HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-10-06, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2016. PAGE 3.
Elliott honoured at Memory Garden, Friends event
Approximately 30 people attended
the 14th Annual Memory Garden
Service on Sunday, Sept. 18. The
day was sunny with a light breeze as
those in attendance listened to Deb
Siertsema and Darlene VanderVeen
sing three beautiful songs.
Pastor Gary van Leeuwen's
message from the Christian
Reformed Church in Blyth was
"Stories". He talked about the stories
of our loved one who have passed
Starting the conference off
The Rural Talks to Rural (R2R) conference was held in Blyth last week. Opening ceremonies
were held in a tent at the Blyth and District Community Centre and featured guest speakers
such as Central Huron Mayor Jim Ginn, shown above, and University of Guelph Professor
Wayne Caldwell, not shown. (Denny Scott photo)
Church fall supper scheduled
From Marilyn's Desk
By Marilyn
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on World Wide
Communion Sunday, Oct. 2 were
Deb Hakkers and Marilyn Craig.
Ushering were Nicole Kerr, Brenda
Brooks and Andrew Wharton.
Connor Brooks ran the power point.
John McDowell welcomed
everyone to church and drew
attention to the announcements
printed in the bulletin. Special
mention was that the Fall Supper is
on Oct. 22. Meat pies are being
made in October and November.
Call Donna Moore to order.
John lit the Christ Candle on the
altar table. The opening prayer "All
Who Are Thirsty" was sung. John
invited everyone to greet one
another. The hymn "All Things
Bright and Beautiful" was sung. The
choir sang the anthem "This Little
Light of Mine" with the men singing
one part and the women singing the
other part. John asked if anyone had
a favourite hymn. The children went
downstairs for their time of
fellowship. The offering was
received followed by the offertory
response and the offertory prayer.
Rev. Gary Clark asked the servers,
Gwen Papple, Mary Lou Stewart,
Donna Moore and Emily Phillips to
come forward to serve the
congregation Communion.
Rev. Clark's message to the
congregation was "Joseph Saves the
Day and His Brothers Come Clean."
When we read the scriptures, we
find God is with us. The story of
Joseph and his brothers tells us that
Joseph thought he could make his
brothers love him but instead they
sold him into slavery. Joseph
became a person with special skills.
Joseph was put in charge of giving
out the grain. His brothers were sent
to Egypt to buy grain to feed the
families. Joseph recognized his
brothers but they didn't recognize
him. Joseph put their money back in
the sacks of grain and when they
came back for more grain he asked
that they leave their younger brother
with him but they said no, they could
not do that. They told him they had
sold a younger brother before.
Joseph knew they had changed
so he told them that he was that
It is possible to change with God's
help. God wants us to be the best we
can be so that we can change on the
inside but stay the same on the
The last hymn "You Shall Go Out"
was sung followed by the
benediction and the response "Go
Now in Peace." Rev. Clark said
grace and everyone went downstairs
for a delicious lasagna and dessert
Legion lunch
date now set
Happy birthday to Jeffery Walden
who celebrates Oct. 9.
Winners of the Sept. 27 shoot
party were: first, Dorothy Carter;
second, Joann MacDonald; third,
Edith Walker; most shoots, Mae
Ritchie. Shoot is played the second
and fourth Tuesdays of the month at
Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth.
Come out and enjoy the fun and
fellowship. Next shoot party is on
Oct. 11.
Don't forget the Legion Luncheon
on Thursday, Oct. 13 from 11 a.m. to
1 p.m. at the Legion Hall in Blyth.
Indoor Walking for Seniors
Come join us! First session Oct. 11
Free sessions
Walk at your own pace
Sign out a free pedometer
Blyth Arena
Monday to Friday
1-3 p.m.
Stay healthy, walk with a friend, even in bad weather
Home & Community
Support Services
Take our pedometer challenge
.J10 Township of North Huron
Location: Blyth Community Centre Hall
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016
Time: 7:00 — 8:00 p.m.
The Blyth Arena Board has dissolved and in lieu of this organization
representing the facility users of the Blyth and District Community Centre, the
Township of North Huron will be hosting two meetings per year to hear feedback
and ideas from our facility users.
Location: Richard W. LeVan Airport (Wingham)
Dates: Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Tuesday, November 25, 2016
Time: 7:00 p.m.
and keeping these stories alive for
future generations. He shared stories
from his family and asked others to
share memories.
Just as one generation plants a tree
or flower, so the next generation can
enjoy the shade and beauty. Planting
trees and perennials is a permanent
way to recognize a loved one and at
the same time give back to the earth.
Brock Vodden brought greetings
from North Huron and spoke of
remembering our ancestors.
A special presentation was made
to Bev Elliott. Bev had the
inspiration of creating a Memory
Garden. This present garden was a
bare lot with many people helping
with the digging. Clearly, Bev had a
plan for a garden with trees and
flowers and with her guidance, this
garden became a reality for villagers
and visitors to enjoy today. Thank
you to her husband, John, who she
counted on to help with the heavy
work. Bev is stepping back after 15
years of volunteering and letting the
newly -formed Friends of the Village
of Blyth, tend to the planting and
weeding in the Memory Garden.
To thank Bev, a bird bath and
globe pedestal were dedicated in the
garden to honour her by the
committee for following her dreams.
Pastor Gary closed in prayer and
many stories were told as everyone
enjoyed fellowship and
As the Memory Garden survives
totally on donations, donation cards
are available at Falconer Funeral
Homes in Clinton and Blyth, or by
contacting Bev Elliott at 519-523-
4323 for more information. All
donations are greatly appreciated
and are tax deductible.
Let us Wash Your Winter Coats
Blyth Laundromat
191 Westmoreland St., Blyth
r 0 =eland St., Bl
Who: Boys grade 4-8
Where: Former Blyth Public School
(Program hosted by Blyth Christian Reformed Church, Blyth, ON.)
When: Wednesdays 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
beginning September 28, 2016 until April, 2017
Cost: $30.00 plus $20 for shirt
What: Badge work (skill and knowledge development), Faith
development, Games, Special Events: Snow Derby,
Cadet 0 Rama and Much More!
For info contact: Jim Shortreed (Head Counsellor)
at 519-523-4903 or vjshortreed@tcc.on.ca
You're welcome to bring along Friends
Here is a prohibition and an admonition
("Every Day!" Author unknown, 1872)
"I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as
living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God --this is your spiritual act of
worship. Do not be conformed to this world; but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2
Here is aprohibition and an admonition. 0 Lord, give me grace to avoid
what You forbid --and to do what you enjoy.
Enable me to avoid compliance with those customs and ways of the world
which are contrary to Your will.
While in the world --let me not be of it.
Give me grace to come out and to be separate from its ungodly principles
and sinful pleasures.
Transform me by the renewal of my mind.
Deliver me from pride, from selfishness, and vain -glory.
Afford me a continual supply of the grace of Christ.
Impress His image on me --and help me to tread in His steps.
Let it plainly appear that I am not of the world --even as He was not of the
world. John 17:16
0 Lord, work in me to will and to act according to Your good pleasure.
"Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no
unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you --and you
will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."
2 Corinthians 6:17-18
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956