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HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-01-24, Page 9OLI NTQI . NEW , E
Januar.5th. aid 27th!
Two days of extra BARGAIN -giving. Prices on hundreds of dollars' worth of seasonable Dry
Goods that simply' cannot help but sell them, Cost or value not considered when making these
prices. We are -positively retiringfrom business in Clinton,nd it is ust a questionofSELL;, • y,., , -• , J , , SELL,
SELL, of getting a price on everything that will surely do the selling quickly. We will be further
.ahead to make tke prices low now than to let the sale. dra • on andyou will find it worth your
while to be here.on BAkGAIN DAYS..The earlier you come the better the choice, but • if you
cannot come early, come anyway, for -the Bargains; are. Big.
Great Dress .Goods Bargains
Genuine Bargains in Dress Goods, We are get-
ting the stock to just about where we wanted it by
this time when the sale started. If you realize just
about how bid' these Bargains are we will. surely get
it down Saturday anal'. Monday., . It will pay you to
buy, even for next.season, ro.
Waistings and Tweed Dress Goods, 20c
Fancy Mohair Waistings, in assorted colors, also
Tweed Dress Goods, double fold, various • weights, suit-
able for Skirts or full, costumes, regular 30c and 35c., (finn
special for Bargain Days per. yard• ,OY'
75c Tweed Suitings, 35c.
200-yar-de—F-aney- T-steed-Sui.tings,, ;fight and dark
shades, double fold, will make splendid costumes. ey
were 130e and 75e,,for. January Bargain, Days, : you take Ono -
your choice if the lot at per yard......... ... .• •
Rain -Cloth Special at $1.05
Extra quality English Shower -proof Cloth, our own
direct importations, extra wide, fine quality, guaran-
teed shower -proof, grey and fawn, regular $1.50; •makes -
spledndid rainy -day Skirts, clearing B; again. Days, per @1+yar05.
$1.25 Black Dress Goods, 75c.
Fancy Bleak Dress Goods of various kinds,. Canvas.
Cloths, etc., a gathering together of several lines of
high•class maletials, . regular $1,15 and ';1.25, Bargain 75c
Days, per yard 1 Y
All -wool Panamas, 35C
All -wool Panama Cloth. One of the best and most
serviceable weaves this season,' makes capital skirts 35C
g A
or dresses, special-Bargain:Days .., .-...
$1.00 Dress Goods, 55c .
Pure wool Dress.Gooiis, x ough weave-all'pyre wools,
in browns, navy, blacks, reds, etc.., regular $1.00, special 55c.
for Bargain Days, per yard
A Great Hosiery Clearance
Now is your cha►iee to lay in a supply of Hosiery for next
Spring add Summer wear We are gathering our entire stock
of Ladies' and Children's Cotton Hosiery, and making a.' big.
effort to clear it out orp, Bargain Days. The lot includes
Ladies' plain Cotton Hoge, black and tan„ girls' very fine
ribbed seamless Cotton Hose, fast black ; boys' heavy -ribbed
Hose, with sear-- less feet. 25c is the regular price everywhere.
' ice;at-r
.per pair I8c
Lace Curtains at
Bargain Prices."
Buy Lace -Curtains iiow;-•-evens.
if you dont want to Use thenr.
till next Spring. You.can 'save
money if you do.
$3.00 Lace Curtains, $1.98
10 et• 12 pair extra quality- Notting-
ham Lace Curtaips, new designs, very
strong net, regular -$3, specia$1 98
for Bargain Days, per pair... ,
$3.5o Curtains, $2.45 - •
These are.exceptionally ltandsorne
Curtains, and the net is very strong. •
They are new designs last season, and
at the regular price were splendid
value. $3.50 and $3.75 is what they'
sold for. Bargain Days, prices.. 45
will he per pair r
Floor Oilcloth, 2oc sq. yd;
300 square yards English. Floor Oil-
cloth,' block and Floral patterns, good
heavy weight; Bold at 25c and '30e the
country over. Bargain Days. non
special per square yard L!!Y
Door Mats 79c
Smyrna Door Rugs, reversible pat-
terns, nice color combinations, regn-
lar 51.15, for _Bargain Days, 'ifAn
each aV
Brussells Carpet Samples 68'c
12 or 15 travellers' samples of . Brus..
gels Carpet, 11 to 2 yards in each end; -
regular $1 to 51.25 per yard. Bar -/„+ply
gain Days each UQY
65c Wool Carpet 38c
3 ends only All -wool Carpet, full
yard wide, reversible patterns;
Regular 65�. Bargain Daysjou
35c Union Carpet `25c
1 end onlygood quality Wool C?ar-
{�et, reversible patterns, feet colors,
Regula* 85c, Bargain Days, per 25c
yard ..,.:�.,....»..
English White Cnttott. '8c .
800 yards English. White Cotton, full
yard wide. Camhrie finish, '6e'ry
speoial Bargain Days, per yard 8
Veili.ngs 1oc
Clearing out a jot ofitvelllu e,
blacks and aoiord regular 20,25
and 800 Bargain Mirye per yard I
Some Big Silk Bargains.- -
We would like :o make a. clean .sweep of the Silk
stock, -if we can, •next Saturday and Monday. Of
course, we hardly expect to sell it all, but : we really
ought to at these prices.
One -yard -wide Tafetta Silk $1,o5
.Ex>;ra Black Tafetta Silk, full guaranteed.
nam woven onedge, full 36 inches wide, suitrble•'for
either Coats.or'full dresses, regular $1,50, special Bar= ei nn
gait Days, per yard . • .
Colored "Tafettas and. LOU isinnc:; 48c
Genuine clearance of plain Tafettas, Louiainnes and
Paillette Silks, all shades, the last ends af our lines••tha •
• sold at 75c, 85e and 00c, all 'gathered together and out
oothe dBargain Table on Bargain Days .at your choice /� 8c
1! you want Silk of any kind, Flo not mice this chance. `FO
R1gck%ais; 18c,
Black Corded Japan Silk, splendid thing for Waists, 1 pp '
special' for Bargain Days, per yard 1 Uf1
Local Notices.
DR. OVENS, London. Su eon Ocu,
list. Slxrcialist, will be at W. ,8. R.
i MIM Dru store, on Tbursda ,.
30th, 010.41000 properly atm_,-.
deatneixrr Starr,/Starr,/ and falling 070 01100
1 tli�eated.
ai'1. 24; 1908
The Colborne fridge
Mr Fred Tebbutt. who has been a
resident of Gtoderich tp for over 00'
' years,und who kn9ws the vagaries and
moods of the Maitland River perhaps
cahotter at tipe Neman
Era office this week,
to take exception to some of the state«
menta that appeared in Mr Baer's let-
ter in the Nevi Era last Week. Mr Teb•
•1•butt says, in brief, that Mr Baer is.
' wrong in his statement of the distance
1 by the hillsatresenband by the pro-
posed new road.
- Mr Tebitwutt says, further, that the
people of Godericla tp, realizing that it
will mean a continual outlay it the
present •site is ataintained, are willin
to sacrifice all they have expended,al,
ready some $1,200, in order that tey
have better accommodation at less per -
marmot expenditure in,the future.
Mr Te1►.butt had intended writing "a
letter for. publication, but circum-
stances prevented his doing so. He.
suggests that the -County Council
should take no action in theatter un-
til the J'une'tneeting,'when they should
come down in a body and visit the
river and the proposed site of the new
It is probable that Mr Tebbutt may,
go before the coming, session of the
vouncil.and state his views on thesub-
Court Imperial is characterized by smartness:
and individuality, without at all sacrificing Refil>e..
ment, It is a linen crash finish, with new plaid
effect, in strictly good taste and entirely. new.
Wexford Weave inspires good writing.:. It is
unequalled for a smooth .surface and ngth
st e ' ._.
9 .strength.,
It is a perfect paper— perfect in looks and in use:
"tile tile kind. you. like to receive, and a courtes
when you send it
LET : U S SHOW 'I' )FI EM : TO yo JJ
lommulmailemms 41444441•4104440w
$1.25 Black Tafetta 8.8c
Very heavy quality Black Tafetta Silk, every yard.
fully guaranteed, our standard 4.1.25 quality; cannot be
bought for iess'than that price.a,lywhere .£we : dresses . p
to sell Bargain Days' at per yard , s�i
Fancy Silk, 87c
Fancy plaid Waist and Dress Silks, ggathering up of
various lines we have that sold at $1.I5' and $1.25 per
yard, some specially choice pieces, extra for Bargain p1
Days, per yard (J
35c Ribbons, 19c .
150 yards -fang Dresden'Ribbons, 4 -to _fi lir. .. '-,
dark colorings. Regular 35c, choice Bargain Days per yd
Baby Ribbon, ;? yards for. 5c • ---
4Hundreds and . hundreds of yards pure Silk Baby
Riblion,'washable, plain tafetta or moire. Regular 30 a
yard, all -colors, Bargain Days:to clear at ' , 3 -yards -for
Any Mantle $6 25
Just about 15 Ladies' . Jackets --left, to sell. Each
and every one of them new this ., season. Prices
rum up to $i7.5 each. We w 9uld like an a.bso-
lute clean-up of them on Bargain Days, and to do.
it, give you your choice of the whole lot • for
We Would Like to Sell all the
Furs on ' Bttrgain Days.
R-etir-in-Bale_prices.have beencut lower still,
and Bargain Days you certainly can save .money; if
you come here for Furs of any kind. Here is a list
of what we have in stock.. Read it over, then come
and see t -ie go;:ds yourself Saturday and Monday.
1 • only American Brook Marten Srad servicable andn+h
stylish garment.' Regular $7;50, for Bargain Days... $5,60.
I only:. Child's .z itatiori,Eimine Throw. Very 'neat and $2"25
stylish. Regular 5300, Bargain Days' Special. , . .
1 Only Brown Hare Stole, a good, l eomf glrtable, tvarrn _ ro
Fur, Regulars $3 bp,Bargwin Days , . . x . .: '$�
1 onlyStoneMarten Ruff, nicely murlied,trimmed wit)18.00
Q pp nnn(�
good tails, regular $25.40, Bargain Days .$1 UrllU
1 only Stone Marten Ruff, extra Iong, very choice fur, t35 nn
• regular -$98,00, Bargain,.Day.$peoial W .Ullf
• 1. on ly. natural' Dppossum Scarfs, will stand no end of en1111
hard wear,. regular 58 50, 'Bargain Days.. »».:......vOiJr0U
2 only -Rare Buffs, regular $5.50, special Bargain "Days $4
1 only dyed.Coon Neck Scarf, 'ver full thick, close !I
fur, regular 5I5.00, for..Bar Bargain Das ` 1 a
g $1 2
1 only Isabella 'ox Scarf, an extra choice piece of r-ur,I��Q `j
regular $85.00,' special for Bargain Days . ... J04Us 15
1 only Sable Ruff, good length and very thick, close e l _ j
fur, regular $25,00, for Bargain. Days • . ; , $ Or 1
1 Duly Sable Threw. very fashionable, satin lining; (u '
regular $80.00., for Bargain Days »
1 only genuine:Alaska Sable Ruif, trimmed with ]reads
and tail%, regular 618.00, Bargain Days ,.....,..ONUU
1 only Grey Larnb Collar, long front, very high, reguiar@
512.50, special for Bargain Days .....: .,,.,,.,,.�;, +A6r 0•
i only Columbia Sable Ruff, very full, thick, close fur, en 00
' extra length, regular, , , 512.00, Bargain Days, , •, , r
1 only Bare Opposstim Buffo regular $1250, Bargaina J/yj
Days ... . .,»r...a r...* .................. wVr-rv.
1 only Ohio Sable Ruff. This is an extita good piece
exceptional quality, reg. 522.50, Bargain Daysie... $17x50
1 only Black'1'aperine nice, high collar, comes down perine, high collar /� p
well over the. shoulders, reg. $8.00, Bargain Days.. $`Fr0,1
1 only Electric Seal O codo
well in front, ,regular $10.00. January Bargain
ain Da yy s• $8.00
1 only Sable Ruff. very thick, close fur, regular $11,50,' ttf
Bargain Days. ..... .,,.,,,,.:..•. .....».».,n,..,..,. r
1 only. Columbia Sable Muff thick and close. large sire, $ 7
regular* $0,0i, for Bargain Days ..................... 6r 16
Some Linen
Crash Toweling 6 c
(trashes Toweling,::•colored .borders,.:
i•:uil 17 inch Wide; good -weight,—and_.
splendid dryer special far bargain •1
dais.»•T-::....» ..... :.u2ti
Linn Toweling,l0c
Regular 15c crash toweling, best
quality we keep in stock- The fact- of
the matter is it is a little•; too gond to.
sell readily. 150 is the regular 1 OC
price, bargain days for.... ......
6oc Tab*. Damask 39c
Extra quality pure linen, half bleach
e d damask{ good. patterns. "heavy
w eighet : w"ill eaeiIf bi h; speoia•h ye
More Table Damask at 20C
2 more ends of that half bleached
table damask, at 20e. Qualities that
will give very satisfactory wear for.
every day use, Two patterns, Win
for per yard ..:::, ..AMU
Silk Waists $2,63.
Silk waists made from gond . quality,
'taffetta silk, good .-styles, qualities.
that will wear, black or cream, reg.
ular $4.500 special for January
bargain days.............$�l L+
..... Lr i
Black .Lustre Waists 5Oc
8 or 10 black lustre waists, good'
quality, odd styles and sizea,,reg.
ular 51..50, bargain days each.... 50
Fancy Lace Collars 50c
25 Ladies and Ohildrens "fancy lace
and embroidery callers, White and•
ecru, a doyen different patterns. Reg-
ular $1.00 to 1@1.50, Bargain days 5no.
choice .......... .,...... ..K ».
a d Laces 5c
150 yards swiss embroidery and faces
dozens and dozens of. patterns, Reg.
alar 7, 0, and 10e, clearng bargain
days at per yard.....»..,... ......
Laces and- Embroideries 15.,
Rundreds of yards of them. Laces Of
all kinds, cambric and 'inhaling em.
broiderioe and insertions, qualities
that sold at 20, 25 and 00o. All ono
price Bargain Da • nd tit l5i
price per 3ard. : . ........
20 or 20• bottles of 0loyine; sold. at
25e all over, Special-baain p
days per uu
$65.00 Men's Coon Coats, $55.00
Four only Men's Natural` Canadian
Coon Coats, good, long, deep fur, well.
made, sizes 42, 44 and 46, reg. •
$65, sale price ` • . '$55.00,
2:00 "1' ens 'a `: oats; v u
Four only Men's Brown Calf -skin
Coats, with black Astrachan Collar, a
splendid Coat,well furred,good,_
big, roomy Coats, reg. $22, for $16100
Men's Odd Pants =
Men's odd Tweed Pants, in stripes
and checks, space will not permit -of de-
scription,but the following prices ought
to cleat -them out :
Regular 81,25 Pants tar 9$c
Regular 1.50 Pants, for $1 20
` egu or
. r \ , .. 1 .
$2o.00 Women's Astrachan Coats, $13.
2 only Women black Astrachan
coats size 34 and 36 black satin 'lined'
good quality lining, :self collar
regular $20.00 for 41'ir0Q
2 S0 Fanta for
! 00 Pante' for
3 30 Pants for
$lo.00 Men's Coats $7.50
2 10
2 65:.
3 00
Mens black Cteviotrand Grey"check
Tweed Coats with or without velvet
collars up to date style reg$lo.00
#7.50 Black
• Mens Black Cheviot Cots, good
loose coat, well made and trimm-
ed regu'ar $`7:50 for J'' $6, 75
Boy's Coat at Cost
Boys black and; greyCheviot coats,
nobby styles and new (cuts, well . made
and" trimmed,. selling at cost price.
5o pairs Boy's. Pant'``.
5o pair of boys knee• pants lined
throughout.ifmade from Scotch Tweed
ends horn our own tailor shop all .
sizes worth from $1.25' to $:1,751 90e
a8 -Magee`
3 only women's Astrachan coats.,
good glossy color, sizes 36 -and 38, satin.
lined: fullsleeve with cuff, regu-
lar $25 00 for , ,
$45,00 ,Astrachan _:Coats,.: $.32 SQ:
4 only women's black Astrachan
coats,whole skins wel furred best;qual-
ity, 'satin lined, sizes 34, 36,8
and 40,• reg $4 .00 for....,.., ..,.,... 32.00`',
5 W
$50,00 :Astrachan Gats $36:50 •
' 'Coact Asti acllan--�--
and . Bokaran fur coats, with `natural or
sable callat-and--revers, made of whole
skins and close curl, a guaranteed. coat,
sizes 34, 36, 38 and 4o reguiar
•$50.00 for $3650
$50.00 Near Seal -Coats $39.00
only womens,Near_B-ea1_.f lrr: ens.
4, .y,
with- and .rev-ers,hesli quality
satin lined, sizes 36, 38.• and 40• in bog
or Russian blouse style,"regular
$5o 0o for. •.. $39.•00
$ss.o4 Bokaran Coats,. $38.50
4 truly womens ns black Bokaran • fur
coats, sable collar and revers. best satin'
lining semi fitting or Russian blouse
style,. all "'sizes, regular price
$55.00. for:, .... ............,.., $
$75.o0 Bokaran Jacket, $60.00
5 only womens Bokaran Jackets 2,
styles to choose front, made . of whole'
skins and• guaranteed for I. year
all sizes, regular $75,00 for $60.00
Flannelette Blankets, 82c
25 pair only white and grey flan-
nelette blankets, first 'quaiit r, Sat -r:41".
urday and lillonday `price ° .»820
$6.5o pure wool Blankets, $5.00
to pair only. pure wool finest qual-
ity white blankets, fancy border, full .
size; 8 lbs weight, regular x+6.50.S5OO
Saturday and 1VIonday
$3,75 Wool Blankets, $2.75
aif only white wool blankets
good large size ; and - weight; pink or,
blue border regular $3.75, price
for Saturday and Monday onlly...,$2, 75
$5.60.Wool Blankets, $3.89
12 pair only pure wool' white
blankets with pirik or blue border -large
<size, full weight, • regular $5.00, •
Saturday and 34, riday•
price.......,$ .89
C s 0 OL .S!-_
C rtv'r N'
• 6
` After two very successful Sales, there are k-,
bier of-Remnt nts -left -in--Cottons, Prints, _:Shirting, .:
Sheetings, Flannelettes,pperettes, Dress Goods, .
etc., which we put on sale next week, at a very. ''.low
price, to clear thein out before stock -taking, Feb. -T st.
$65.00 Men's Coon Coats, $55.00
Four only Men's Natural` Canadian
Coon Coats, good, long, deep fur, well.
made, sizes 42, 44 and 46, reg. •
$65, sale price ` • . '$55.00,
2:00 "1' ens 'a `: oats; v u
Four only Men's Brown Calf -skin
Coats, with black Astrachan Collar, a
splendid Coat,well furred,good,_
big, roomy Coats, reg. $22, for $16100
Men's Odd Pants =
Men's odd Tweed Pants, in stripes
and checks, space will not permit -of de-
scription,but the following prices ought
to cleat -them out :
Regular 81,25 Pants tar 9$c
Regular 1.50 Pants, for $1 20
` egu or
. r \ , .. 1 .
$2o.00 Women's Astrachan Coats, $13.
2 only Women black Astrachan
coats size 34 and 36 black satin 'lined'
good quality lining, :self collar
regular $20.00 for 41'ir0Q
2 S0 Fanta for
! 00 Pante' for
3 30 Pants for
$lo.00 Men's Coats $7.50
2 10
2 65:.
3 00
Mens black Cteviotrand Grey"check
Tweed Coats with or without velvet
collars up to date style reg$lo.00
#7.50 Black
• Mens Black Cheviot Cots, good
loose coat, well made and trimm-
ed regu'ar $`7:50 for J'' $6, 75
Boy's Coat at Cost
Boys black and; greyCheviot coats,
nobby styles and new (cuts, well . made
and" trimmed,. selling at cost price.
5o pairs Boy's. Pant'``.
5o pair of boys knee• pants lined
throughout.ifmade from Scotch Tweed
ends horn our own tailor shop all .
sizes worth from $1.25' to $:1,751 90e
a8 -Magee`
3 only women's Astrachan coats.,
good glossy color, sizes 36 -and 38, satin.
lined: fullsleeve with cuff, regu-
lar $25 00 for , ,
$45,00 ,Astrachan _:Coats,.: $.32 SQ:
4 only women's black Astrachan
coats,whole skins wel furred best;qual-
ity, 'satin lined, sizes 34, 36,8
and 40,• reg $4 .00 for....,.., ..,.,... 32.00`',
5 W
$50,00 :Astrachan Gats $36:50 •
' 'Coact Asti acllan--�--
and . Bokaran fur coats, with `natural or
sable callat-and--revers, made of whole
skins and close curl, a guaranteed. coat,
sizes 34, 36, 38 and 4o reguiar
•$50.00 for $3650
$50.00 Near Seal -Coats $39.00
only womens,Near_B-ea1_.f lrr: ens.
4, .y,
with- and .rev-ers,hesli quality
satin lined, sizes 36, 38.• and 40• in bog
or Russian blouse style,"regular
$5o 0o for. •.. $39.•00
$ss.o4 Bokaran Coats,. $38.50
4 truly womens ns black Bokaran • fur
coats, sable collar and revers. best satin'
lining semi fitting or Russian blouse
style,. all "'sizes, regular price
$55.00. for:, .... ............,.., $
$75.o0 Bokaran Jacket, $60.00
5 only womens Bokaran Jackets 2,
styles to choose front, made . of whole'
skins and• guaranteed for I. year
all sizes, regular $75,00 for $60.00
Flannelette Blankets, 82c
25 pair only white and grey flan-
nelette blankets, first 'quaiit r, Sat -r:41".
urday and lillonday `price ° .»820
$6.5o pure wool Blankets, $5.00
to pair only. pure wool finest qual-
ity white blankets, fancy border, full .
size; 8 lbs weight, regular x+6.50.S5OO
Saturday and 1VIonday
$3,75 Wool Blankets, $2.75
aif only white wool blankets
good large size ; and - weight; pink or,
blue border regular $3.75, price
for Saturday and Monday onlly...,$2, 75
$5.60.Wool Blankets, $3.89
12 pair only pure wool' white
blankets with pirik or blue border -large
<size, full weight, • regular $5.00, •
Saturday and 34, riday•
price.......,$ .89
C s 0 OL .S!-_
C rtv'r N'
• 6