HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-04-28, Page 9EW group upset with
ward road conditions
By Denny Scott
The Citizen
Dianna Robinson of East
Wawanosh presented a petition from
ratepayers, visitors and people who
do business in the ward calling for
better roads maintenance prior to
North Huron Council approving its
"The petition started out as a
complaint about Nature Centre
Road but grew to complain about all
the gravel roads in the ward," she
said during council's April 18
meeting. "We know there is to be a
change in the works on how services
are provided [due to the shared
services agreement] but we need
maintenance on our roads now."
During budget discussions,
council had decided to put funds
aside for more tar -and -chip paving
in East Wawanosh, but Robinson
pointed out that wasn't necessarily
the answer the ratepayers were
looking for.
"A well -constructed gravel road
with a good base and regular
maintenance is better than a tar and
chip road full of pot holes,' she said.
Robinson also asked if there was a
bylaw that dictated the minimum
maintenance standards for roads and
if it was being followed.
"How often is our road
patrolled?" she asked. "Is there a
long-term plan for maintenance?
Sometimes we wonder if there is
Robinson pointed out that, of the
council members who were present,
none lived on gravel roads and had
"the privilege of living on a paved
road", adding that the roads were in
a deplorable condition.
Tim Walden, another East
Wawanosh resident, said the quality
of the roads were never a problem
with the previous staff that
maintained them. He also said that
the grading wasn't being done
properly and that the roads -needs
assessment, which council pointed
to as a solution to the concerns with
the road and with East Wawanosh
not being the target of as much
capital road work as other wards,
wouldn't help.
"I work for the Region of
Waterloo," he said. "When a roads -
needs assessment is done... they
look at roads with infrastructure
under them before gravel"
In closing, Robinson said that,
just as councillors ask for ratepayers
help at election time, the ratepayers
were now asking for that help to be
Councillor Ray Hallahan said he
was very supportive of the people at
the meeting and said he was aware
that problems with the roads may be
addressed through training and
"I'm very respectful of your
presentation," he said.
First ever Branch trivia
event enjoyed by many
Continued from page 2
prize to play, with the chance to win
top prize, second prize, prizes for
costumes and a prize for best -
themed table, all for a little added
fun. Teams played seven rounds of
10 questions and then a bonus
The idea and night was planned
by Sandra Josling with her helpers
Linda Bird and Nanci Ducharme.
The first place team was the TFA or
the Red Hat Ladies, who also won
the best -themed table prize. The
second -place team was the Walton
Wonders or the Golden Oldies. The
best costume prize went to Team
RBI or the Mexican Rebels
(including the pinata with candy).
The Young Guns team were the
Toga Queens and the Chicksters
were the Scrabble Game.
It was a great evening and the
winners all donated their
prizes back to the Legion
for the accessibility project.
Thanks to all who participated
and for their generousity!
It is the hope to have monthly
trivia nights and open it for all to
enjoy. Keep watching for upcoming
events as the committee is still in the
planning stages for the best night,
The fish fry crew went to
Wingham to cook for the Wingham
Fire Department on Sunday
afternoon. They prepared for 250
and the crew was kept busy.
Working for the Branch was Eric
and Deb Ross, Bob and Monica
Richardson, Ron Schmidt and Deb
Cann. A couple of extra
hands of Jeremy Ross and
friend, helped out when
needed. Good job folks!
We welcome the Brussels Lions
to the Branch to host another
breakfast in support of community
betterment on Sunday, May 1. They
have many projects they support in
the village and funds raised will go
to their support. Come out and
support the Lions and the village!
BIA budgets approved
The Wingham and Blyth Business
Improvement Areas (BIA) budgets
were approved to be part of the
North Huron budget, however some
more information is required before
the budget is approved during
council's May 2 meeting.
While the Wingham BIA's budget
was as expected, the Blyth BIA
budget that was presented during
council's April 18 meeting
contained no information outside
the organization's use of its tax levy.
Aside from the levy, the group
also fundraises and hosts events
they hope to break even, such as the
Blyth BIA Streetfest.
Councillor Bill Knott explained
that the BIA is under the impression
that was all it needed to present and
said the rest of the information
would be forthcoming.
The Wingham Farmers' Market is
moving to a more visible location
for its second year in operation.
North Huron Township Council
approved a request for the Wingham
Farmers' Market to move to
Cruickshank Park, which is a more
visible location according to market
The group also requested that
council approve waiving the fees for
renting the park as the municipal
space it used previously had no
rental fee.
Council denied the request,
renting the site to the group at the
reduced community group rate.
Say goodbye to
your mortgage sooner
with a great rate.
An important milestone
The Brussels branch of the CIBC marked an important occasion last week, celebrating its
125th anniversary. It was on April 1, 1891 that the Standard Bank of Canada opened its
Brussels branch. It became a CIBC branch in November, 1928 when the Standard Bank was
acquired by CIBC. It has moved a number of times over the years, first from its original location
to the corner of Turnberry and Thomas Streets in 1933 and then to its current location in 1993.
From left: CIBC General Manager Frank Marsden, Branch Manager Ashley Bromley, Huron
East Councillor Dianne Diehl and CIBC District Vice -President Ryan Walters. (Shawn Loughlin
TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron East will hold a public meeting on Tuesday May 17, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the
Municipality of Huron East Council Chambers (72 Main Street South, Seaforth) to consider a proposed Official Plan Amendment under Section
26 of the Planning Act and a proposed Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as amended.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed
Official Plan Amendment and/or Zoning By-law Amendment.
ONLY individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal an Official Plan Amendment or Zoning By-law Amendment to the Ontario Municipal
Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an
individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf.
IF you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Official Plan Amendment, or of the refusal to adopt the Official Plan Amendment, you must
make a written request to the Municipality of Huron East at the address below.
IF a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Huron East before
the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted or the Zoning By-law Amendment is approved, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal
the decision of the County of Huron to the Ontario Municipal Board.
IF a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Huron East before
the Official Plan Amendment is adopted or the Zoning By-law Amendment is approved, the person or public body may not be added as a party to
the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or
public body.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed amendments is available for inspection during regular office hours at the Municipality of Huron
East or on the website: www.huroneast.com, and at the Huron County Planning and Development Department, 57 Napier Street, 2nd Floor, Goderich
(519) 524-8394 Ext. 3.
The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment No. 8 is to amend the Municipality of Huron East Official Plan to conform to the Huron County Official
Plan and the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement and Section 26 of the Planning Act. The Huron East Official Plan includes the vision, goals and policy
direction for future development and building in Huron East.
Official Plan Amendment No. 8 implements the Official Plan Five Year Review and proposes the following changes (a more detailed list of policy and
mapping changes is available at www.huroneast.com):
• Removal of the requirement for Minimum Distance Separation from a surplus dwelling severance to a neighbouring barn on a separately
owned lot.
• On-farm diversified agricultural uses, wineries and agri-tourism will be permitted in the Agricultural designation.
• Development within 120m of natural environment features may require an Environmental Impact Study.
• Update definitions in primary settlement areas to be in conformity with the Human Rights Code.
• Policies added designating industrial land as an employment area and addressing its removal.
• A second residential unit is permitted in single detached, semi-detached & multiple attached dwellings or in accessory buildings in Urban
Settlements, subject to obtaining permits and servicing connections.
• Social and administrative community facilities are directed to Urban Settlement Areas. Criteria developed that under limited circumstances
may permit public service community facilities (e.g. fire station, sewage lagoon) outside of Urban Settlement Areas.
• Update infrastructure policies to address private roads in condominiums, reserve sewage capacity and requirements of a traffic impact study
and stormwater management plans.
• Cultural heritage resources policies updated to reflect the Ontario Heritage Act and 2014 Provincial Policy Statement, the requirements for a
Heritage Impact Assessment and Archaeological Assessment.
• Source Water Protection policies and mapping added to protect municipal drinking water wells.
• Created a new section for Natural Hazards (Flood Plain) with updated definitions and a new map to show Conservation Authority Regulated
Lands and Natural Hazards.
• Ability to re-create original 75 acre lots on Canada Company Road in McKillop Ward and ability to split 150 acres into 100 acre + 50 acre
farm parcels in all Wards.
• Policies added for complete application requirements for all development applications.
• Minor changes to designations in Seaforth to correct flood plain boundaries of the Silver Creek Special Policy Area in Seaforth. Urban
settlement area maps have been updated to show flood plain boundaries.
• Addition of two appendix maps: Municipal Wellhead Protection Areas and Aggregate Resource Inventory Plan. The Natural Environment
Background maps are now part of the Official Plan.
The Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment proposes the following changes to the Huron East Zoning By-law:
1. Amend Key Map 67 to correct the zoning on a portion of the property described as Plan 408 Pt Lots 37 to 48, RP 22R5622 Pt 11 (Seaforth),
fronting onto Sparling Street from R1- Residential Low Density to IND- Industrial to reflect the designation correction made as part of the
Huron East Official Plan Review.
2. Addition of a provision that after the approval of a surplus farm dwelling severance, the corresponding Zone Map will be automatically
amended to reflect the change from AG1 (General Agriculture) to AG2 (Restricted Agriculture) for the retained farmland, and AG4 (Agricultural
Small Holding) for the severed farm dwelling.
Brad Knight, CAO/Clerk
Municipality of Huron East
72 Main Street South, P.O. Box 610
Seaforth, ON, NOK 1 WO
(519)-527-0160 - phone
(519)-527-2561 - fax