HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-07-14, Page 12PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2016.
From the Minister's Study
Jesus can make you extraordinary: Royall
By Rev. Mark Royall
Huron Chapel Evangelical
Missionary Church
I was watching a movie with
Glenda the other night called, Jack
Ryan: Shadow Recruit. We love to
watch action packed movies. This
one was about Jack Ryan who was
just an ordinary analyst working for
the CIA when he uncovers a Russian
plot to crash the United States
Throughout the movie you watch
Jack going through these high-
pressured, nail biting experiences
where life and death are held in the
balance. I told Glenda as we
watched how I could never survive
these kind of experiences because I
would crumble under the pressure. I
would want out of the assignment
after the first time someone tried to
kill me. One person shooting at me
would be enough drama to last me
for a lifetime.
I look at these extraordinary
characters like Jack Ryan and I
quickly put them in a class of people
far above myself. I tell myself they
have something I don't have and so I
could never be or do what they do. I
realized I have made this same kind
of comparison with myself and
Bible characters who, are not
fictional, but real people. I read
about what they accomplished, the
tense moments, the trials they go
through and I tell myself they are in
a far higher class of people than
where I am living life.
It is easy to tell myself these
extraordinary Bible characters were
able to do the things they were able
to do because they had far greater
abilities, talent, education or
whatever, than I possess. So I excuse
myself from ever trying to be
extraordinary and settle for being
Then one day I imagined myself
walking up to Peter, one of these
extraordinary Bible characters, when
he was just an ordinary fisherman. I
see him working with his fishing
nets on the shore and I would tell
him, "Peter, do you know in
hundreds of years from today, in fact
even in a couple of thousand years
from now people will still be talking
about you. In fact, Peter your
influence in this world will be so
great, people will name churches
after you, parents will name their
children after you and they will
even name a city in your honour.
Peter do you realize in the year
2016, people on the other side
of the world will gather together
in a church in little place
called Auburn and hear and
talk about the words you wrote in a
I have imagined having this
conversation with Peter because I
would like to see his reaction to this
revelation regarding his life. Can
you imagine how Peter might
respond when he heard about the
impact he will have in our world
these many years later? I can hear
him asking, "People will be reading
my words? I don't understand. I am
not an author. Look at me. I am a
simple fisherman. You say people
will name cities and churches and
children after me? You say people
will be talking about me 2,000 years
from now? How can this be? I am a
fisherman with a boat and a net. I am
ordinary. How could I ever be what
you say I am going to be?"
And we would answer Peter by
telling him, "Well Peter, you are
going to meet Jesus. He is God's Son
and He will change everything in
your life. It will all begin when Jesus
comes up to you and says these two
little words, `follow me' and you
do." And indeed this is what
Later on in the New Testament
after Peter began following Jesus,
members of a religious council are
surprised at just how bold and
powerful Peter's words are as he
Spring Rally held in Lucknow
"Spring into action" was the
theme for the spring rally of
Maitland Presbyterial WMS at
Lucknow Presbyterian Church.
Joanne Lennips brought greetings
on behalf of Lucknow WMS and
welcomed the ladies to a delicious
assortment of desserts prepared by
the Lucknow women. Lorraine
Clugston led a hymn sing and
President Mary Simmons conducted
the business.
The guest speaker was Erin
Gilchrist, recently returned from a
four-month term in Kenya, where
she was a global advocate for the
non-profit organization called
Mamma Hope. She spent her time at
Kisumu, the third-largest city in
Kenya. Mamma Hope rescues
orphans and places them in a safe
home as well as providing a safe
place for mothers who are
temporarily unable to care for their
children. They raise goats and
chickens and grow farm crops such
as kale and eggplant for good
nutrition. They help women with
HIV and provide medication for
HIV pregnant women so they can
give birth to children who do not
have HIV. They promote good
health for the women and children
and teach women skills so they can
provide an income for their families.
While Gilchrist was there, they
opened a shop that teaches women
1V -
July 17: 10:00 am
Community Post-VBS Outdoor
Service at Blyth Lion's Park
THE LIGHT nr TIF tvegly
Preaching: Rev. Allan Livingstone
Presiding: Rev. Gary Clark
Music: Emily Wilts
Bring lawn chairs, snack to follow
Evangelical Missionary Church
Pastor: Ernest Dow - 519-523-4848
to sew garments and school
uniforms. It was named in honour of
her grandmother and was called the
Margaret Mowbray Tailor Shop.
Erin was thanked by Lorraine
Clugston of Wingham. Mary
Simmons led a worship time. An
honourary membership of the WMS
was presented to Nancy Maclntyre
of South Kinloss by Kathy Howald.
President Simmons reported on
Synodical held in Sarnia in April.
Elaine Armstrong expressed
appreciation to everyone involved.
4if i
in Auburn ever Sunda @ 10:30am huroncha•el.com
Church bookings: 519-887-6377
Other concerns: 226-963-1175
Rev. Elwin Garland
We invite you to join our church family in:
Worship & Sunday School - 10 am
Coffee & Snacks - 11 am
Fridays 11:30 am - 1:00 pm - Soup & More 2
- a free community meal held in Melville's basement, and
made possible by the Brussels churches working together.
Trinity St. John's
A ( 9:15am 11:15 am
Nursery care available
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You re c9nvited ajoin clis c9n 7ors4ip \ 1 I
Morning Service 10:00 am q I
Evening Service 7:30 pmIlk
Minister: Pastor Gary van Leeuwen
4\ ( Hwy. 4, Blyth www.blythcrc.ca 519-523-4743
All are invited to join us for the Community Outdoor Service
at the Blyth Lions Park at 10 am on Sunday, July 17th.
Please bring lawn chairs. Coffee and snacks to follow.
preached to them. They knew he was
just an ordinary guy and yet he and
the Apostle, John had just healed a
lame man. The council was baffled.
We read, "The members of the
council were amazed when they saw
the boldness of Peter and John, for
they could see that they were
ordinary men with no special
training in the Scriptures. They also
recognized them as men who had
been with Jesus." Acts 4:13
Being with Jesus was the changing
factor for Peter. Being with Jesus
gave Peter boldness. Being with
Jesus turned Peter from being
ordinary to being extraordinary. It is
within our nature to want our lives to
count for something bigger than
ourselves. However, we ask
ourselves, "How could this ever be?
I am just a simple man, I am just a
simple woman. There is nothing
important or special about me that
would impact this world in a
significant way."
But just as we told Peter and just
as the religious council had noted,
we need to remind ourselves today
of this truth, allowing Jesus, being
with Jesus makes the difference in
our lives. When we follow Jesus,
when we choose to be with Him,
suddenly the limitations and
restrictions come off on what we are
able to do and what we can
accomplish for God in this world.
Jesus tells us in John 15, "You
didn't choose me. I chose you. I
appointed you to go and produce
lasting fruit..." Lasting fruit refers
to accomplishing things here on
earth that have eternal consequences
for people's lives. There is nothing
bigger or more significant than this.
So if you feel the need to make your
life count for something bigger than
yourself, connect with Jesus, follow
Him and you will find you will be
able to say as the Apostle Paul would
say, "I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me.
(Philippians 44:13) And Paul did.
And so can we.
United Church
Please note:
There will be no church services
until August 7th at 10:00 am
Minister: Rev. Gary Clark, BA, M.Div.
Bulletin notices: 519-523-4224
Church bookings: 519-887-6377
Other concerns: 226-963-1175
Trinity St. John's
A ( 9:15am 11:15 am
Church Office Church Office
519-357-4883 519-887-6862
Everyone Welcome!
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Sunday, July 17
You're Invitee( Brussels Business & Cultural Centre
Vit, to come rovor5�tt at 10:30 a.m. and at various homes at 6:30 p.m.
p from July 3 to Sept. 4
®-_, 0 with us Sunday School for children
.-. 4 to 12 years of age at 9:30 a.m.
- Childcare provided for infants and preschoolers during
' — i ` the sermon.
Coffee & cookies after the morning service.
For additional details please contact Pastor Andrew Versteeg 519.887.8621
Steve Klumpenhower 519.292.0965 Rick Packer 519.527.0173
Blyth United Church
Est. 1875
Sunday, July 17th - 10:00 am
Come celebrate our community
Vacation Bible School week
at an outdoor service at the Lions Park, Blyth
Service at 10 am
Coffee & Snacks to follow.
If it's raining the service will be
held in the
Blyth Christian Reformed
,, Church
MINISTER: Rev. Gary Clark, BA, M. Div. 6. OFFICE: 519-523-4224