HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-07-28, Page 17ADVERTISING .i PERSONALS FOR SAL§imi THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016. PAGE 17. `Grand Sparks' camp encourages family activities On June 29, the Londesborough Happy Gang Seniors held their annual summer meeting at United. The Londesborough attending members enjoyed salad plate potluck meal and fellowship. They had a guest speaker that afternoon, Jay McFarlan, who is the chair of Rural Nutrition and Exercise, a specific area of the Gateway Centre of Excellence for Rural Health. The goal of Gateway is to improve the health of rural residents. Gateway strives to develop and implement research strategies by collaborating with community health centres, rural health professionals, academia and the community for residents in southwestern Ontario. Powerhouse Dance The Blyth Business Improvement Area (BIA) held Streetfest over the weekend and had entertainers from across the county showing what they could do. Dancers from Powerhouse Dance in Clinton showed attendees of the summer festival what they were made of with several different dance routines. From left: Madison Burns, Sarah Gionet and Riley Shore. (Denny Scott photo) Gateway's health studies strive to help rural residents understand their specific health circumstances and make suggestions for their daily living such as, of course, exercise and also nutrition awareness and monitoring of blood pressure, etc. Research has discovered that persons in rural areas suffer significantly higher rates of heart disease, stroke, some forms of cancer, chronic lung disease, diabetes and mild cognitive impairment than do their urban counterparts. Gateway's Centre in Seaforth is dedicated to the advancement of rural health teaching in Huron, Perth, Bruce and Grey Counties. Jay and nine other associated authorities in the field of rural health feel that to improve the health of rural residents will ultimately reduce rates of chronic disease, strain on the health system and improve the lives of rural folk. Jay explained that the centre supports rural health professionals in conducting relevant research, implementing studies, networking with other professionals and attracting young professionals to the area who are interested in this field of study. Jay would like to see the office in Seaforth become the world headquarters for this particular area of health study. This means attracting research resources/funds. Gateway is a not- for-profit centre and the only community -driven rural health research institute in Canada. Gateway was one of three recipients of proceeds from the Hometown Heroes Hockey Game recently played in Goderich. The office is in the former Seaforth Creamery at the intersection of Main St. and Railway St. For more information one can call 519-600-5195 or visit gatewayruralhealth.ca The lifestyle of rural residents has changed considerably in the last 100 years. We've become far more sedentary and exercise is encouraged more and more by health professionals. With this in mind the Ontario Seniors Communities Fund donated funds to the centre in 2015 for a new idea in camping called Grand Sparks. For the 2016 camp a grant was received from the Healthy Kids Community Challenge for Huron County provided the camp promoted water as the first beverage of choice — not too tough to do when exercising. This is a one-week, half-day camp for grandparents and their grandchildren. From 9 a.m. to noon each morning the family members are encouraged and coached to do a variety of outdoor activities together. Activities include canoeing, yoga, hiking trails, biking, a high ropes course and a forest obstacle course. Jay remarked that the older participants are very wary the first morning but end the day and week with smiles. The activities do have a managed risk and trained safety folk are in attendance. The Maitland Valley Conservation Authority made a presentation this year about the multitude of trails in the area. Dry field Did anyone else notice the plume of smoke off to the east around 6:30 Saturday evening? It seemed fairly close so I, figuratively, put on my press hat and we drove off to investigate. We found out distances can be deceiving. The smoke was from a field fire just north of the Cranbrook Road between Brussels and Cranbrook. We have been cautioned nearly every day by the media to be careful due to the very dry conditions we are experiencing. And we wondered if perhaps a spark from the harvesting of this field caused the fire. Services will resume at Londesborough United Church on Sunday, Aug. 7. I saw a performance of Our Beautiful Sons: Remembering Matthew Dinning. It is a heart - wrenching production which clearly illustrates the agony of families who have members abroad trying to make our world a better place for everyone. We all need to recognize, too, that not all theatre productions are meant to entertain but some are At noon everyone participates in preparing a shared lunch which comes with a daily nutrition lesson. The adults, in particular, challenge their comfort zone for the benefit of doing something new with their grandchildren. The young participants learn basic decision- making keeping the safety and enjoyment of their grandparents in mind. The hope is that this camp will become a lasting memory for the families as well. The centre leases time in early July for their camp from The Edge of Walton Camp which is located at the Walton Raceway. Twenty-five people participated this summer at a cost of $100 each. A survey will be conducted with participants at summer's end to evaluate whether the idea of exercise and better nutrition has taken root. It was an interesting presentation for the Happy Gang members who will meet again on Sept. 27. lit ablaze intended to touch the heart and educate. Do try to take in a performance of this play if only to get an appreciation for the sacrifice others make for us. FROV LONDESBORO ADCENTI EXTEND YOUR REACH - ADVERTISE PROVINCIALLY OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local community newspaper or visit www.networkclassified.org FINANCIAL SERVICES $$ CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT $$ HOME EQUITY LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE!! Bank turn downs, Tax or Mortgage arrears, Self Employed, Bad Credit, Bankruptcy. Creative Mortgage Specialists! 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