HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-04-14, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2016. PAGE 3. Renovation schedule for Memorial Hall revisited By Denny Scott The Citizen The schedule for renovations to Blyth Memorial Hall was once again changed by North Huron Council, however the dates revolving around the actual renovations have stayed the same. During North Huron Council's April 4 meeting, Director of Recreation and Facilities Pat Newson presented a new schedule for the project which has been revised several times over the past few months as deadlines for funding set by the township have approached. Faith in Song An annual tradition, the Auburn/Blyth EMCC Women's Ministry held its Faith in Song concert Sunday night at the Blyth Christian Reformed Church. This year, the well -attended performance was a fundraiser for Room2Grow Pregnancy and Parenting Support Centre in Clinton. One of the performances featured a quartet of recognizable faces from the local church community, comprised of, from left, Mark Royal! of Huron Chapel in Auburn, Gary Clark of Blyth and Brussels United Churches, Gary van Leeuwen of Blyth Christian Reformed Church and Ernest Dow of Living Water Christian Fellowship. (Vicky Bremner photo) Church women to prepare pies Greeting worshippers at Blyth United Church on Sunday, April 10 were Lorie Falconer and Marilyn Craig. Ushering were Cliff Snell, Tom Cronin and Mary Lou Stewart. Marilyn Scott was organist and Katie Dockstader was choir director. Fred Hakkers ran the power point. Rev. Gary Clark welcomed everyone to church and drew attention to the announcements printed in the bulletin. Special Legion euchre set for April 18 The village was saddened to hear that Erma Cook of Listowel, formerly of Blyth, had passed away. Her funeral service was held on Sunday, April 10. Happy birthday Kayden MacDonald who celebrates April 16; Colin Howson, April 19 and Bryce Glousher, April 19. Don't forget the Legion is having their monthly luncheon on Thursday, April 14 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the Legion hall. This month's menu is chicken dinner. Take-out and delivery orders are available by calling 519-523-9535. Legion euchre is on Monday, April 18 at 1 p.m. in the Legion Hall. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. and cards start at 1 p.m. Come out and enjoy the fun and fellowship. Two Toonie Tuesday this month is on Tuesday, April 19 from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. This month's menu is ham, scalloped potatoes, salad and dessert for $4. mention was made that this is the last time the ladies will be making meat pies until fall. You can order your pies by calling Donna Moore at 519-523-9855. Reid Button assisted Rev. Clark by lighting the Christ Candle and the candles on the altar table. The hymn, "Spirit, Open My Heart" was sung. The opening prayer was said responsively with sign language in the response. Rev. Clark invited everyone to greet one another. The first scripture reading was from Genesis: 2: 15-37, the story of Adam and Eve in the garden eating the forbidden fruit. Rev. Clark explained the scripture passage to the children. The children went downstairs for their time of fellowship. The hymn, "Now the Green Blade Rises" was sung. The second scripture reading from the Gospel of John 20: 20-31, the story of Jesus meeting with His Disciples in the upper room. The choir anthem was "Any Dream Will Do" with Katie Dockstader singing the solo part and the choir joining in. Rev. Clark's message to the congregation was "Naked and Afraid". In the first scripture, Adam and Eve became afraid when they knew they had eaten the forbidden fruit. They put fig leaves together to cover themselves. In the second scripture the Disciples talk about Continued on page 9 JOBFAIR NORTH HURON &AREA EMPLOYERS MEET INDUSTRIES IN NORTH HURON THAT ARE HIRING. • Get exclusive access to jobs in various industries • Market your skills and interests • Network with Employers • Bring several copies of your resume • Dress smart WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 12 M-5 M WESCAST COMMUNITY COMPLE 99 Kerr Drive, Wingham FIND YOUR NEXT JOB! For more information please contact: North Huron Economic Development 519-357-1096 or cgoodall@northhuron.ca ( CONEESTOOGA HURON -, . SC y o Employment nt &Learning COUNTY EMPLOYMENT ONTARIO It was recently announced that Blyth Arts and Cultural Initiative 14/19 Inc., the non -council group raising funds for the project, was promised $3 3 million in the provincial budget which is yet to be presented and passed. The new schedule us as follows: • The bidding process for the project will run April 19 to May 25 instead of April 11 to May 10. • Council will approve the succesful bid on June 6 instead of May 16. • The contractor will start the project (but not interfere with the Blyth Festival season) on June 7 instead of May 17. • The contractor will mobilize the site, or start the significant construction, after the Blyth Festival season ends on Sept. 19, which is unchanged. • The project will be reviewed on May 1, 2017 (no change) and completed on May 20 (no change). The revised schedule was approved with little discussion. Council also approved a list of invited bidders for the process, marking a departure from its typical tendering process. Councillor Trevor Seip asked why a list of invited bidders was being used instead of the normal process, which opens the bid to all contractors. "There are a number of reasons to do the tender this way," Newson explained. "It speeds up the tendering process and we would add weeks by doing a public tender and vetting the contractors and all that. The other reason is because the project has tight timelines, so we want to move forward with contractors our architect has full confidence in working with." Newson added that council had, at a March meeting, passed a motion including this tender process. Council approved the list of invited bidders for the project. FROM BLYTH Gluten Free Mixes Maple Moose 398 Queen St., Blyth 519-523-4276 Huron County 4-H Leaders Association is hosting an Electronics Recycling Depot e Clothing Drive Saturday, April 23 8am-2pm Depot at Londesboro Feed Mill For information about accepted items, visit the OES website http://recycleyourelectronics.ca How much did he leave? (J.R. Miller, "The Shining Light" 1911) "What is a man profited, if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" Matthew 16:26 That is putting the case in its most favourable light. The whole world is the largest possible gain. But suppose a man does get the whole world... it cannot keep him from pain or trouble; it cannot give him pease of conscience; it cannot comfort him in sorrow; it cannot make a soft pillow for him when he is dying; it cannot purchase Heaven for him when he is gone. All he can do with the world, after he has it, is to keep it for a short time until he dies --he cannot carry any part of it with him to eternity. "How much did he leave?" asked one, referring to a millionaire who had just died. "Every cent!" was the reply. He left all. So it is easy to see that there is no profit --but rather a fearful and eternal loss, in gaining even all the world at the price of one's soul. "Then the rich man said: 'This is what I'll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.' And I'll say to myself: 'You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry!' But God said to him: ' You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?' This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God" Luke 12:18-21 A Grace Gem Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church, Listowel, ON 519-291-1956