HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-07-28, Page 3Officially opened
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 420 in Blyth held a special ribbon -cutting ceremony on
Saturday to mark the opening of the recently renovated branch building and elevator. From left:
Provincial Bursary Chair Brian Smith, Legion Auxiliary Deputy Zone Commander Sharon
Scrutin, Legion Auxiliary/Branch member Susan Hubbard, Legion Auxiliary Past President
Janice Henry, Legion President Ric McBurney, Trillium Foundation representative Don
Butland, Legion First Vice -President Crystal Taylor, Legion member Kevin McDougall, Legion
Secretary Donna Govier, Legion Auxiliary and branch member Elaine Frasier and Vice
President of Ontario Command Derek Moore. (Denny Scott photo)
Church welcomes guest speaker
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on Sunday, July 24,
were Brenda Brooks and Marilyn
Craig. Ushering were David Onn
and Brenda Brooks. Susanna Lyman
was guest organist and Katie
Dockstader was choir director.
Lavern Clark ran the power point.
Emily Phillips welcomed
everyone to church and drew
attention to the announcements
printed in the bulletin. Special
mention was that the church has a
catering coming up and extra hands
make less work. If you can help in
anyway give Sharon Bromley a call
at 519-523-9421. She also
mentioned that if you still receive
mail with stamps on the envelope,
cut them off and save them for the
Bible Society and bring them to
church with you.
Emily introduced Dan Leonard,
the day's guest speaker. Dan lit the
Christ candle and the other candles
on the altar table. The first hymn
"Lord Prepare Me to be a
Sanctuary" was followed by the
opening prayer said in unison. Dan
invited everyone to greet one
another and to welcome those who
were visiting. The next hymn "How
Great is Thy Faithfulness" was sung.
The scripture reading was from
Psalms. The choir sang the anthem
"In My Heart there Rings a Melody,"
directed by Katie Dockstader.
The children's story was about
Ila's mom asking her to find a round
house that was red. It has no
windows or doors and had a star in
it. lia went to her father for help but
her father was too busy. She then
went to her brother to see if he could
help and he told her that mom
should not send you for something
that isn't there. Ila went back to
mom and she took her on her knee
and showed her a red apple and
proceeded to cut the apple in half
Pope SELF?
(John Newton, author of
"Amazing Grace")
"I have read of many wicked
popes, but the worst pope I ever
met with is Pope SELF."
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United
Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON
and lo and behold there was a star in
the middle of the apple.
Dan's message to the congregation
was "Weathering the Storm" Dan
passed a picture of a lighthouse with
a storm brewing in the background
among the congregation. He asked if
anyone saw the man standing at the
door of the lighthouse. When
looking at the storm coming you
want to tell him to get in out of the
storm. The man maintains the
lighthouse and ships passing by
depend on the lighthouse in storms
to guide them through the rocks.
Our faith in God is like the
lighthouse and He will guide us
through life. God has promised our
light will shine. God knows how
strong we have to be. We just need to
pick up the Bible that acts like a
telephone, and talk to God. Let God
into your heart and He will keep you
safe. God gives us strength to face
the next day and He will guide us
through life.
The next hymn was "How Firm a
Foundation" was followed by the
receiving of the offering, the
offertory response "Your work, 0
God, Needs Many Hands," the
offertory prayer, prayers for the
people, silent prayers and the
singing of the Lord's Prayer. The
benediction was followed by the
singing of "God Be With You 'Til
We Meet Again."
I would like to thank the town fellas for the long hours preparing the
street and for working Saturday. Thank you to the BBIA for their
financial and positive support. I'd like to thank the committee for all
the hard work, we might be small but we are mighty. Mostly I'd like to
thank everyone for coming out.
You made the day possible and it was totally
awesome. I was walking on top
of the world all day.
Lorna Fraser of the Blyth Streetfest Committee
Lettuce continue.
mprA ent
Township of North Huron
2016 Council & Committee
Meeting Schedule
Town Hall Public Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Location: Emergency Services Training Centre
Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Regular Council Meetings 7:00 p.m.
Location: North Huron Council Chambers
Dates: Tuesday, August 2
Monday, August 22
Tuesday, September 6
Monday, September 19
Monday, October 3
Monday, October 17
North Huron Police Services Board Meetings
Location: Police Station Board Room at 7:00 p.m.
Dates: September 20, October 18
P.O. Box 90, 274 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0
Phone: 519-357-3550 Fax: 519-357-1110
Streetfest a success
despite hot weather
From Marilyn's Desk
By Marilyn
Happy birthday to Kelsey Kerr
who celebrates, July 28; Doug
Craig, Atwood (50th), July 30;
Emily deCorte, Zurich, July 31 and
Rick Elliott, Aug. 1.
Everyone have a fun and safe
Civic Holiday weekend. This
summer we can't complain that the
weather is too cold. It is ideal for
those who are vacationing along the
Broken Dryer?
Blyth Laundromat
191 Westmoreland St., Blyth
Streetfest was another successful
event in Blyth this past weekend.
Many people came out even though
the weather was hot.
Congratulations to the committee
who organized the day of fun.
gaue 74' Vizi, iikederiemt7
Let everyone know about
your new bundle of joy!
The Citizen
Call for prices and details
519-523-4792 or 519-887-9114
Business Name
The Citizen
Blyth Discount Centre
Maple and Moose
Blackburn Radio Inc.
Wonky Frog Studio
Spa Essentials
Blyth Festival
North Huron Recreation
The Blyth Inn
Scrimgeour's Food Market
Sparlings Propane
The Old Mill
Bainton's Old Mill
Howson Mills
Millstone Crop Services
Huron Tractor
Blyth Laundromat
The Office of Lisa Thompson
The Office of Ben Lobb
Blyth Corner Cafe
Queens Bakery
East Side Dance Studio
Energy 2 Heal You
with Stacy Reeves-
Vinnicombe Productions
Blyth Building Supplies
Jim Johnston Cabinetry
Blyth Lions Club
Cowbell Brewery
Stitches with a Twist
Blyth BIA
Sharon Davis
Sharon Davis
Sharon Davis
Deb Stryker
- one year subscription
- 7 foot patio umbrella
- Dazzling Gourmet salad tongs
- Holding tank cleaner
- Holding tank cleaner
- Wine bag
- golf bag
- gift certificate
- gift certificate
- side by side shellac manicures
- 2016 Community gift pass
-1 Fitness OR Aquafit Membership
- gift certificate
- Gift bag
- Steak dinner for Two
- BBQ utensil set
- gift certificate
- Sheepskin rug
- Portable BBQ
- BBQ utensil set
- Outdoor Fire Pit
- Toy Tractor
- Ball cap
- Framed picture Blyth Greenway Trail
- IPM 2017 Welcome metal garden stake
- full size Canadian flag
- Gift certificate for a breakfast for two
- Gift certificate
- Golf shirt
- Gift certificate
- Shoe bag
- one hour healing session
- " Cow" Plant Holder
- Workshop light
- Smoke Detector
- 4 Dinners for the Thresher Pork Chop BBQ
- beer stein, t -shirt and lanyard
- crochet hook set
- jigsaw puzzle
- mirror and comb set
- Flag shopping bag
- Calgary Flames T -Shirt
- Crocheted Scarf
- Melamine chip & dip bowl
- Canadian umbrella
- 2 Friction toy trains
- Watkins gift basket
Mike Glousher
Ruth Anne Merner
Vicky Bremner
Cathy Howson
Kathy Abell
Karen Stewart
Randy Fraser
Casey Irvine
Bunny Peacock
Barbara Snell
Pat Jenkins
Bev Blair
Candice Chaffe
Susan Hubbard
Candice Chaffe
Pat Jenkins
Bev Blair
Jesse Hakkers
Jacob Crosby
Pat Jenkins
Susan Hubbard
Cathy Howson
Lloyd Carter
Nancy Hakkers
Karen Stewart
E Nonkes
J Fear
David Sparling
Joe Hallahan
J Fear
Brinna Bremner
Annette Ward
Annette Ward
Connie Goodall
Irene Kellins
Mike Glousher
Vicky Bremner
Deb Stryker
J Fear
Brinna Bremner
Deb Stryker
Deb Wilson
Cathy Howson
Pat Jenkins
Pat Jenkins
Jesse Hakkers
J Fear
Generous donations by Part II Bistro, Blyth Decor Shoppe, Blyth Printing,
Orr Insurance, Rick Elliott, Doug Scrimgeour, Stitches with a Twist, Blyth
Laundromat, Crystal White - corn box.