HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-06-09, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016. PAGE 15. Huron West District WI meeting held in Belgrave 401) VVI amen involved A group effort The Huron West District WI met in Belgrave last week to determine who would be responsible for leading the group in the future. Back row, from left: Southern Area President Margaret Ogar Assistant Secretary Marita Oudshoorn, Public Relations Co-ordinator (PRO) Nancy Jardin, Assistant PRO Mabel Jacklin, Past President Dianna Robinson and Tweedsmuir Co-ordinator Willma Higgins. Front row: Secretary/Treasurer Doreen Marks, District President Debbie Bauer and Provincial President Margaret Byl. Absent from the photograph is District Vice - President Verna Norgate. (Denny Scott photo) person, a take home gift of a cup and saucer filled with tea samples and candies. Wilma Higgins registered the 26 attendees. District President Debbie Bauer called the meeting to order and the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect were repeated. The branch past -president Nancy Jardin extended a welcome on behalf of the Belgrave branch. A ratification of District Directors was given by Glenna Ladell — area voting delegate. These directors were Marita Oudshorn and Nancy Jardin. Minutes of 2015 and the financial report were presented by Doreen Marks. Mary Hunter and Jeanette Yuje had acted as examiners and reported the books were in order. Greetings were extended from Cris PEOPLE AROUND BELGRAVE By Linda Campbell Call 357-2188 Huron West District of Women's Institute held its 116th annual meeting on May 30. "Colour Your World" was the theme of the day and Knox United Church, Belgrave was the location for the meeting. A rainbow of colour greeted everyone — bright tablecloths of many colours, flowers, and for each VanHyie of Huron South, Barb Elg of Huron Perth and Marlene Gibson of Perth South. Reports were presented and accepted from the District committees of Advocacy, Public Relations, Tweedsmuir and ROSE education. Next were reports concerning the area — now known as Southern Area, previously known as London Area. Members heard from Glenna Ladell, area voting delegate; Rie Van Steeg, provincial board director and Marg Ogar, Southern Area president. It was quite an honour to have there for the day, Margaret Bly, the provincial president. From the Auburn -Dungannon branch Jeanette Yuje and Joanne Upthegrove gave a memorial tribute to past member Joan Dougherty. District president Debbie Bauer gave her remarks and reflections. After a wonderful potluck luncheon the meeting reconvened with Marg Ogar installing the district officers for the coming year. Two surprises then were in store for the members. Debbie Bauer had everyone wear an old paint shirt and she gave a "mini" painting workshop. Debbie's own paintings had been admired around the room but guests had no idea that "Exploring Colour" as the program theme involved their own talents. The results were amazing, interesting, unusual. After painting and cleanup, a second unexpected event happened. Provincial President Margaret Bly presented an award to Debbie's husband Wayne Bauer. The award is given to two gentlemen. It is the Erland Lee award for volunteerism. The other recipient is Fred Cooper. Congratulations Wayne! Marita Oudshorn, the Auburn - Dungannon president extended an invitation for next year's annual to be held at Auburn. Adjournment and the singing of 0' Canada closed out the busy, interesting day. FROM BELGRAVE An honour Wayne Bauer, left, husband of Auburn -Dungannon Women's Institute member Debbie Bauer, was presented the Erland Lee Award at the Huron West District Annual meeting in Belgrave on May 30. Provincial President Margaret Byl, right, made the presentation. 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