HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-01-10, Page 67w,-.# --� -W,-7;-;­­W;W IA ­- ,- � - 0PF`!r11W--,"N 7m"" 'p"71wi rVW-lM-v­- tr 1""WIM"' , � " ;- �, dT, IF17- V1.41119W kq - - " . .r 171 � . I I . 7P'w IV I I - ­ . I , I , 7i, I W11!MF F I I . . !", � - � I I I " . I ­ . .. . � I I I . . I .. I . I . . . ,� � � , . - � IMW . . . , I - . .� 0 1 ""* . I � - I I 1w ��­ I 11 , , ­ , . . I - � , . . . I 11 � 11" ��, . 7 "I . � ­ . I . '7 �, . * ; � . � "' . �. I I . . I � . I . I I � -1 � . . I I I T" MOTON M -W ma, 1, .. . I I , 1. . I J�m 104" 1X6.1 11, .1 I , a . . I . 214 1 % . I 11 I I - . � I 1. I -1 I . - . 11 .. , -­­­­ ­ .--- t .. ...... "I ­ ---- � . -1.-1---. . 11110010! ­ . I -1 . 11.11,111,111, ... I ... .­,;­l,­;�;�' ­­­�Lll- - od`,*­� . � . I., � , I ­ ---- 1111!!!!�... ­­­­;.4"r-� ­­1;�;;;6.i,;­;­-­-F ­-­­.­.­ --- ­.­ � o 14i'mli i I.- . 4 ­­ 11 .;.*.,­� ow V49 ---- .. I . I , � .., ,.,q � I- I I . � : . 11. - I 1. I . ';; . . ­ ­ .1 ', I I I I , 11 , �� !11 1111111�I,11111. I - . . � . 11 ­­ 4: ,.."T,-�k.?�-.��,,_�F.;""Iil� I--,,- " I I - ­ �­-­­­'­­ I ­ COOLNESS DANUE010 � . � , W14 WHER, 00ITIN. '11 � � I . . .i. I I . I .1 I .Ii� I I I , ,,,, .1 . � I . , , ,,,, 1!1 I R. ­ Xk� 11 . , I .. . , X I , " I --W -Ir- I � . . ­ . I I I . I - ; I . , - of on ., Priglish Military, � .. .0ursIlwomo." H14 �NfT.rpr Zsoap! of 001"11, , I . 10 � � ... It �xpiirlonqoii I ,..,.-,. I � ,. . 0. �0, I 0 "4 1 "f"... . 1, " - I r , , . . . . �,w i , : � I ourw ­ ­ �, I I I � . 11 � I , . . . I � . , ... .. . I .i . . AlIvii I I � � I 1. I 04461 In inolo. .1 11'.. �, ,.A . Postfgoan �, . . )W6rq-0l"lnKyouror4erafO&1 , ; .e. � 1. .. I A West Bromwich woman, it is be" . . Cured Senator 11 I I � NVbe4,.Ueq"n44t Renderson, 'woo , ­ I . , . . Coal, get ... . I I ��'-.. - "' - ., " �, � 1.11 )410 aupply,ot 14 Gold . ... ", " - lieve(l, �,as just noxrowly pacap" be- I . , Tho,ye 1�04800xu Oplured by .00,00veis 1. ;,�, .." , � 11 of I � . - , I", _ F*V&T.A.Irwosm-�10 too. Owt wiftli*0vor proo"ced" , . . ,�". .,..� .:i�: ".":.-I I .' : e I . I . I ... . - J�' , � L I 'oWPk 4470914 at tIM I ,Coast binterigucl tho�* Xot i4to, 4 .. :;� � i:; ­ -"' ` ing buried alive; ,Rot niiL�a -0 AMA I I X94. � . .. I � . I I �SfCURIT, Y,-, ordy 410vulmi9xi no to how they would ; : .%' ,.,I "�'­� L, IUchardo, and her age 09 jests. . 0"AWAS oft -I 10'. stli. V .*�, L . .. I .,y . -- " ! �: " - I isible 0440 W I .11 . 'V�� I I . ,. ., , i ,tz . '. k� � I A I X Is4ve Ileen A� 4kVW#1 stefroror , I I :. : . I I I 11,4,010540,0" . . ill �hila, The. victim listened 1LwhIl I - � ". libo had - bqeu attended -by a. local ,r ftom curoulo "goppiktipalgr over - L " ­ L I 1;1d At Daivis , , I - I - . - I I _V 0.4 . - . ,, . . .. docloor, who oeraftexl that qho,wap out-, � I . , , tit till 140 waa, wqgry of It, "ob, well". , I ,va,b " I f�l I . 80 stom. or ,. i . . ' - , , , . . faring from a weiiih, .1h, 1, 11 I Norty7int'ro#041lis .Otn,"0*4 - �., � - 3 � . I � ' I L� . Wa -X bXV4,4 txk** � , . .1 . I I � conuirle " be 'aid, "I cau!t be bothered wit.b. . se4ypbysI*i"X114 . . your . I . I I .. '. Use�Armqur'#Nxtraotog,Sset Ikb- The. other, one LLL. r mioneo on I . ss;W .Vr0p;:1*4Tys L es - . ; I . r . ", . . I � I rm. vvry pleepy. Let me 11 1, . I ,, , ykipdo,of , Aeslicto . . � 1, I - , laromeAts orkeye. It.pre. -retoornWnFr fx , I AM L , *Mqutaie took" 4 , . orall7in bi , fx ­ 0 V" . 16111" . . �,`B* ,. 'L 11"O' , ': . . � I - _ . . _0,., fQu,i4L ,'L . � y bmtnt* whatever. I . . r . , lcuow,wheo, you have made up your vvnli.,446 meat Ulm becombeir'diT votaltypl whe. er ils a, 4 � L 11 4, pin for a loeig, time w144. w" . 0,:,. ,. W. J. -Stevensoni ' 4 - ' 'm , Inoo " . , "��4, . - _ , . errl�, -p-reLiitj!vi;s..tb.o,n.%ttir-aI Jul r ,, ', h* motbejr - 1 -7,-----1.. - _ ­' . . ' - I— -­ -1-1-11 .. . ...... I., � 11. L . And, oe to � Jileely he -V th d, - ' I I priscriwl)$ stevrmlst.clev I . � 7 .1� .� L L 1 4 ; � - - ly 'Ug in 'thel r0i . ­� . � i ... his 11 109140 AW011ti I '. - Inf; L ' ' the r 1 � - --- , .1 I ­­­ - .."' '' -.-Ji I ,.Cartor $� L Anve,oavod . Ing olsotmp,. �,!%4v,qr . . front Of the' fire, ,in, al on, so he a Ottawa., 440 for many mootli. �� 7� L , 5� , J�f ,.- I . I The imexpe0ed perform . - . . - A - Z , , I . . . Wed "..161" , f the. do&=r. . I RlIt fof" # I.tov"woor. . I . � I I '. . �, I Owk, a; pill wwdwa by X)r I . I � . . . . Ito Indifference. per$UA - .. . ' L thought, fL6 want for if.7''... . �: ,:1 I V *__ - , I life. His CA . . gives tbo, true beef flavor to ,�4: 1. ptotogs, of Ott4vile! NotwuX ftented .....15 i� . - Ith * S. :�-; �� ' I . I I . ___ � ... j-- ., .. " " '' L " ' ' ' " ' ' " ,U# . 10 I � 11­�. -.5 1 � I , jlslol�� apiory's men who, it is allegecl. doelareil I tq do in I . ., , th%t they- bod-to 49,w roart and bc*e4 meatitand f9mla, .1 , 4prqo. VInolly %was advised : !L, - , , . , �, , . 111� � -� L "' ­­ ­ . . . , L . � ' 6 importance, Utir I --=db1c% tho.- cook- to, ,ore to , ..... - . L I � I L, 6 P.M% Some quo. of Immew . ­ . L. . ,,,F4AqxdA w4a,dead, =4 9 . - AiL' ­ I � I 11 �. , A . . I .. ]RD. " '. . L � ­­­ " ,. . I . � ­'AQAW-AbA"4ei­-,had­-­dir - . m -h -- .,�,t an ter In Wept for % fr.* L I � . .­,­­nanT,AWnty.-dNhcq- ., I . , �- ­­ �--- � -­ �� ---" -Ansi­ &­ Tko _._._. ; ­ .-.,.--..�l---------------.-..-,-', ­­ , _._f,W.jlQ)qRLjp. take on themselves the re� . ,,ancL1-Lis-o,t----- . � ­­ ­ ­ _- -1r------ . .. . 1, fe I a completely Well, ,� ­ .. � . I w I . JIS dea , 1414're, . . . .. 4, �' . . OftnettlAft ­' ,spori$IDLility for h eath, they almost hourly pervice In tho, . ". 69'' 1 1 . , I , seut tbipbor blv�omplaint. lbeive I , , "toot Poor . . . � The funeral arr4n`gements -were ith"this cqtoplsel , � 1;:. I -Dh*L*-.F4R. IN- � . 1. . . I I . 'L[hJ141 llub�fttmed'to, Samory's court, In 14tolten. . . . 1 I - . bad no troublq , tit. _ . I ,;,.-; , , . . ... � I 'i ., . ' , , ' be min C up � . . Send torvur now cook b6olc, 04 my made, and girs, Itiebards woo -placed 1A for a lou A3ne,.aqA X ca# R in- a coffin. Her Son, howev,er, w)xQ "..... . certainly, te -, t 1lr.rnIt­a-i;1ytslI, In. ­... I - LL i I.; .. 11,11,111r,", co,peRl' f free on recelp4 L mother, �.,:. th , e otoy ntemdoex tc*%C tbat , � � ,. , . . . � Pe On, - "r, , - " - It JI I 0 oy� rpm, J4 , h ^ a#aebed W his I flour and .. 0 . , , ­ - t once. again Lieutenant , Henderson leW cap. L was : nine I . . ever - . .. - --11. .e ��, --�-A�402"e I . W-rd-oup 13- Xtract . " - ',for was- " :�­-­­-­­ . -1 L. , ­ ,,, - " . . �. I L 1 -405 , , ', , � _ . �i save himself; by -a like -oxhJb,lt1O11 Of 'L, V. E of -to the, room,wh , - ­ ­ ,#.p, . . .1 paid lrequdnt Visits . ere I 4 z oeltiv��Woli: I . -4�4 VA - -y- p. .. I ., I L � ­ . , �. . , L d it r, I ;.. , .1 :tentionily , , j . �*­L��..­­ . , . courage. , Re.. fQuu( on a I 13 rm . ' L . tIvAtIc". X CA* con I- j'�"L I I ]P041mili wrapper Below" � , V, $Amory , ,=,4, T=to! .1 .. ... .- she Jay, and was, convinced lr�m the � , , P"', J AqUNT FOR 4" I I I L. I - tb led by 4,000 warriors, .� ), L .. ...L . Color *hjoh Seemed to 00meL int6'her recommenIl 110 ,.t -a ­ ill to ft 1 :�4#,".,..� ' I . .., ­,rQue, o,urrouu( t0l.lt ',,"M.P­V*.- face that she was xkot.de�4- HO cQW- - 1pnollb spl. a �­01114104l It. "M . I I I . �7�,, 'p4mm, einaLas eii I �0 when motioued,to d'o 110m4ge oil' . . . . �­­*M,1:11111tdt my . I . . I . -'.��A;,�,��., MasserrHarris , � I EXTRACT Or BEW. . A , . . . � . . I L, eVAIr P-doeed' .1 . . . . I his hands and knees he did poth ng o . . mic . I . (Sign I ." ,,�' , 1430.0 ffsvx� � % I r ,Ated 'his opinion to other Mem- I . imovit's" � .. , � . . . . .. '-'-. ll'11 -a7rs, of, the family, who� as "the, day I �. �f ­ L . Machlnem � � the sort .Ue Simply $0 on the throne I 109 ... L- .lLbRW .11 woteL tined e � . , JOKX COST,"$, , , . ", " L' � "`-4"r-:- FOR IVADACHL . , ­ '' I _ --19.4WOW for %6'funeral drew i,itear, � . . . I I I . . . . L ,1-r I, . . - besicie,�amory,..sbitl,ln;6,.,thoLt monarch" . - ­ . .. . 11 � . � ­ . . .i" . � . L RNOUR LO with anxious* thoughts. . . , � , � MON. , . � ; - , * 4 �' . FOR. IXZ - - - - I . Is, I .. 4 'roo 10 � itt: LL .. '. I 99 . -11 VNESS, 7 .'- ,,�,, - - - .� i wgrmly'by tile hand. Auks to th .. I . �11 AwAher doctor 'WaR caled in, slid I ".. 11 . . . L . .1 . , . . 11 .. I , I 11 ' , I � W"A - . , , MR !.'�.�', � - �4. Mj*0040gost' ,l* ho� .was accepted 1, I . he, at the son's request, applied ,what . . i , 11 .. , . , I ­ , � , �2,;Ie4�.� JAS, A. FORD9 'L.L . ,;;;; . I and. to nothing ,else, - - ...... llllllb , % I - L. I I I ­­, � ­', . .1 101019 401, ' , as the represelitative . of a giea't 'sov- -e�� � . � �1. he regarded as the beStLteSt, by open- . lALCA515r" - - . ­ .. , I , I . I . I . 11 1�. " I � ��e - . � i P ­. _ .1 .. . 1. 1, ,mew -1w W"1111111 I 1. , � .. 1, - ,��:,::". , OW pisroant - OL 'I, pot i0NOPATION er6ign instead of a captive doomed to I I . �,7,,,0.r. � 1 vein in the W.omau a *t1a,14314 I I J Qlt, . �,, -,ft - -14; - W, � � I . . I I 11 . I 'r.� ; "Co omt� � , L ' I . 11 , � 5 ­ XXTON� : . I Mr. Harry:- 'i l t4h C to 'I.. 'I 0, 1! a or . . . . . . . .... ... . I . .: , " :�,�;��,- 7 . , it SAUOW SIKIL . ore sigA of blood, and the . I . . �`7'' - 1. . . L . . FO . death., He talked Ao -SamorY of the story F was Mo . 1. I L ,..% teFru * 4 1. ' - , dian, tells, = amusing L joke. 'that the W?11�an was � . -a %Jishe$ �;,��!!��:�'L 2C . d . - The thousands Vho ku e ie 1pos".acrin, , .. A he once pl!!,,��. OR . , 71W�7 I en, - of I .L I . . inifireeviovl&,-whafth-�' d' ' �­�,��: ' ­ 1. 4!wftc. , 22T ' Hc�iora,Ule Senator from ew . ea !xg ! $F,., , . � 100 queen, and Sainqry t-alkedto-him. Thus, " doctor conclude e ._ * b _ I dead. . , � :�, , , 7 , : , . , 03111MMM wner . 1. .1, a. mission which 1I ight. have'eaded, AS c0t�r-cb­ - - � I p 40nat, 11. f e L The Son ccntin�ed t -Q n4ticey0iodi- , -thgt-uothing pAysicialls f .. i# oirty , �� , ; . .­­, I I purely "lletame. . .1 I � ' I " .Say. Laudel F Brunswick, kno�r . ailed to 4 .. �, '' Fine - ­ I I so MAO African ,mishlons, have eiided, "Some -,one told Ee , I ­ �., . ........ � �­-­­­­­ ­ ­ �.,,,,�,�, � . � ­­ . I . and a.BuspiclOA-94 !4 -that I.mana im ynoney I;- C444415.6 in his mother's features. "I � - short of a� complete andVotider� yfase�, � ,: . I Ila A� terrible ollen". ged to, save mo . -1 ook �t heri - . , ' . L ��6 1. and, on a dn going� to I L, , ful �Curc couia induce hinito. . Soc. a .b or $2,59. LAt I Quas SICK HEADACtir., � nspeak-able horr6rs, did put - of my -,sqlary thim lie did, Th , gs , . ,ox -6 f A �­'L- . . u . I in fact, end a . . - a testim - *of' - -� * L L ��,L I � . . I In a v H %t . be found ' to his amazemtnt; that her write i Such , Qnial as the . de ' aleis or sent on receipt I . le,basis of future relations worried -him. .6 did not think ' i I . - aluab I . arm was soturateff with blood. , � L � above -letter. ' - -. , . . :, e � MrL I . I ��,�, . ­ I betveeu Great Britain and, a Xoham� - could be done, so he made'--'a'frafige- .-Richards again w.46d in the I- ­ - . -. pric . . L . . �'j�� . . . , ,,Vruit7-4-tives11 wasthe only . F.��'.11 PhotoSe rneuts ZO visit me Wid make a few P seemed somewhat. sur- Try them. , - . . .,.,-," . HISTORY OF TAPESTRY,_ i modau pdwer,-London Scraps. � I I doctor, whc . I I was advised.of his com- - - di de,Mop- . remedy, that gave Ron. John , ' �, , I . I - � �L .- Inquiries. I � 'L,_ - 'Fruit-a-tives" Limitedi 46, . . . . �q; ,,� ' lib . I . .. . . . � Ing., I - ­ ­ ... . . - . I 11 .. .. *is6d at this'extraor m a N , Costigan. any permanent - I . , I . � st ell � -- -: ­ be was linent, and hd 6 'g( �Omaril L , I OttAWa, Ont, . "' '' . . , L . � The Art Was Known'to, the -Ancient - - The Shape. of the Sky. � , *� ,. - IVhen he asked MLY addreM I � relief, - - . � I . . I . . .. " -, Our Photos are therno . ; . . arid could not discover' any signs of . I � .. ­ .. . . ­,­ 'form of th4 I il". be I � Greeks arid Egyptians. ' What."ia thii. ap directed -to a, poviarty-stricken board- . . . ­ . I L . - ..., parent � . - � I ,,��.- and artistic that can I I ­ 1. I I . , sition. He'said he dauld not . . . I 1. . I �,"T like , . tisti; -.ar-w�,belleveO to have, vault or I the. Sky? - There Is 'probably in&ouse ,at the end 'of h s(tualid. decorapo L xpre ' I " . -1 - - . � ­., . ' ' ' Flemish or . , death certificate, and e press-' . ,,,� t are hose eyes it Seems a true alley, r Up, several flights' of stairs he te . . . . the prices , rea-. . ge�lvothaa he was not qui ­ .. T 1: made,and been, the first io inake tapestry. for use r no one to, W opinion thatl' . -1 . - . .1 . . � . . . I . . I . r. I , . was &-itided, and finally found me in I . . . I . . .", � . . ,,,Oi� as a covering rot, walls. The art itSOICL hemisphere, with the zenith appearing - � dead4, He advised that M -ft. Ri(6&ras " . - . . "---------------�-1 � .� I , , sonable for this.class of work ' I I �he horIzoa­'- At. sea Qi, 0,.dark,.1ittIe attic sittihg.at a desic should be taken L out of the coffin, and L-- . I . � I., . . 1. L I .. .. . . . L . is certainly "ry. ancient, many of the as distfait as , . . I . . . . . I ­ - ­­­ ' ­­­­ ' I . � . . ... . I �!!6 . ountry the seeming greater i writing by candle ligh-L 'I say; Harry,' being re- . . . ,�7 OBEDTS hangings used Au� Rgypt and Greece' In a. flat c . - this was done, the' coffin. . I.. � . . . 1'�.., I I - he said to me, 'I hear You have re- . � - L ­ 1. �­ I . . . � .., a -slae -us tapestry. Its distance of the horizon is best shown. duced the cost of living so much that .moved from the room. L I 1ps and ' I - " � I � . . : � . . �3' J. R in'%, in being con red tt ... ' 4) 1 MATE - : �:` I - - - -- ­ - ­- - ..----.- -1.5 . fs obscirre,­bift�lt peofenor 3'. -'hi; Pernter In discussing . Then hot bricks and botl . I . I 0"XX I I . I �: �'. 1� ' , Sit dWiffliff-hu-0-IT . you are s4ving mol,P-Money than I tard iplasters Were applied, and stht . . . - . I ". Photo Artist, 0 Clinton. ia ued a lingering eg- this subject reaclAes the conclusion that in., How.do you manage to. do it?' mus YL. b� hly ,% - . . . .. � ., - b 'it in vertical see- a the bod , I . ,, evidently m6in ,I � . f f the va andle I Ill. eeaine thorou� - ing , � � ; . I Istence'lu th.0,easturitil the Saracens the orm . u 'Wait till I blow oiat the c " , ,, but the woman -showed n6 A -;-i I .. .. . . � �.--- . . . . I .. . L � ­ - rpvived',it. and brotglit it' to JpUrope L .. tion L is ' that of'the seginent of ielrele replied, 'and I -,will Wft'ilou.' .L "I .1� - . . I �'. . .0 . � . ... � ­ . I . . . Consciousness. The doctor again via . .: . I I ,1pe the -are of w ads at the center I . I L - led himself , . . . I in 0 , . �,*.. , I . . stry was used .by the Saracens .. I I . -1 � ited , , , I . ,hich subtv, the L house and satisf . . . � . � � . .- - . Somethino New ordy as drapery or' curtains. rm the tin angle of th6 order .of forty -degre6s. King and 'Cigarette Smoker. that thA`woman )fas now dead. , - 111 . . TW %-p . : I . . . , � I . . I . ,in - tLy at -tile � . - . L 4 . . . .. . . courts bf their. houses.- �Embroldei-Y If thd%tbilder wilt-draw-ancli a se- ent A pret incident Occurred � ­�� . . : I . I . ", . . . I -tbb pur- he may be surprised -by the amount of , Aldwych Theatre, London, when: -the - . . SIMPLE .- � . � . * � .i . I . A . 11 . ��', I I Now is the time to place your . apbearw ,to, h4ve i�erved -for F.-ing of Spain arriyed to witiness the . , KA1SER'S,*AC'HT% .. - 11 OTO %, .­ . . '.. . . order for a I pose in northern Euro*po until .4fter flattening 16ich is thus ascribed to the - Of "Th.e .Gay'Gordons,'O I I. - ., I . ' L ' . ,�� I I PeilOrmauc( , S " 4 , � . I . the twelfth century, and much . of: the." Sky. From. this I optical illusion many . entatiye of the management Has Many English Oirtures D'splay- - " . . . . L' I . . � . I A re . . . . ,,, - eurio -the seem- pres ' - � . - . . I . I , L , . . I i, WIRE FEWE work of this .period '.VAS�*.Lr�ally em,,, us offects.arise, such as I .. who waited at the royal eretrauce to ed. onL-'the Hohanzoll&n. . . % .. . 1. .. . I NEW 0 sun . . I .. 1. - . , . . I'! broldery, such.as the lucprrect�y named hig iucreased�magnitudb of th I ' S-UmEe , S .1 . .. ,.. vire. All receive His lklaicstY was' sinaking a the Kaiser's . . ­ . ... I . . I � before'tbe advance u v As royal yachts go, .. 11:;. edl . Bayeux tapestry. it was In the four. and.moon when near the horizon. and cjgarett�) Whon W,6 Ring's, ,,inotor-car . � . . � � f)oileopring-Wire us . . , gan. to the apparently' oval forms of halVs "d.k yacht, the golienzollern, , is ,by no . L . 1 I I . ­. - tapestxy�-W . drove.up. Tt so happened that the . Plenty Of - order' to successfulli ,weather L ' L , Also agent for the Celebrated teenth century that en at low*altitudes. . . the rigarette meams.speciAlly gorgeous.- . .. . . I . 1. 1. I I . W - Heintzman Piano be largeli,made In, Flanders, where the .coronas SO . . .King saw him, throw show and glitter �' would- somehow be .. . 'the storms of business .life. I . I . weaving industry become VoryArnp . . .. . "Oh'. , - .. I .. . . ... . ;I � . or- . I . . . I .away as the car came to a stop - , expected� .Instead. 'severe simplicity- - I The FOREST CITV' I�USIXXSN HAND, I .1 . I . . .. . Prank W. ]BvaRS' L . taht-. At that t1d4L -tiVenty-seven. I. Gold Stealing In Austra I lia.� '- iln sor0y you: (lid. that," said 9 King � . Lis the 'keynote. . . . L . A SHORTHAND COLLIKOR tWMS I I 11 . . � . _ . . ibCently lbeqnL tin , 'Alfonso, as he Stepped -out, "'I moke The Xaiser's own' apartments an . L I � en and young Wonsm, . . ... . . - Agent Canadian Fence Co., streets were,occupled by the weavers There hav,6 softie L I 1 young. 1114 on . . . . . . . , . ... �; , . pleasant myself. Let me replaQp it lyith "pecially siraple� A brass bedstead to take minor positi 9 witich � .- - . - . . I . . . . of Gbeut. In 1382. there. were 50joq0 -which . of Lftine." He then took several Cig- . I WHI ! . - .-1 . . I . . revelations as to the extent to along one side of the bulkhead. a . . eventually'lead to positions ! . . I i -- T"EmEn � weavers in Louirdlu and more still at Ahe steallng..of gold''by the miners.'#. ar6ttep from -bis case and offertA them � single .wLardrobe,. a. -dresaing table, . of responsibility.And trust. -Tbe. , , , , L ' . ! .. L i L - . � ­­ 1. �-. . . ,.: 1. , . . . res. Very few Samples . I I . .. ;g I .. 6 IN of ' four- delighted recipient. . . 0 .I., I . , . yp L . carrled�on In Australia. Some autborl.. to thV. 1. . I L with a very large tple mirror, and : fainsidation. -!s securee ur .-:'.'.. 2. . . I "-ductions in . .taNgtr. . I . . . L L ' , l- , . students go N W -0.* - I . teenth century y remifla, but -, witH a beadrestj are . Is . ...". . . , NkG I I 1. ties estimate that as much as a million , ' ' - a barber's'6hair . -up, sicit-,dowp U -% � I those that, have CO'Me d to the � . . The first'-�htry on the books of the � . The walls are near- . ore imible to sapply thL a demand ;...,.t-; L . I I . . . . � . . oW* . . POundS'worth of gold is lostevery year all the furnittLre. I .SPELLIN . 4�m . . . . 1, , ' 'W,hy ? : Be., . , . .. - present day closely. resemble , colktein- � New York'sabtreasury was a credit to Day thing bang- ..Aor our students. I � I . .. ­-,' wa,11 DIL fair pler. .by -the Australian mining companies . 1,�:,bsre. almost the oi . I . I .�, orary wall palating. During thi lot- . . . t Lieut., W.. S. Rosecrant as a:Goveiw ing on being ' a faded Now - I Cause liusiness men recogy- ­ '6!.. ..-.,e. -* . :1 .. I. I �� I I 6. . . . p Inthis Way. Mbsi -ok the mining cen- v.t di5burslrie offi .. I . tih�m little black frarde. . I the4uperFor t . � .11 � r� I - We are offering Bargains in ter part. of the Afbeeiitlr-c�ntury the. I . cer. Yeaes card,,in. a. . , raini . . ey . . . 11 L L � . �. - . �, ters are ,haunted by a sha0y class atr rw - . . . receive.. - - . . LugLth . . .*- ...- 11 � . . .. . '. 1. ' . . �. Wall paper. - All -stock reduc- goldei age -of tapestry existed,vsgeclal- . The card -is- insciibed;­ "To dearest - . . . �' ,4� L . nom! al "gold buyers," who are really IL . . . . 1 .13 . 31" ARF MIC? ' best. New Year wishes, .Write for our business and , . . I , " I I . ­� . . ly In Bruges and Arras. The Flemish - ­ �, YOU PALE. ANAB . Willy -with'an - I I . the accomplices of the dishonest. min-' . L I lid booklet �: it'd` kiiie- . I 1. L I . �. ed in price and borders same tapes -.of that time are models of . Ai�aemic- meansi col&less fblood­a from mamma-" .Photographs ofz,the shortha v. I .. . . .. .. 1. .11 I I ,. tries L � ers, the "fetices". in criminal slang. �m-e&ns.la,lnguoL-1 blanched I � Kaiserin practicall. . Scbool-terni; September till- . . r ­.. , . . , ips; faded Xiiis�r and thp ly I - . I - . . . 0A . . . al . .. ­ , : price per roll as wall and ceil- textilo art:, The color. is rielf, the: dec- 116presentatives of the mining-compa- cbeeics. - You gro*dyspepticinerypOS, Complete the Wall.-furnituro. . -1 - June, . inclusive. I . . . I L .. � . : � . I I . . . . , -the . . . I ' I I I L ­ 4 11 � . I . I . ing. Large stock from which orative 4�06ct.. strong, tiko. dr;xwing and nies hi-Bendigo, where n'record numw suffor � -functional. i.rregularity, This Elsewhere, all,. ver the yacht, .. , . . . . ... Feirest Gity I I . .., I . - 1. . - composl0on graceful, and' We whole ber of.*cages of gold stcFa-1Wg--.lmt6'r6;-. ­td,ndition-con , ist if there'is . plent�, - � - - - - - - e y Covered -with: pie- . � . . ­ . .­;... . I Mate skill.: . . L I -1101, � ' ­­ - - 0, - Ci 11 ee) I � .� 1 1. to select. I arrangement .Shows consuM 'CentlY oc(lirred, have. met in confer- of healthy 61064. Ferro�ope makes tans. Little ,Sketches by MdrUn . . Buliiilness 0 . e4g) . - A111 C=l I L in endeavoring to meet the e I I . .. a Oi good blood, rich 13utl.,tlouo blood I . I I "V .1 We. trIng dil Paper P IkEP. and do x1genc . . euce to consider the beat mean . why it 'cures. In concen- larger pictures by Will. y Stower, some - , 6, ' - J. W. WESTERVI�V , YXC A Bldg - L �� ,e� . . , ' of the loom 'and at the saml. time -the -that's choice old engravings,. fr6queantly of ' . � . . . . . all kinds of Painting and . . , . I dealixig ivith the'.eviL A35 0130 ,.va:k.Qf In L Ferrozonef contains cer. incidents tot . . Principal. . ;... 'I - . 11�- � . . trated for _ in - uriti�h 1haval ry. I I Lon ,-:,�,.;r - . . " -- - �- ­ . - , - - - I I- . . ­­­­ . . . I ­ . ,��-It:;,::!�­ I—— ..- L . . . ­.­ -- ---- - ----- --aesthetl - .. ulrements­ ... W -.(IQ --checkfn."he-.evd,-Itw�-fteid-qd-tu-esz- - - -render At un- - . .1 . I ,� �-i I .... "I . Inecoratlag;4 . tion. -A L ..... ., - t e quo iffes. that , some rabdem prod engravings, photi>; . . . � rgonaut. , , . - " . � Av ty .Fll. 71" � !;,F, � � : ,2..i.. . . tablislf a register of all the miners n in inapnila, - languor, p,)or , ' jpS In L the " ­V-tillr 7.". '�.. ­ L . . L Window Shades,lRoomM-ould- . ­7�­ --- ­­ ,­ � . ­­ -Beadigo district, L So at faiii A weight. To . build up - graphs of nearly all the SW . f . ­ . � I � L� I . I - . . . . , . . . . . ,� :,,;�; . , I.. . ployed ,in the. color'and loss ( - txerman navy, special photographs o - .. � . . . - . . � .. .., . . . . n * 'fe IF 11 .. � ing, ready -mixed Paint, Var- - . � ��Vem ears.-, - - the moviments and migrations of-dia. el bung and vigbrUtts,-nothi I -- . L' . L I 4 . . , Tne recent . diw . . . 11 . At a] � incideri� in. ifij Italser's. various L . . I . I . . . . . I . veries of Brugs,ch mlssed:or reftsdriably ,'auspected'.men etter an: 'ertozo e .1de, erg � I �. . . . i L . . I ish, stains and Floor Finishes - . ,, ' L , . or4ises are cheek by jowl With other , ,, � , . . . I . . . , , , ' L ' .. I I I � . - i . . ­ I L 1. "I � . . . . I . ­., L n . . -M in 50a boxev� . wmjpYb� of the �atlwlicit;i of the - . . I I Bay in connectioii with thio Rgypti �alg�tL be. traced and'observed.., in -this . I ... I I . . a" - . I , I L I - . wl , ven ev& .. I I - . . X-aisfirl-60taste..... .. . L.. I � . � I . .. � 'are the subject of' an article In- rb . . . I . . . . - .. , L -013 .d . kept in stock, alk Floor Oils hi��O'glyphici which he Ldeciph�red way it'is, ho6�d.to.p're i.the thl ' ' . . . I . . All? _e . ' ' . '. . I . . . -ard also, to be nole& . I FEELIN. ' -,. L. .. .. . - ",. L ' I � - Oc e . sehrift, L In getting employment in-oth ,er minIlq-. ,. ' . Among, these su�.pjement§ of " . .. . .. I staingle 0A a- . celier, Liver *4 W"Is , 41144400 ' *' 40k . . . L . I -Aekreicbsch -,Worheim . ­UOVERNMENT ANIMALS. - Wo of the four -Page d ­V -Tr ­,G" ­ . - ,� Pall Mall Gaz�tt�. �­ ., I . I W.T.SMITH which the, writer 4ays 1hab it �Is no I . ; I � . SSue 7 0 ra-, I . ... . . . I . . . . . I.; . . the British fleeti I . . . 1114104 4U;.4fi,96QF-*"-~ , I I I � , . . . longer difficult to understand We orig- ' . � . L-.--- ---- -- - ----, ., -."-' ' I I . . I , . I L . khic, and an Ordinary. colored Christ- - � I . ­ I . I . I . . ' I � Isaac St. � P- I , 7 ' . Brinding Them Is ierovide,d For by F . 1. . .., Takiii t a MR Tdhtl�436%, . -. . . ) in of the "seven lean yeaWi 4arra4vel, � t3ondhold'rs U11012ttnid .Money'. . . . ' . Mae number plate from The Spoit� I . I L. . I .. . . - I . I I ., 1W... . I I . Nexu door to Morrish & Crooka. I enesis. . The. inscrip- ; The postoffic6 profits slightlL y by the.1 L . � ,.. .Army Regulations,.: m . . I L Iiii, AWWJS "dw hwo . ....- - . . I .. . Ing and Dramatic-114elson'6 Last ,� You *DI begin 16'kerbdwat.wm� .Th . " . .. ---� , � . -tiofis as translated by Brugach shdw . desiruction of stamps Wh . Ich have been - Wbeij�aver. you see'.tho letters I'M Houis in portami&6th.."- One or two L. , I.. �4&;Ai,U.04 &*",bW*A=-"VW.P*&"W 0'aigift . . I . . . . I I . L - , , I . �1. .. , . that .1,700 -years before the Christi . . I . . . r�L -ge . tS . the I ,&" � ',branded on the Ieft fore ,shoulder. ittrorao-Iiihogtaiphil . we, also, . . *nud*&,- They rasks �oufid g4A � . . � . . . �-4n ' Ger,h,tu c .,� I paid for And the . treasu I . I . 11--, ­.,,�,,­.­�­ � ... I . I abler old . I . I 1;. , - . era the Nile for wvep 4donsecutive i)CaefIt of bills which are lost and nev- of an anirdal, make up your mind'at 0 �be. found' bedide moat valu. L I Saiii Thall'11IMS For UVW MS. . - ' . ' - '. . . years did not overflow, and. farinine, that- beast: IS ,or was at one e * go or artistic. masterpieces� ' . . I ... � A . . er found.. A- large source. of irregular', onto thirt L ravT . . I 0 - I . I . . I . � . . iti .�ce and thisery followed. 1 "We , righ , er, one stranger . 10� . . . 11 pe --I our rich old Un- T ere is, howev. . ,IV"Nanlee's RemAirl MR TWO&) is do "ty bed oracelisM . I ... . � ](J;Ow,� profit lies In the fallurd.of bondholders I time the pyopertf.o , ' ' . . .L oft ,5ay,'; th(l. writer, "that the date _ . . I I , . . picture stilL it hafigs'Just, outside , I ... . L.I*w 3wamcb. Sick Hesischt. Lon J. Awilte. Sallow ComplWa& . I . . . . . i of. the seven' vears of frujtlessn�sil t6 present their bonds for redemption., Cie Sam. 4 .- " aiser's cabin I, on the line�l` It I . CA"50511dool tilva. clqlnpkinl� " Diego" Chile, Mau" 8100*11�&� �� � . � . I I . I " . SVOOPSiS of Canadian in G!erie4is was 1,700 B. C., Unclaimed money, in the tr6asury.due Then .'agalu. 'if You knew the key to the lK I I AD d these twisea M causW bF. '. I mentioned . . . is a . rather large photograph '61 an - - - . I OMPT. pb*3 41vd Rhetmigsr& . �r ­ 11 1. . . . . . . � . in, of branding utilized by thq. Orange deraongtration. at Belfast, On- .. : I lltoWgts.Wicioitquca4cC4i7aitVtdii-iiilLF= in w*1W*A 4J * * , .. 040 ... . North-West 1. and thus what has.be&t. looked.upbil. to bondholders amounted to -nearly- a' L the Syffte gC111" - - I . . . . I as a fancy has Wfutigh' these hi . million dollars In 18W, and:i Is quartero*tpei -. department,,, United iftled "We Will Not Have Home ' L L . .. 1. *1 .orgim - Got a 2$d. lim , sw ZvcrVWkCr-%1 I , . , . 4. . . ­- - , he sum . . � . ... . , . I I'! , I . . . . I . . . . . . I . .1 � .. . . I . . . HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS glyphies beebme a maiter, of history. much -greater now. Of a loan which States ariny; you .would In a MOMOut 'Itiale!"' . . . I I . . . , , ,. � ". . , . . 11111t, failure of the Nile to oVerfloW'L fell due in 1900 the sum of. $32,000 re- e . f the, ' . ­- � .. I � I . . .. . ,. Any even numbered section of Dominion I b able to tell the organization 6 . -1 I -' , . . . -- � . I . - : I . an - the­w4mflie4-4-m of-th-e­�gtofii,tii�)n,--the- -t�4af-�­C, 1. to L,W.hf&X � 0K . . .-r I Landirin Xanitob ",askatchewa" -that-'arifinal-'-was- a&�- ­- VARNLAIDS--OE7�-T- "'T -A -­­ - . - - n ' "Nic'urly - $iK - - IS ;I urlay . . . . . � ': , � " -- v2 ceptin g 8 and 26.. not reseryad,may lands devoid of. CrON, famine"and ' 046 still unpaid of the, Ouda ! signed Immediately -after ppirchase by. ' - � . . . I .- , . . . .. , . , .., . . . . bertir. D'per.c6nt b - . - 'L . ... I . be homesteaded by any person who is the eori,A��qnont seqdrges, or(, all depicted . - .* . . . I . & -0f7V')CC . 1: . RE ..S. 4MA'r. � . ..?. wbich the stikdent has -which Were duo In M4., This year' thegovertuneut. , � L . I ­ 1. .Hbme Secretary Says. to Abolish Thet4. - , .1 . . . . I . �:�, '. sole head of a family, or any male Over 18 in thopie,trures puplic animals is not & � .- . * w , . I I . il over $160,009,000 thirty .year 4 per Cent 1: . ]3rftndiug Would Result in Disaster. - years of age, to the extent of one 1,quartev b�.-cln .tNe ij) devipher." , , I L. . . . .. I I ..., . . ' .. I - - , I . .. I . L . I z 11 L I ,- !�, action of 160 soEea, more or leas � ­ . 11 bonds came due on July 1. Special in. matter of choice, but Is.provided for - The British barnaud is safe. A4 I . . .. .. - . .7 L . 11. I I * 12 for entry must be. made in . ; . ducipments were offered to secure early I., by &p armyL. ropiations, which direct least she will not be legislated. out . of . I . ­ ..; . , . . . :.1. L I '' . I.. . I , . I ' a"O I . . . . I I . , . . ' I . . I' c - 'E'S COMING. that- . . � b applicant, at a. Dominion :H . redemption. Yet at the end -of the . . ", " L exIstence by tb6 present Liberal GOV- . , '.1 . . 'p- th y . . 11 . .ipubhe gniniale Shall Upon atpil . * J .- O . . Rov ' -clin -010 8,dope'lgen, or Sub-agene ,y for the ME., . � - - m6ni� $13,000,000 still .,Stood Id the the y ernment. Th6, -report was circul S - - t - I -,- . trict in whioh� the land is situate. Entry ' . old.: . b ' - E - ey, , , . .. I -­..... . ­ . M barnmerg for an hour or so, I treasury on, this a6joufit, Although In. , received' be branded with the letters, that Rome -Secretary Gladstone was . . . : 1. . -y .. .. . , . . I I .. , .- . . .1 I ' .. � by proxv may, however, be made at an. * At wbat ypq cannot, guess, I . . : I shoulder. ' conienlpl&ting clution of a 1� I I . .. . � y on certain conditions by the tut. orio .tWng you are bound to �cnow, 'terest has ceased.�Youtlils Comparklom lU.. � S.1 on the left. fore the in . � - ­ I I , . '. � I , mollm . molimllioww*. I .; . . , -to L -- - , - 4111 L ". . .."". .". ­ .. I . . I . I . . ., , , . I - = qlather, son, daughter, brother or there Is a -dreadful mess; .. I I Horses "signed, Ojgo11IZ4it1OnS Will clausk� in his forthcoming bill relat*g' .. . I 11. .. -r 7 , I , I .. I . � . 11� ­. I . I . -atter-ho-has-madoAhd-placo * 1 - ­­ . . * I . qv. . - Zef . ­-�-' ­ ­ ... .1 1.11 I— .1. . .-- -'-'-'L- - -- - I - � I - ­ ---7.- ­ 'L .1 -sister of an -Intending how iitieaderi- - - --Thfti- . . --'-'A ­10-44i-Mfi id-L-a-ek-sni 'ith. - �- ­ ,.L-aW-b",raiidedL..m-theL�Imf,.-of..-One�- -Ao-­We,-. orm, of.the lit.ou-se law that - - � , - . - .. . � 11 I . I I I ­ -1 . . I .1 , ..., . I'- .- . , If luchw below . . I � . . . . . . .. . .. - - ..'' . L The homesteader is required to perfor Appodr an awful sight - , ave. fom foot one and one -ha 'should employment, o . . . , declare 'the off I -1 . . I in 'He oArg, with very. conscious pride. . In a, 11ttiq Shop over on Prospect. .. � girls and women in bars illegal. " St. Wi. , . I . . `4. I I the homestead daties under one of the fbl- ­rvo done the lob up rIghtl" L I nue, n1ot far from the Colonial arcade, the Coronet with the I A deputation accordingly- wailled uP- . . . . lowing plans : But should: tbeto be it shower of. r2dn , . I tompany, .. Branding �6ns - of unift7d' - . ke Sicigtary for the pur- Be' . Ohes : " . I .... I . . .. L L , � l , Is an old locksmith whos8 facility at -design,will be supoled -by on the Hoir ... . . , . . . I . I � � &J) At least six months' residence upon or it it islects or snows t turning out keys of (ilffi6ult desiga and size and ilaustees departroen4 l6t�. pone (if showing him that Such lois,o, . .. ­ ' m, oultive6tion of"thd land in each year for - The pipeg Are aur6 to lea,k aga.114, . , - " thmyears. . And, In'tbo water flowls. ', doing the other work that- comes to it the, quarte 't harik upoi We are too Way to say this to each otte, separately, but" , . . lation would inflict'�grea . JL . . , . � . I (2) A homesteader way, if he so desires, . 06co more, and yet once more, he Con.- locksmith, Is it marvel t9 those who tam 1U. S., to be two Indhea In 11019114 .-.& , large- ohd generally: deserving class Would like to. .., W,e - want everyotie- to come and see our suw� ,- , " .. I � � . " �, I . perform the required residence datits by ()n just tlid, ininee old o1wril; - I L L I -only . lettera.. and ..numbers Of hoot. brands of woinen, and that, barmaids,,on the , YOU " 0 1 1 - ­ . . I . have Seen him. -The old man has I . . of Chrisitnas goods, and you will be glad, e'�en jf� *' rd . I . living on farming land owned solely by That bugbear of tti6 winter t1rure, 4 arm. The other I . on the same lif�e to bothree-f6urtha Of whole, were better pm,..'d and better I . . � I . .. 'him, not less. than 80, acres, In extent, . in The awfUtpluMber m4n, I I. - on . s off at the shoul� L t* to,prikede the looked after thaft j*oti­t�li of any other -ply beautiful. and uSaul artiCks,'4 and. 0. - L' . L ­ -La Touche-14ancock in -New York -'Piom­ "-der. . 'By' --the--USC­ Of--&­vIs4i-'-WhICIi­he- -AA--,'iAq4. fth, *.X - tiot -buy. We have SUChL - '-"­,,,:/ --- ­­­ ... --�­-­ - � I . .. the vicinity of his homestead. . . . . . -'-'- ' ' - -- .- ­ t-- .&I18we(F -----"., ­ ., 11 I . Joint ow*n- . I .. . I L i I . -,wltlk his knee' lie 6 able to. number and blocked 146 as to pene� rade by -th9lighWO-MeTI, - " - 't* - ­ 'it the- ti'ffidSL ­- -, - - . . - ----­­.-' . -- . evehip in land will not meat, this require. .L . . . .1 . opefateg trate the hoot one -sixteenth of an inch. -9r,- .Gladstl6oe in. reply, . sild ,the stich, low prices o su ,. 1. . .. . . I., . it., � I.. I I I I �:., ment. . IL - � . . . o . hold 'thp.rotigh pattern of the key Government realize that,,AnY drastic - . . . . r, if the f6ther � I.. 6111111, . , while he,lvorks,on It"wit); his file. It . For example, the ,'hoof brands on I come one, come all both great and small. .1. (3) If the father (or rdothe . ! I . . . ' provisions to cheek, diminish, br put . . � I You will find us leady, �o pl"82-yoti. . . -2 . . band, Ninth cavalri, ; L r. I . 11 I I � I . I 'ald t , horses assigned to , . I ­ . . 1. .. isdewased)of the homesteader his per. . - I .1 a 0 tliat�no task that can'b6 ple " . . an end to the -eraplo."Ient of women . 11 , by L would b#., 4 .... . . . L . t , , . manent residence on farming Jana owned fornied any lockstfilth with ,both of ,P)30; to Troop A, Pifth. cav- behind the bar. might have an im. ' . . �, L - there is no , C. UKES W ' could'iiot tell � n F I— . . .. I inflely by him, not leas than eighty (80) I .. . I � I L his 11,111(is Is -too nine , r hlm.�_()IOV6. alry, Would be ";'to Company A, hat- mediate result fai mo' e ,ou about the ke thihgS here scres in extent, in the v DysP6Pg1X,Bo1%. .Inhdi Ulu ro disastrous b ' . * f I 6 . . . . icinity of tha, . ->Igin Dealer. I tallon of engilleers vvnulil be BP,&"`-. -than "y nirischiets accruing from. the r ooln enoUgg in the N'igw EPA Or it, so c ;06 and see. � L ""k , . I . I . . I . . . . . .- homestead, or upon a homestead entered a a Firriples', , . . . . ­ . . . . . L I ., , I .:­ I I I 1. . preawAl System, .. L I . . . I I . . � . ­ I . . � I for by him in the vicit ity, such homeitesa. . .. . 1, Wh t, L ----- I . 1, . . or may perform his own residence duties I Reaftehost � .. *­ A a an F-61? ' , I I . ilt have lived in t1lis world lialf a stuporium , - ., I 111. I MS$ ­ by living with the fathar or mother., . 1, , *nsdpatloll, L . I summoned-thq, other day for taking I . I I . eentur�," he added "and 1 have not . toncleabotoo Dee;* 1*07 . I . I � I L .1 . , ­ . I—. ­ ff - . 4, been a Witottiler, an'd T,oeitainly had . . I . I . . . . I 1. I I CX) The terms I'vioinitylt in the two pre Loss. 0i APP644o -fislj, from the, ThaWes darin., Illegal my.full share of experience of the con- . , . ! . Ing paragrapbs is defined as mJDAnini . - A.A.--mo , hourts, Stephen Thomag Uldmead sald ditlons of employment in livonsed .11 . � I'llil'i� . . ­ L 11 ­­­­ 1. I A I .. -- 1� . I - , - � . . - . -- not more than nine miles in a, direct line, . . I I . - . ---. - I;, , exoluaiveof the width of rosaallowlinods . - I ��'V,rytdpelass - '..: lie was 6eling .and that till eef was not . ­ premises at'6no time -of my life -4 ani . ". . . . I . . . . . . . L . , understand, . I I . . crogaea in the memarement. I . n figli, but it llfreslt'*witter serpent,' 0 1 0 0 ' not, I would. have you L . .. . I I I L . . I a Alluding to my recent �ears, Speaking I . � I . I . . � � serofulae. ,' i 0 , ,/ . L L ,11 troubles I A-fter. A long consultation the betich , 2 � . . . . (5) A Homesteader intending to perform I ­ I . 11 11 ­ atid & tha J't'ld . of Wege earlier ditys, X may siy. there ­ 61 . . . I L I . 11 hie residence duties in aooDrdance with the I tha t an - cel -was a -fish and ordered Nomath trouble Is buto, om? . . . I -aritl6ir"from , . & LtrUe dij It6m of, and not 6 - corners V I - , . . I I . , � above while living with, parents or on . Uldniesid to pay eosts.­Lloyd's- Week. , b . (,fige, Wo th nk ot DySoops were fAv queer h'les or drv� 1113W 5A , .. - *1 , gtoyliaeli Livier - U1111"rotillft]; And 111(lige-80on ils real disedws, ill% iii London Ahat I did not explote. N F 6 ,4�1 I I I farming I&nd owned by himself, must itog. . _ go, L elIg 0 0. , Ly. . I � I . . they are, sYmotoni.5 only.of a cerwa gpocide -to say . I I . . . I .1 � * L . �. ,.. ify the Agent for the distriot of iltieh'inton.; ­ . W or Blood.: - - , . I .. . Nbrve slelatess--notlifI119,0180, ' L I "Indeed, I mity'so so far as. FRUITSL-lAre eftrr� the beat froill best 8hippeis, . , I �,�­ tion. 1,11 , L . - L 1. � . " �­ ---- ItWalthfsfi%cttlitttnrgto,orre(,f.lyle(lDr,$h * hat i1v tile seardblor truffi.-as I hopty I . . . I . . I . ft-k,Lcthan ' , I In the creatiou pf tnat qowyotgpoptitar SWIM . It WAS -and Of lerltiralxtf� knowledge, j%RI9JN8-'Va,)enc6s. Sultanas, Seeded Arid taole taiains. , . �Z­ kg rii6t be . I . of. 4),,dtilt, ' r.n Itesto"I't1m StL I . Six months'notice in writir ee� i I Shaky. %ninedy-Dr. Shoop"; CUARRMTS-Vine I cleaned, Patrias, Pigs, Peels, Nuts, Dab,? candy; :11 I . . f bominion. I . writts-l'Ibellavo . (01ning dit I. %V" brouglit to �% kno�vlodge. of con I &I � I � given to the comminioner o "AN'llat's tile matter with the now to thp stoina0b nerves, slona brovitlit mat sa(%e6 ; , . rifero;jqu W& ��. Landa at Ottawa, of intention to apply for *ould h4v.6 been, in I . I iindfaVortoDr.sliao Afid Ills Restonttive. Wit Aitions whioli are perhaps. hiddei . I , - Oranges, 6W.. Otlr 10.140038 IdWer th , an Off _ . . . . I I I 0 1 L ­. .1'.. -�-?­t ...­ 1.1-1.1'. .'­­-­­, .- ­ . from other sources -Call mild see. L r mve Iofig.T61 hired rnan',ll , � -he - : at . I ­ -i6 , . . ot I lJ-VL,qaxA-J-t!$- thqA9-w,!!- -w4tm , i;Z, 11on L I ., patent. I It not been- L, such lastinctimintAlslimF116 Ver even frow'. thosP Whoth' I haVe t I r1BAS;-,BIqckt Gteeh, Japan and Mixed Uxtra Value for 250, 1 . I . W. W. CORY, - I i3n otk ­Dlood-�At- _ . - -;­­ --Vot-ttomath -distremi -bloatiog. billotignom; -bad or to addrem I do not wish to I - Granulated, Yellovvq atid Rau a VPd lead in Quality and: Quantity .: . I 11 ­� I . 'I 1� wiv. rwssrundotrip I ,,knd why did you'engai"Itare breath ana savow eointleXion- ttr Dr, Sh000'd anytbing, J)iA T do think SUGAR . .1 .. � I I I r of the Interior. to all I tn alt"t , , or . . ... . � ' . �1, I . . )f th� Miniote' . 6earde. , "I thought h0d be fte At ShoWng . 3168torative-IlUbli,ts or lquid-wid seb for your. 6XV 114`04 pet dolla . or bA,gs (U, lbS 8rOWft Sugat for $1.ft . Dop.ty ( . I � th 090are 141iflbn� in eertain placeo . I L ,� N,13.-Unikuthorivseclt,,tibliog6tioti of this . thht foloul.d the 4� the furnace tolf Whht it imn tind Will do, lye soll and cho* 0 � .� .. I 1%dveragement will not, e p9i4 tat. I . . ly movi? '000t f I .11�Cleveland 111110 X*Aler. sulit r6commend W111011 arp nior.,A19, ph . ysleally, And . 1) inner, Tea and Toilet Sets Fano. China, Table atid . 1 r, L I I L houAd, I iota mlb oat I - - , . . I. I . oconotaltally bA(I." . I I . . 0 .Y .� " 1- ­ I . . ". ­,�. ­ ­�- !!!!M--tMn!!� L . ta sove" heAdA ,OR, I - I L . ent Od � - 4�,." 1 back&&eN anei � W. o No Help Needed. . . ibrar� a . pso ar e!3 a Ines agSortin . � A& � iftesq " my" I have nob-ptovii1od other,omploy La' dtt' - Ili I I ., . 11� -f6-------'"' WW 12" 0 'Oflt ' Geot0e-(,1larenqe says 'no ever a motil I , , ets $f,250 D l- - '. �4 . The Tiin�i� mys that the r(Alarmora eVer ci&t , Q . Card Of I 4% . girl I Dra Sh ill ()JintOn er than eVer, WhiW tk I . I' I ,:,-� . , i d V111m. .. . I S L .,� . 00 IS * .. . 1411, I � . 1. P. I for the hunilied thmsand women now * I I I I . I L , I � , , I I , ' ' ­ W "­� L T , " � , 0"" . , i � - I . I ` . I I I 4 F-rtoonomommow your"W JL ABaUi I putpriceo 0MA94 A I lOwext P0 �,�Vl' I eart� 11 day of he ow, 4-4 lualf4h 'I - t I heft h #440 1 - .1, 3ft aart�- !!! , , � . uimb to do MY: rWldc- it, fool . ­ . .. PlecaL I -... .� , , , I T)IS nailotat P*ea doolios -to thank hor holl9twokko I ., behind barA. It'aaks,'"A" they W ner get for 5%'o * J' 0'7 pieces for $6.�5,, Chiq Tea Set 40* ' %t, L I L , ; .. 0 1 t4t,"*r' (Ilara,�ItIg -true too, Olalehm log bat I ,I O , � 1, , isi dsaii)bo and to 6u. tising two. bo ties 49, .(,Orjnl)ef,b for pladelt in the teo, ,� I 01" 01; I shops?, I a k . . , s, I ;1. . vatimb of this V 13016r6affo '11, 13. 9. I f I you Might Oall a 141f mAdt rooi.-�1'1'4'! - $3010, 4 differ,elit pAttern� 40 peft',St6C get *hat you want, h '. limoo6 thdt she 10 PrOOdd for an I ­---1­­1y-�-­. � Re' I o- r" 4 ve, Tile tearoom gitl is eximed t0L'rftOr# 1, .1 . - . �. . I L.. - "I *6tk jA pistil Se*Itig, eta, Ltdiee -*"-] - il *!� Gllty'11%neg. .. . ,,, . . , , 11 i � . W. A. M400NNELLN tomptation of a, otrt L &w kitud ajww - 11 , a tir wto*, M, I . CASA PAID POU .1 J 4. , XW WWI .il I . 'aftabovedf .61A (3hildolilo Olbihing a � I I I . the barmaid.11 . 190GS AND MM191t W6 1101WIN � ,�. � I i,od6f&lty,::.,&.iit)IJB.:D"Ih,130KAV. I ** *4 L f . I . - ..*-. - . ,. I Mr. 'S. Ito UOLUIM . I . I . � :, I I . � . I "f. , � , I I ,� . . 11 . I .. L I .� \ I I I 11. � . I � " �. , I .�� I f I ­ . I L I . I \ I . I I I I . I .1 ­ I . f I . . . � . 4 1 A . PV, I I . I . I I I . � . . . I . � I 1. � . I t � I . I �. . . I . I I I . . I 4 I 1� I I—. ­. t� - � I I I '. . I I �� � I � . 11 . . . I I t I , I . ­ . . .1 �, .. � � . " I . � - . .1 I I � I I I I 11 . . I . N t 1� � I I I j . . � , , . I � * . .. �m �,, . .. , - ,� , . I 16 . . . I � . � . W I I I I � , I , �-, , ­-.i&�,,.l"­J, --.9 . I � . .. ,%.d- ,­­. . . . 1. I, -- _:_ - . . I -&-­� J, � ­- -.:-I--..! * -- � � I � - � ­- -­­� - ­ - -�, �- i., -;I- l5l, L.....fi­ I -...A--- ­ WAWWI.­�&-�­.­-,&M�