HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-07-28, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016. PAGE 19.
Entertainment Leisure
Garratt, Thompson bring Donnelly story back to Blyth
The final show of Blyth Festival's
42nd season - The Last Donnelly
Standing - begins Aug. 4 and plays
until Sept. 2 in Blyth's Memorial
Hall. Conceived and created by Paul
Thompson, Gil Garratt and Beth
Kates, directed by Thompson and
starring Garratt, The Last Donnelly
Standing is the ultimate fiery
epilogue to the bloody Biddulph
Of the seven Donnelly brothers,
only one was ever sentenced to hard
time in prison; only one was ever
convicted of "assault with intent to
kill and murder" (on a duly
deputized police officer no less);
only one returned to the charred
foundations on the infamous Roman
Line to drive his hammer against
fresh timbers and rebuild from the
ashes: Robert Donnelly.
A successful businessman in
tumultuous times, known equally for
A family affair
The annual Brussels Lions Fiddle Jamboree was held at the Brussels, Morris and Grey
Community Centre on Sunday featuring the talents of many local musicians. Shown above is
the Hillier family, a staple at the event, sharing their special brand of family -made music. (Denny
Scott photo)
Huron East to reinvest solar
revenue into conservation
Huron East is turning a tidy profit
from several solar installations and
is looking to reinvest that revenue
into energy conservation measures.
At Huron East Council's July 19
meeting, Chief Administrative
Officer Brad Knight told council
that after a fifth rooftop solar
installation - following the first four
in 2014 - the 20 -year contracts will
now generate an annual revenue of
approximately $70,000 for the next
15 years.
As part of the solar installation
business plan, council authorized
the use of existing reserves with a
provision that three per cent interest
be returned and that each of the sites
receive $1,200 annually in rent.
Knight told councillors that while
there has been some preliminary
discussion in regards to the surplus,
nothing had been finalized.
"Being that this surplus is being
generated from green energy,
perhaps the funds should be invested
in energy conservation measures to
further reduce energy consumption,"
Knight wrote in his report.
The timing is right, he told
councillors, saying that another
round of lighting retrofit invitations
is in the midst of being released with
an emphasis on LED lighting.
He also suggested that as part of
the endeavour, some money could
be invested into the Brussels and
Seaforth community centres in order
to assist them in becoming more
If council were to authorize a
reserve using the revenue from solar
projects in the municipality, Knight
suggested that the energy-efficient
retrofits should be approved by
council, that the proposals would
Please join us for dinner, music, silent and live auctions
Thursday, August 4
Libro Community Hall in Clinton
doors open at 5:30 pm
This is our third annual Gala "Send out your Light"
All proceeds go towards making hunger
non-existent in our communities.
The cost is $50. per plate - with a $25. charitable receipt issued.
For ticket information please call 519-913-2362
or email zielman@huroncountyfoodbank.org
Come and make a difference in your community!!
include information on available
incentive programs and projected
paybacks, that the fund would only
be used to fund Huron East's portion
of any project that might have
normally have been funded from the
general levy and that the upset limit
of $300,000 could be funded to
2025 without concern for the
projected ending position in 2031,
but that projects beyond the original
$300,000 upset limit or beyond
2025 must have consideration for
the ending reserve balance in 2031.
Knight suggested that staff be
directed to prepare a motion to
authorize this new reserve and that it
be up for discussion at council's
next meeting.
Council approved Knight's
recommendation and the issue will
be up for debate on Aug. 9.
his quick temper as his elegant
fashion sense, Robert's family name
may have made him an object of
scorn in the community, but his own
fiery nature solidified his reputation.
When the rest of the family had
moved away after the fateful
murders of 1880, Robert refused,
and instead took up residence in a
house on Lucan's main street, pacing
his porch as the murderers among
them walked those very roads. The
Last Donnelly Standing details the
rise and fall of a defiant young man,
who stood in the face of history, and
dared to burn it all down with a
Playwright and director Paul
Thompson, O.C. first encountered
the Blyth audience when he brought
The Farm Show on tour in the spring
of 1973. He has co -created
numerous original plays at Blyth
since, including He Won't Come in
From the Barn, Barndance Live,
Death of the Hired Man, and The
Outdoor Donnellys. He ran
Toronto's Theatre Passe Muraille
from 1970 to 1982, created original
plays in eight of 10 Canadian
provinces and four continents, and
partnered in two recent creations at
the Stratford Festival.
.7ap'p'cq 80th
Olene Dennis
July 30th
Love your family
Portraying Robert Donnelly and
also co -playwright is Gil Garratt.
Garratt has been involved with the
Blyth Festival since 1999, including
16 seasons as an actor, director, co -
creator, and the director of the Young
Company. Notable past shows with
Blyth include Death and the Hired
Man, The Drawer Boy, The Outdoor
Donnellys, Against the Grain, Vimy,
The Nuttalls, and Early August as a
performer; Our Beautiful Sons:
Remembering Matthew Dinning,
Mary's Wedding, Spirit of the
Narrows, World Without Shadows,
and Another Season's Harvest as
director; and as the playwright of
2014's St. Anne's Reel. This is
Garratt's second season as Blyth
Festival's Artistic Director.
Beth Kates (Seeds, If Truth be
Told) is the co -creator of The Last
Donnelly Standing designing the
set, lighting, projections, and
costumes and Lyon Smith (Mary's
Wedding) is the sound designer.
Chantal Hayman is the stage
manager and Neha Ross is the
assistant stage manager.
Reserve your seats by calling the
Box Office at 519-523-9300, Toll
free 1-877-862-5984 or online at
11� 9,ter. • •
\M./ M'
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Canadian -;,i Thea¢re
Written by Paul Thompson and Gil Garratt
Directed by Paul Thompson 1 Starring Gil Garratt
The ultimate fiery epilogue to the bloody Biddulph Feud. Of the seven
Donnelly brothers, only one was ever sentenced to hard time in prison;
only one was ever convicted of assault with intent to kill and murder';
only one returned to the charred foundations on the infamous Roman
Line to rebuild from the ashes: Robert Donnelly. The Last Donnelly
Standing tells of the rise and fall of a defiant young man who stood in
the face of history and dared to burn it all down with a smile.
For Tickets Call 519.523.9300 Toll Free 1.877.862.5984 or visit blythfestival.com
2015-2017 Season Sponsors
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Blyth Festival gratefully acknowledges the support of