HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-01-31, Page 4M
We've deeid d to continue our sale ,for one day longer,401P0-,•-'.
at.ti,rday,Feb, 1st
andwe have planned, to' make it the greatest day bf them all, as far as bargain -giving:
is concerned, -We would like to have a general Clean-up of: Winter s kwe'll
. g' p , , Iririe tocs and
1•y e...nioney.here Saturday,. tn order to clear out the last of the heavy winter
goods, The following -list of Extra Specials will be ready„ Saturday mor I
have dozens of others just as good,
Ladies' Hemstitched Lawn Hand'-
kerchiefs, • IC_ tor. tiie
Good quality Roller Toweling,
- • 2 yards for Ckk
Fine quality Pearl Buttons, -
2 dozen for 5s'. ,
Ladies' wool -lined Mocha ' Mitts
and Gloves, regylar price 'to
$145, for .3)s'
Children's Large White Wool
Boas for each 1.7c
Boys' and Girls' Wool Toques,
OgUeS, •-.
Reg. 4Qc, for ISe
1000 English Steel Pins, for lac
400 yards Embroidery, I to 3, • in.
wide per yard 3c
Ladies' Underwear
'ed Ladies' Fi e Wool
Vents, "l{1;;urnbul 's 4 ns • rinkable,
Memel! and medium •sizes, finest fin-
ished garments you can buy any-
where at the n gular price of 50c and
OOo each, on sale Saturday each ..
Children's Underwear
Seventy-five Children's Vests and
Drawers, in three different makes,fine
all -wool and Union -all Turnbull's Un -
shrinkable make -all sizes in this lot.,
but not all sizes in each kind. Regular:
price 35c, 40c, 50e and 60c per garment, ��Y
for Saturday a7
,Black Coat Special
Of the eh6 titins stock of Blank
and Saturday should see the last of
them. Nine only .Women's Black
Cloth Coats, comprifing Vicuna,,
• Melton and Beavers. Regular price
$12.00, $18:50, $15:00, $10.50 and f1 0�
$18.00 each, your choice Saturday s
Finest Dress -Goo is, 75c
9 wohundred yards Venetians and
Broadclotbs iu almost any of the latest
colors,such as Oardinal,Brown, Myrtle
Fawn, navy, Black, etc. Beautiful all
woad Pcloths with fine, smooth finish, 7EY
•Regular price $1 or $1,2,5, Sale days,....
American Kimona Flannel 19C,,
75 yards' American printed Flannel'•
suitable for Kimonas,bath rdbee, dr`.sie
ing c yes,'etc. -'Worth now 35c• *per 'IQ's -
yard Januaty sale.....:.. , .... , :....... , I UM
25, 35, ,and 5oc Gloves for 18c
00 pair ladies and girls Cashmere
and wool gloves, some "silk -lined. -al
most all the plain colors in the. lqt and
all sizes. Regular price up, to•50o. Sale
.4oc Stockings for 21c a pair.
•A.bout a hunareipair in, the lot. all
sought .. this season -Cashmere, plain
and rib, Worsted and Rib.Wool, Reg,
ular price 35 and 40c.. ; • 21c
1.2 c Print
s fog gc
Jest 200 yards to sell. English and
Canadian prints lir a dozen dengue and.•
colors including. Navy -Blue. Regular•
122c -January Sale•
Grey Factory Yarn. toc
a Spindles Grey: E'actoxy yarn two
or three ply. Regular price J5c skeins Re
January Sale: Y
,. $4..,5o Black Skirts $3,19
• ;uet about 15 black cloth skirts''
:made from good setvicable vicuna
cloth in three pretty styles, sizes 23 •
to 27 inch waist ail lengths, regular.
price $3.95 to $4 50 at. ... S3,l 1.9
B1ack.and Cream Lustre Waists 79c
2&,pnly Black, and bream lustre•
waists all new styles this winter, regu
lar p'610o $1 fTc,...., .., 79e
�lP,ANLJ I R%i4 K
• SUN$1#JN+
Delightful. Witter *Sorts of
California, Mexico
and Florida,
Tourist: Tickets et Low Ret -ills,
Tickets and full info mp,�atlon may be
obtained from Tow Agent. Pur•
chase your tickets at Uptown office,
and avoid delay at depot.
F, •B. H91 tlNd, Tows* A;:;eli f
AFTER Cuuppt ..,I
▪ is a good thno,to start. New torr opens op S
Jan. .3 XE 908
1 RLC ' * *1`**' % ' * . ;
b[ ]l'Ccl ala El to by it
t etnj1}orttyor>�Aroaa til
4004 10p6 ,
LAO Clot% McLean Horton
1Tq 70 , , ..: 117 74
No 2 .,.,,81. 52 ,. 50 30
Ne 31".";...."....".8491 42 3T 2A •
128 '83 .. A7 80
3Ia 6 .•28. '86 ,,..,.. 67 55ITT TT,
,210 "2 807 2415
No 1........,:22. 84 .,..,,.,,,, 31. 60
No 2 25 50 88 68
No 3. ,,.,,,• .29 841 ,:, 87 62
No 4 •47 70 .46 77,,,:
128 055 156 274.
Ja.a. 2nd, Write 14x oatalagas' ; our model. --- ...
• ate rates *ad other advantages will interest
i Youge a' 4 M00111 Sts., Toronto,
T. M. WATSON, PrincipI ..
.A4..•..P.p..q IOW ,.h.,N.„l..,4....•+,. ...
CLINTON. ONT,, JAN._ 31, 1908
A ZJselesa Chamber
Ai a believer in responsible govern•
meat, one;reason for opposition to.the
Senate. is because itt is irresponsible,
No matter what• it •does,'or 'how -much
its members 'go contrary to public
opinion, there is no 'possible way of
reaching it beyond adverse criticism.
• Virtualiy,the Senate can do as it tikes,
and there .being no appeal ta:pnblic
f op]niUn, there is no cause Ior concern.
The Toronto lilail thinks the fault
I with the Senate is more in its person
,net than anything else ; that if good
• men onlywere appointed, there would'
i be less objection to it than there is.Tl e
teen who' were. Senators, under the old
regime, were in no sense:apy.mere re-
presgntati:ve'than are those who .sit in
the upper chamber to -day. The only
actual difference is that while the for-
mer were Conservatives, the latter
are Liberals, This does not make them
eitLer wurwitroue-case-or--better-it
the other. .
We het believe, either, . that. the
,Senate should help the Commons in its
.legislation.: The latter is the respell -
lisle body, answerable to.a ie people:
arid is not likely to' go very far wrong
in anything it does, „because its . very
safety and au cress depends upon `legis-
lating in harmony with public senti-
• merit, -
l If the Senate' had no existence, its
losswould never be missed Few, if
any, take interest in its proceedings,'
and it is tolerated simply because no
• BA48LD21Bi•., .118
64, 00 ......:..33 92
No 1 ...'t7_- P 9SMITIX 75 85'
No 8 ▪ , ....46 ...4235 ...... 67 . 25
No 4 .,.... 78 18 ,.,...... 70 21
- No 5 72 30 . 72 86 .
No 6 .:59 32 ....,• . 70 32.
877 197
No 1 .......• 64 23
Not ..,.67 28r,
No 4” ::..:..15 54.
.... 14 ,
No O..' 72 37 i 77
347' 251 ' .• 228
• • USBth Nn
ile No I....-.
, - ,,,. 58 -13001 ...... .... 38
Noo 4 ......... 43 : 100.000..... 31
241 522 " 219
Your eyes are tired, and rspar wonder ,why,
whenyou are wearing Glasses.. You haven't the
* right kind, perhaps, and unsuitable, Glasses • are
likely,to be'worse than none at all, Ify ou have
the least trouble with your eyes, delay may prove
_more,serious • than you imagine. You can have. -your
eyes examined here without cast to you`, If vbu: du
need new Glasses, we will be glad to supply them, fie.
Spectacles as tow as Shoo.'
26�. Mrs Gilbert Speir,an old andworthy
resident of the 4th line,Morris, had the
8a misfortune to fall at the residenceof
3.06• her ,son, John Spear, and hreakli - her
71 right arm at the' wrist • and also her
111 thigh. As Mrs Speir i-' over 88 years a-
n age a,shock of this kind is not nearly
jai 8Q easily overcome as a younger
person. •
Mr John l7onsitt, Parr Line,Stanley,
one • of the pioneers of that towraehip,
died very suddenly on 'Tuesd,iy morn-
ing. He had sat down tobreakfast
while in the act of eatinghe passed
away, ,Decea sed had been ill for some
months, it, was not expected. that he
would recover. A number of'grown up
setts and daughters survive him, . •
Much sympathy is felt with Robert.
McAllister, con'I,West Wawanosii tp,
in the lose of his partner in life onSun-
day afternoon'last.; Mrs lacAllistera
who was fiftyyears and eleven months
of age,was enjoying the best 'of good
health until three days before her•very
sudden and unexpected death, which
was caused ay an attack of that ter-
rible. disease . neumonia, - .: as
a • aug . ter o ' r' an : rs Jos Wilson,
of West ti'Pawanosh, 9
No 1 4.93' 9/ • .'91 118
2 27
No 1...•....:.42 28 ....... •46 35
No 3 . 46 .994 '' 0 077 10044
No 4 53 21 .. .,. 47 26 ,
No 5 .• 41 35 ... 48 ' 34
+. No 7 ... ,.,,.
., 9 .:,..:.....30 . 22r
No, 8.....:58 • .23 _ 74 14
413 .,325 .•.:457 820
• STEPHEN., • 137
'. Na 1 ... • 92 62;
51. •
No 2......,.,.64 16
No 8 .7845 ..65 52 62.
No 4 .. 61 35 .. 72„ 66
No 6, ..:62' 26 45 ' 99
• .95 71 ......... 45 -81
No 7 30--55
• No B 52 • 56
No 9..,.... , ,u ,,, 61 _ 83
412 476 '417.508•'
No 1..... • • .. 78 '51 118 26
. No 2 . ,.a• 04 67 ..109 53 •
No 3 .52 104. .: 66 • 77
No 4 ••47 80 . 74. 71
271 302 366 —227,
• 31 139
McLean Hortod
Seaforth .:910 . 231
.Tuck ith 577. 197 405....126 •
fleeter ,.123 ' 255 156' 274
Usborne , • 241 322 . 219 339
Stephen ..412476 417. 508
Neuman ... 93 . 91•. 91 118 '
feasible wayIhas been .devised for get- Etaanalyd..2is `2s60i ...:.,' 33
Scotch Fingering 'Yarn
:504 ;Small skeins Best Seoteb •Fin-
gerihg yarn -4 ply. Special 5 ikeins for
Out On Bal!
Cannot AccoimirdOte7Ftetyhodi
' .1 A paragraph from Seaforthaeads as
Joseph, situated. on the shorasaOf Lake
Communion services will be held on union was takeis to Toronto F 'do followse-Since the beginning of the
resent year there hits been more die-
aed-raot guilty to two charges Of perjury gamaaay the Grana Trunk that at
Now that the time for the Stratfordi
The affair dates from several menthe train corning eorth. has changed front
Sunday next. The preparatory services
on Friday afternoon will bereonducted
On the Oth of February 01>frata'An-
co• nducted by Rev Dr Kilpitracka of
The Presbytery,of Hurim at its las •
meeting, passed a resolution of sym sume of the business dealings between a in to an hour ranging born 11
a in to 12.30, the train of the Bruce
pathe with the Rev Dr and Mrs Stew- Mr Orman and Mr Gallager. seld line refuses to await the arrival of the
art, m the afflictions through .whieh that some tune ago Om St Jasseph land
Toronte barrister. Heetected, t rough. were always able to catch the north ,
-his counaei. j W Curry la 0 ato go be- bound train between 10 and 11 a. m
back. kir Curry gave a very brief re- •
they have recently passed. espealallv
in the loss they have sustained by the
death of their son,
Compa.ny of whichaaintin is a effieea sult is that passengers leaving here at
raised $4,000 from companyin Toron. 11 a m are compelled to waiain Chilton
to giving a, quit attire deed on land in until 7 o'clock in the evening... During
Si, Joseph in return ' The company last vveek on different days, gtoups
The regular quarterly love feast eir money, of seven. nine andlwelve persons used.
be held on aunday next at 10 a. traelac-
will after some little time. Mr Gallagher every means in their Ooirea to indite*
ramental services the following Sun- uotir3rtook to secure the a,dvance him- the Bruce train to wait but of no avail
self and took the quit debit deed ite The result is that general cliesatisfact-
The educational anniversary services for himself. Against this title it as al. the timetable. -
Will be held next Sunday, Feb and. The ecatious an antin was threatened leading, With very ., rare exceptions
services of the Wesley church will be with arrest. Some Cobalt shares $10 the Landow Huron & Deuce trains
taken in the morning by Rey. Dr 000 in all, were given to Mr Gallagher. with here for the Toronto train so
Warner of St Thomas, and in the Money passed betWeen them on selre* th•it passengers going north have the
evening'by Rev. J. W. Grnham,'13, A., I711 occasions afterWarria afr OutaY same eonneetiOns,,na before, But once
of Toronto. Collections and subscrip- said that Oantin claimed tbat Gallag- or twice it has happened that. the To.
tions will be in benefit of the fund, .her Wa0 hi his debt to a considerable tante train has been very late, in one
Everybody welcome. theist. ' case Od minute% In this Instance the
. • Mr Curry further stated that after i L H ha 0 train WaS sent mit 'Without
BA.PTIS I` - . Mr tiantin and Mr Gallagher had their 'malting, because in order , to reach
Tile menibets of the church here &at difference in business Matte/at:Mr laincardine and return to London on
end also, those of the base line. .har,4 Gallagher attempted to pyll doWh the tiam, it had to do so. The railWay is
- the pastora,te of their climahee, he has
ettended a call to Rev Mr Meaford, to , hoter utdit hY aialftin at bt SosePh itl i doing its best, underthe circumstances
order to sell the bticks auceldplate glass It is not alwelti possiblettiaceomedate
' ion erewitha , junction. The aotel 18 said to be Worth shoe d be ma e accordingly. .
$100 000 0
out on bail himself, for $2000# and a'
bondstnaitsaor MOO,
• security. He first searched the title ion is expressed at the changing of
of the Methodist churches of (Minton leged partilln Goderich had some ex • °The above is both untrue „au& tale -
not signifled hie course in•conneet- in it. This had beer; stopp bY an in' tiOerr conturney, and allowance
The ttev E Grigg will occupy the
'sulpha of the Clinton and Base Lfte
•Baptist Churches on Sunday. Evety-
Education anniversaty 'services will
be eonducted next Sabbath, Rev 3 W
Grahatn, B A, will preech at 11 ft. in,
and Rev Dr Wornet at 7 p. Mopthly
Allowship 'service at 10 a. m. -
Lactatie Monday evening. oh the S• tith
. Africa and had many interesting ex.
periences to relate. •
hear Rev pi. ()leaver's "story of jean
Valgeett,' in the ehurch on Monday
-Ill the election of 1004 it was it Mat-
ter of 'Once re xegret aniOng Liberals
that suah Liberal constituencies as
Noel Bruce and the thine Burons
shotild be lest to the Liberal party,
South Huron' has by Mr McLean's
victory been put in the • column to
which it beionge. When the proper
tittle atriees they Willa it may be said
without arroganee, be all restored to
The London Free Press Says: "Hon.
A G Mackay, the Liberal leader in this
province, is to be congratulated upon
his.course in presenting himself isefore
the electors unon every 'possible oppor.
tunity. It severe task up his time,
no doubt. But in no Other.WaY can
he to effectively reach the eat of the
people, And io this he has an advatt.
offieiating duties largely prevent his
going about." •
Premier Peters of P .E , died at
Charlottetown, on' Wednesday.
By kaote of 16 to the Pity cenncil
tha tense of good and progreseive goy. &Weed to reduce th° PillnDer4"'heell".
evening, Pleb 10th, • erbium:AL...Globe, Nes in Toronto to 110, a redliction of 84, 1
mfound 'to like
business of themen work, ;wustzbeho -will gi' a botah.
their, money and• themselves_: to fleas
,the young men. >
.' County Court
Lente.'v Story -Aid action for 'tile"
price of building cement wall and Itoor in barn Trial of.this "action.commene�
ed at 2 o'clock on Tuesday 'afternoon
and was .not concluded until1.35 o'clock
p m on Thureday. The jury dispensed,-
with, Argument in this case had not •
yet been heard.
McPherson v Ryan et al -Action be
wages . as foreman of number' d"f'
lumbermen.. The jury; returned aa
verdict for the plaintiff for $199,50.
Beese 0? Piggott et al -Action for Ian "
Btry to Plaintiff'sgr grain in a mill at'.
lyth by being flooded With water. •
His Honor struck out the jury notice
and trial Was postponed until the Srd
of February at 2 o'clock.
Hays v Vodden-Action'for fraud irtr.
in watering cattle improperly immedi
tely`beforn wergltiuL'1,bp 3'ise j
returned a verdict for the defendent • -a
• be entered dismissing the acticar With.. .„..
rec e judgement to
!to rocevet the sum 'of $100. alleged tor
'The first conVenVion leokiila towards ., and deceit. The jttry; returned a *ere •
• have been pad by misrepresentation,
the organiaetion ot the first corinty in did for tbe plaintiff for the sum of
Canada &low Y M CA lines was open- evaa judgment being entered for that. •
ed here Wednesday afterntoniu Wes" . amount; with eeeta .
"Yeigh of Biantlard, was chosen thaw -
The Rouse spenasoine time on 'Tues.
Man and called on 0 *Copland, __pro-.
daydisaussing tee proposed ' Georgian
Bay Caoal. This route would certnialy
al .exercises. .
' • shorten the distance and time between
presented hr a splendid address by A,
who has barna' Wafting
Huron County and its needs was
,up - intereat au urea though the eapease„ ot son.:*
era:Hays, apd there isnot much doubt •
the great lakes and Montreal by seira
thtt rae route will. be utilited• in Oa
New Turk, vpoke onthe County work !
The lad* of tbs W.OTIT entertain-,
the town, to the aiumber of about one ' Interesting Experiment Going. on With
zh u nsdebritsdei relit^ t;sboawnhautireceht .agi ivyesenhi 1 4:.).1rbnt.37W,a(f3.1. I pg6ttalt.ye Le ouonkse h aCreeiMe.at epr a hPiroe . bat: ti• in' gs .
sells; 'Rev W Kerr, Clinton; R Holmes, oraaas in contempt: • What care the:
Clinton; A T Robeets, Near York; :arid Pastry cooks for the dYsPepsia of the • •
'd' team es ote
and His Honor di t d
Vote is polled at a .bye -election than at
a general eleettOn. Bet such was the
case on thisoccasam.'
a After the let of May the licenses rif
' liquor may be procured. It 'arid be 1 Mi: Geo •Tailora-if th B Line. of
i coneiderable time . before Taranto eon 1 Turoberra,has sold his farm to Mr Ino
i be called a dry tewO yet.
Tax collector Proetor,of Morris, cer-
1--,Sothe one has 'figured bet. tbativvery taitilyihas a, right to feel pleased. Re
- colleeted every dollar On his roll. •
pointed Clerk of the village of Wicaree
F of meet members cost a gooddeal mere tee in place of Majos 0owitii; who re -
than their indetheity amounts to. If 'signed.
Hansard wete abolished it would save Fikirgit.Bell,
called to +Windsor last week to atteed
con-3,-labderieh TO., was
_Papers which allude to South flurim • ' • -. a -
. Alexander Scrimgeour, tionerich,
as& ' Grit Hive, fraget chat Stephen, passed awey' Thursday morthog at the
Usboree, and Exeter, all : with large -age of ' eighty-three years and ter;
Conservative ,majorities,were added to
the eiaing at the last , redistribution,
, While alullett, :whit a large Liberal
majority wail' taken out.
for Quebec, dratee ilik3all 'from the Mr Wm tolt, Wingharn, has sola
being his superannuation tilloWance. a
Dominion Treatairr every year, tuts i the right to inanufactereala tiae Unit-
ed States) his invention for a new
He recently decided to superiptend tfie .r11"7" oattle•guard.
ee-organization of the 'Conservative John GoUld, a former resident of Exe•
party for Montreal, and his rreentry teri wacCroarried last WeduellalttY to
Mr Henry Eishop,of Detroit.
,en by Ma el'Ild Copland, of Teronittg, on- •aells cl "Insn n114 w01. °mune' either- ' '
Btohh roea• irmsdtami t7ainItoteidoeNcooi tivvf t, i yot hnoerwk .0Yrokouv,e,g,v0MJ;17,1 It y's. 1: sut ha teu. eteo sui 13.,,ttoirrn:nug rl ..gselYittp4eit se: execrfireft, ; ?vr
: i ib, .i lie homtvc.Hia . ' , .
his otaii line of work, was teed by • E. men's e011pge * Of nrown • tiniV.V.3,t0- .
P Stewart; of London. Red A E Rob- : gbe IS trying 'to give the- Oils good,
eats. of New yoilF, spoke on the'aSoia. wliolesonie fare not baimr'S cake, ha-
R•Boardinata. of Ne 07 York, on the ed out ••by the taousands, or 9ther . In-.%
"County Committee and the. Ccunta digeatIble daIntiee fer eirls wilt eat
Seeretary." : * such strange things. She. says: "T.bey
foilphwe ebtusinessciiipanittee reported' ea' ,waa find •that rice pudding- Is not se •
bad to take, foe Abet: cencoction peed
We approveof plarn outlined. by pro -
;not be tee Watery, uncooked owes of
viricial committee, and reemnutenca
the organization of Buren County... ,' • :
That this Committee be authorized truly palateble dish,: • Wed Buffin, '05, .
to raise at /east $1,800, for the • expense and Alba Eatona her colleague, at un-'
of organization .and tbo conduct ef the deraradeate; Shy -they aren't Sure, how*,.. .
thrifist_N-ye,aprtyta.-17;1‘;4:0;rect- ia. 1204"....,.,, 7e -ex _,6 ' uu
That the follotaing be the Comity taps ease Buttin; "of soup. which .sivas
Committee: a , , thin and watery and not very warina •
• • County Committee pastry and piek, broun and -white. lataa......_ _
HE Hodgens- Goderich . . of girls Who Spend roost of theirltime ..
George Spotton -Wangham • indoors is not easy to pleaae. Their
'chopped. meets tallier than to paaina .
• good solid roast beef Or inutten. laatla.
Fred Hill:- Clinton
-er: Oats intik- they eiriair coffee, In
• .spite, of these difficulties. howeveit, the
3 ea/ameren .; _Brussels
. materially changing he Old inenyi and
titilli-itill3ilIedierraTxed"..0 :1;
ttahdi toe making it attractive, Whet is aerved
° is poesible• plainer, but ft la mor mitt,
now have a Service all night. The new
order of things wen t into effeot oriMpn.
day night last,
into pnliticeie eausinglsome comment,
Of cOuretaheie is no. law to prevent
• state prenibies doing whatever they
like, but they are:tut supposed to
meddle in polities,
tune to break a small bone in one of
her areas last Priday afteenoon. She
slippedon the dement steps, •
Miss Liizie Strong, Tuckersmith,wae
noarried ta Mr Norman R. Hearn, of
Hannan, Man, . at the Eginondville
eral impreSsion IS that the 'Whitney
The ToronteNeWe says that the:gen-, nineavnaNee, ii0811h4Wwe.dnesday,, Jan 15th, by
e caitixens of Blyth will bo sorry to
Redistribution Bill will give at least ten i heTaih- t,ftextpAeest,%11,411,017eikiacNfttily,hand son
mare members te the Legislature. Of i Alvin
1 New bridge, Where the fowrisre: 41111.111;:r°.
I chase the store of R RoWee.
foer to Northern Ontario. Pour, i barriSter, of Re.
possibly five, new constituencies are : ball and Son glitlin'
likely te be created throughout the '' flaeter, bag been cehlrosen tlyittlitslertflanila °rk
older portions of the Province, but at , ale of Regina., to eguitest *hat eity eat -
least two of the smaller existing con- '' voL4oennselt general efeetions for theCoto.
to others. Morick and Brockville beine " lic neial:Atiadow4nintte'ril,jung,°ffilyilyi()Nrytirliksintigernioluiti:Ilenrialf
sertione its to his desire to make a fair day be il.lec."e?v8etc°1 ftlijebies'ald°'i 11 ic
redist,ribution, antllie may intend to thal; 811° 9V48 dead* Ilte 1-M)ce
A recannt has been asked for of the
do ea, but he will be, better able to evotes cast in the rt3cent Local Option
judge. of these itY the- way he pro- ontest in Howtek The n j
coeds to divide aP the coestltueneies', foueritoavrear atuirm e'ree" Vbired ItalhorleltlY,ft11:111468.
It is not fair to criticise him adVersely at Gnrrie, one at perawieho and nun at
oro'unen on the
Camp and stantial and certainly more iliges Ibis:* •
"Correspondent Member." ' FLANKING A DIVAN
In his address Mr Cullen, the Counay ,
work secretory, gave some interesting
figures regatding the County of Huron A Sense of Peoportion Makes r Ara •
iii this county. .20,616 of whom are kw, in int d the adomi) of bo
males, There aro 53,416 Canadians in n .
ShipS in this county. This- le a county mango be' a teat% • or somethin
with 11,483 homes, In reference to the Lain,
Of 4011388. There are. 11,000 families .‘aa., to p• reserve Imo • egoontt
though were • • the floor in iing
There are four towns tpat have social owrh91.734conin.0 .0. in rearnmaging a roam
taken Up and the Moore tett so tha the
*balm, etee elle be sonny moved ex -
Divan couches *await so often ow
is sitting rooms that tbe arrange ant '
owe woman hat; road* may be a be p to
ethers. Thiel inalividial bee put the
conch in the corner et. the-. roo
that there Is Wall itt one ead and be-
hind- it. At the ether +sad, against the
sereen to the Conch,
Alvan between two bookcases, w
la an effective arritogeittent,
clubs, fonr chuvches have organizat-
ions for young Men; there are ' four
moving pictures, and five tient theatres
there are four poolrooms and 60 places
where liquor la licensed tl he sold,
there ate 133 ehurches in this' eounty
'hists)3Psettt()krisng of the County. 'work
plan taken up by Mr ,1 R Bottedman,
al committee; New York, hetaidspecial
emphasis on the feet that in suceesd-
fol county work there must be oda..
quote trained supervision for the .vol.
totem- worker, and the money mimed
work must be raised so as not to inter-
fere in'the lean with • the elitirches.:-
het to take away froth • the churches
bet to.supplement, Then SOMe strong