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RoWr. Homeeet
fhe Glin wit Nett Era
TRI'Ogf, J AN. 17, 1908
Jan. 1.7, 1908
To Our Subscribers
During the poet two weeke a good
many our aubecribers have renewed
thew eubscriptiens for the current
yeer, and we cordially thank them for
The.cost cie publishing a, newseir. rWar4ent, teem% Wiegher% end mire
Huron Comity llrautS ah Ii*
Bridge 1114114114
A deputation consisting of Henry.
Eliber.ld. 14, ; Dr Holmes, Goderich,
their promptness, ^ M. II °quid treasurer for tlse comity,
like ,everything eiee, tie greatly in- .Lane, Goderiele welted PO Son. Dr.
creased during the last ,.two or three Reaume, =Wetter of patine works
years ; but we are not asking more Thureday, Hen A 0 Matheson also be -
than the old price. $1.60 a year for the ing present, ,
New Etre 'We would arik the balance Theee gentlemop, with A Ilielop, M.
of our subscribers, however; to make Is A, and M 0 Cameron; M. L. Ae by A
renewals as early as Roseible. •resolution of the last meeting Of -Heron
Subscribers in the() nited States will county council had been appointed A
please take notice that, on • aeceunt of coMmittee to lay before the governs that Is claimed for xt.
the postal regulations requiring one went the Position of the county with
eine for catarrhaltroubles that is at all
There 10 no other treatment or medi- oonetinlne 8 bedroom'', Sitting room, pitte,
try• woodshed, good cellar. hard and soft
cent postage on each copy of the pap- reepeet to their Voities, and the Road It, follows Nature's plan ' W.ater• Oneelearter eereJes. Will be eeld
subscribers in that country is $1.50, third Oi the cost oteoad irnproVenlents in curing:diseases tit tbe threat and -Mena. Apply at NEW ERA. Office, or
er tient tei United States, the .1nice to Improveramat Act, under whieh one- like liteeeei.
strictlY in adraace. Ali American is borne lay the.goeernment from an, hinge brbringieg healing medieation edle8 "EIENTOCIFOLTAND,Iglietroe
eubscriptions not veceived betore the annual appropriatiop of $1,000,000. right to the very spot where the die- ---4-----7*re------"7
The large cottage on Queen streete
PrOperties • for- Sale: .Ren PROPESSIONAL, •
Nomopi mow
Coition Sense Will Not Allow it
• , Exist in 011inton • House fOr
W. Bannors.
will bio nO More Catarrh in BARIOSTElli SOVIOMOIV NOThit
• i
Side his house mid
• •
cifeton iinlees people fail to follow tim Sebeeeiber. effere - - •FOriSIO thet farm of 120 acne. 'seeing ODUITON
law of comtn011 eenne, three -quarter -Of -‘11-110re 9 tone onMari' loss 98-84, 1St oen., Geodetic* Wiweshie. I
bora a d .oft Water
The tretb, of this statenaent is shown - Frail Ireege GoOd frame house, frame born, stables
Farai tor sale
P17,81410, ETO.
DANIS. drIvOlionsOidoodianing creek, -AC::: HALE.
by the great suet:Jess that has followed *leo atable. Wil • .oldonrealOnbl a
tire use of Llgomei in catarrhal troub- terms. 0E4.
oroherd, eel clear but about 25 metes and
leroam. 4. pellealy stosoonli.lowtekrium:,tooltitot tuprege. t_O,O.NVX motoolOBmgyiRoSTE,409-Nw"gNAII:OT:Mang•
JOHN eaDetiel 0, /3. BeelleTh
,Farm to Rent.
les Mo positiVe is this treatment in in good piste of cultivation. 8911 rieb War' ir
quick relief and permanent curethat it
ID sold under an absolute euttraetee to
refund the money.if it 0.01:18 net de all
House for Sale.. •
A comfortable frame house on MillSt
end of tbe month willhe discontimied, HurComity, as long ago as 1857-8 ease germs °rise • •
House for Sale
Our subscribere. in tbe West, and did what the governmenthy the Road With this treatenent, health -giving
otbers not living inIluron CountY,Will Improvereent Act is noW enCouraging I oils and balsams are' reathed throng
remember that we will expect to hear t a neat pocket inhaler that ecanes with
from them promptly tbie inonth. The very outfit so that every breatsh you
New Era is payable in advance, and
if they want the hanle news enough
has been slid.
Our clubbing arrangements with
other papers will only bola good for a
short time longer, so those who wish
to avail tnemeelves thereof must do so
The MontrealHerald which was sent
to subscribers for three years, declin-
ed to club this year and there was no
alternative but to drop it, If it is still
coming to subscribers they should re,
turn it, or notify the postmaster that
they do not want it, as they will be•
come responsible tor the subscription
if they continue taking it after the
time expires,
liluard s Liniment Cures Diphtheria '
Toronto's Reformation •
Without intending it, perhaps To-
routo has put herself in shape to get
something from the Dominion Govern-
ment if ate asks it this year. A Libe-
ral has been chosen as mayor. Of the
four controllers, Meseta Spence, Har-
rison and and Ward are Liberals, and
Hocken is a Conservative, In the full
council, 18 aldermen, (our confrolers
and the Mayor 23 in al1,12 are Liberals
and 11 are Conserve tiyes. Toronto
has plainly broken front political party
rule in municipal affairs. Because
when the straight party line is drawn
in Teronto, the fighting chance is he
1 est that the Liberal gets. Ottawa
Frank J Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F J
Cheuey Sr Co., doing business in the
city of Toledo, County and State afore-
said, and that said firm will pay the
for each and every case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by the use of
Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J. CHENEY
Sworn to befare me and subscribed
Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper is credit-
ed with being in favor of the open
door, so far as Japanese immigration
is concerned, and Sir Charles lives in
Vancouver, the residents of welch are
doing so much to close the door.
Sir Charles Tupper, tbe veteran poli-
tician, made one of his characteristic"
denunciations of the government in
Vaticouver the other day, and while
one may not agree with what he h s
to say, it must be admitted that for a
man well over 80, he has wonderful
The grand jury has brought in a true
bill against the managing editor or the
Globe for libelling Beattie Nesbitt. It
remains to be seen What Will be clone
weenthe ease actually goes to ttial.-
e'bere is no doubt of one thing, the
(Hobe saved the situation for Toronto,
aud' plenty of people in Ontario who
ake'not Globe supporters. were glad it
Hon J ohn You n g, who bas always
Tleen advocate of Se,nate Reform,
other counties to o. inc
being retroactive, gives no benefit to
the enterprising feuronians who spent
$000,000 in buieling a road system
thee, and buying out all, the toll
housese26 in nuniner, then existing.
Having done all that the act contem-
plates, they want to get for the future
• such help from the government as
they would. heentitled to if they had
left their good works until now.
Their suggestiore is that the Aid
• which would have gene to aroad -sys-
tem be equally given t� the Oonstruc-
don of permanent bridges.
liurort County has six mere and flo
take while usingliyonam is a breath of
healing air. It kills all catexrhal germs
and prevents their growth so that the
cure is thoroughand permanent.
We positively guarantee Hyomee
Lor shoold you buy a complete °et&
price 31 , and be dissatisfied with re -
stilts your money will be refunded.
Hyomei is sold by druggists every-
where. Write for literature. - Booth's
Hyornei Co , Buffalo, N. Y.
fewer than 111 coUnty bridges, besides
three times as many township bridges
All the laridges, as 'originally Wet,
were of wood,- and as these beseme
impeired.they are beingereplaced with
steel and concrete structures. Some
of these are 300 feet long. At Goderiela,
one bridge will cost $277,000, A Burn
of $35,000 fortwo bridges is about to
be spent, bet of course the assista,nce
asked only.applies to county bridges.
As a principal of considerable im-
portance is. involved, and legislation
would be necessary before the desired
relief could be extended, no definite re-
ply was given the deputation; but
favorable consideratiou wns promised.
Deminending .on tbie the Toronto
World says: - - -
Fifty years ago the then citizens of
the County of Huron were progressive
enough and courageous enough to buy
out 'their toll systera and construct a
complete road system a t a capital cost
of 000,000. During that half century
the burden of debt has been steadily
lessened, but some debentures yet re-
main to be redeemed. Some years ago
the Legislature pissed an act authors
izing contributionstcward establishing
county road systems to the extent of
onelthird. of the needed outlayyThe act
is not retroactive and thus imposes,
in a selase. a penalty on the progress -
lee anti enterprising spirit of earlier flours were bought for o Clinton, 30tb,
replaceelll bridges -necessary lilakti irnestpb:rultitni6ghLfetrhessee finottries,daenmdlnadcorr- I
PrOperty.for Sale.
generations. Huron, County has to there Would be an Querulous increase
keep in, repabli and frein tinae to time
Mended Flours -
There is every indication that the
priceof Ontario wheat will steadily ad-
vance. The introduction of bended
flours has met with complete success
wherever Ontario hlended-flours'have
been placed on sale -in Toronto for in-
stance and also in Nova Scotia, New
BeanswickelJape Breton „mid Prince
Edward Tal4nti-they have recaptured
the market froni "Western hard pat-
ent flours" to a eonsidera,ble extent,
and the good work goes on.
The only drawback to a more sweep-
ing victoryls a lack of wheat. Blended
Pure are prineipallY Ontario fall
wheat -With a little Manitoba wheat to
add the necessary anaount ot gluten or
strength. This combination makes
the big loaf of bread of the eV estern
flours -and, at the same tiine, has, the
delicate flavor of our best Ontario
With the sale of these blended flours
constantly increasing it would seem
that there was good money for our
farmers in Ontario wheat. However
it is the soundest kind of business
sense for every farmer, stockmen and
dairyman in the province to buy blend-
ed flours. "Deere are enough users of
flour among our agricultural popula.-
don't° keep the mills busy the year
round. And if the head of every
household would see that only blended
b It'
The farm of 85 agree, On the Base Lino,
being pert of Mt 1/0, -9/h, con., known as
the Podsworth farm, is offered to rent on
reasonable terms. Never -failing creels'
running through the farm. Possession
gIVen in March next. For particulars,
apply at New Era office, or of Muff E.
longinato the estser"of the late E. Holme FOR% Heimewele. •
For Sate or to Rent
acre, with bearing fruit trees, hard and
soft water. A heroin. Apply at riNEW .
ERA office,
GOOd 1100Se for sale
On reasomble teems, the two-story• frame
house fornherly occupied by Mr Robb, just
off Albert street. House is wen built and
in good condition; acre or land, good or-
ohard, stable, bard and soft water Apply
te GEO. LADD, Holmesville, or New Era
Office, (Minter'.
is offered for lade. The lot is one-half
or Sale Cheap.
A first clase 200 -sore isms in West W-
Oon.05, Los 27, wish 175 sores in a
good state cf cultivation, well fenced, well •
mitered, pee orchard, large bank barn,
good house. Postoffioe, hlsokemith shop
and. store at comer of farm. Convedtent
to eohool and church. el miles from C.P.
R. 'station si Auburn, Terms easy. W.
A. Barriaon, Luoknew, Ont.
Choice Property. For Sale
The undersigned offere tor sale his choice
garden property of three sores eituated in
Gorden Survey, Clinton. There is a 0001-
fertable house with atone cellar. on the
place, with stable, hard and KO water,iall
kmds of fruit trees and in good ditto of
°elevation; will be Hotel with entire outfit.
Lotri"29136ii; 9; alici'Lotinne. J.O.Gode•
rich Township, 130 mores in each
'A M. COATS, qederioh.
• on reassemble terms. H. JOYNER.
yise Sae
On Maple St. one hell sore of ground,
good Ernie trees aud other smell fruit.
house in good condition. Apply to
• House In' Sale
". Astery:and,half frame house, on Wel-
lington Street, with toed lot is offered for
sale, °heap. Apply ta JAMES SMITH
s Ontario Eit.
Good House for Sale.
Subloriber offers for sale his large and
oonifortabie frame bone° on Albert Street,
The bore* has every convenience for ordin-
ary tamily. Good cellar; bard and soft
water on the lot; three-quarters of -an -sere
of land; bearing fruit trees, also good
stable. Will be sold ou reasonable terras.
their chain of roads. Debarred, ae the Ontario' w eat. - Our farmers wuld --
present Citizens are, from obtateing a
grant under the Road net, they have
has a long letter in the Globe,advocat- in ray Presence, this gib day of Deem,- appealed to the goYernment for assist -
„ell the ckgtit'e system. The question
kW LHASON, tete expel -Wit -Aare necessary for bridge
lance in reepeect to lerge and inetnedi-
, .
b 8er,AI) 186,
• it e liee otr,but a difflcult elle-191( lee (Seall ° Neteatterbileter
and we yet believe some change in el Hall's Catarrh sOure is taken intern-
fbrmatipn till: Lake place ese lung. In ally, and acts direetly on the blood
arid raucous surfaces of the system.
• Ontario public sentiment, we believe, Send for testimonials free. -
steduld endorse ite aboletem entlyelys-e----ElsCHENEXAAIDeellolecloe0.L
Sold by all Druggists, 75e.
lait, some of the other provinces would
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
teot go thle far, We do not believe pation.
eee .
there le any way in which it can be
made useful, and are of the opinion
that its abolition is only a matter of
UsuaSly it comes with a cold. Be-
ing slight it is neglected -but the seed
is sown for a dangerous harvest, per-
haps consumption. 're cure at once,
inhale Oatarrhozone. It destroys the
germ of Catarrh, clears- away mucous
cleanses the passage of the nose and
throat. The hacking cough and sneez-
ing cold soon disappear. and health is
y ours again. Nothing known for colds
catarrh and throe. trouble that is so
curative as Caterrhozone. It cures by "Mr Gobeil, 1 thtnk. spoke to yon
a new method that ilev.er yet failed. before about smoking.” ,
At all dealers 25c and $1.00. Get "I ratheethink you did."
Oatarrhozone now, to -day. 'And you are disobeying my wishes.'
• - ---------
-sereese butitishave to- stopeimoking-
ou will have -to find a new 'Deputy
Wilfrid Laurier Roblin minister, 1 hays to smoke when I am
Probably very few perfi'NErvsare 'Well, theb if you have to smoke, go
of the fact that Manitoba's a essive ahead and kill _yourself- smoking,
Conservative Premier.lion R Is Roulin exclaimed Mr Tate angrily, and,
was in his early days an enthusiastic wheeling about left the room. '
Liberal and was nrst elected to the
His Strong Aversion
repairs-and-rene-wals, e_cas
present seems to The World e
-Worthy of favorable consideration,
either by speoial irant or by extend-
ing the scope of the act to cover eases
where heavy peduniary engagements
agair. necessary in a matey admitted
to be partly 3f proVincial importance.
Dr William's Pink Pills Cure
The report that Me Antoine Gobiel, I Anaenua
Deputy Minister or Public Works at
incident of the regime of the late lion Heart. Headaches and shortness of
Ottawa, is shortly to retire redline an, Pale Faces, Dizzy Spells, Palpitating
.7 I Tarte in the Public Wo.ks Depart- Breath Are Symptoms of Anaemia
roent. .111r-Tarte-detested--tobacco-in--Watery-blood-is-an_open invitation
any forneand had signs up all through to disease to take possession of your
the corridors of hisdepartment forbid- eystern, Watery blood is responsible
ding its use. Mr Gebed. however, is an for nearly all the headaches and back
inveterate smoker and was not care- achessendsideachesthat afflict woman-
ful to obey his chief's instructions in kind. Watery blood is responsible for
this matter. the dull eyes, sallow cheeks and the
One day Mr Tarte entered the de- listless, dragged out feeling that is
puty's room and caught him in the act found in so many growing girls. Good
and the folloveing dialogue ensued:- blood weans good health, and good
blood aettialiy comes through the use
of Dr Hamilton's Pink Pills. Weak,
ailing- despondent 'ewomen who-euse
this medicine are made active and
given new health, rosy cheecks; bright
eyes and a new Sense of happiness and
eiecurity. Mrs E S Nightingale, Ches.
ley, Ont., says:- "My daughter was
ill for a long time with drutemia and
would often be confined to bed for
three or four days at a time, and we
feared she was going into decline.
A lady friend advised the use of Dr.
William's Pink Pills and I got a belt
Legislature of Manitoba as a Liberal Hersis another story that Ma not
member. joining the ranks of the Con- a peered in print. One morning on
smeatives through a disagreement els way to hie office, he .met a govern- dozen boxes.. By the time these were
with Green -way as to policy. ment workman slightly under the in- used there was a marked improvement
That he was evidentiy a great ad- fluence ot liquor, calling the men • he and I got a further supply for her.
miter of Sir Wilfrid Laurier is shown said, 'My good fellow, you'vebeen The change these pills .have wrought
by the feet that his eldest sonbears the' drinking pretty early this morning.' in her condition is so great that you
euphonious name ot Wiltrid Laurier The men had to confessthat he hd. would not think that she was the
Roblin. However, the name is not "wen, walk up to the, office," con- same girl. I will always have kited.
wxticularly advertised nove and Vt, tined Mr Tarte, S"and get a cheque ly feeling for Dr William'e Pink Pills.
fridLaurierRoblines popularly known for your time, I've no use in My de- You can get these pills from any
as "Fred." partment for men wilt) , Medicine dealer er hy mail at 50c a
nox or 6 boxes for $2.50 !from The Dr.
The latest returns of the voting on Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,
local option give thirty-six victories to Ont.
th make the money instead 0Y-"; The • undcrsigned offers for side the
property on the corner of Huron and Isaac
'Clinton, arid known as the Elliott
Hist*. It is the most desirable store
wheat growers and millers out west.
Our stockmen and dairymen will
share in the good foi tune too. Witle
our millers having a good run eevery
day, there will be an abundance of
bran and shorts. lustead-of--oaying_
about twice, as much as these feed
stuffs are worth, prices would come
down to norrcial and there would ,be
mousy in dairying and stock raising.
-A-s-it-is,-the-facruens and., millers out
West seem to be getting all the profit,
for, of course, ou2 dairymen and oth-
ers, osing large quantities of bran and
shorts, have to pay the freight on 'such
stuffs free' Manitoba and Adberta.Per
haps not directlyeenie the end.
the prohibitionists. :thirty municipal-
ities for the first time appear in the
*ley column, and in six out of seven at-
' tempts at repeal theAct was sustained,
So far as heard from, the vote will ex-
thiguieh 96 hare, and bring the total
.nukober oi Ontario niunicipalities im-
dee local optien up to 3141. In 28 places
the optioniets failed to secure a
stfaight majority, and in 21 -others the
iseceeSary three-tilths vote was not Be-
You May
Need It
Ask. your doctor about the
wisdom of your keeping Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral in the house,
ready for colds, coughs, croup,
lf he says It's all
right, then get a bottle of it
at .once. Why not show a
little foresight in such mattersP
Early treatment, early cure:
We p'obliith our fortatilite
Wo banish olcoliol
60111 bitt
ers vvAgtiti%iv.
Altny by it Ogled dull And Stupid,
%Oen the *We trouble it due NS A bay
Dyer. fironty netleoe pint lone ides.
tet eilitellied diet an -oCetaletial ,
Of Meet PM* WM do *nth bey' *Out
sted. ,kosel) the liver ve.:.
wrsieb. Nis Veit**
There is but one' painless care-
"Putnams." Takes out the corn root
and branch -does it harmlessly 'in 2t
hours. Insist on Putnam's Corn Ex-
tractor only.
"DisplaZ.eraent," in naval use, menu
the weight of water displaced by the
vessel, the Weight of vrster dhsee4
being, of course, tho , same aa tbe
weight of the. vessel.
White Cond.
To wash white cent" place tbe coral
in soft Witter and let It soak twelve
hours. Then Make a tiolatiou Of ago -
ride of- lime. balt:loniterse the weal
and lea -re it for a day. lrinaUylineh
the coral thoroughly in clear coki wa-
ter and bleach it in the sunshine.
Something Now.
"I hear, 'Nfrs. Alowhard, that your •
"Oh; Yee. •Indood, ote Isi" returned
Mrs. Blowhard, rolling Op iter eyes
ecetatidelly. "She plays divineir
the violin ateleeseempatilea hereelf on
the p1ano.1-Lippi1e0ttet.
Minard's 'Liniment Cures Distemper --
The January Woxnans Rome .Com-
Physician. Surgeon, tEto,
somial-aUention given to diseases of the
Eye,,JEar. Throat -and Nose,
Office and Residenr,e.
Tivo doors west of the Commercial *Met
Baron, 13$.
Drab, Bison & NicRad
Dr.W. Gummi IL 41), I. it. 0.11‘..
Or.itftiocre.4:..Qn. tart° street,011aten. Nlitht alb 40 • •
front door of office or residence. Rota:whirl
pr.: T, PICliae, Vnivorisity of Toroatist. 1
°Moo hours' at heabitek-1 to 3 p.m.:7 to 9 vim,
Farm tor Sale or to Rent,
The rabble form connoting of 100
acres being North half lo183, Con. 5. East
Wawanosh, there are situated on the farm
good frame house, a good bank barn 44x
611, a straw shed 303E40 .with stabling me
derneath, a young orchard of 2 sores, in
good bearing condition, a plentiful -Snippily
of good hard end soft water. There are'
90 acres cleared andes good hard wood
bush, Possession given to do fall &wine.
full poseeseion March. For particulars
A.nbuen P,O.
Farm lOr Sale.
Proprietoroffers for tale his farm on the
'Ashland Cob. Goderich Township, Lots
77 and 78, situated 1 1-2 mike trom village
of Holmesville, ohueoh and- eohool. The
farm °meting 238 rioretrof choice lima a
good frame house, end bank barn, 5 twee
of orchard, and sorer of good maple
beseland. The farm IS traversed by s run- .
ning brook. This 'farm will be eold he a
block or in parts. Apply to
Aocoucheur, etc,, office and residence .
tenbury St„ opposite W. Farran's retOdence. '
property in town, and will be sol
reasonable terms. JOHN 0. ELLIOTT. Good Frame House for Sale
Fariit tor Sale or to Rent
Subscriber offers ro-11 sale or to rent ilia
ler e Ana comfortable frame house on
Baron Street west, containing 9 ranee,
_withhathieemeniesets, witsh rcom and
pantry. Good cellar and furnace, also
good stable, J. R. LINDSAY, Clinton.
House torSaie or to Rent
Tbe nedersigned offers fer sale 'or to
rent that house of Maple St. formerly oc-
cupied by Mrs Killough. The hourees
frame and contains 5, rooms and woodshed
For sale or to rent, the 30 acres on on.
5, esingeot 25, known as the Smithson
sieereseeefi bona in gain for live years, will
either be rented or eribrateap. Aptily-to-
MRS. WA.RREN, Clinton,
. or to 3. Mete:101e lendesboro
The--Woina °me -Companion for
January begins well with ahandsome-
and showy cover design by '•James
Montgomery Flagg. it is a notable
number frona the standpoint of illus-
trations. in addition to Flagg's strik-
ing cover design, there is a fall page
reproduction of W Balfour Kerr's
paintinig,'"Forgotten " It represents
a winter farni scene, the house and
barn in the distance, and the old fami-
ly horse standing drearily by the pas-
ture barse ankle deep in the falling
anow=forgotten. I
Di Hale's Monthly Talk of "Ne_ii-
Year's Wishes." Jack London con --
tributes the first letter of his impot t -
ant series of first hand impressions for
which the Woman's Home Companidn'
sent him around the world; it is the
record of a mervellous adventure
among the lepers of Molokai. In. the
January number begins a series of
programica,nd selections of the music
of toliv of -the great musidloYing-ni'st
tions. The January progranic. which is
'Ainerican, is supplemented by the
music and words of two songs by Clay -
toe Johns hints as to the making of a
program, 'by. Maclaine Nordica, and
instructions met* the rendering of
each piece on the program by the coin -
posers themselves.
Farm tor Sale
--The-tindersigned offere-foreedebiselarm
of 75 aotes, being wahalf of lot 17, Con. 13
Hulled .411 cleated but about 15 acres of
good hardwood hush, hruar bouse, wi
hsrd and soft water tbeiein; 'bank barn, hsrd and soft water a quarter of an sere
bearing Mooard, et miles from Blyth. Ap- of land in lot, with fruit trees thereon.
egentispremisee or to SA51 CADE The house is in a good Butte of repairefor
PeellteienFirLaCsOPEPIEYRt° Clinton Ont
th, P.O. further
• (Successor to Dr. Holmes
Specialist in Crown and Bridge smirk.;
Graduate of the RoYaLC,ollege Dental 0300
geons of Ontario.
Honor graduate of University of Toronto Nso.'
tel Department.
graduate or Chicago College oi Dental ihusiser;
win visit Barfield averr Monday.
Canada Is Proud of It
, Canadians are always proud of greak
Canadian enter epee. From. the At-
-1, prinid of the great .CanadiandF4Mily ate Inas xate4, au ely wee,
'Worthy of all the good things isaid *Ma bit cots. to U' babies 114111Ir
y tar, o en rea iis
about it; It is said t iit twenty thous- folks hft ain't what day ' is ended; hit
and new subseriberi Were reedy,* li whit dery fe Hu dat riu sarigeip,,eis
during December, Every Canaclus** fob. You Sholy is me' like 'Mho Ga.
home should have that great weekly walla. dan you m like .mme Katie:
at the small price they atilt for it -one
Jess' like Libby says.", --Youth's Com-
. o
-Properties for Sale by
The undersign will offer for ssle, at the
Cocinseroial, hotel, Canton, 2 et. m. on
Saturday, Feb. ist, his excellent proper-
ties on the Baefisid Road, Goderish Tp.
consisting of the 'Plewes farm of 20 acres,
-and.4(eaores_otetheel. larni. On the
Plains farm there is good divillIaTherrse- -
large bank barn, hearing orchard, and
plenty of water. Terms made known ihe
day of sale or on application to
Offices over .0'NEIL'S etore.
Special mire taken to make dental treat- • .
went as painleas as possible.
Miscellineoug.. •
NO witneases required
For Sale or to Rent •
Cemfortable House On North St, cod-
taining every convenience for small Wilily
will be sold or rented on 'winnable ter
Apply to elRe BUTLER, North St,
Named For Hon • •
'`What does Libby cad her new baby,
Masidir?"- a southern 'woman asked otae
of her Old servants who had re:waft
becomes grandmother. •
"Sli0 names her ‘GatnieUe,' mint, at-
- ter you." .• .
"Why, the idea, Meadyl You know
lantle $,0 tile ;Pad& Canadians are, my name beet Gabrieme. you've caned
raf3er. the, Duly refecl ancerant
"Titelit; Miss Katie, dat I does. Rat
- dollar a year.
Insard'e Idalmeal tares Gerget in Cows
liettang What's Camino to mien.
Tile Problem.
'DO yeti think' It Is as nosy to make
a folluee no 11 the3d to bee' risked the
ambitious youth
"Varier," anstitrred Senator 34r4
ghtina. "The problem hi to do it 111
stieha *ay that your friends vtul too
finite to veldt to Yott."-,711$010.0
Itinseepet,--Ilutt entente Weber Bel -
ter is sitting ever there.
Waite -lets sir.
lunkeeper-A�� thett lat sett * bed
Onset Ile &met *bears sptutible
Aothint/.-blesortsdester Ildether,
• At the 'rep of tho Ladder.
A. man who from pinching poverty
had grown to aopiring aninence had a
wife witit imolai ambition. She had
ano.nged to give a dinner party, on one
OCCOMoiiand when her husband came
dovinstairs in his evening clothes she
observed tis attire with critical eye.
"Why, George," She ,exelailned.
"where are your diamond studs?"
""What's the nee of wearin' 'on'?" he
The Eeliirno Sneezes --
Tee Eskimo said to delight in
messing. Indeed, it is his one form of
dissipation, which he produces by
sesseag a mixture of powdered quarts
and tobacco.
. •
The Conway Cabal.•
Is tbe year 1777 Generale Gates,
Conway and bliflin plotted to deprive
WaShinitou of the supreme command
of the "AMerkan armies. The plot is
known in history as the "Conway ea -
Te Lacquer Brass. •
'11, prevent brass from tarnishing put
, an onnee of shellac into a' -pint of
methylated epirit, -cork the bottle and
leaie it till next day, then pour off the
dear liquor tor Use. . Slightly heat the
bract to be treated and then apply the
111011001 all over with a cainel's hair
Private funds to loan at 4.14, per cent tut SW*
Wards W. kIRYDONE,
. •
Licensed Auctioneer. -
Farm seriles a Specialtee-
Orders left- at -the NEW ERA vvill_to__
- promptly attended to, e
• o
Live stock-And-general-Anctiower-1,--:-
a() DF.afizi Z.11 I.f.)
sale; a specisni, theeiS
• 'New ERA -office, Clinton, prtmlitif actora
to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale
O. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaeggar
cTaggart Bros.
Mail Contract
Sealed Tenders' addressed to the POOtalastar
General, will be reeetved at Ottawa until noon,
on Friday. the 31st January.1908, For the eon-
veyancepf Hie Maiesty a s, • posed
Contract for four years, six times per week snob
way. between Auburn and St. Augustine from
the Postmaster General's Pleasure. Printed
notices containing further informati
conditions of proposed Contract may bo Been
and blank fortes of Tender may be obtained at
the Post 0i/lces of Auburn. St Augustine and In-
termediate Offices and at the "Ofesie of the Post
()glee inspector at London,
rest office Debartmont,Mall Contract Branoh.
Ottawa rith Dee 1907. G. C. ANDERSON.
Genera* Banking Boalneinto
• trattildeted
Drafte issued. Interest allowed tie:
• deposits.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire. Insurance Co.-
Parma and Isolated Town-YettipTo
erty Only Inatired.
J. B. IVIcLean,PresideneSeaforth; nos
Eraser Vice-pres., Brucefield; • Thos. .13,
Hays, 'Secy. Treas., Seafortht.
Jas.Connelly Holmesville; Johrt
Watt, Harlock; 'G. Dale, Clinton; M.
'Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Pesch.,
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. leeas•
newels, lirodhagen.
Each Director is inspector of losses, Its.
his own locality. -
Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hind**
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmeado.
ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville • „.
• Notice is hereby elven that a by-law was ram.
ed by the Municipal Cotincil of the Town of Olin -
top on the second day of tfecember, lelf. Pro -
Vi ng for tbe hone or Debentures to the amount
b $5048.80 for the purpose Of Loce.i Iniprova-
ments (Cement Walks) and that Biala py-law
was registered in the Registry Oleo of the
County of Huron, on the seVenteenth day of Dee -
ember, 1007. Any motion to quash or set Bade
the same or any part thereof must be made with-
in throe months after the first publication of
this notics and can not be made thereafter. _
• Dated at the Town Clerk'a aloe, Clinton, this
day of Decereber, 190T.
MI BE WitliagY AND
Notice is hereby Oven that the tiod
nnel bleating of the Molehlop Mutate Fire
Insurance Compeny will ue held at the
Town 'Ball, fiesideth, on Friday, Jane
1704.1908, at 1 o'clock, p.m. Biisinesa: -
Reaming the Directors', A.nditors' bud
TC6aBarar'S Iteporte,lhe election of 'three
DIreciOrkl, mid such other businese as may
be mown.* for the good and welfare of
Lie Company. Alt .are requested to •at-
tend. The retiring Direotore ere James
Connolly, George Dale and John Watt,
who are eligible for 16-oleotiou. JOHN 13.
bileLeans President; 7lios. E. HAYS,
• protested. "My napkin 11 hide 'eni any- HerS and coMplete driving outfit to 'Inc
-116tv.m4hilifdelphia Ledger.- - W KERbilt, Clinton. •
sold this Weil, hino s. strew cutter, Apply
tiorticuitural• Society
The aeronaut was sitting looking limo loos ao, I bed e e4,4**
Th1 1: IfaifiReki0 4136.. os .
air " dawkit..t. ler yore weer— • "'"
Dangerous. assis, Shoderit Mood sake.,
„ anxiously over the edge of his`eitr. The .0040,a,„, itica a the beet ass*" 11,6 denied golfed eLeene euteue.
neeart WAS helot? hint, and, the breeze della AMA ba* that *Aid do tat nv _Or& toe llortieultuf al Boeisty will. he held in
seetted seaward, • I two oinked br * idea to try Iltromm.„ the ',Jouneit Chineber Mohday the •20th
"Itettvenor he groaned. "This voy. tiod to ow' Witt stinitiott mot . jet:mate,
• • holittee 1 was se perienly cued sieTAGGAIVII, Bony.
age *Ili ruin tny alreadY depleted , 4 YeOPO6111, Arlo
iirpotiores ILIA the bolt I true used. HOP ()ivy for changes of ail perugoinett,
Here ettelettut everbood. mutt he handed in by TiledrItlY
101041,' YibtalVerlitp ti) Thursday morning.
Cash paid for Hides, Skins'
-Ind Tallow,
Fitzsimmons & SoLi
Three Horses tor Salt
One three-and-ona•half years old
Ing team, both mares also one
draft mare, supposed 50bele foal; Eli
Old. Will sell she driving teem sing:,
doable; as spite buyer,
Grain merchant, Glin,
thug saving 41,,raittable toed hat -Old xmottostot *um*. to Dodo,* mote smell trtmelent ads. will be 1
treaottry. The' MOW I blOW out the
dot I twee eel bed elett ,
-More 1011 lune to bloW *OEM 0$0,,los i4O MOO to oll iftefetets•
Otto No**. Alitits. Bow Is *WA* its*
,e0 YEARS°
Titabe MARKO
itozosent free, Omen intenetfo ecuringpstents._
6turoletLyttceennuttnotutalen. punUtiBufitt voon,P.00.4tenteive
Spoial fidget,. Without tsar e, itiO
deittifie Oltritat
A ihaaltditodiolififieerir tinkle:riveted watz=1.10 14.3444