The Citizen, 2016-12-01, Page 9Getting the ball rolling As part of an attempt to bring special, funded camping opportunities to the youth of Southwestern Ontario, Huron -Bruce MPP Lisa Thompson began a dialogue between the OPP Youth Foundation, which provides similar services in other areas throughout the province, and people in her riding and beyond. The project started last Wednesday with a special meeting in Wingham and the Huron -Bruce Provincial PC Association made the first donation to the program. From left: Thompson, OPP Chief Superintendent of the Western Region John Cain and association representative Janet Haines. (Denny Scott photo) THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2016. PAGE 9. Belgrave project supports Foodgrains Bank for 15 years PEOPLE AROUND BELGRAVE By Linda Campbell Call 357-2188 Another growing season has ended and the corn crop has been harvested . The Belgrave project will be forwarding a cheque to the Canadian Food Grains Bank shortly. A huge thank you to all who have made donations and a reminder that you are still able to make a financial contribution to this year's project. Thank you for your generosity once again. This is a wonderful and a very cost-effective way for us as members of a small congregation to participate in alleviating world hunger. This local Growing Project because of the 4:1 matching of funds by the Government of Canada helps significantly in easing the suffering Thompson presses for local camp program A program that has found success in other parts of the province that encourages personal growth and development among youth is coming to Southwestern Ontario thanks to Huron -Bruce MPP Lisa Thompson. In a special presentation at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Wingham on Wednesday evening, Thompson, alongside Chief Superintendent of the Western Region OPP John Cain announced that the OPP Youth Foundation would be expanding to include the southwestern region of Ontario. Thompson explained that the foundation works with other organizations to provide opportunities for youths to go to camp annually at OPP youth camps. The camps produce some great experiences according to Thompson. "When you talk to the youth involved, you hear great stories," she said. "You hear camp -goers say they hope to pay it forward." The details of the camp, including location and who would own it, are yet to be hammered out, however fundraising has already started with a donation being made to the initiative the night of the announcement. In the spring of 2017, Thompson plans to host a special event at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Wingham to kick-off the program and start raising funds to "allow local children to have life -changing moments at the camp." Thompson explained that a date Spots open in hockey tourney On Friday, Nov. 25 there were five tables of shoot in play. Winners were: high pink card, Anne Laidlaw; second high pink card, Louise Hammond; most shoots pink card, Liz Balser; high white card, Ross Peacock; second high white card, Ken Speer and most shoots white card, Ross Taylor. The next shoot party is Friday, Dec. 9 at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. During the Advent season at Knox United Church we request two readers per Sunday to help light the Advent wreath. Please contact Brian Hymers for more information. The UCW potluck is on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at noon at Donna Shaw's. On Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1:30 to 4 p.m. the Auxiliary of the Wingham and District Hospital invited you to a Poinsettia Tea and Bake Sale at the Terrace Room of the Wingham and District Hospital. All proceeds will benefit Wingham and District Hospital. Your continued support is appreciated. The White Envelope Sunday to support the Christmas Bureau is on Dec. 11. Please feel free to place a special ornament or card, a special note or thought of prayer onto the tree. Throughout the four weeks of the Advent season you are asked to place articles of hope, peace, love and joy upon the community tree. This can be done at your leisure, before, following or during our services. Your thoughts and prayers are felt and received by every member of our church family and they will be given to Christ on Christmas Eve when our tree becomes a beautiful full Christmas tree. A notepad and pen along with ribbon will be provided at the front to help you with your request. There is a blue tub near the entrance of the sanctuary for donations of non-perishable food for the North Huron Community Food Share. Please bring donations by Dec. 11. The new Gifts and Vision catalogue is out and they are at the back of the church. They are ready to help you make a difference in the world — with no excessive packaging and no exchanges. You can provide hope in so many ways. Select gifts online at giftswith vision.ca and read inspiring stories of how your generosity has already changed lives. The Huron Perth United Church hockey tournament is at Blyth Arena on Jan. 4, 2017 (Wednesday) 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Register in advance by calling Kathy Douglas, 519-523- 4380 or e-mail: kathymdouglas@hotmail.com by Dec. 28. ($50 per team plus one pot of chili) — chili lunch and snacks provided. Full hockey gear is required. Every team needs an adult coach. On Sunday, Nov. 27 the Campbell families gathered at the Community Centre in Belgrave for their annual Christmas get-together. Gord and Maureen Campbell were in charge this year. After Gordon welcomed everyone and said Grace a bountiful dinner was enjoyed. The afternoon was spent visiting, a Christmas card exchange as well as local entertainment. Hunter McCullagh favoured with a number of selections on the bagpipes, Clifford Coultes gave three recitals and Nancy Jardin read a humorous reading entitled "The Holiday Dinner". Maureen gave each a token of appreciation. Prizes were given to the youngest, Jackson Bondi; oldest, Don Campbell; birthdays closest to Christmas, Linda Campbell and Alex Cloakey. Despite having no snow, Santa did arrive from the North Pole and handed out treats to all the good boys and girls. The afternoon was brought to a close with Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wishes as well as hugs. Gord and Maureen thanked everyone. Next year Harold and Nancy Jardin and family will host the Campbell Christmas. The winners of the Co-op draws will appear at a later date. Joyce Van Camp from Alberta was a guest for a week at her parents, Jim and Mary Hunter. While here she visited with other family members, relatives and friends. isn't yet set for the kick-off, but she did say that other groups, such as independent police services like Wingham, Huron Victim Services and other emergency service groups would be approached about being a part of the program. Cain explained how the camps work in other regions and said the program was a great thing to be a part of. Watch future issues of The Citizen for more information about the program and when the kick-off ceremony will be held. FROM BELGRAVE and misery of those less fortunate in the world. This is our 15th year of participating in the program and we can be very proud of what we have accomplished. If you would like to make a donation, a cheque made out to Knox United Church, Belgrave indicating on your cheque or envelope that it is for the Growing Project on Foodgrains Bank would be very much appreciated. Woollen Products 398 Queen St, Maple Blyth Moose 519-523-4276 BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED Your best work can be on display in thousands of area homes throughout 2017 if your photo is chosen for the cover of The Citizen's 2017 Phone Book. Prize for the photo chosenX50°° Submit your digital photo to: Citizen Phone Book Cover at info @ northhuron.on.ca Deadline is January 31, 2017