HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-01-31, Page 2, ­­ - --r-?"— --R" I . . I . . . , � , I , F'" -7 1 .- . �. - ­.., ..". � ­ ­ I I 1. I . . I " � . . ­ - 1-..11,..;,0 � � , � � � . I I __�_L_- 1�_ __40�,.___._.______�_,__ . _ , . I .. I I I . 11 1. i�,��O I... ­ - .. ­ I I "Olow I �.... 1 I _0 .P,4-, , ,�Nola_, ___ tm I I _11 � . � . , . . I I I I I Al -I ­-­ _. I 11� I . 1111�1 Now H, r , . ""---��--l-�.",-U��lootl,l���� ;� 1. . " , ­ , rr-FV14I�� 1 * � "I ��, tue Now RVA V440113101 aotio,$,�: , . I . , �., _. XRA*'P "TA11W , , - - P&ANTONo , '.111 . I 10rum of on CrIpti U-41 pelp''YeAr . . , ... .� -Jsx o4viinoo . 4 IM (pUy be obarged. if , It I . , , , � I WA go paid. No vapor discontinued . �:;: 1001 allarive4ro are g,444, unless at. flia . , �� . I. 4PW1+IQu Pf the publis er, The date t* . �.;Qch every o4liscriptiou is paid Is �4e. ' ' � � � , ,' �votoig I;W tfie lab.ot, � . � ; � A,4v-eiAloitig'rate-.,Tro,ipqie.ut advorw t ,, 'A I , *uteuts, l0coi�ta - poreL li4q, I IN, ,, , pet non . . I . 1.4or flist 'insertion and 3 cents per line' " �, � : 9,9 . _p. each subsequent to . . geir.tiou .�� � , . . , Snioll , I . O&Ortilsoppents not to exceed one inch I I � ,, " 4P.QW-as "Loge, "Straved", "Stolen,'" �, i . . 4Q. itlearterd once for 35 cents, or one � i" . *south for$I.Oommuni6atlobs intended ' - � . I : Or blication must, as a guarantee of �. I goxfaith. be accompanied by the . � . I . 4 . , - ., - I I - ---- ­_ . . - . ­.;� , , I I I I Airl, . I I I ItIlo Cotarrbilll Oerms . I " f . yancouvers Soloman . 1110NOW, wlien't , " ' - ­­ j,4�,,*ik�i� ­ , I I �_, I 1% . ,V'�111,0=10114-41ror"'44", —mawwAlft"der--of -y-Ri4qouver, ----a0",.o00_* fAww4. Neem to, 01 ' S1 I -"- I ____ I Ren 1! P I .. "�,4i��J;� .0'. �: ROP -S ONAt do I'll, Propleirtlo" tow , 419,11,_ :19 I or, t , , I ­­ - ...-.-..-, ___ -f __—, rb _ 11_1_�.,_­­1__ - I 1--___ . 1. . - I r e o asoco.opo Q ­ KaveA,4041010 01rc, -­­", �_­­ , , r - ,� - ,-, 4� , - - - " , � - _ . a the othor-day In A cme reAllixe the mporl*nc . . . ,­­­.,_­_­_--­-_.. - ­ , 01-1--- �, I I 'Which eavorsof remote, cl000lo. tivasso arlo inillery in blending OUWIQ I - 4), I - . � I I . I Any ,.pe" I , SARRIOTES W.T,,l -1 . T on wboul 'Upowel On, 4. vrord - I � �__ I � I and Manitoba, Wheat. - In . " It .1 1. . - be unusual offer to refaud the WbIlethe decision has i,n its more than 1104se for , Wo OPMOON'". prico'.0 means a growink demand for &se ftrM tOr We falls to boneat. , ' t � - �011XOA abliU14 41spel ail doubt 4 133ore opgg"tion of the W1040m Q' )ROT44y, I . As to Ito ourative properties. � tjolomon. , U on the mosristrAte. wa*. stoA4y market for SAboarlbor ofrors for so vvsl,fo,� swoii . � , - is bill house. Alga _, -fta , For Oslo thAt . � . Ont4rio, wbeat, better IrIcea . o-quarsor-of-on-40ro at land on X ----- '" 190 &Ow, 00.1ing I . If you suffer Iroin offeap 9 . .. to the, 1. .6 . I . I 0 t, an lowerpriegs St. Fruit trees. good bar "T I � _lVe breath, thrust the o. ligation to d QTJMTQN I owoerabip, of . South Van� farmer for his ivbea - 10.80 , 401244 Goderich to ; wloa the . d %ad soft w - "I. lot, I"' *1 I I , raising of mucQuo. fr"petit, imeezing, "AtIver i ­ 610.0sbio. Will he gold on r , *$or Good Itsirii b ,wwjbIp., � . — 11 �� . � for brAn and. abovto, . r4gonolil ousof, horns bor stablep. I � I 11 -.1.11. . � . I hu.alq voice,, discharge from thonose. rooster to which there were two 019,11A). drive house, 0 alb � I i � AllPf these much wlebW, for ro . , Oro$. auto* each of whom declared that to . . suite 10rJuRs, QW, D4VIS, Xing crool.�,. 1, A '01 AUK 11. , droppingl; ,in- lbar4i all cir,orM0.0o.al. 25 morea pad . . ,to, the throat, loge of are due solely to the efforts of our will� --- pvc I : I '4 the best of big knoledge this was the __ - , in . I . I strongth, spasihAig, coqg1lin%. genorl�l - , era They, first proved to their own 11ofte for Sale, Rooilotillo6foultIvation" sQilrlgbpl*y I . welxl�4ess wkd� deUlity� -or a4yother , particular rooster be 'bad hatched ,satisfaction that blended flours were i loom. WoLooiArshl to 04t parqb6o, VONVOY.A1401MRS, 6�EKOT , 11 �'_' raloed,and�fattoned, I � - were - , fw, Aimm. . .,,.r - e I I Poth men better than flours maile of -4 single va — ". Apply" f9 O.J1. Clinton, Opt. . COMMISS.1 Datarx-bal symptom, begin the use of sitive, and both seemed. sincere; - III I T,r,,,ql :. __ . I flyomot at .opm It,will d stroy a t I To frame house - an mill st, . lg� ,11 to t i � �- , A ootniotta I I I � a in tbe nose, t -oat an4 hap, Hu es charged big - neighbor, I rtisty of wheat. They proved by ro. ,containing 8 bedrooms, oitgrl , 'i MONEY TO LOAN. . , �, , disease germ tit 64 tests that a blend of * Ontario , . 9 room, pan. � "'.. ,F`4 .*­,tia ...".... . . . � lullp'sdotli the irritated muconamem- John Jac0on,with otealh.1the bird, ; poo! d n, little western wheat, try woodabedo good cellar -hard. ,644, ooft I � . � ]Kento." MIRK RIDOU — Q, B. A"H� , , � Mr jack at iNn , d __ T3, I I . ,- . - m4d, bol ' broad thanNaultobn . i Obe'AP, A . . , ., ,$On Raid the bird olong04 to' wb L , h,lVd I ,.mler.. One-quarser .Oro iot�. Will be qot , bme, and tuake a tbotougb aiml last i Aer . The form of 85. ;crosl-on3he BoGeMpe, . . Ing cure of catarvh. . . blint Iind alwayo catne home to. roost, patertV . i.and also made better pioi; . puly'a's, NEW ERA OIRO!4 or Ir' � I .11 --11 ­ .11. ­ .- , � 11 Hyow, el is not a secret remedy .. its ur lauglleo,mid the rooster �stayed on, I . J)astry than,'Ont4r)o; 11 ry P41$ 1KRNRX#7ObLANI),I0I,1AAtoU. being port of lliv.',w, 9sh con., known me I - , , Olivaloll , Jacksohe e because J1ckJ_3Ou."'_o I ..,,..,,-.- This,istrne henanFtA b L... -..,... 1�1l"Tni;11-offer�"o-;ren"n-, ­ * formula is Lylven freelv to ans. , z - - -, -TTafe- ___ - - - ­ W."V rx-11 I !tff�tr ._ I. __,:__Medu'_aL'- —,----- _ A . . - ,. I 1. �W AU014AW LJ�UALUMULU&4 A" UUXAPAAL U) PUM, 4nu PAWWrAuk, 1,140 m , "Do I you .11 t I ob I Ak t I h , cc I h I 1 1 a en '"IT re� UPI a 41405 or W nellTl . . I :,-. ,. , , . I - ___ - . . - - _ --- ----. - - - - �_ �,__ - - -_ . . � 11 ' k NO . .. 9MOXI. in H -arch next, Ifoe W;i;;;, I ; , , "' "" - P. � PlAysiciali. Surgeon. Into. � I s4ue copy of advertisements should be t A. ea, tJu'e"i`i`t`7U, e of the law gest, bakeries In ToroU- - The i , Ariuo -, all cata"hal Indications' turn to its own roost if be has ochance 00 . large q9ttago Oil .Quaou a" tly at NXW BRA - Office, : or of Miss B. ovecial: attention kiven tio diAosses of Me " . � . �, treat,, be, 41 � I � - � . I , gout in early. There is no Ilaujgerous stwuapb drug he asked co -and to .tried, A blended floor, for making I . I � Contract rates - The tollowingtable to do 13D?" itAt . 10001119, to, the sataw of, th RD, Holmoo I . ' Breathed mp!44 at, � - � , a late B. ]K011uo a 32 I � Ville. .. .. Eyo..t4ar, TIWPAt, and Nose, � . ! ging when Hvornel is usied, accused,WWOFo , home,x:64de I- read, and In a abort time J's i�ffored for sale. The lot is orie-h%lf , —.­­ ... .. — _­ 14 ., I � . . I -&hey were working A ig I , . Office an Residence . ..�', shows our rates 'for specified periods through a n6at pooket. 10.14aler that ,,$ure." wasithe confident reopl� of vai� -litalidd-4vin A 4.0re, with boaring fruil trees, hard And' � _0 I I Two iloors West or tike coluine"fal %wer �, � � *,%d space. " comes with every dollar outfit; Ito both lAig-11 to. . . . endeavor to, supply, the de,m4nd .soft water, ' A ba I . n I . � �., - I yr. Olilo. -Mo.- -Ijbio -Iimalffilgbidsatiiasi d-a-st-r--o-:'�-.4it",i�,At�irt4i),I, . 86. -1111 t-.-Itb... -1511. � lu_Lhe..1%11qif1Tylel__ , gpVinces 31y at �NBW` For Sale or to Rent, - 1, _ nuto 42, . 1. 0olumn $7500 $4000 gf-ruiu, even in ther�,most remot0i aiv e Polo -, - ,of . — � . , � . � . . . It was, given, o A enlak ., , ­klondea' .BRA ofiloe, �#&Ia* APL . . I I . J Column 4000 $M 00 $10 00 " ancouver to place th,t, fowl out of tb rn floor$ _. - . . .. ' firat class 200-oore farm in West Wa � - I . , South V ffours'llaye driven tb�.Vi�ite 4.6 , : 2600 1500 600 cells, and quick recovery follows, . . in the roadway, fairly and �everily be- . e market'in some instAVe,ps. ., e for, " O.. wmx'Qob, Con. 5, lot 27, *with 175 sores in a ' Praq Gunn Ok McRae , 1, A Column 25 OD 1500 Soo Soo We positively guarantee liyoweij- tween the two houses, 4nd let it . have The millers have done inbre tban. Good Hou -S 11 . ,I, It. * .16. IL 0. g.. pdlsp. � , : J Column 1800 1000 550 20) for 811orld you bay a complete outfit, their Part in proving -to the people that I I . good otobta V f oultivoition, wel][Jenced, Well Dr. W.6"m ,, 0. p,, ,in opportivnity to give full play to the . I I I � . . 00 ,prir A with re- — . watered, gool onhardj­ large bank barn, * Offloe"Ontarlo stre�6tj clinslon. Ni oalla 01%, !'� . I lach 600 350 200 . I -e $1 , and be clissatistlei . ' blended flours are best, It it, (3oubtfal' On reasonable ter,iuo, she two;atoey frame good, hqua,� po6toffioe, blacksmith sliop . front - � I chickon-semie; but the constable mild- , W . . !. , � ROST. HOLMES titilteyout, ujoney ,will be refunded. ly objected. if oui- farmer:i realize how Vouch they house formerly 000upied by Me Robb, I just ind store at corner of farm. Convenient - ,,,ees��orqf oMoo or residen . ce, . #onbo" . f;%- 11vomei Is sold by druggists every-. cap help in restoring­tbe price df On- I - �.;­ "I think," he said, 31iss. Black will , off Albert, street,,. Hottoo is w " . - . oil built rind 10schoolandollurqlAi 01milesfrom, 11 - I - . I . . C.P. Dr. T. T..Keltne,10al 14y ojr Oro Atj - 11 � � where. . Write for literature. R. T. tmrio wheat to. its 'ola figure, What in good conilition., a , - . . Yars T .0 0 1_ - � - � ha;ve sontetbing to say to that for -,her-, . ore of land, good Or.' It otattall'ot Aubarn,.Q Terms emoy, W. 'Oftiee hours at hos-Disal:_1 t* 3 1),M,, 7 $9 0� #40, * . � � ;., - — Booth CO, Fort Brie, Ont. bou6e is close to where th . , . IV farmers t�hould 4O is to sto,p - -buy- I soft water Apply Harrison$ LUOW30W's orAL . - .. � _ I �-� . � . - I obard, asable, hard- and- _ A: . , , .. . � . . . : — a —I ,eerl for it4 j A ]lp&-DD I ;. , _ � � . . CLINT-ON NEW, -ERA � e'ehicken - 11g W&tc-P6 wheat flours and use only to GEO. . , . , � . , ourn , ,, s Uohiesville,-qr Now Ere 'i. o. ,.. - I . . � . . I - , , must be ff' eyv-and'n 0 f rio. blended , Aou . Anton., ,. I , * I . 11 ... I' -...-I I . . .11 . . `thec6uraeoffto vagarant ,life iu�hai .n a . _ra,* 'This -W.'WK Office ()I .. I , . Nov.80-tt I—' : , , L .. � 'L., .1 ­ .1 I TI �, .61 . . I . .110�� L . E A ofthe �TyaueselnTaslon- . create such a demand for' OntarI6 ,-...I- 11 I . :­ DR* %I- W- SHAW - : CLINTON, ONT..'JAN. 31, 1W8 - _:4. . . I often found a roost 4nd Shelter DIR her I I I . _. Cboico erolper ,N, ,,, , I I I . � wheat. that thd price would 600u,190, UP ' i . ty � For-$ i . . I was and our farmers, of epurse would t .. I � - . I . I I I � . I � I . . . I ". pPcvor!ir`&4* retuined the Nag' ge I kor We (ilho . mslur", SURQEO1j_ . -- - Count Hayashi, on behalf of tbb I 4 vap_ - - � Groverwhent of japa It has, has. agreed istrate all the benefl . . . I . -L .. T.4a,underilgolid offerelor Bola his on I . . . . �IlQiCQ Accouabour, etc., olAce and residence 1, � t'L jap reassuringly. Where it -first gOL it. t. . I . � I Joilbury ft.oupoilito W. Fairtan's reqidenee, I . . _ . Theb, too, this would hell) our dairy.' Loto'29 QQn. 9,and Lot 29 Gonj 49 QOde. &rloll property of three sores ottuoted to ,. � 'L * � An Elected Senate - to take efficient steps to festric L .. stays. I P . L I .. ' L I ; . I I L L ___ I anese emigration to 'Citnada, -This I . and stockmen dobt Tow ehi �80 mor Warden Survoyo Clintgn, 11,hare is a a I . . . . I ­ L - � I I The constable trite to the call of duty ,men . ..TheL prime cause . r 11 1pf, Be in each , � =7, . I I . . . L 1. Regarding the Senate as a wholly will invnive the suppression of emi� Lof bran and shorts sgIling for such rid, .1 .,AM. COATS, aoaerich. . fortable h9ho%_,with atone.callpm," on the .. . . .. . I , I , Needless addition to the machinery of grati,ni . . and #specially of carried the rooster out to the place . lous�y high prices hRg been tb# �--­ .�. . — � lope, with stabli, hard s;na soft Zaier; all � OR* pp. as AxIlp-S. . . � "' indicated. He found, howevet, that 'Ou . ... � lin I 1. . ., . I legislation, we are inclined to look the operationp:no'teTh, Nip 'Supply Mr Hughes bad forstalled him,, The .rin.ling little . . .pon our local mills were g do of fruit trees and in good Rtate of DENTIST . I , with distrust upon proposals for modi. Comv&ny, which was under I contract . wheat and consequentl . 111) . 19C I 01 Sjv!e� oultivatlon; will be sold with entire outfit, . (Successor to Dr. Hollies A . . � feathered flock of Hughes was already 'T there we -e. - 4. 11 . floation or reform. But if abDlition is to supply.11a panebe laborers tb the 0, I --!- - . oil reasonable terms, H. J`OYNER. SPeclall8t IuVroilrn apd-Urldge 'Work.; . . ,ble 'decoy' Tbeii bad to be brought from.Maialt.6bN On Maple St. One half more at ground, - �_ I _ Graduate of t I he �oyal'Colleoo of i)enta ow . ., . impossible the next best plan would be P R and Hon Janies Ounsmillill. "on thwriiaftoy, o, formid4 none of these feeds for sa e at the mills �1'. to provide that all future ,�acancies in The emigration of Japanese by way The constable,refusea to return the 4LId Alberta and by the tirre the . good. fruit trees and other aknall fruit. . . . . s:eons of Ontario. . I . � - bird Idoso tIII Mr Hughes had driven hous in I Ion. � a . Farm for Sale or- to, Rebti - Honor 0641I.W.1 University. 01 Toronto M*M. . . - -1 I I _.. � � the Senate shall be filled by popular of Hawaii is to cease,'and regulations his pj)�Itry in. When this .had been freight was added to 't1le-niew-peotit- , , � ­ .914.1.- ,go o -d con I dl.t�il A I t tat Department. . . I I . . I , election. rho most objectionable, the to that end have been 'promulgated. � Pelted in the , . the . I I . . . � I QMQ College of Dental 8 . . manst indt fensable, feature of the 'pres. done. chantileer was aep which the -Western nfillera demanded, -_ W. -P. TU I Rzis, - -. -7- - - - , , - .. ( Graft, %to of Obi The Japanese Government's Trom- price was Out of ,kil proportion to ­ Tb� valuable Grm consisting of 100 )hlcaifo� . . . . UMM, � ,�, . out SN steui, is I 1�6 power vested in the ises are accepted in good. faith by Can. roadway.. Thebitidp,kiised amoment what it should be. By buyi'ng blendecl wrea being North, half lot $3, Coji, 5. �E&64 wffl visit , Rayfield every. Monday. .. . �'J ' . . - . I . I I �G-dverninent to appo�nt members of ada. and the efficacy of the restrictiloll' as if, to take his beaKngs, -and then . Perrin, To Farmers Waw%uopb,' there are situated,on the farip -_ . . , a 111 I ,k,,,i*, flours and keeping OJ)r mills running . . . Parliament, for in the strict sense a wil I be subjected t 10 a six niontlis' test. adeoffatasinartpace,to So . � * got . : � barn. . to their full ca'Pabity, there. will be Pa frame boulie, a good bank barn 44k . . . . . Senator is.& member of Parliament. If These'are.the outstanding results of plenty of bran .and shor IT at Trade or bell your Barley and Qoto for 00; a Oraw shed 8Ox4o with stabling un, I I 'DR. 11; FOWLEn. , . . According to the decision of the . o s . . I . . . . .. . I -the Government were to be allowed to the visit Of Ron. RodnI phe Lemieux to I very Id`Qch less than they cost to -i ay. save 25%, We give 112lbs Corn derneath,.& young orchard of 11 I . . court costs follov* the event. . , . � J Corn and �', .1 2 &area, in . . . . I 1 9' , . . I . Appoint members of the House of Oom- Japan, as stated in'the Commons. As. �? - I . q-_ L for 100 The of either b0ley Or Oats - be- 900d'b6aring conditidn, a plentiful supply . DENTIST.' . . , i mons, the outcry wcald be loud and itds understood that less Wan a thong- - . 1___� . . 01 - I y . get froyn sideb Corn is best feed. Miloters v;aur of- goo.1 hard and soft water. - There sea . ofalies over O'NEILIE bliore, - v . . L. . . . rl I . minarIlls. Lialuteillt cares 1111ste, L To cheek a cold quickl now. while the cold weather isass. 90 sores tilesidd and o. good hard and . Special ­ . I I I ., I justifiable, The fact that a certain and J apailiso at tile coolle, class will - - __ - . . I 'in W care taken 0 make dental treat., I I . .. . . . ty�tAr druggist sor dy Cald ',*, - . I I - . , . �, . - 11111112 1 . dt, little 0 it To ke to be a ,good tirqe to tell. grain as lituill Poiiiesoinn gven -to.do fall PTO -wing, 11100 me- Painless as postdblo.­ . I proportioncifinembersoi Parliament he allo wed to leave Carl dA yea.rly on. '. . . f . . ­ -Are-bTpiiq%ted .1 �% . alled Preventics. Druggists ull?o �. . _ a. . s -froAn--th­e­--0ommon4.4 ar-the-ae.w.arrangemen't, jhadange� . . . , lb"igh Court' , ' labipts A rgentine has had a big. brol�ftion is just . 86,013016111, %rob. Foi particulars . I . ­ undbr the natite of Senators - - - - -ot. of a ,-yellow"' British Colambi t ­. everyw-bere are now dis�pensinj pre coming on toe ma,rket. Prices can a oily 1, to UENJAXtH WITHER. . . . I . .� ­ - ,: L - , a . I I . a . h4 . . t � pp y . imake this mode of selection any less been abs,)Intelyresulp oftbe inission to . ventice, for they are not,ou de but. I P. off. ' W G PERRIN. - ' -, � . I . . . � . . . .. . .. . Tbe�, non-'jurT sittings of the' High (1e,Ndedly certain and proffipt. ,orel- ,all . . I I I . - __ . . 0 . L . - . 1. . �� . � ()Our L .�­ . - - I I . I .� .. :, �kuburn P, 0 . I 0 I .. I ' . . rid we en I . . _ I . 'L I . . %bje,ctionablo. Parliament shojald be Toklo. I . . t were be., d on Monday a ties containno*Quinine,uo laxative ... - - __ . . Miseellane US. . .1 . . �., , - ' . . 0 � I ,a cbeek and it control upon the Govern- � - . I - . I very: brief. - - The%courf opened - a'� I � . Tk at � .. . i . .. 1. --- . il4g L -1,!!!.:, I 1, 1,111; 1:1 '112 W _�Lalken V . . . . , . . I MRS 0ArdrBELL, LONDESBORO it of tile day whatever its politics , F;TATH OF ql�10'CITY oy TOLE .... ockWood i, v, "I We - . . I p _G.E L I . . , � � I _CJ - 61 e .1 11. nouri th 4 V,ntics wi 13 Oro tor S . tiSUER 01, (ARRIA L,CJ0N8H5' I, - ?net f I . DO, . the I sneeze stage, 1''] - ­ . ill X 1. I '.,,.� LucAr I . as , �eventics;wi RPA7'. . . .. . - . . . 4­—Fairm [Wr- - I - - . ' ' . may [.6. A inewber of the Parliarneirl t; 1"� , _ '.. I ,cases bein ei 1, er �,. stpo ", d.. settled- vent pne-dmonfii, Bron'chitio. LaGm ' - & I L J�Lntity of Choi $0.1re. _� I .. . - - ____� 11, ., COUNTY . or sale, qu _08 Yellow I . I . . . .. .L_ ­ � . . . ..- .. 1 7 who is appointed by the Government . I or referi,eg to 61 c I master, ,�4pe -F . --' . . . I I I , . . . etc, Dence the. name,. Pr r'9 or-blWhange,for other 'grain . . . . .. L i , because of his friendship fortheGtiv. Fro AA k J Cheney makes oath - that he ;-` - Corn. Cash Proprietor offers for sale his form on the . .. ' rm 6f F J . Grainger v a Ransford � An action Good for feverish children ' 48Prevoya-, . . W. 6. SWIYTFF '_ _- I . 11 . .11 � I . I � . no . . ;� ernment is not the man to uphold t%3 issenior partner.of the fi Or damages to -real estate by sA It per. ties25c. Trlalboxes56. Sold hyW . -.--------- - ___. Uquerich Township, Lots . . I . I-, . I I I ­ _� ,..''., 1. . � . ... : - independence of Parliament as against Cheney & On., doing business in th � .. ... . �Ssandard Elevator, olinhon Monipy. . .. , : � . . the executive. citv� of Toledo, County and State afore� plation. By.consent.trial postpon . 6 1 d. S�. R. Holmes,.and -W. A. McConnell. i . ,. . . - ___ . __ . . . . � 77 arid 78, eituate'd 1 1�2 miles team village - . . 1. � , . . . I , . ext cou . . '... . . --- . . .. . of Holmeevill6, obtitich and sohool. The .1. � .. . � . : - . I . .1 . I i;',' -- The hist check -upon the -Go vern- said, and-that,sa4d-firm will- . 0. .. I— I ­­­­ ­­ - � . _. ... 1 -_.:!!=--,!7T �__ `­.--�,7 _ . � .. _ I _. - I ' i ' Private funds W loan at . . I . . 11 , Be of .choice lmnl,' % warde . I ment is that which ie exercised direct. sum Of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS McJntosb, v a BiAbler P farm .contains 238. &or' . 0.49newta"d W / ou1t,ry4or--Ssde,,_*_. -.. .1 - W, I . - An action in . MORARCHS IN EXILE. ' , I . � �. __ . . . . :, 1W4 -Q &_mzAd'h=6oi'%rr& -b=k.bem4­5-scres: I -- 7- ­ - - ­ _____._ __ -, __ ­ - - ,�_­. , � ___ I . I . - Ulu peuple, and which helps tj foreach and every case �of Catarr'h- reference to stile of stock in a canning . ' . - - . I �. . . . at orchard and �80 acres of good maple . . . ___ - ly "Y . � . - . I . I � . ; keep Parliament and,GovIirnirient in I -that cannot be cured by the use of company., Settled .bypaivea, . . . Eingland tko Haven �f Political Refu_ Blaok-'Minoraaa, 8 hens I year ola 3 burs4land. The farm is sravbraed by -a run. . . . . . I -----,-! . . . . . . . . . � . . . I 11 . 1� . 4 pulliB16, and 1cookerel for $7. bred 46M . . ; . . . I . I . clo�e touch with the eope. Hall's flaturrh Cure. F. J. CHENE Y - The Bank of Montreal v 9 the Godei- . . gees-4nd Roy'al Fu-sitives. - D Cautelo ' GEORGE BARGE � k. _' Tbis� -f-arm v011 -be- gold in �a . . - . . I � . . 080-1 Sworn t64)ef3re-.meand -sabseribed. I Al's winners. nblio",gi4orr6oin parts. 'Apply to. . :1-ORGE-JILL10T.T., . .� . __ ' ' - p who favored the $enate when otir con 4ch Engine hnd-.�Biqycle - -�Cor-db Ali-Ao- �. Erigi, * - � - -.0 - the' &*- . - ' ' ' . . - . , - , . .� GL I * - . . . . . . st,ittit�on was formed seem to have re- in my presence., this Oth day ,of Dece�a--, Re � and..h��. ta , I . 1.� - !. . . � I . tiya on st boncf given for thesecuring. * on, � as ways dii, I ALEX BALOUR, . . . 0L1N?ftN1.0,_NT , _,�,_ � - .. . :.. , I . . . . .1 I .- garded the people as a sorr of wild ani- .bt r, A D 1886. - I . of the, payinent of promissory notes of political ivfugees . and royal ftiled Abordeen Bulls for .2 , - - uoimesville. . 6. .. I - - . � . . ­ . 11 � . mal, whose imptilses required to he I A W GLEASON, made by the defendant, corbliany, . By .pretenders aud' as a.'rale thoi ,have' . _- I .. ' � I . . . I _­... I .. - ­. � . . Liceils.W Auctiorlber, ­ - - . . . . �".'- checkedanditsfierV natuve t*tnied (Seal) . - N07ARY PUBLIC. . consent of doungel' 1419 Lord . * h, shown their appreciation I of the I I Sale. . , .. I - . 4 I -_ . I de. I . . ___ . . . FArm for.. Sa-4110 or -to.. [tent Farm sales P, Specialty. � . 0 We PT ' . - . . - � .. Anyone who knows Rall's Uatavrh Cirre is taken intern- clared the ,defei d IS, e refraining, . . . . .'' - . . Ottawa kn A ants, the .G rich I country's, hospitatity by For askie .three tbovo-tired Polled Aber- . I . . . . . I I . . .. I .1 . ., j� that uncontrolled popultir impulses ally, and acts directly on the blood Engine &Bicycle!co 0 beiffi from critipizing their hosts or saying . d4n ,, .. For sale or. to rent,the 60 acres on Con. .:TERMShREASONABM - . - diibt6d to . . , Bull,, one a -year-old,, drid Onj7jIX. . I are the h4tst and f fie NsL of t he dan and thueotis surfaces of ,the sistem. the plaintiffs in the sum of $52AOo anytbi4-.that, might jeopaxdize e .. 0,'ba pg lot 25, kno'Wn as the Smithion Orders left at'tfie WE W ERA will. t I . 9- .. ir in ntbs old. All re istered in the Ameri- ­ era to be feared there. 13 reason of Send fur testimonials free. . I 0 . I . ,.0 . �. ---tw I . . y . . - � E -I f) _N R it . and I r6f . etreil. a)J other Anatters between position a�B more . iolerated outsider . amn Hilwl Book, -will Bola . farm; has-been in gr.asa for filve yeir'e, iWill Promptly-.aittended. to, , .. . . . I ­ 9TWUM I r*rrd- - - it _Toledo, a- . . . . I . . . - . . ""'P' * ei,her -be rented or. sold cheap Apply - to . I . .. . . - I . h e Q I ars '11131mc Cc) , - .1. . . ­ .. . I its swall A.n scatte'red population, t Sold b- all Drugy.istff,-75-u-.­­-- __ __ J -t6 - Ek-�- Go-derboll.- --- - --- --- -. - ---- -- ped the- bounds.'s'em-e. go -7a __ . ­ . ­ ­_ 4--_.... ­—� nTf- . 11 . . I ... . . I I . .. -I- .. . � I � . . . . : . I . - � ­­_ I . I . ­ ­ .- . I . - - .. . I ! . Goverianietit and Parliament tire in no, Take Hall's Vainily Pills fw., cons,ti- maClarlk."v.s Clark- -An 'Action, arising made . a violent and called for at- .� . . ____­_� . . - - -0-r-4 _06�_ AC - 0 � ... __ -_ - . ­ I - ' ' � . � . 11 . - I- - . . � . . - . . � . I I * danger of being iindoly influenced by pation. . . . out of a dispute as toaalount. due uo� tack on the- late ueen Victoria. ,Tn' , , . . . , — THOMA"- UNDRY , I'l . I ' . I ' , *#— .11 . . I _. I . I spontaneous popular mov"wentb.and i.- der it chattel mortgage � - Tenders Wanted.'. Lilve stock and gen ' � I I ­ . %executed - -hy , the end,, writes the � London coirespon- . . � � . . - . eral'Anctiont - � . . ___..� . Farm for Sale - - I are in considerable danger (if losing Runting Gun-A-Noot . . . plaintiff'in favor -of defenatint, -The dent of Town 9axd Country, he was . . . . . . . . . � I � touch with poblic opinion. The Gov- . . .. Tenders will be received by ,the Council I I . . --- ;wi- Q 0 0 E R I ',-.," I q U. ID '. _� .. I I -artinient would heWnutited, and the. . . - . . I I plaintiff i's William Clark, & Godierich Obliged to leave the country and did . I � . I A . . . . . , . . tol of the.'Townellip of Hallett up to ,2,p m,gil The underaign6d offers for sale his farm li m gr. 963A saie'N' spetahli, , - -A%,- - . !, - . . Cola At, wboleconntry would behereffied, if One of the . Nuship; and."tbe defendant Robdrt uoV-returin until he made a most ab�*� - Fridt Pali 21st 1908 for the erection of of 75 sores liding'Willalf otlo# 17, Con. U Nraw ERA office, culibon, Pn - lit - - atienued - ____ __ � ... 1, V.- . , most. costly and labt)rjous Clark. By consent -this cause' was . re- ject apology.' . , � . I I . . Y, . to. Terms ressonabie.,.-Fa Aners, a not,11D , . .. popular election were substivited for inan-bunts that ever tolok ,place In I . - . Conoxote-abutments %o topport two atear, Hulleth, Al cleared but -'about 15 -acres of counted . I- .. I . a . � , nort,bein Bridib Columbia is that ferred-to the juniorJudge of the county . This littlt, incident has not ondear� die . I.. I . . th � exercise of patronage. in filling of Huron to try the issue between the bridges, alobloi a concrete. aroll 24 ft spin. good haidwboa, bush, brick house, with I . . � . 1___� . . . vack'Ll cies in the Senate. With lal after the Indian Simon 'Gan-a-Noot ed 'him -to the 4ritfsh',peoplIi, who . and soft *water. the.ein; bank barn - I � rge . At the sarde tim . B'And place lenders will . hard . I . .- ___ . . � . - 1 . parties, ascertain damages and deter look uPon'birn " a person of no ac- be rwelved for the steel superstructure of bearing orob�rd', 3J miles from Blytb Ap. -- ' . . . I .11 . � --b'u-n-'V--B-ul--slWde--Wis--rgM I _ I . jeonst tuencies the danger of corrupt- who a year ii90 litst 3uly shot Alex iiatrie rights of partleti, with'Powelf7lIT" 6' . . � U__hB`hU7 said two bridges,lengtb.be6weea abutments ply.on pretnises,,or.to SAN 0 1 . . McIntosh and Max re and fled inlike injunction, (preventing sale' -of behived -V . . � . I I � 4on would be small. And no Govern- . Leclai . Ai)� - .. G-,3&CM0R G006WIN. ' . .. mentor Parlinient e Lit --have-- -better toAll,e. biIIs4n-theBeaV_t&ke co6titrv. -tgage) per ery .Well and has lived -the' being 82 feet and 24 ft arid 14 ft roadway. . I Blyth, P.O. I ___�- .. . 11 - . . ; . . I "I It is said thait the chase ls.thii 'longest goods seized under the mar - . lilt a: of an orcunary country gentleman, 0 . . � , , TAXIDERMIST ... .1 . . - - u dance than the voice of the Ipeople Petuaj-if,U%mo_djat.��Aies same t6 con- . .1 I ne of these bridges vill.be over -.tbe Mait- . . . - ­-, ' � � Bird I I .. I . " 1, ce I yand honestly expressed.- To- ever miAintained by any .'Provincial : t amusing himself-�-Utarmittently 'with .land as qui,gioylo and tile -other will be on I . � s And Anima!g Stuffed Arid moll, - cc . I . . I . . . I . � I i due in me4 ' ritimo, he to deal with the -issue of a ptoriuricianietifo -to I'll%.. Cdh,I2_`1g, ' 9 I . Property CO r S I ' Fe � . . routo Star. Government. Pour parties have sought. . the I . Opp a to lot - 4. -The lowest Or .. a .--- , -� '. true %a life. Terms Rea able I ­ � I . the fugitive.in vain, and thoexpendi.' .question of costs li-hd all Other matteis peo ,le" or. a little North Pole tn" . I . any tandep not noiiegearily accepted. Spec' . . . . .�,­ ... I . �. . ., . �.. ... . ,. 9031. - . . . . I ture in money has .been over $80,000. between the parties in question in this , I P p. - A. � � I . -OLINTON, ONT I . I . I . I MINARD'S LINIMENT Co, LTD At, present the expendit action. . 1. ­ .. . . Ms father,' when: in, exile� in Enig- fications for the concrete work can be seen The underaigned . . . . . . for Bois - tbe - . 1. I . . I . .. . � . . I I , ­ I , . . - I i6dAry force . � � . - I was more popular. So -was Louis � at the QleWs.offioe, Loxidesboro. .. � t th, !,Of Huron And I . . . � . . consists of 14 men, all old timeki in the . I PM pa. after the coup dletat.' So woo . ' . JAMES UAMPBELL, 01 -I' liott I G. D. KeTaggart, - At SiRs 4; LIN '_ " ease -1 have used MINAAD', - Ml*ar4,s,Z1W=e, t cu . . I I , (irk "o"o, "' r ' the El I IMENT lor the p"G . Interior. During the 6urnmer arid- -., . � . � .1 , . peg 0 therls � - I I'Louis -Nap.6leon, who'lived In London . . . . - . .. . . I known "" a . . 11 . . D. MaTagipr . - . I . . On D. I � . � " or" "a M. . � ra� r -25 y4iars-and-whij� . . . liph . i -,,t d,,jr blo,' store . ini- - lall morit a too Provin , __ _. - , I . - I __ . . ., . -_ I& DO 103 a - in - =ally Abeial - 1�4aies,7­611co­--aw-'-a- �.­­.­­_ - I . - . -1 - - ___ . ___�_ be sold on YOUR"BACK W . . . . . B '�ak It - tho Ni Tannan .-Bros :i - . 1. ' st I have occasionally used otherli - lie hunt . I � I . . I - ,"�._a Will --­-=F%7W_ -­­_ I I . . _ _ ruents, I dan safely say that I have Ilazelton prepared , ' fox, i �. -W iiAK? '' - waiter, god again as .a highly appro- . � : Gtgar �AGS. . . ro ;s JOHN 0. ­___ . C ' ,. I9_0__-_ I -.-- . � which ha -pro ' t d i , . 9- �� �It,r 't 167 1 . . .. KERS 1. . . . .1 re a , ti�,. � never used any equal to yours. a been seen e Vi Pronely When the back drags and aches,feei.s. ciated me'rabek'of'the.best society of - Th . . I. ". .. SRN . . .. � . .. ; . .. . . I - duping the wiliter months. A 4rue over the spifie�when . . . e, construction of a.clgar bOx niay , � . .. � If rubbed between the hands and in ev -haa -i there is , , eat e . . . . . . ��.. .. . � . *004C House1or Sale. I .. .1 - . I haled frequently, it will never fail a pack team of fourteen horig6s stbed.-' indigestion, headache and constant call seem to be�a very simple triatte-r t6 the _- h ALBEK. , ST I GUNAWN I . .. to . . ,. ily engaged conveying provisions am . never forgot.the kindriessesthat ' . . � ... I . . . . . . ­ . . . curecoldin the head i6 twetity-fcur - tri make watbr,beware of sick kidneys. novice, but the, box passej�.,tlirough tseneruji j6aaklug . I . I ' 1kours. munition, ete"to the numerous c�obes - If - neglected, this condition � develops -here,,. extended to him during his stay Seventeen processes bef -ft'- . Is 'ready Sdbqoriber offers forbale blo large and . . . . Buis ! Iniew - . . . I ... . . . It is also the beat for bruises,sprains, they established. So far the only, re weakness afid-soon'you'll be unable to and when he' beearno� Emperor . ' ?-M . � oomforlable frame house on Albert Street. �- " ' ' . iman I isacted., . � . . .. job ligar. . I suit of the built has been the capt at the French his first'w was to to�reedlfb t1le I. . ' ___ . . I . . . etc . ure' work, The one remedy you can rely bomp over with the'EmpreRs Eugenie I ., - _�, .. ., . -The house haa ev6ry convenience for ord,n. ' , -NOTES DibCOtiN-UND.. - ' . I . .. . _' . ' I ' 0, -_ Yours truly, of the. Indian who has been trading on is. DrRimmilton's Pills. Every SYMP- and.look up his Old -friends; which - - - OrY tamilir Good oallar; hard and s6ft -* ' 'a isairedi, ln� ' . � Dartmouth. J G LESLIE. the furs which Gun A Noot and his 'ton of -disordered kidneVothey 6ure by . I . =' -raf.�.�.l mint.. . 1. . wateronthelot; thre"q arters of -an, more I Drafs terest allowed am, - . �. ' . party have he found,it difatult to do in the man-' . The ,13 h royal -dilat as now colk- 0 good . deposits., . . . . . taken d th -emoving the cause. You imp, he liked, lor when be came ,here d h of )arid; be&tWg fruit troesi als - . __ __ - ligdog- --hfir abspime.. . 111. I . I rove.im- &or � I . . . ent says.- It . . . ' dak by day will . --expei- , to may be � sa4 to, hate fraim�.. BtAhl , - _________�.* I , �', . I . . An Ottawa correspond . . . me4liateiy", , . stlwa, e. Will be sold on reasonable terms. _. . .. You . . I . I _ � � is a lamentable thing th . . I . lence benefitfroul Dr , . Windsor, he fairly -tied up, it . . . � I _ I . tit no qaestion teig L I -, ­­ ­­ .- ­B� r_t L Hamilton's Pillsa , , --O01A11.__etiq was - 11811. aA . d the bilildibgs from 1810, .ibe ' I I . � .11 4L. Y�X.LX.BN. . . . . .. : �. . --Xl'---- -11- ---n-d-aAb ' ThKe - - Clint . .. . ­.- I ­_ "I I apparen -Iv. whether of great or small . . St7fP U... idneys, - Aver -a An- � _ Aette,,_fr.om_vdAchAt_W2S * 11 . I I . . : . The L. �. ; Sleepless- Bab L . - _ Mckilto Matuail ..... - __ _ A � . * possible W esciipe. , . . . Autter- linviW-been- -coutpleted 1h - I I � ... 11 ­­ P -P I . . — '. 4-&Pdet, ddff-he broug ­____ - i�agh, --, Rold !W all dealers. .. . I . - . - . L . . I Up--tW-7UqtW-- -e 0'icidy-Babhes-.' . . I -_ , L ]*. ­ —41- ____ - 1_41.� ----' 0 . ire .. 1. . ,;.. a! I ---�-@ __; -_ .. y sit the cost of over f250.40. 11 _. . , . I ­41-isurance , ,, o, ... . - . . I � � L 6 a is- � 1 ia�p3PI_eo A a- on . , ­ ', .."L - - - � ­Wj�_ ­�pw W I T-- ­­ I --1 ­,�,-,___ . mient without some member immiadl- . - - - 4 -- . a I . - I ateiv dragging party politics intoTt. I T4e discussion on, the Senat*119 , on. I to' axi . ol Oud . . . . .. � � I ����� . . � Farni - and Isolated . . � I L Thei4are notorious7sinners in this re- Well babies sleep soundly and wake Monday. indicates the d L I 16ead t fronr=--Windso ' . which - he , ' The Great: Pyramid�., . . . *r to Itent . . . erty. Oul own Prolp#­. . . I . . .. I Y Insured, ' . I . up brightly. When little o es are I I esire fA'a : 'I, w6uld mue boner rundown The largest of the E' gyptian, we. . . I . I .. .. L I . IL .. .. . 8 ect on both sides of the house, all restless, sleepless and oros b is the . L . said - . QFFICIR&t .- -. I . . I . . .1 . I a in change P tb . ation of this body, to I you annd hav n evening at - ----- �s mids covers thirfeen acres and - was .4 SL nbe or iber offers foi- sale or to . rout his -i * . . . at can be Raid is that it does not h in surest sign that they are not, well. l P form . . . I - B. McLean,Presidenoeaforth; I . . � whatever to advance and ;vhile the da , of its 4A,b6 Ill whom we smoke and chat vAd _160 anii ;comfortable frame ho Thot. 1. . . y on may lit, use on . I country. It is this sott of 'ovisiness Probably the stomach or bowels is out . . Wk ove e times. when you and I . __!pLa � ufatk- . Hiiron Street voeat, containing 9 roo Eraser, Vi�e-pres+ Brucefield;tf Theii; 9 i. - ., I I . , . the welfare Of be delayed, abolished it. will I . . . . ,origlilially -475 fept In, heig . I . . . of oraer,or it ms;y-be teot):Aifig troubles . . be event- .vote. , M In moil '"' Ing 90,000,00 . Rays, Se�y. Treas S I . I - Give Baby's Own Tablets and see how �ually. . . I arid .. which drags out parliamentary sess . as: speciij police ' 0 6"610 feet of stone' We with bath room,- alosets, wa4 room Uro' * edforffit I . ions at great length, and retards the L' . . . 'L - do- not_,knQw I 11 . . - I , . pol�oh III.: 4c�mo int6,,hi57­db1W-- h . -LV7b14t- Its bridiftal c6st. pantry, . Good collar and furnmce� alia . . . L .'I . � I L .. I - quickly the child grows wella dh .. - . . . bt L if _rk, -- ae &i - . . go oif stablai­ -T.­R, - -LIN D BAN 0 DIStECTIO98. .. 1i I i"_1 - ­_ .­­ ­ . �.. I dou the- Duke of Orleans wai, but a Jgh autho ty jjt6el -thlit - � real business before the house of com- " aw , , . t Ltod I . , �Clinton , - _15 . . I I - --- and sleeps soundly and naturally.. cd,yt John keilderson, for" ." c .. . �.. e*6r do so. One -cannot always it 001114 not. be bull ay . for I . . . I L , - DW-1�63iKelff, "'Holmedvi e- 1 . . . . . ess, __,� , J inons. There are questions of a politi- the druggad sleep of Is6ibbing' r�edi� of Wainfleet . . I �� '. W=4 * Harlock; G. Date,. C116ton. M. . .­- T� I 4al nature and there are t Uship a than, $25q,000.000, reckoned in Amer- 'u, i foki S'a'' I , , f . . , .h I .he '. gn6d tell. I _ luestions cities, but the natural sleep of� health. his position Ion ecoun . . . . . . I . "to 9 e Or 10, Iften Chesney,. SeAfoith; j. with which politics have nothing and . I 41th. I used -to know Peter Karageorge- - lean money. . . � . , . . 9vansj 'Beech. - : . ­ .. I . should have nothing to do, a fact of You have the guarantee of a .govern- - 11.11 ., g ,,w� . . 1* I Vitch in the days wh,bri he was a laim- . - . - . . . . . I I - . woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop,. J. Boo,� . . I which some men seem lamentably'ig, nient analyst that this medicine con- "" I . .. I - _. . _ , I The undersigned 'o- 1, . � - I . � I wee, unas i Switierland. � 0 nevreis, brodh . I . . . - I � , -`­ exile in ffere fat sale or t . . . - . . , norant. tains no poisonous opiate or narcotic, - . I . .. , I . 'tha"Moonstolve. 7 rsus that house of Maple St. formerly cc. * agell. . � .. I , . ___..1._--_1_ ­ ­ - -- -bYW"'Il­0-U'­gh.-' � The honed- 16 --ft QACb Director it inspector of loosev im - I , WOUIF^W Occasionaux of l8er- - _AF � : � I and you' can Ive the tablets just A I I * "thti'm6dastone ral go cag'. cd#tod' � ---. I p � . -1W a iiiiine; . . � . I Orn 11 . ed Ori a . I I wea I ' might with his owii, locality. . , , � . safe, y t ,%I bane an to the. . 0 . � . via; as It place *he . �V fraine and oontai2a 6 rooms and wbodbbed . I . . . - God's Will, haire - ru W, -but , count of thi, pia'y ( � Hon -Geo Graham announces a sur grown c . . I ?eA he never ,C 1� . e light I . .1, �11 hild. 'Sold by all medicine. - . I --hard-ancV I I . A09 . .. . . . expressed the slightest, idea thi4 -he, 'whleW: it -exhibits., Ko4ws . are ' .. Bolit'Vater 4 quirter of- an . more . . . 'NMI I . I . . ,, plus on the Intercolonial, and - there ,dealers or by mail at 215a a box. - from . . . had an opportunity of, olisunj.t the' � d in: greater 1, of find in lot, with ffilit trees theisoh. Robt, Smith, Hgrl6ck, EdI HindWo- . . ; � will be A laiger BUTplui ere long or M . r The Dr Williams' Medicine Co, Brock--., .... four' . Or Idw *261sti0es in the house is in a good otate,of repair, toe S orth� I , I 1. . . . . 1% , . . W am It r Ville, Ont. .. I 1 .Q. Obrenoviteh Onasty. / . - allAnpuntalluous, regions. . I es Cu * _ . I I Orabam will know the reason why. I I � � . I -%*.- Suddiinly Alexandef -was'xburd4ed I . . I I . I I further P.orsidulare apoly to . '6110', J- W�, Yeo, Ho.1 furulago 9306".411.1 . - I I - . � . . . I . � I . I . W -J FALCONER Clinton out , . meoVille. " : . I . I , - - *-- I . � " mW Peter welat in triumph in a lope- : ,L. I i . I'aw Mileb Dog 3 . .. - . I 11 11 . - _ .. . . -, . ­,... -.4- . _. -- -- I -------- � ­­�­-1- , . . I . - I . I . . I �oial train diftet' from Geneva .to 1� . . I . . . ForL Sale or A h ` , .' . . , �'.- -_ .. I L .. I �� . . - , ' � I . . Word. has been . - . . I t . .. to It't nt - - _ I . . at wint __ I Belgrade and there he is now, a real . . . . I ItMlo.% �, r 4 - th&tL jonaeal .' . ; . . I . TIM10 nipeg from FAMOX117a I 1, � ID'S WAN � kirisr. covered with models, reco I - 'St. can.. '' L = . . I -, ., Cornwell, the afd'iest mail ftM& I � . �17_Ty the Powers, and - wondeari - W,0AE .ablaBouse on North - . . . I . - L . � I - rni -SUFFERING N . ' Comfort . ... I I . � �: . . id f . �. � . . When YOU in the Bri * ' Empire, h" left on . 1, . . .11 . . . . . - I I .. how long it Will -be before he - a . I . . .. * ­ � toining every 0006ilienco for smhall family Oash pa 6r Bide . � distibute the, let- .. ah&ngos his i*dform for a frock *% - who find 104a, bwd4h, "A ba" heath "d Will hapold or rented on vesseiiiable tortrit , . � 4- . . -r - n6rth de - , .I 1. � '.1 'tWonot" I Apoly'to XR6 BUTLER, North, 11 'ind Tailow. . � . .1 toors th era as fa . * and the Konaki, Ior his.old villa at straIiath rotored by Si. I . I �. . � . . . . I . , . McPherson, w i is *all inside 1. . ­ . : . _. , I Gonod, I.: I . . . . . . . - - ­,* , . � - ­.. I . . . . , � . . � . - fiL ' � . I . , . .: . oiftle. He . 'travel 1^0 k L I . L Trnl�, the life of a pr6tonder is,not , , . I . , Ouse, to 111cint ­` . . . . -,. .., . .. .. - ; � � . .. I - . . 1. .. � Take Cold,, es on'the journey, As 1116de . . . . . I Ionviable one. . �. Milbum'.18 I ... _ I ­ � I PA , I have o4en soon ... 'L. I I . �L . . . .. . 11 PiftalmaiOns &, 86 - , , a year, in the sp and jftt . - *&W pitied Diin Carloi, ,the bitnish .1 . . . . oil - , . - - �% � , , ii,ari i botled, on ttigh Sireek, L I . 19 I I .. . One W2Y iS tO pay no aftentfon Dre the WinfAr Sets UL L . . . . . .. . pretender, who lives .in Venice wad Heaft gLfi ' Good ebrIve _'�­ * L, * � .. CLtNTOX, . .. .� . 1. ' ' ,.,?L tO it; At le2st nOt UIKII it de- . dMervilb 6OntAIqV Av6p rooixii;'Atable. etc. Appl ' . . . . . . . . Oaltnwall uses dogs.the P . exibr P.Art, . . I . - may be seen there any day in the . . . . . '. '30 y �_ 1-1. '_ . . - L . L ­ I ' . I L ­ ; ,*e6k; either dashing up. L And - down . . L. 1. ," 'L. I . , . to FOST-Ult, Albert St. Clibi(mo . � , , '. . . I L , I I Ve[Opd Ineo p4eilfit�onia, or of the diatanae. The weight of let, .. I , � , . L ... ­ . . ! .1 I I . � . - . . � . .. I. : . , . .� I 4 1. . .�. I 0 - bronchitis, or �pleurisy. An. tm ia limitod to due ounce eath. No . .. L � the Grand Oanal in, a motor launch , , P I I 10* a . . I . . . r I , , I I . packsiges will be carried. I** iftsiat- I I .. . from which, flies the Spanish L . . . . . . . I '66-11 - . . '! I royal � . I floum, 1,61! Sale . I VJ fta�-Ik,�.��_ ��.*­�4�, . I . flog, or Walking' up arfa down ,the . Tho otamt gftemdon 6( *010A11b 6316 " A alory-oiid,balf fraire I 1, other wa-y Is to ask your doc- einee companies -which hold pplides I . ­.. I . .. � . . . . " Piazze 1A1t9*. vntk house,, on We). . I 11 Xpe-RUNCIC I kic. . tor sWult Ayer's Cherry Pec- on 0ornwall's life have nofi&d ,him .. I - 0 ttaL,whon the band playa of an have Above that *We shoft Ot line . . ­ I _____ I Itation, ,orith ,ton girdef, Vith f doa lot is OfferM for I , . . ral. It he says, " The best they will be eaticelled beftuso"6t the I . . I I .. OvIoning, . some it is' nervousaw and v9pi oali, cheap. Apply ta J'AIABS SMITH . 'I".. I I 'accompanied by '�wii*, cUxzy and faint a .,wb w 11 I . . . � " . I great risk . he takes untess a probilbi- . ' 110 -is invariably - a bthot;� lug POU t116 M 'L Ontarlb at. 11 � . I 1� thing for colda," then take it. I - tive premium hi paid. L. . A Surorbe In. Biscuits . � I ftegAlficent, boar hound, 'and very Ot� bffier$ there iO A 904"al coll"Pes 09 *0 00tellk . . L . I . . . . . . , . A � . 11�,',' Do as he says, anywa 1� I , 1. ,� L L. . , V. I While going in, 06rn*all, *ho Is " , \ tieu b his If Rd rijaintsing a Uilburi�s Heart o,nd Nerve Pills to" ' 'do this ', I . . � I . . I expert fur hunter, tots traps Won . - ' 'L . I I 1. . I ,� . I _g tW'� _V,very boi iifMooney's Perfection strict fittl� C61ttelitl his m6dogt hooe '. n1brvao, Strengtbon tho heaft Sod AAAskd It b'*J - * rrope� Mes -tor siale by, . i I t f�� . ___ rin i Way. Ito picks up . the gMae tW is Sodas you opdn-y6u Will on ther canal and thor,61s sonibthiag muoug ioiad'rtgul�r, ct"to uew red blood oat-' . . . TRADC fAAFfKft Wo F1111fah sloolidt . an ipL. , fn Ulia cr�ft Inipart that sense of buoyah" to � I . ` If Andion .. I Ocala"a I., arod op the f6tttrn tj . rch new delight in these dgi6ty about him that arrests attention, for pu-"106f 4nd . , 31 ft-ain onr inadiaines - , - . � . ­ .. , . I *X he he i��ms to carry hingship ikith him the spirits thiLt it the result til rtnowed Oft W I 1. 1. � � I ­_ . I Co"AIGHT6 &,. , �., biseuitc. - - ' I . I Anyone OeTidtlig ft sketob And d6serl oni"tty - . L � 11%_.-.1 Make" ' a : 41d6k)AP MoortAin our opinion free * ower wit - . uers t_ - tAt every stop -a tall) haudsonie� dig- snd-phyaida V40r. The nhaerafgu will Offer for afilo, At 'the - 9.", . ft t ourne, ad" o , widftyouwafi Vommeroialt hotel, Clinton, sit 2 ' 111vention is probab 1,06.Fominutill6i, . A we pub"Ah =r f* "' miq 6 y1horn I nietl 9 4 1166 � ____ - _ 9 - � 4,k6 %I h t't0butPtb6YP&A0lG - nifIcIl man, serious, stern and ditec .t, *0� X)., Q. Dono*huo, 60A& 04t.. *40W., p, ni. oil tionintriod 0,0118d ,,ly -5nt#% 011patalts . of I! . � a2vd w:rth . " gat'di-day"Velt., lot, his tltlal A 0 . 1. .. � . , give ybur gpPdtite a treat with , vith Ifflidly eye and atrond chin, a ,, 11hbvvtr�*,,feo I wm troubitil *th v�tj� 6xbdflent proporq i6nirroofflhieds. anoYf6rwaurin Atftt& I . ­ � Vhen the bowels "are constipated, poi- . L ... ,_,�, FatItintS taken #W11,th Atunn. t . ree0tv's . . . _ a� -xp. "'e'viii'dideowlilwac ftwo'lat 6 . I ­_ I I . �-___­�, � islian whoth novelists would dose ' a 11643 and heat tro6lo 1,de0Ia4,t4 stoi * is. I lie" oil 66 11 ,gold U601 00adrich I U . . , qbnoas substances are absorbed Im the its-1ce- '11 I I . 6ir — fi�c _..Jr- ­­ . . _W I . 6 , 1'fv 1661r , . , "&�Xft . mitor colislating of the Pleww farm of 20 tioreff, . . On.the 844'i§, 810 � f , I �06 Y . I �_J?J04-q"*W..1L and bloodiustead of beingdaity removed frota gey S. , 01 . . . . winta" " ad 40 sores of thb Orfiig Wtd. On the ,.� . ­ Koo . . . ; ".. -__4.*-.:- . tling fivo bo*od 1fout41*#AdbAAAP1at*40A,o& $d6off, JAItrica . _ � I , *0 body os oature intended. Knowing . . I . � I I --1 ­ 1. � .. I L I U - P16*0a fiarin there is a good dWellitig bongo A ­ . , - ­ 16 .. � ' ;, Dii Ifi�vbtuftnnty,made -aruah . I alvlo,ys rt6otnlA�ud thet� tIA aw trieh"", It f an ad ok- ­�­ - - ­-Als 419tef, d6ators *IV*&* inquire "Out "a'", .1 Idvvi . -larger ­bmAik barn 1* oroll6rd, ond �t=nlfid = . I . i-Ithfidbolnely Mas aS forth# cali 1,oads of V�iee,60 oontoperboxor 4mib"isi ij.*- 0 a . . . 11 11, -1. I—. ­­ .1 ­ � , Ote#n4fifltirk of the b*wo .Ayerlisrft, L "', diolicreamw Plenty at water. TZa4tgrowgode M6014 tls6 . 1 i� .06 . rfe `1 . � frozen whoist aers at The �T. %Pbutn 00.0 UWW - kyp�o*wo I I . 1, ta"11"do 1W t" S. a "*t MAO row" X"Ill- .. . � - 1.14"'', '', ­ , Issillsils" . broughtlu from thib North West for 04 AQ , da of Asia or Otk apylioation. to 1*_Ajk� , . I . , . . " , � IL I.. T400to 611116 . I y , "to w i iv , tattle.'feed I I I 6 . I 4 It. SMITH 6 I it 110to I . � I. . . . AMM L I � L I .I . I . . I . - I . � � L. . I L . .. M =W111 - . I . I . � � L . I I I . I � , * " t T as II � , I h 'r " - T I0- , " 2 , , - a '" , " I I , * , I , I I 1z - a A * ; . - I a ' :, , _ I , � I " , I 'I I I I e 8: e I I "' ,;no I 1� Ve ' a'O � I ' Al, _ C R6 �tLA . a 'rVh_ I A I !i I I a -7mars--a . I ­.. ­ _ __ mft�-�- - istolh_- A I un lv-� Londtiabvt�-J -9--.-.-.--------�--.---------------�-I . Q . _ Jb L' p Le An '_ a !ha' 'in a- N Pot shot A' ex rend ii ed a ' e opont" . tile longest - P V _ . VP Inclal h a'e so ug ht , for 'a �b 0 ex e'di_. _ �" � , , $ 30� ' 000 . ,ff,v for , 'Ona'. 7 f ce . . r _ � iniera in the mmer arid , p 0 Ace a I the h Unt IQA­1b"?*___=___�_ . 1 -7_ = - � r V, Iff-Sid I r . �, I � : ____ 1, 3D years si I r at . t F�K .1. oho - 1! K ` 11 3w"Wh. - J! B.'a" ,owes iot � - al ] YM wintuie I I 1 3 "ottwie I I ":1 � . . I . . 1. I I I � � . . 11 . .1 . . I . . I . I I L. I . . . I � I . I . ) . . . . I , . . I L I . . � � 1� I I I I I I � . . � I . , L ; /C_ . . .. . . I 1, IL I . . .: I 1. I . I I , I . .. L . I . .1 � �) L I I 11 . I I . L L I " . L .1 . I 1� ­�' . I 1. � I L . � r I � . . I I . I . I I . I L - 'I IL - I L ­ I I J � . t . � . . . ", I . I 1, I I 1i I L . . � iv ' ,. . � . I r. L ­ �1 � I . I . I . A . � ­:­­� "L.I..-,-.-�-----�--'-----"----�'-'-L-------L-'- ---. __ __ - _ - _1i 'NON" � " . L ---A,. ­ �1_ -, _ � . . . . ,1 I I . I . I .__ _. '' ----. .- 11 . - L_ � -