HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-10-27, Page 30PAGE 30. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2016. Zinn pushes for `official' municipal notifications By Denny Scott The Citizen Councillor Sharen Zinn wants notifications sent out by Morris- Turnberry to look a little more official, however her fellow council members feel there has to be some accountability on ratepayers to read their mail. The issue was raised by Zinn during Morris-Turnberry's Oct. 18 meeting, when Zinn said that a recent flyer that was sent out by the municipality was missed by several ratepayers because they thought it appeared to be an advertisement. "I would like a policy put in place regarding forthcoming messages," she said. "Any notification from the municipality should be an official letter in an envelope that goes out to the properties. I don't want to see a post card or a flyer or anything that Saari L+i row n, r1Ccriruri;y en &Orchard ui s C� VeefaJ,1es for I�te North HuronFood Sham' Lit+ro Creapif Union Maitland River Community Church _.' 14wanash Life Skills Club 4 4 Trillium Mutual Insurance Compan Huron County 9•N leaders Association A part of the community The Wingham Community Garden has grown to include a new small orchard this year that will come into production in the next few years. The garden grows food for the North Huron Food Share and is maintained by volunteers and members of the Wawanosh 4-H Club and was assisted in the purchase of topsoil and construction costs by Libro Credit Union and Trillium Mutual Insurance Company. The garden grows potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, peas, beans tomatoes, cabbage, watermelon and leeks, while the orchard will soon produce apples, pears, apricots and blackberries. From left: Carol Bowyer, Eileen George, Phil Beard, Hauke Reisenbichler and Clara Blake. Absent was Doris Galbraith. (Photo submitted) resembles an advertisement. Councillor John Smuck said he was under the impression that letters are sent out for certain things, but Zinn wanted all notifications to be handled in such a way. Council members said they felt that wasn't necessary, but Zinn answered each with the same sentiment — it can't look like a flyer, it has to be on township letterhead. Chief Building Official Kirk Livingston said he had dealt with a similar situation in another municipality he worked with and getting those kind of notifications out to the right landowners. "It's an onerous project for planners to go through site -by -site and property -by -property," he said. "We couldn't pay them to make sure people got the information and the easiest way is to put the onus on the property owner. Giving them a letter [with the proper wording] is the easiest way to do that." Livingston suggested putting any kind of general mailers, such as those for the municipality's official plan changes, in tax bills to make sure ratepayers are aware of it. Zinn, however, wasn't happy with that suggestion either, saying that people may not read their tax bills. Administrator Clerk -Treasurer Nancy Michie explained that the municipality had sent out a postcard to every property owner about recent open house and information meetings for the municipality's ongoing Official Plan preparation, and said the postcard was chosen for the exact reason that Zinn was saying they were ineffective — because people would look at them. Members of council seemed to agree with Michie, with Deputy - Mayor Jamie Heffer and others saying they had heard positive feedback about the postcard mailing. "The information 1 got was that people looked at the postcard, called and were told they could be part of the process," he said. "I think it was the right thing... I had only positive comments" Mayor Paul Gowing agreed, saying it was cost effective and that regardless of the approach used, not everyone would see the letter. "Mine is sitting on the centrepiece of the kitchen table," he said. "A letter would have been filed, but the postcard drew attention and is there because of it." Councillors Dorothy Kelly and Jim Nelemans both said that some onus does need to be put on the ratepayers, with Nelemans likening it to a committee he was on where a member wouldn't attend despite getting e-mails telling him where and when the meeting was. "He would say someone should call him before each meeting," he said. "We can't do that, there has to be some responsibility from the ratepayers "" Council did not pursue the issue. #1 And We Still Try Harder Recent circulation figures show The Citizen has the highest circulation in the northern part of Huron County, #3 in the entire county. 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