HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-06-09, Page 12PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016. From the Minister's Study Listen to the Bible and do not be afraid By Rev. Mark Royall Huron Chapel Evangelical Missionary Church The message which God communicates to us more than any other in the Bible is this one: "Do not be afraid". And the reason why God has to tell us this over and over again is because, well... we tend to be afraid a lot. Forty years ago, two musical notes were synonymous with fear for thousands and thousands of people. These two notes, E and F, are found side by side on the piano. When you play them you may wonder why they would instil so much fear in so many people. However, play the notes over and over again, slow at first, then faster and faster, and you will recognize it as the theme from the movie, Jaws. This movie caused such a great panic regarding Great White shark attacks that people stopped swimming in oceans. More than that, they wouldn't swim in the fresh water beaches of the Great Lakes either. There are no sharks in the Great Lakes but their imaginary Cultural passports ready The Huron County Cultural Passport is once again ready for local host families and international students. With newly -added attractions and events included, the new passport promises to open up the world of local arts, recreational, cultural events and attractions to international students and their host families in Huron County. In 2015, the Huron Arts & Heritage Network (HAHN), in partnership with the Huron Local Immigration Partnership, created the first-ever Huron County Cultural Passport for international students and their host families. This year's edition is now ready for distribution. This second updated and expanded edition of the cultural passport offers discounts to a wide variety of Huron County fun and exciting arts, culture, heritage and recreational activities including: the Alice Munro Festival of the Short Story, the Bayfield Fair, the Blyth Festival, the Exeter Rodeo, the Goderich Celtic Roots Festival„ the Goderich Little Theatre, the Huron County Multicultural Festival, the Huron County Museum and Historic Gaol, the Zurich Bean Festival and Windmill Lake Wake and Eco Park. Host families are eager to show visiting students all there is in the area and beyond. However, the cost of these trips can add up and become a barrier for some host families, who cover most of the cost out of pocket. "The cultural passport and the discounts that the participating cultural organizations have offered help make exploration and participation in our local cultural a little easier and more affordable for the students and their host families," says Rick Sickinger, Cultural Development Officer. "Our hope is that this increased access to our cultural events and attractions will offer these visiting students a better and more rewarding understanding of what we are about in Huron County." lVtiter\ Cfiridian Te eatip Pastor: Ernest Dow - 519-523-4848 getlivingwaterorggg) In the current school year there are over 190 international students registered to attend Huron and Perth schools. The Cultural Passports will be distributed to host families of international students through the Avon Maitland District School Board. BRUSSELS United Church WORSHIP SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 am All Welcome Minister: Rev. Gary Clark, BA, M.Div. Bulletin notices: 519-523-4224 blythunited a(�tcc.on.ca Church bookings: 519-887-6377 Other concerns: 226-963-1175 fears affected them to where they would not enjoy swimming in the beautiful fresh waters of places like Lake Huron. • Imaginary fear lives in the 'what ifs' of tomorrow. • What if I get cancer? • What if I lose my job? • What if I don't have enough money to retire? • What if I never marry? • What if .... (fill in the blank). When you dwell upon imaginary fears it can affect you as if you have already happened. When we worry about tomorrow it is as if we are paying the price today for something we don't own and will probably never own. So what can we do in the face of those circumstances which want to cause us to worry and be fearful? Jesus says this to us, "So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' These things dominate the thoughts of ANGLICAN PARISH OF NEW BEGINNINGS B LYTH Trinity 6, 9:15 am Church Office 519-357-4883 BRUSSELS St. John's 11:15 am Church Office 519-887-6862 Everyone Welcome! COME WORSHIP WITH US! MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BRUSSELS Rev. Elwin Garland SUNDAY, JUNE 12 We invite you to join our church family in: Worship & Sunday School - 10 am Coffee & Snacks - 11 am Fridays 11:30 am - 1:00 pm - Soup & More 2 - a free community meal held in Melville's basement, and made possible by the Brussels churches working together. Nursery care available 519-887-9017 Blyth United Church Est. 1875 Worship Service & Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. w Sunday, June 12th The best prayer is listening AllWelcome MINISTER: Rev. Gary Clark, BA, M. Div. OFFICE: 519-523-4224 unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need (Matthew 6:31-33). I absolutely love what God said to Joshua as he was getting ready to follow in Moses' footsteps in leading people into the Promise Land. God tells him, "Yes, be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9). What if... as we listen to God, as He gives us direction for our life, we went forward BEING BOLD, BANISHING FEAR and REMEMBERING He is always with us? What would our life begin to look like then? You see, there is a reason why God says to you and I, "Do not be afraid,: more than any other phrase. It is because we don't have to be. God is always with us. As followers of Jesus we do not have to be afraid. Jou re'9nvited a join ?s 9n Worship SUNDAYS Morning Service Evening Service 10:00 am 7:30 pm BLYTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: Pastor Gary van Leeuwen Hwy. 4, Blyth www.blythcrc.ca 519-523-4743 efuedeet4 easesattatv Vac eitaitee You're Znvitec( to come worshr p with us Sunday, June 12 Brussels Business & Cultural Centre at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday School for children 4 to 12 years of age at 9:30 a.m. Childcare provided for infants and preschoolers during the sermon. Coffee & cookies after the morning service. For additional details please contact Pastor Andrew Versteeg 519.887.8621 Steve Klumpenhower 519.292.0965 Rick Packer 519.527.0173 Kinda Like The Friends You'll Meet at Huron Chapel (but without the slobber) Sundays in Auburn @ 10:30am huronchapel.com THE CATHOLIC PARISHES OF NORTH HURON AND NORTH PERTH CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO ATTEND HOLY MASS. OUR SUNDAY LITURGIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Brussels: St. Ambrose Saturday 6:00 p.m. 17 Flora Street Wingham: Sacred Heart Sunday 9:00 a.m. 220 Carling Terrace Listowel: St. Joseph's Sunday 11:00 a.m. 1025 Wallace Avenue N. June 12: Luke 19:11-27 "Risking Your Mina for the Master" Annual Outdoor Service - 10:30 am Baptism & Reception of New Members at John & Ruth Uyl's, 180 North St., Blyth Communion & Potluck Evangelical Missionary Church FREE MOVIE: Fri., June 17, 7:00 pm - "WAR ROOM" VBS July 11-14 - tinyurl.comlblythvbs2016 Pastor: Ernest Dow - 519-523-4848 getlivingwaterorggg) In the current school year there are over 190 international students registered to attend Huron and Perth schools. The Cultural Passports will be distributed to host families of international students through the Avon Maitland District School Board. BRUSSELS United Church WORSHIP SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 am All Welcome Minister: Rev. Gary Clark, BA, M.Div. Bulletin notices: 519-523-4224 blythunited a(�tcc.on.ca Church bookings: 519-887-6377 Other concerns: 226-963-1175 fears affected them to where they would not enjoy swimming in the beautiful fresh waters of places like Lake Huron. • Imaginary fear lives in the 'what ifs' of tomorrow. • What if I get cancer? • What if I lose my job? • What if I don't have enough money to retire? • What if I never marry? • What if .... (fill in the blank). When you dwell upon imaginary fears it can affect you as if you have already happened. When we worry about tomorrow it is as if we are paying the price today for something we don't own and will probably never own. So what can we do in the face of those circumstances which want to cause us to worry and be fearful? Jesus says this to us, "So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' These things dominate the thoughts of ANGLICAN PARISH OF NEW BEGINNINGS B LYTH Trinity 6, 9:15 am Church Office 519-357-4883 BRUSSELS St. John's 11:15 am Church Office 519-887-6862 Everyone Welcome! COME WORSHIP WITH US! MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BRUSSELS Rev. Elwin Garland SUNDAY, JUNE 12 We invite you to join our church family in: Worship & Sunday School - 10 am Coffee & Snacks - 11 am Fridays 11:30 am - 1:00 pm - Soup & More 2 - a free community meal held in Melville's basement, and made possible by the Brussels churches working together. Nursery care available 519-887-9017 Blyth United Church Est. 1875 Worship Service & Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. w Sunday, June 12th The best prayer is listening AllWelcome MINISTER: Rev. Gary Clark, BA, M. Div. OFFICE: 519-523-4224 unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need (Matthew 6:31-33). I absolutely love what God said to Joshua as he was getting ready to follow in Moses' footsteps in leading people into the Promise Land. God tells him, "Yes, be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9). What if... as we listen to God, as He gives us direction for our life, we went forward BEING BOLD, BANISHING FEAR and REMEMBERING He is always with us? What would our life begin to look like then? You see, there is a reason why God says to you and I, "Do not be afraid,: more than any other phrase. It is because we don't have to be. God is always with us. As followers of Jesus we do not have to be afraid. Jou re'9nvited a join ?s 9n Worship SUNDAYS Morning Service Evening Service 10:00 am 7:30 pm BLYTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: Pastor Gary van Leeuwen Hwy. 4, Blyth www.blythcrc.ca 519-523-4743 efuedeet4 easesattatv Vac eitaitee You're Znvitec( to come worshr p with us Sunday, June 12 Brussels Business & Cultural Centre at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday School for children 4 to 12 years of age at 9:30 a.m. Childcare provided for infants and preschoolers during the sermon. Coffee & cookies after the morning service. For additional details please contact Pastor Andrew Versteeg 519.887.8621 Steve Klumpenhower 519.292.0965 Rick Packer 519.527.0173 Kinda Like The Friends You'll Meet at Huron Chapel (but without the slobber) Sundays in Auburn @ 10:30am huronchapel.com THE CATHOLIC PARISHES OF NORTH HURON AND NORTH PERTH CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO ATTEND HOLY MASS. OUR SUNDAY LITURGIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Brussels: St. Ambrose Saturday 6:00 p.m. 17 Flora Street Wingham: Sacred Heart Sunday 9:00 a.m. 220 Carling Terrace Listowel: St. Joseph's Sunday 11:00 a.m. 1025 Wallace Avenue N.