HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-10-13, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2016.
Thanksgiving marks special celebrations for families
By Jo -Ann
We hope everyone had a nice
Thanksgiving weekend. There
would be many family gatherings
and many a turkey enjoyed and for
some it was a work weekend. Time
to put away outside summer
decorations, trim down bushes and
plants, hopefully cutting the grass
for the last time, maybe even clean
the windows! Some folks spent time
at the cottage for maybe the last
time. Time to close it up for the year
The good weather allowed the
Leading the class
Jessie Payne, left, and Sean Mitchell were named the co -
valedictorians of Central Huron Secondary School's
graduating class of 2016 during commencement on Oct. 7.
(Denny Scott photo)
farm work to continue with more
soybeans being harvested, wheat
being planted, plowing, cultivating
ground, manure being spread,
soybean stalks being baled and even
the combining of dry corn has
started. Fall is always a busy time for
Thanksgiving is always a time of
celebration for our family. The
weekend started with the 40th
wedding anniversary celebration for
a cousin of the family in Stratford. It
was also the 25th anniversary of my
brother Paul and wife Julie and my
mother's 89th birthday. There were
lots of reasons to celebrate. We also
celebrated my brother's release from
Parkwood hospital, after suffering a
stroke on Labour Day weekend. He
is doing very well and we are all
very pleased with his progress and
recovery to date. Another good
reason to celebrate.
A celebration was held in Listowel
at the Parkview Gardens to celebrate
the 90th birthday of Merle
McIntosh. She was joined by her
family members Bruce, Heather and
Mary and their families, as well as
many friends and acquaintances
from the Listowel, Brussels and
surrounding areas. Happy birthday
A set of parents from our area
have reason to be very proud after
this Thanksgiving weekend. Alvin
and Pam McLellan attended the
celebration at Bingeman Park of 40
years of recognizing and honouring
many "Women of the Year"
nominees in the Kitchener -Waterloo
community. Their daughter Sarah
McLellan Baxter was nominated as a
very deserving woman. She is the
Senior Manager in Global
Truck broke into, firearm stolen
Huron County Ontario Provincial
Police (OPP) officers are currently
investigating the theft of a 12 -gauge
shotgun that was stolen from a
pickup truck over the weekend.
On Saturday, Oct. 1 Huron County
OPP Officers were contacted by the
owner of the pickup truck. Officers
learned the victim parked his GMC
Sierra pickup truck around 12:30
p.m. at the Hullett Provincial
Wildlife Area located on Summerhill
Road. The victim then went for a
walk and returned two hours later
whereupon he discovered a window
had been smashed out of his truck.
Those responsible entered into the
truck and stole a 12 -gauge semi-
automatic shotgun and a medium
sized camouflaged bag that
contained two and a half boxes of
shotgun shells and a lanyard with
various duck calls.
The stolen shotgun is described as
a mossy oak camouflage coloured
Browning Maxus with a 12" long
barrel. It had been stored inside a
camouflage cloth bag with a cable
lock through the action.
The stolen shotgun is valued at
approximately $1,800.
The OPP reminds gun owners of
the following when leaving any class
of firearms in an unattended vehicle:
• Lock non -restricted firearms and
locked containers carrying restricted
or prohibited firearms in the trunk or
in a similar lockable compartment.
• If the vehicle does not have a
trunk or lockable compartment, put
firearms and firearm containers out
of sight inside the vehicle and lock
the vehicle.
• If you are in a remote wilderness
area and cannot lock your non-
restricted firearms inside your
vehicle, unload them and put
them out of sight. Attach a secure
locking device to the firearms
unless they are needed for predator
Any person with information
regarding this incident should
immediately contact Huron OPP at
1-888-310-1122 or (519) 524-8314.
Should you wish to remain
anonymous, you may call Crime
Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 -TIPS (8477),
where you may be eligible to receive
a cash reward of up to $2,000.
Last call
As part of the last Brussels Farmer's Market of the 2016 season, the Brussels United Church
hosted a bake sale. Visitors had to get there early as, even before the market officially opened
at 2 p.m. on Oct. 7, baked goods were disappearing as fast as they were being put out by the
volunteers in the booth. (Dennyscottphoto)
Employment Service Group at
Deloitte. She is the mother of a two-
year-old and manages to balance her
career and family life.
She was recognized for her
abilities of prioritization, teamwork
and leadership skills. She was the
Chair of the Board for the Women's
Crisis services of Waterloo Region
for three -and -a -half years. She was
recognized for her kindness and care
for people and an inspiration in the
Waterloo region. We wish to
congratulate Sarah on her
prestigious nomination.
We are glad to report that Jim
Armstrong is home and doing very
well after his heart surgery. He has
had some company by his "Culture
Club" friends and they report he is
getting a little bored. We hope he is
soon able to be out and about to see
all his friends.
Celebrating a special birthday was
Betty Shaw and she was joined by
many members of the Shaw family
to celebrate. The crew of Shaws
went out for a meal to recognize
Betty's 75th birthday. Some of the
family helping to celebrate was Jim
and Frances Shaw, John and Edith
Pipe and other Shaw family
The construction continues on
the Hullett-McKillop Road with
work starting on the chicken barn
on the property of Brent Pryce.
Across the road on the Wilma
Farms, the trusses have been set
on two out of three of the barns.
It is one busy mile and a quarter!
Celebrating birthdays this past
week includes Paulene Bennett,
Shaye Flaxbard, Paul Kirkby,
Dianne McCallum, Kara Godkin,
Joyce Hartman, Jared Kelso, Cheryl
Ryan, Greg Ducharme, Kathy
Huether and Susan Nichol. Happy
birthday to all!
Let us Wash Your Quilts
Blyth Laundromat
191 Westmoreland St., Blyth
TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of Central Huron will hold a public meeting on Monday November 7, 2016 at
5:00 pm in the Municipality of Central Huron Council Chambers at the Central Huron Town Hall (23 Albert St.,
Clinton) to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 26(9) of the Planning Act, R.S.0., 1990, as
amended and a proposed Housekeeping Official Plan Amendment under Sections 17 & 21 of the Planning Act.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in
opposition to the proposed official plan amendment and/or zoning by-law amendment.
ONLY individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a Zoning By-law or Official Plan amendment to the Ontario
Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of
appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf.
IF you wish to be notified of the decision regarding the proposed zoning by-law amendment or of the adoption of the
proposed official plan amendment, or of the refusal to adopt the official plan amendment, you must make a written
request to the Municipality of Central Huron at the address below.
IF a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the
Municipality of Central Huron before the proposed zoning by-law amendment is approved or official plan amendment is
adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Municipality of Central Huron and/or the
decision of the County of Huron to the Ontario Municipal Board.
IF a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the
Municipality of Central Huron before the proposed zoning by-law amendment is approved or official plan amendment is
adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal
Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed amendments is available for inspection during regular office hours
at the Municipality of Central Huron or on the website: www.centralhuron.com and at the Huron County Planning and
Development Department, 57 Napier Street, 2nd Floor, Goderich (519) 524-8394 Ext. 3.
Purpose and Effect
The purpose of the Housekeeping Amendment is to amend the Municipality of Central Huron Official Plan to remove
the requirement for Minimum Distance Separation from a surplus dwelling severance to a neighbouring barn in
accordance with the Huron County Official Plan. The housekeeping amendment also adds policies for drinking water
source protection, removes the policy that prohibits a surplus severance when there are two houses on one lot, adds
a requirement for unused wells to be decommissioned at the time of a severance, and removes the policy to permit a
severance for mortgage purposes. This is an amendment under Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act and not a Five
Year Review under Section 26 of the Planning Act.
The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to complete a Zoning By-law Update to correct or update zoning
provisions and mapping to be consistent with the Official Plan and Provincial Policy Statement. This update is required
by Section 26 of the Planning Act following a Five Year Review of an Official Plan.
The 2016 Zoning By-law Update proposes the following changes:
1. Revision of definitions to eliminate definitions for words not used elsewhere in the by-law.
2. Addition of new permitted uses: licensed medical marihuana facility, brewery and second dwelling units in
appropriate zones.
3. Add requirements for Recreational Trailer Parks and Campgrounds to be closed on or before November 1 of each
year and open no earlier than April 1 of the following year.
4. Various site specific map and text amendments to recognize existing uses.
5. Addition of a new Fringe Commercial zone to permit residential and commercial uses in the Fringe Commercial
designated area of Clinton.
Housekeeping Official Plan Amendment No. 8 proposes the following changes:
1. Remove of the requirement for Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) from a surplus dwelling severance to a
neighbouring barn, except MDS will be applied to any barns on the retained lands.
2. Incorporate policies from the Drinking Water Source Protection Plans.
3. Require unused wells to be decommissioned at the time of a severance.
4. Remove the permission for a severance for mortgage purposes.
5. Add requirements for Recreational Trailer Parks and Campgrounds to be closed on or before November 1 of each
year and open no earlier than April 1 of the following year.
this 12th day of October, 2016.
Brenda Maclsaac, Clerk
Municipality of Central Huron