HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-07-07, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2016. PAGE 19.
Zwep, Stevenson honour teachers, parents
By Cole Zwep and Allison
There is a universal truth we all
have to face, whether we like it to or
not: everything eventually comes to
an end. As much as I've looked
forward to this day, I am struggling
with the ending! The last day of
school, the final chapter of a great
book, parting with all of your close
friends. But endings are inevitable,
the final bell rings, you close the
book, you say goodbye to everything
that was familiar, everything that
was so comfortable. As much as it
hurts to say goodbye to this class of
2016, we will be together forever.
There are just some people in our
lives who will always be a part of us
and we will never let that go.
Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I'm
Cole and this is Allison, and we will
be lecturing you to a valedictorian
speech. Ladies, I just want to say
looking good tonight. Now, looking
at your mothers, I can see where you
get your looks from. And
boys... ugh, never mind.
Before we begin, we would like to
thank everyone: teachers, principals,
fellow students and family, for
getting us to this point in our lives.
For teaching us everything we know,
getting us out of bed in the morning,
dragging us to school, taking us to
the sporting events. We couldn't had
done any of this without it.
Kiera Agnew, Brooke Beuermann,
Grace Bontaine, Jacob Flood, John
Flynn, Amy Gras, Alexa Hugill,
Mackenzie Hughes, Ryian
McGregor, Justin Morris, Kenzie
Jones, Robert Kelly, Dana Latour,
Cameron Lebold Michael McGuire,
Grace Robinson, Alison Snell,
Emily Upshall, Deric
VandenHeuvel...we are so glad
everyone is here. Who would want to
miss their own Grade 8 graduation?
The great Dr Seuss once said,
"You have a brain in your head, you
have feet in your shoes, you can
steer yourself any direction you
choose. You're on your own and you
know what you know and you are
the one who will decide where to
As we move ahead with our lives
we should always take the time to
look back on the things we have
done. It feels like just yesterday we
were back in Kindergarten crying,
holding on to our parent's leg saying
we don't want to go to school today.
And now that we are in Grade 8 we
are thinking of every excuse in the
book just to go to school. But now
that it is coming to an end and we
take the time to reflect on the
memories that we've had with each
other, like "hey remember when..."
• The time in Grade 3 when Cole
ripped his pants. RIP Cole.
• The time that Reece ran around
the basketball court at Celtic with
fake boobs and a wig.
• Or when Alison and Ryian got
sworn at in Grade 3. Shut up isn't
that bad, but in Grade 3 it meant you
were being bad.
• The time we bought 50 Timbits
and ate them all, but gave some to
• Posing with a metal statue at
• Playing volleyball in the pool at
• Jumping into the grotto at Camp
• When Dana got clotheslined by a
tree branch during a game of
• When Miss Dawe told someone
"I don't care" and we all yelled "I
love it!"
• When Mr. Hundey said his
favourite day of the year was Friday.
• Who can forget about our Grade
3 relationships. When someone
broke up we made them divorce.
• Teacher vs. students volleyball.
These memories will stick with us
for life. Every day reminding us of
the fun we had here, and the
friendships that we made with each
other. Now, we look towards our
future. Every step that we take will
change us, good or bad. We will
learn from both good and bad and
improve to become the best version
of ourselves. When we were 10, so
many people would ask us what we
you wanted to be when we get older,
and we would respond with, pop
star and race car driver and here we
are three years later with the
response of doctor or mechanic. But
how are we really supposed to know
that. Our minds changed so much in
three years. In another four years,
what will we have decided then? So
for right now, let's live in the
moment, make mistakes, try new
things, dream big, experience life,
spread our wings and fly, because
after all, you are only here once.
And boy, the school sports teams —
remember our amazing volleyball
skills? It was pretty much the first
time in the last three years our sports
team didn't finish in last place.
Second -last was a win in our books.
Let's not forget the intense rivalry
between the Grade 8 boys and girls
during those games. Considering the
girls almost doubled the boys in
numbers, we didn't know what we
were getting into. Thank goodness
the Grade 7 students had our backs
and saved us.
We have some pretty awesome
teachers. Sure, they've made
mistakes but, let's not be too hard on
the teachers. They gave us naps in
Kindergarten and sometimes, let us
get away with it now. Or maybe they
just didn't notice. They have taught
us a lot of things, most of which
we'll forget come summer time.
Teachers aren't just teachers, they all
have a special place in our hearts.
They have taken us on trips. Mr.
Hundey left his three young
daughters so that we could go to
Camp Celtic. Please, give a round of
applause for the best teachers in all
of elementary school.
Tonight is a time to celebrate our
time here at Seaforth Public School.
For most of us, we've spent our
whole learning careers here. We've
learned so many things. We've
learned how to write, multiply, find
that crazy "x" thing, and even the
Pythagorean theorem or however
you pronounce it. Now, we are
moving onto an even bigger chapter
is our lives: high school, the next
step in our educational journey. To
all my fellow classmates, may you
pursue your dreams, achieve all your
goals never take no for an answer.
And may our paths cross again to
continue the friendships that started
here. Thank you.
Hullett students on their way to high school
Continued from page 18
popsicle stick out, read the name
aloud, and that unsuspecting kid
would have to answer that specific
question. But, not that long ago, this
mug was accidently broken by some
students who made a mistake, and
are definitely sorry. I don't think it
would be the right thing to do to just
leave you without a mug for your
next class, so I got you two
replacements. Kids will be kids, so I
figured it would be better to be
prepared. I hope you like them.
Whether we like it or not, just like
many other schools, our class also
has its cliques, such as the cool kids,
the jocks, the troublemakers, the
class clowns and the outsiders, but
all in all, it doesn't really matter
which group you hang out with, as
long as you have your priorities
straight and know that once you get
past elementary school, you need to
take a look at the bigger picture. We
have just completed one stage in our
lives, but we still have quite a few
more to go through. High school,
college/university and further
adulthood are just a few examples of
things that we still have to
experience later on in life. Soon,
during high school, we will realize
that categories don't define who you
are and how far you can go in life.
For the most part, regardless of the
different cliques we have in our
class, we somehow managed to
respect everyone for who they are,
work great together when it was
required and be the best class we
could be. We have managed to be a
good example to the younger ones
around us, and do the best we can
with getting our work done to the
best of our ability. I count us
fortunate to have such an awesome
graduating class, and I challenge you
to find another Grade 8 class with a
bond as strong as ours. No matter
how bad our days are, and no matter
how stressed we get, we always
manage to stay away from the
negative, which I hope all of you will
continue to do in your future years.
I know all of you have, (or will)
get recognition from the teachers for
how you have portrayed yourself
through all of the years, but I also
want to do the same thing. I would
like to share with you what type of
person you are in my point of view,
from all the experiences we have
shared, from student to student. Alex
and Teag, you guys are the coolest,
and will do amazing things in life
with your smart and creative minds.
Bailey and Jamie, no matter what
crazy thing I ask you to do, you are
always willing to come along with
me and make everything an
adventure. Myea and Alaina, I can't
believe how amazing you are at
sports, I wouldn't even dare to race
you, I already know I would lose by
an unbelievable distance. Faith, you
have been my best friend since
Kindergarten. You have always made
sure I was making the right
decisions, and being the best person
I could be each day.
Griffie and Marissa, you two are
so amazingly funny, and I wish I had
as much guts as you guys do.
Jared and Ben, you are two of the
nicest guys I know. You have never
been rude to me, or anyone in our
class for that matter. Josh, Malcolm
and Owen, you three have made me
laugh with almost everything you
have said for as long as I can
remember. Joy and Jaden, you two
were amazing as student vice-
president and president for this
year's student council. You have
made this another successful year
with all of your hard work. Mikayla
and Hannah, you two are the best for
having random talks with, and I love
your cool, edgy sense of style.
Michael and Brodi, you two played
an extremely important part in the
class each and every day in helping
the class get through problems,
which was very handy.
Jason and Colin, you guys are
going to get onto every sports team
you try out for in high school. Trust
me, I haven't seen you play one
sport that you guys aren't good at.
Brooke and Taylor, not only are you
great classmates, but you also are
great teammates to play soccer with.
At this rate, I hope your phones
survive all of high school with the
screens still intact. Kaori and Sara,
you are some of the nicest, kindest
girls I have ever met. Your kindness
will serve you both well throughout
high school. Summer and Holly,
although we haven't had much
conversations outside of the
classroom, I know that you both are
really great people with great
personalities. William and Adam,
you guys always try your best, are
sincere and are a great friend to
everyone in the class. I know that
any high school you attend, they will
love this class and each of your great
personalities immediately.
For those of you who aren't aware,
I was given the amazing opportunity
to go to Taiwan for two weeks in
March. Not only was the experience
incredible, but I also learned some
very important life lessons
throughout the trip that I believe all
of you should be aware of before
heading to high school — for
example, trying new things and
stepping outside of your comfort
zone. This could be as easy as trying
out for sports teams and clubs, or as
difficult as passing your driver's test.
Imagine all that you would try to do,
if there was no such thing as failure,
you wouldn't be afraid to do
anything, would you? If you are
going to take any advice from this
speech, please let `never giving up'
be that advice. I'm sure all of you are
thinking "Yeah, yeah, I've heard this
talk before" and I, too, did agree
with you, up until now. Right now,
we are living proof that you can
accomplish things in life. We are
here today, graduating elementary
school, "moving on up on the totem
pole" as Mrs. Gerber often tells us.
We have went from tiny
Kindergartens who cried over simple
things like losing a crayon, to mature
Grade 8 students who have shown
that we are prepared for whatever
challenge comes our way. We have
been faced with challenges like
EQAO, and track and field, but have
always prepared each other for the
worst and have succeeded together
as a class. I will never forget the
special moments such as the field
trip to Canada's Wonderland when
we played together in the band, or
when we went to Jump at the
University to see what are options
we had in the future. Now, we are
experiencing something amazing.
The most important, but also the last
event together as a class. We have
went so far, and are lucky enough to
share and treasure this moment
together. I know that graduating with
each one of you today was not
chance, but destiny.
This is not the end, and we don't
have to say goodbye. I refuse to
think that leaving elementary school
is a bad thing, because we have only
experienced 13 or 14 years of our
life. Everyone graduating today has
so much potential, but in order to
achieve, you need to go for it. That
wouldn't happen if you stayed in one
spot the rest of your lives, now
would it? You have spent 10 years in
elementary school completing a
small portion of your life puzzle,
now it's time to go out, and find
more pieces that fit in your jigsaw, to
one day have all the pieces required.
Expect some pieces to not fit, and
expect some pieces to be missing for
a while. But in the end, after going
through failure and struggles, you
will have the most beautiful puzzle
completed before you, all because
you never gave up on what you
strived for. As Winston Churchill
once said "Now this is not the end. It
is not even the beginning of the end.
But it is perhaps, the end of the
I wish you all luck with high
school and whatever future you
decide on. I believe all of you can,
and will succeed with anything you
put your mind to. I hope all of you
will never forget this class, because I
couldn't even if I tried. Thank you.