HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-04-28, Page 31
A big donation
Through the Read and Rise Program, local Lions Clubs donated 38 books to seven different
classes at Hullett Central Public School on Monday. The Blyth Lions, represented by Lion
Mary Lou Stewart, and the Londesborough Lions, represented by Lion Kittie McGregor,
delivered the books to the school. Back row, from left: Stewart, Hadley Lyons, Cameron
Whitson, Kyrah Haak, Peyton Riley and McGregor. Front: Loralei Gross, Rodney Ansley and
Peyton Badley. (Denny Scott photo)
Drive-Thru meals scheduled
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on Sunday, April 24
were Brenda Brooks and Lori
Falconer. Ushering were Lissa
Kolkman and Cliff Snell. Marilyn
Scott was pianist and Katie
Dockstader, choir director. Connor
Brooks ran the power point. David
Onn was in charge of the service in
the absence of Rev. Gary Clark.
David welcomed everyone to
church and drew attention to the
announcements printed in the
bulletin and scrolling on the power
point. Special attention that the
ladies are having a drive-thru lunch
and supper on May 19. You can
order your lunch or supper by
calling Donna Moore at 519-523-
9855 and she will put your order on
a list. You can pick up your orders
for lunch from 11 a.m. until 12:30
p.m. and supper from 4 - 6 p.m.
Take-out only. The menu consists of
ham, potato salad, salads and dessert
for $12. He also mentioned the
Sunday Fun Time challenge to the
congregation to bring donations
through the month of May for Camp
Menesetung. The men are to bring
first aid supplies like bandages or
Afterbite, the ladies are to bring craft
supplies, like pom poms, pipe
cleaners or glue and the children are
to bring rainy day games like card
games, board games and puzzles. On
the last Sunday they will make a
presentation to the camp.
The congregation sang Happy
Birthday to the birthday boy Tanner.
Tanner lit the candles on the altar
table and also the Christ candle. The
first hymn was "Spirit Open my
Heart". David invited everyone to
greet one another. The gathering
prayer was said responsively. The
hymn "Will You Come and Follow
Me" was followed by the opening
prayer said responsively and the
singing of the Lord's Prayer. Being
that it was Camp Sunday, some
members of the congregation helped
David show the children the things
they will need for camp including
the canoe sitting on the pews.
The children went downstairs for
their time of fellowship while the
congregation sang the hymn "We
Are Pilgrims." Psalm 25 was read in
unison. The second scripture reading
was from Exodus 15: 5-25. The
message to the congregation was
"The Bitter Water Made Sweet"
Katie Dockstader, Cheryl Cronin
and David Onn read the story of the
Israelites leaving Egypt and slavery
and the parting of the Red Sea. The
next hymn "I've Got Peace Like a
River" was sung. The offering was
received followed by the offertory
response "Grant Us God," and the
offertory prayer. The hymn "Lord,
Listen to Your Children Praying"
was sung before the pastoral prayer.
The last hymn "One More Step
Along the World I Go" was followed
by the benediction and the singing of
"Go Now in Peace."
Everyone was invited for coffee,
fellowship and treats before going
In an article about Blyth artist
Kelly Stevenson's upcoming exhibit
at the Goderich Co-op Gallery, an
incorrect timeline of her
achievements was printed.
Stevenson won the Huron County
Art Show two years ago and was
named the Huron Arts and Heritage
Network Artist of the Year last year.
The Citizen apologizes for any
confusion the error caused.
The Citizen's 2016 Phone Book will be delivered
in the Flyer Package Thursday, May 5 to all
homes in the following areas.
Auburn rural routes
Blyth and rural routes
Brussels and rural routes
Belgrave and rural route
Bluevale and rural routes
Ethel and rural route
Londesborough rural route
Walton and rural routes
Wingham — rural routes 3, 4, 5 only
Anyone wanting additional Phone Books can pick them up
at either the Brussels or Blyth office after May 5.
Radiothon set May 12
From Marilyn's Desk
By Marilyn
Happy birthday to Mae Ritchie,
Ula Richmond - Braemar Nursing
Home, Wingham, Sheron
Stadelmann, Alice Hakkers,
Goderich, Annie Sparling and
Samantha Kerr who celebrate May
2; Arletta Hallahan and Kay
Buchanan, May 4 and Nancy Daer,
Wingham, May 5.
Congratulations to Kevin and
Lorie Falconer on the birth of their
first grandchild.
Winners from the Monday, April
18 euchre that was held at the
Legion Hall were: high lady, Marie
Millian,76; second lady, Lillian
Appleby; ladies lone hands, Doris
McClinchey, four; high man, Jewell
Plunkett, with 82; second man, Jim
Howard,70 and men's lone hands,
Bush Whittard, two. The next euchre
will be Monday, May 2 at the Legion
Hall. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. and
Streetfest July 23
euchre starts at 1 p.m.
There is a youth event called
Inside Out Overnight Retreat at
Camp Menesetung for Grades 5-8
on Friday, May 20 at 7 p.m. until
Saturday, May 21 at 11:30 a.m.
Cost is $15. For more information
contact Kathy Douglas
at 519-523-4380.
May 12 is the annual CKNX Care
Heroes Radiothon. All the hospitals
in the area benefit from this event.
Spring Cleaning
Blyth Laundromat
191 Westmoreland St., Blyth
4 Vinnicombe Production Studio
tip Small Town Service, Big City Quality
Back in Business for the summer
For all your videography needs
Contact Nick
Email: nick@vpsfilms
Website: www.vpsfilms.com
Phone: 1-519-440-9633
Our religion must cost us something!
(George Everard, "Shine as Lights!" 1882)
"If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily
and follow Me " Luke 9:23
Every Christian must be a cross -bearer. There is no escaping this. "Whoever does
not carry his cross and come after Me, cannot be My disciple." Luke 14:27
We must be willing to suffer for Christ's sake; we must crucify self and the flesh;
we must be willing to perform unpleasant duties, and make sacrifices of things we
might like to retain.
Our religion must cost us something!
Sloth, and ease, and self-indulgence, and a wordly spirit must be cut up by the
We must be most careful over the employment of our time. It is our greatest talent,
and we must throw none of it away. Every hour, every moment must be spent as
under the eye of our gracious Master. We are told the gold sweepings at the mint
last year amounted in value to many thousands of dollars. Our fragments of time
are gold dust; and we must not throw them aside as worthless, but gather them up
that none may be lost.
I would entreat you, dear reader, to rise above the common standard --and stive, by
God's grace, to live a very holy, devoted, self-denying life.
I beseech all Christians to set before you the life of Christ as your pattern. Walk as
He walked --live as He lived! And, doing this, expect to receive day by day a large
supply of His grace.
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956