ot the approaching cyclone, trunks with the richest of lares, fab - In the same instant the mate nudged : • . iey shoulder and poltited, and • I , saw, ries and. furs foe their commereial with a great feeling 'of surprise, that frien a and get them in free.. 11 A s ecial agent said that m IiikNisecx- e large waterspout had teemed about A STORM AT SEA. oriving 'Threat* •the Vortex -of * flefieroine•Oyclons. • The wind had 4,rOpped eutireih. suld With the -dropping .01 the wind a thoO. 'mod different sounds broke harshly Upon the ear, sounding aimoet unnat- ural in their,dlatittetilesa and tuvre00. tag the ear .With 4 sense of discomfort. With. each -roll of the ship there, came ohoroa of creaks and greana .from, the ,eWaying ,Masts and gear, 'and.. the esdisalatted with • a damn, disagreeable rioun.e. eBeyond the ship there, was- the constant harsh murmur of the $04, QC- casienaliy changing to a low roar tdi .040 broke near.. es. ..One -other sound there, was that punctuated • ell these, and. that was the loud, slapPlog blows - of the 'Hese as. they hove themselvelit • clamstly against the ship,' and for the rest there was 4 strange sense Or 1,44ger; Teen, as sudden as the report of heavy gun,- a great belikraing came Out et the leerthertmls &tilt tied e ce the ordinary rules for clets t- Custeem House e patience.. ward age All about the bane of it the, 200 yarde astern and was corning to: ing violators .of the law , jailed in ers who earre into the :vvilderness and ttlasb .94 having Dr• Waaa'"i• It 5a It is not th robust, big -eyed, sea was foanaleg in at strange' Manner, HAILED AS A HERO. • •a the north a million dollars' worth Inner, three pine queenly woman w o brazenly ineears and the whole thing seemed to haVe• a of miscellaneous merchandis4 and Put upla a Ye911" -wra • Ten Thousarid, Cheer Verdict In,' Sea- - sationai London Trial, • •• ' There was a great demonstration in. the old, Dailey Court, London, recent - le, when, after beieg absent only fit, teen minutes, a jury reteteried a ver - diet of not guilty in favor of Robert Wood, the young artist, who was more than a year; that tee fifteen or charged with the murder of Phyllis twenty . thousand dollars wortet of 'ed trait of Indian character: extra. • wearing apparel In her trunks, the - laces, the :gowns and the jewel% are vaganee. " There is extremely little of thriitY - her own persorial property arid that economy ebout the northern red man. under the law concerning residence The breeds who track the freight - scows through the river -rapids are, bring back' frora the wildernese e,,, trees the trademark, and price 20 ots, • she has n9 dutiable. goods and yet is a smuggler tliat has mos* cce*mnt cure= luminous quali•ty. 46 '6‘,* • "It's coming! • took onr, everybiXiet its barter value in rare tura. Three Mrs. Henry Soaerookellepworth, Ont., gentle, saintly looking woman who Hold on for your lives!" ' • , large trading companies, tbe ancient I writes: 4,I haveused Dr, Wood's Norway for the law," be said, "It is your and honorable Hudson Bay 00., Re- 1, Pine Syrup in our framily for the pasethree beams on you with angelic swe'etness Directly afterward a. shrill yelling , villon Freres, and Hislop dt Nagle, noise seemed to fill the whole. sky witb. chiefly supply the Ath,abesnee Peace, yeare and I consider it the beat remedy and assures you she has dealing duti- I deafening, piercing sound : I glanced: and Mackenzie River °Pantries with known tor the cure of colds. It has oared able,. or that she has lived -abroad hastily over the port querter. _lie that food and raiment, some three pr four all my children and myself.° , • direction the whole surface. of the. independent , traders operating, how• (Wean seemed to. be torn up into the, air in• nionserous deeds of spray. The yelling sound assed into. avast .screan2, and the next instant the cy- clone was upon us. Immediately the. air was SO full of flying spray that. I' could not see a yard before 'me, and the wind slapped me back against the • ever, in a smaller way and is() create zing .a healthful competition.'" Cargos of Freight, . Cargoes . of freight for the Indians Of the far north -that's the remerk- able feature of it -bales and boxes of for instance, particularly partial to goods ordered, as any retail merchant orders, by the factors, at the trading ' shepherd's pluid trousers, of which posts partimilarly to satisfy the tastes large qutuatities of 'a very ,good gust - Dimmock, woman belonging, in „Kipling s phrase, to the oldest _pro- fession on Parth: The demonstration began in the courtroom itaelf; cheer after cheer abroad she is entitled to free entry greeting the yerdiet, even- the barns - with her baggage; • ' ters joining in, , haVe yet to see a woman•who will In fact,,the only man in court Yvho not stnuggle. If PPOOrtUnity is not preserved calmness was the prisoner /it hand she will go out of her way ' -.himself, If the case was remarkable' still more remarkable was the man to find one for be tin Om Coattail - and desires ef the most peculiar Class, ity are taken north, and in whi°11 House. In fad iihe thinks it's• tire t.P.'ou.ncl 'whom it centered. • teak coMptinien, pinning Me there, for a • few imoeaents helpless,. The stiip heeled g t thing .to do, Enid ahe hes • over to a -terrible ang• le, eo that f or • • of• cuseemers in Canada, they proudly array themselves, to go ri h • • • T1,1ePiaglimit he was cool, calm 'and 171111111111MI Now is the time to place your Something New NEW NWIRE FENCE order for a •••111MONIMMa.• beforethe ar ivance n- wire. All noilee Spring Wire used. Also agent for the Celebrated Heintzman Piano • • Prank W.r.Evane Ageut Canadian Fence 0o., 4,1 They. are liberal though • uncertain PtesentlY . waStrdeep into the water. •nothing dutiable wheu the time domes. collected, ffe• never • betrayed any': some seconds 1 thought we were going <Aloe' ' Ile cheerfully to capsize. Then with. a sednen lurch - di usually knows A young brave, randly Win u in•• segiblance of' em . nlonly gives the White man a hard she has won. .. • ' hzpbyeeov swohnseen. atien of Sir Chatles..1\faltheetseean unswered-the. searching croes-examm-- she hove herself uprigliteeand I be- ca•me. able to see about- me a little by . and fell over an '<embankment, badly. thing, and is never so wriii" he wiliite, . hot he, not u'ncom.. a new s ore suit, missed is oo ing time to get at it, dr blankly refuses veneering •himeelf • Witla .clity. He: • "We had one case of a society wo- held his.. own with that. practiced* • switehing the wa.er•frora.ray face and te accept he .. er s re • shielding. my eves .Nearete me ag. , • nide •ce,hose husband is ft business . • ... t trad ' commenda- straightway went hack to the vill e • barrister. • • • which can be always depeeded uPon qiiarters and halves among the folk s gle over a necklaCe .w rth $400,- tt° question of life or death; he heluismanl" g ne • - Ifilettonit;- -- a little doge, was .clin I t ' So supply .our adetomers With U4 neither pains nor expense are 0341 best Onnfeeti(Mery i our aim mi to secure the edesired result. '141 Hs quality ie nistinctly the 'rule, we " Can as`eure our cuetomers that. era ,; Point nf price, they will get the beet *. „.; reoprtmlute ,,racir:ybole.up0.tour.d.Beketarallo is he line of Bread and Cakes, we have alwaYi a large ardent:dent te ' ahoose from. Ejoms in and try our bread astl cakesonce tried you will have ars ether, one quality ..-- tbe a best, one price -the lowest. • W. W.. NIMENS ratj 'Phalli. 42 Clinton vrr Reductions in' ; ,t Wall Paper. . We are offering Bargains in , Wall paper, All stock reduc- ed in price,' and borders same price per roll as wag, and mil-. mg. Large stock from which to select: • We trim all isper OREM and • all kinds of Painting and • I Degerati g wincio•;v. shadei,litoonravtiab:i ing, ready -mixed Paint, iraf- nish, stains ane Floor Finishes kept in stock, alsc Floor W 111 SWIITH dons • There .are staples, however, *.borrowed $10, and gave it away Ilialveof 'wealth. , She managed. to. While the jury"waS absent deciding iett back compesedly ig the clock, 'Next o to the wheel, . I ooklug like nothing so ae saleable, the demand for.whieh will as proof of his chagrin: . 000 ft df • . was eompose o many new , d or to Morrish Crooks. Inuch as a drowned monkey and palpa- • be governed only by the quantity of The Indians are periodically. visited , •stones incOrporated with the original king a pencil slatch 1 the judge: bly frightened to such an extent he .. ,• • fur which the Indian or _half-breed by epidemics that carry off great •num - gems,' Making' althgether strings of "YQu mus --------do -that," said an - trapper has to offer In exchange; and .bers of them without . relief exeePt diamonds and peatls enough for half usher; tapping -Wood -01r the -eh mild could -hardly stand nprig.ht..*.* * _e e he. Ail -sea i'so. a um The omen coul ei. and the prisoner shrugged his" Some time later there sounded an in. ilUM• 1111- .13"WPWr- J12-111411 6110UlderS, r(18,:ie(.1 one knee over .the tense roar in the air above the slifp. • • • these include such. foodstuffs as flour, such as the • patent' medicines. give a &men nee' klaces. Th d sugar tea syrim, lard, and such cloth . them. •At Fort Resolution, a few yeats net resist sbowin it. towher friends. • ' goods as blankets,. rugs, tartans. men's suits, and heti. But besidrrs these there will in every scow -load be sun- _dritee, ranging from stoves, trunks, guns,- knives, arid tobacco to hosiefy, jewelry, red velvet, and. knielc-knaelis. The -Indian's wants have expanded. since the white Man's store has gone north to him, and he demands now a NI assortment from • which- to choose. ago, one of the traders himself made ooffms for • and buried scores of In.-. • diens who were dying about -the post' every day.. • ' . . They love the country, however, despite its hardriess on'them. The fascination of the north takes hold Anon every white man who visite it, and .men who • have made an. annual Mackenzie trip for fifteen years are I_Value For fur Skins. . idrawn back to it as Aura as spring - Every proud, vain Woman • has ene- uthel, agd buIlled•• . and then came a feroff shrieking that • ' Sappose that. the typieal northern time eomes. The Indian, who knows inchau_sanda_feeme__.,e,entne toorreng_ no (Aber lace or Manner of life, may that--orea-pairsof er erne, perniit to ove .18 blankets, or that his squaw: reminds north. Outeoue stories they ten about him. that the 'bag of flour is out. If too, with strangely grapMe R. -Fitzsimons &Son. We are still in the .But- chering business, and are in a position to fill all or- - ders for seasonable mepts, int•usted cu ca -e. Our new business stand is in the Combe Block, 11, Flit:Aunts &Son MOE 76 Clinton OMNI =Mil ivnopsis oi Canadian North-West HODIESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Dominion Laeds in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and AL-. berte,e,•cepting 8 and 26. not reseryed,me,Y be homesteaded by any pereon.who• is' the sole bead of a family, or any male over 18. years of age, to the extent of one quarter section of 160 acres, more or less - - • Application for entry must be made in person by the app licant, a Dominion Lands Agency or Subeigancy for the dee. trio in which the land it fferiate.`" Entry' by proxy may; however, be made et an __Agency on certain conditions by the father, mother, son, daughter, brother- or sister of an intendiug. hoinesteeder, The homesteader is required to perform the homestead duties ender one of tbe fel - hawing plans: (1) At least six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each, Year for three years. (2) A homeetead,r mese if he Bo desirea. perform the required residence antic(' by living on farming land owned solely by him, not less than 80 acres in ,eiterit,'in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint own- erehip in land will not meet this require- ment. (8) If the father (or mother, if the father hi deceased) of the homesteader has per- manent residence on farming land owiled solely by him, not lege than eighty (80) scree in extent, In the vicinity Of th3 homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by him in the vioir. ley, mach homeatead- er may perform his own residence dutiee by living with the father or inother. • , (4) The terms "vioinity!' in the two ere. oeding paragraphe define -I as meaning not more than nine miles in a direet exclusive of the width of road allowailees crossed in the measurement. (5)A Itonieeteedet intendirie to perform his residence duties in accordance with the above while diving with perents or "en forming land owned bv himself, Mien riot - 10 the Agent for the district of suoh 'Meri- den: Six months' notice in writing Milst be elven to the eionindesioner of DOMitliclii Laadwatiptlawn, of-intention—sapply fti sten'. W. W. -00113r, • Deouty.of the (it the Interier.. N.B. -4Inatttlialted litiblication of tid *deathward *ill net lie paid tor4 greW rapidly into a mighty; whistlin mwasiesn. ore,ixkceepottihoenr. ex,AuldteiraT fl,;eioemndezibiLhe When he left the ,ceurt a free men sereain and a 'minute afterward ga and 10,000 voices hoarsely hailed him '• d 'th g h h th etiss ' a here, he boWed his ' most tremendous gust of wind'struck /nee of wealth. so she. wrote an ingots as if lie had been a, monarele. the ship on het port side, hurling, her. 'over on to her -starboard broridside. Foe many minutes she lay there, her • decks • Under water almost up tO the, hatches. Then • she :. righted snlienly and slowly, treeing herself tram may-,.; -be half a thousand tons of water: Again: the a. s or k f s- - . • anonymous • letter to ' the Cuitoin ' riequatorned.tO a boldly fervid entlius.; Mazes, - saying :-.If you will" send. a' iashi of the Popule.ee: : , discreet officer .te iiich.a 'easidenee, in • One- ef the most talented ,EngliSh su-ch an avenue, you :will find a font; Playwrights, who fellosende:the". case hundred thousand dollar necklace that °1°sel5r, oldthere was net a reaped - mistress of the house." - firmly convinced that Wood Was in-. able woman in London who:was . not. was smuggled' into the coniatty by the . , •mom e; i the eeeeiae ethat nocent of the charge of murder. 7-. the Custom. House is the only place•YrYtmaret-Tot-them-to-see-th' in the world where anemymous letters sibility of his haidng done he e. g of an approaching gust. It struck us. are of anv use to anybody. As a mile 'd 'b t if ou ask the other class they are fit only for the waste basket, but in the Custom Sense some of our greatest seizures are the result of anon-ymoue-letterst, . "As we knew the lady's husband very well a note was sent asking. him planations of its natural wonders. t•o vihiels Phyllis' Dimmock belonged, but now the vessel•had paid oft before , . he has no stock of fur -skins, the MOD - Little muskegs, a' run of water,' or a I believe you woeld find a contrary the wind, and she was not again forced ey Of the math, in reserve; his Put- • . Chasing must wait until At f�k or a bit of woods are landmarks that ther,. opinion. prevailing." ' • . over' on to her side,. Prom noW-on- lynee gl.l a Martin -times -his way-, bute---greitle-nenerate - IndeedIfii as filet .of th case --the ' ed,..eendroxe_fnuerard over vest 'Rens,- ' if he is a. good hunter he si, more •ratiyes of their a r s are told by for just such a time, and with one natural features, which . they are asked if Ins wife had brought over a UP to call: He came promptly, and was by the hearth and c ad e, at the defence of a man placed in , ` r 1 h ve taken Fvre,i,lemx01..Iiiir,11. conals.lseodui -m0711711ilia,nni . Hope or eeveral of these be goes a -shopping. trained from infancy to observe. . . The men who make a season's trip to a; distant hunting-Mund, however, market their catch -in one let and us- ually take out trade for it in advance. ' likely no have a quantity of pelts laid with loving little de s of all. these Way in which the women, even, those: with the cyclone bellowing and wan - whose interests -usually are bminded ing over us In one unbroken roar. The This love for and fascination of their four' hundred thousand dollar neck- the dock ou the charge of murdering country holds true even with the few • red rnen who have seed a• larger life. Alec -Kennedy is a Sioux now living There is astandard of value for the near Athabasca Landnig and close fur -skins,- and T..N.1: knows • pretty urion 60 :yeara old i) a -noted guide aid well, if he .can ' figure up '01 til that , interpreter who ,d,id such conspienous he can 'buy with them mid what be service as a freighter .of Goyernment must go without.. But : ,there . is a stores on the Red River during the great difference in the 'quality and Riel• rebellion of 1870, that he 'was Size of drins and with room for dick- called ution to do similar Service on i .ering and bartering thug left' open • the Nile in Lord Wcdseley's campaign the Rxing of a price may be a matter , for the rescue •of Ohineise Gordon, 1 of some lively word -play. The aver-' ' Alec was then attached to the coin- age value of a 'martin is $7: beaver /nand of the future' Lord Kitchener, 10 otter $20 wfink $5 lynit and did as effective work on Egyptian he did not knowe' •Ile wa..s asked to one • of their Own sex -presents one ,' . , • of the urious anomalies to. which , ! . ----, . ' . laee without paying duty. He said ' DILVER. PLATE FOUND: student _of feminine psychology are ' unaccustomed.. .. , • :- Though the jury found Wood not guilty '-- nothing but circumstantial evidence having been addlieed for the conviction -the prisoner, its' Sustice • investigate. On the following day he sent a cheek for the'amount due, with a courteous note, - and that ended DisCOVERED..OY 'CHANCE ' "Canadian. Girl Violiniet Strews Ex. traoeciiriart9 Genies. . A new ,violinist,'"MiSs Kathleen Par.. low, a Canadian girl only.17;years old, • who is , said to be even more-BiriThant Thieves' Booty .Pieked ue at, ritagai•e' Fa I Is. ' . • Detectived are working on a peculiar, Grantham peinted out in Ins scathing . mystery at Niagara, Falls,. and solar slimming up," was far;froni being_e_4without reel*. Recently William hero. On *the contrary', he was,a liar, I King, employed by the Ontario Power 11 .disreputable individual, and hebi- Co., when passing down Murray street Mal frequenter of low ,s places and ravine' under the Miehigan 'Central concerns- of low character. , bridge saw an objet protruding from • However,. as . Marshall Hall thun- , the melting snow beside the roadway, , , , than Kubelik or ,Xiss Mane Hall, dered, on addressing the' jury for the .:' and uncovered two Magnificent silver $5, ..red fox $5, silver fret $100. -If the w'aters ae on. those 9f his own Cana- i A Will probably ash L fonisondon .i1C defence: "Yciu dare nOt• hang Robert trays, One is nearly three feet 'long factor does not offer near enough .to. dian. weod8. But he did not like.tho, Lyar,,h, . • - croCodil'e country and came back, in- , . • ..... .,, , Wood on the evidence produced. You ' and two feet ve .l e, and weighs fifteen . f ne story of ,her discovery is in- are trying thie man' for murder, net pounds, • The other is It foot, in dia. Wresting. A short tirne ago Dr. Grosz, • lor' immorality, and upon What the , meter. Both -bear English hall marks, a Berlin concert agent, was -told by crosvri has put forward I. defy you and . are evidently solid -silver- of the an English friend that he hd heard to bang. him." ' finest quality. They. are splendidly i e passing a. Nouse in a London , Sir Charles MIAttliews for the proae- ornamented and mounted. The large et,Le•-•,viollnisLnlaYingewith-extra'-'--cutiorr;-adailtj.ed that-tone-has-been---usedi-but-the smaller - ordinary skill and feeling, , He listen- timorty_ was not sufficient to condemn one is new. The large one had been • these regular prices to satisfy , T. N. L bundles his furs up again and goes off to the. epposition,trader, The Astute. Indian. In buying, TN.I. is equally astute, 7-fle la a sonnewliate-finieky-cuetomer,_ aceept -nothing leutLjust' what . takes his fancy, • Be it said that his judgment along staple lines is bet- ter than might be expected. ire sor good judge, pattieularly of • cloth,,... .thongh. a freak on Colors, arid ex- . perience has taught him enough of prudence to know what -manner goods 11.3 best; suited -to the. rigors of a hard' climate and a hard. business. But he has a weakness also for gee- gawis. -.• T. N. L does most of --the shopping ; himself but oCeasiotially he takes with, hint. his wife, who, true. to her kind, iii"Pleastire in it. At Suchlinies,- however he is still the board of eon- • trol and- chief purchasing agent, buy- ing for her of his own choice what. soever-he -thinks it well for her to have. A prospective brideitooin brings his prospective bride to the • trading - post stelae and buys her al dress; and she aecepts his, chotce as final.' This inattor of buyineidreAlies, !by the way, marka an interesting,eiptaae of the Indian's development Agitecent years. There " are nickel -plated ball-bearing sewing -machines in the north, and a few more go in on every trip of the suPply-boats. Indian and half-breed housewives ate sewing with them, and in some cases are developing a quite remarkable adeptness. At Fort Beeolution one Saturday night last nuttier, so one of the traders tells, a native woman bought goods at the post for a Sunday -dress.. It was mid - met when she left the stere. At eight o'clock Sunday morning shp was at mass with the goOds made into a dregg and on her back, though, to be sure, the etit and hang of it Were • not -Parisian. nut swift as they are with the needle, the Indian women of the north have • an aversion to mending and ,patching, which may be taken es teridenee etanother Wok. tooled cation Root Convoys& _ The great Uterine Tonle. mny eafc effectual Mon ea?! Regulator on eitilit 1 depend, feed t of etreegth-No, 1, it0"- 1 10 degrees fitrongg? Bela 'by all dru eta, Orono de), aesistant chief engineer, has been for *meal came per fiwertible tenement, ittld Mr. Ara. rerio on rococo .= despatehed examine the 'new era oomph*. A rase 00,.TOMMOnliff. (fOritterlyW and report. . �n •deed witls, a profound dislike of every place bite4he north, where • there's cold and ice and 'bears. Ile is not, ddisca iVe old man, but -he frequent- ly hELS old marvelous tales of things w -Ire-htte7 heciid otheillarids:L Jo-his-,-Wonderinge-kinemen., to whom he is a hero. ' " *bleed, of• the -genius -genius of the musidan. -There is an bccasional exception to the Short -life rfule timonethenorth- All" he eould ;tell 'Dr, Grosz, hoer- - ever, was that lie . thought the. toys - ern Indians, Some of- them escape • the ills of their race and reach great teriOns yioliniet,wae probably a pupil of Prof. Auer. age., Last winter there died one, Lis- 9 • • I ette Qpinn, who had. seen one hun- • dred and fifteen years of northern life. and who was a mother of many • y ---of ten children and nearly a hun- dred grand -children, •. NEW MOUNTAIN PASS • Dr. Grosz at enee offered' if detective $250 if he °Mild find ' the niiisician, and in three days he succeeded. %Ss Perlow played -Jo. Dr. Grosz, and he was. so impressed that he offered to. bring her out as a ado •violinist, • Miss Parlow was • ghul to agree, as her. father is dead and she had been • living with her mother, in London -en May Save Grand Trunk -Pacific Mliee very slender means. She has already . made several thousands of pounds in °f °ructf°13- * Berlin and Copenhagen, where she Word has reaehed Grand Trunk • played belore 3,000 persons, and she, oiteials at the head OS* that. a parker is engaged to play ' at 120 concerts in of sureeeors who have been at work North and South America at, 71,000 a 1 aleng the Copper Rivev,. have dis- night, ' . • . • : a man upliffr.Vd-svht the jury might haire-siispicion .as to . this- "cold-blooded and -unnaturally, dreadfully singular Man in the doek, with nerves, so extraordinary nothing could Move hini-if the jury "had the talightest doubt a* to" his being the elan who had done' Phyllis Dimmock to death, they would have to givehini • Om full benefit of that doubt. .: . The Story of the crime itself is or, dhiary, but the' Way in which' sus- pieion was directed to Wood and his,: arrest, following •the denunciation. by .young woman friend, Ruby Youne. presented unusual features, not the least eXtraordinary of which was' the •fect that the London pollee, for the first tittle' on tecord, called newspa- pers, to their assistance. byppublishing, photographs of a pest card found in the murdered wonian's rooms, the P • • • easier route beteeren Fort George and The Contemplative Man. • , lairtra rtit(i)tngw,ponotiw. hi& was recogruzed . covered a very much shorter and ' . Prince Rupert. ' ' ' • 4,, Ho comes not in .company because • ' , " The present plans of the companY, • he would not be solitary, but fieds . drawn' IT as a result of e/tha"ti" discourse enough with himself, and ..--..............-• Preliminary surveys, provide that the Iine of the Grand Trunk Piseille shall strike the head waters of the Fraser "'River at Yellowhead Pass, and follow - the course of that river in a line veer- , ing sharply- to the Morth, isntil Fort George is readied. At Fort George the Fraser River turns in quick bend, and this erratie turn in ite • chimed left the engineers puzzled as to hoty they should continue the 'line through the menntains to the coast, for no other river appeared to point the Way. They ea* no other way but for it to &retinue in the same north, ern direction to Hazleton, tar to the north of Prince Rupert. At Hatleten they struck the Skeerta Rivet, and naturally mapped out their route to follew the valley of that river down to Print* Rupert. This ia a round- about way of getting through the mountaiiiii, but right up to the present time it has appeared' to be. the only C41143, amid the eornietetre scheme of construetion has been drawn up on that basis. The neie route htie met with Very his own thoughts are his exeellent playfellows. He looks net upon a thing as a yawning strangerat hovel - ties, but his search is more mysterious and inWard, and lie spells heaven out of earth. He knits his obeervatiobs together and Makes 'a lender of them all to climb to God-,,Tohn EarIe. Rheumaiisml 1 have toned a tried and este cure for Rhea, letatismi Note remedy tbit wM straighten tha distotted BMW of Chronic Cripples, nor tura b0117 growtbsback to fifth again.That is 'myosin] ZutIartnow0ur1ykil1thel4thand mass of ,• Plain and •Colered. is deplorable disease. Thoee who have lived with co1bre4 illarrsGstsermattir folinitna lithentrmlos bit4intherethateeneit trwinfth •People know that natttte bus 'arranea which Dr. Shou'o Rheumatic Remedy was made all Mankind in two solid phalanxes, •tha perfetted, dependable preseription, • Without the white man Ori one side and the t last ingredient, I successfully treated Many, . Colored on the other. In the peat femur cures Sean* cases of,Rillicenuramabtiloimea;bobIonfoatahlatigret,toftfuorie. the divenon has always been. tecu,,, tlY d. granular Wastes, fondle Itheuniatic Blood. kern todisoolre reeegnited, The chitin of racial ties sea pfuis Away der the action of this remedy u and the Struggle ler racial Purity tregtht driterruh ler;orenTtiegngt11:g water luWe ,,alwaYA kePt_the diviston clear ir r4,8 from the 'System, and the cantle Of eart iinit wen rtierena. 6wastes eumatism is gone forgrer. , There is rIOW., flo 1 need -'no actual excuse treater longer 'vete. Ma blew We ND, and Inc01111MIACe reconiteead • Little John ilawley, it year and a half old, was bitten by it rat at his home near Napanee, and 'he died from theTwshootettrilaris, Ilhernico and Joseph Viatiati were arrested in Toronto, bet trig wanted for murder irk Philadelphia. That is the second. arrest in l Week, and Toronto le now thought to be a Black Hand refuge, • 1 Dr. Shoop's etiniatic Remedy w. A *CONNELL. . W. $. R. HOLmitil. • • 10t II 11 aged. Mr. King turnedlbe s ver ever to the police, . and Detective MacNa- Mara, Searching near. thespoOlfscov: ered two smaller trays beside the rail- way track. They . are .01 American manufacture and poorer -quality. One •is round and' the other oblong, and • both beak the initials N. B. L. engrav- ed in the centre. On the beck of one is scratebed the private mark •M. Me." and op the other "P', 564,". There is absolutely no clue as to where 'the silver came.frorn, or. hew bong it - lay undiscevered, except that there was anew for only ten days before. The police are Sure the silver was thieves' plunder, and that the • big tray was doubled up Scs it could be ' Put in.a bag or under a coat, Prob-. ably the thieves were carrying the ettiff through on a train; and, being .anxious to be rid of it, threw it into the ravine from the bridge, not know- ing there was it road below, and think- ing they could recoVer it, later. The • stuff is believed to be Worth More than 000. Descriptions have been, sent out Wien Police departments. , s. neck Brains, In China • athletee train Or" duck brains, whieh they regard as 'the most • strengthening of all foods. Sonallest Republica. ! • SIM Marino, centre! Italy, independ- •ent iinee the fifth eentury, mid Andor- ra, le the Pyrenees, made independent by Charlonagne iibout 778, • are the two finialleet republics in the world. OraOpon's 11mber, • At the present rate of tonsuniption, not allowing for any new growth, Ore, gon's timber supply, it is- estimated, would last 150 years. A dispatch SOS that there is enough timber in °regal to build a Solid beard fent* fifty feet high around the entire 'United Stake. Mushrooms. Aftitshroorts otiosity consist et OD per cent' *dreg, but the murrain* 10 per cent is more nutritious than bread. • 99, Our Photos are themost life- k 1 rian artis ic - Made, and tbe priced are lea-. lonable for thiS- class of_wOrk kOSERTS. Photo Artist, Clinton • 4 - Seeley & West BLACKSMITHS, MACUINE REPAItZERS • Subscribets hairinglormecl a partner. • . ship. are Carrying on busineseinSeelete • 'Old Stand,. Rattienbury SI.. where. . they are prepared to give tegomPt attention to enything iri their 1 . Satisfaction Guaranteed. • Seeley & WeSt acksmiths, Clinoni • • • . ida G; Holmes, - Teacher.' The Myers' Music Method, for begin mersepeovides a thorough'preperatory course m the rudiments of music. The lessons are conducted on Xindergarildn ni.odels, and include practical Plano teaching Making the study • pleasant and interesting. • Privete lessons age given, 'and papila prepared for the Conservatory Smiler exans • V • • I- • JAS. R. rem IN - flour and Peed ir* 'AGENT FOR Masseyailarris Machinery. • JAS. FORD; Seed morehant, etawres, Girls Wattled. •911mminimilM999.1991991=1.10919991919•99491.9111119911. We are -installing a number of machines and must increase our staff. We require a number of smart girls at good wages. Be- ginners taught free of charge and , paid wages while learning,. Vac - tory is comfortable ' and work •se Apply personality if possible. Clinton 'Knitting Co. • 1,