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Composer Norwegian Rolf Lovland wrote the melody in 2002 and Brenda Graham supplied the words that declare we never do anything alone. The song recognizes that everyone has someone there for him or her in the defining moments of life making it an emotional event for singers. the rock music charts and has never been adopted as the signature song of any popular musical artist. Yet it is heard on television talent shows and has been performed on stages, in churches and in schools around the globe. This song defines the importance of compassion and inspiration when achieving something worthwhile. Relay for Life A local Relay for Life team held a fundraising barbecue in front of Scrimgeour's Food Market in Blyth earlier this month in an effort to raise money for their team, the Sparling's Propane Power Team. From left: Herb Govier, Ray Lobb, Judy Lajeunesse, Rob Wilts, Jenn Courtney and Alyssa Courtney. Absent were Cathie Brown, Rob Netterfield, Yvonne Wilts and Joe Brenner. (Vicky Bremner photo) Last weekend some games and activities were professionally painted on the blacktop on the senior side of Hullett Central School. Rumour has it the students have definitely been enjoying them. This major purchase was possible through funds raised at the recent carnival and auction. The Student Advisory Council has plans for more playground purchases this summer. Curiosity has got the better of me so I'm asking! Recently a tall wooden structure was built on the west side of London Road just south of the bridge. I've noticed some others in the area as well. But, what are they for? If you give me an answer I'll pass it on in this space. `Things' not important Oliver Clayton Groves began his personal faith journey at Londesborough United Church on Sunday, June 12. His parents, Jeff Groves and Molly Horbanuik presented their son for baptism to Rev. Terry Fletcher. The young family was introduced to congregants by grandmother Lynda Horbanuik and there were many family members on hand to witness the event. UCW president Helen Lobb presented the family with a Baptism candle and Oliver's first Bible. Oliver's cousins gathered at the front and Rev. Fletcher talked with them about the water in the font. He explained that the water they watched him pour into the font was just plain water. Then during the Baptism a blessing of the water was asked of God so the water used would bless and welcome Oliver into the church. "Let God Do It" was the title of the message to the adults. Rev. Fletcher chose Mark 10: 13-27 as the morning New Testament scripture. These verses are an account of the young man who wished to enter the Kingdom of God but was loathe to give up his earthly possessions. As Terry remarked, all people love their `things'. They are our way of sending a message to the world about how our life is going, of how successful we are. But sometimes that message is false. Those who look the most successful can be racked with self-doubt and troubles because something is missing in their lives. This was the difficulty for the young man in the scripture. "Things" will not get you into the Kingdom of Heaven. Terry suggested that if you are not the person you want to be, change can come with the help of God. He suggested we need to let go' and let God'. He will help us become truly fulfilled people A Yiddish proverb from 1949 sums it up "Pearls around the neck — stones upon the heart". Marsha Szusz was pianist for the morning service. UCW members are asked to bring along a donation for Camp Menesetung to the meeting on June 20. The camp's 'wish list' is posted in the Sunday school room. The choir is up to something! Come out on June 26 to see what. FROM LONDESBORO