HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-03-17, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016. PAGE 15. Servicing for Blyth -area projects to be decided Servicing from Central Huron for two large Blyth -based projects was a topic of conversation last week as Central Huron Council met. With a Tim Hortons and gas bar planned for the southwest corner of the London Road and County Road 25 intersection and Blyth Cowbell Brewing Company planned for the southeast corner, both just into Central Huron, although generally considered part of Blyth, councillors are curious as to what's been decided in terms of servicing. Mayor Jim Ginn said that representatives from North Huron want to know more about servicing agreements that need to be struck between the two municipalities. He said that Central Huron needs to be committed to making it work. First off, he said, with the brewery planned as a "closed-loop" facility, it will not be a large burden on the local water system, but some services will be needed. He said that some preliminary discussions had taken place and there was some talk about constructing a new water line that would cost approximately $80,000. Central Huron, Ginn said, would then be tapped to pay some of that cost. Councillor Alison Lobb then asked if the service rate would be 1.5 times the rate for those in the municipality, which has been a standard cross-border servicing rate for many in Huron County and beyond. That rate, she said, would be a definite factor in council's decisions pertaining to the servicing for these budding businesses. However, no immediate answers were available for Lobb. Central Huron Engineering Co- ordinator Ian Koetsier said he wasn't sure where discussion ended in regards to a proposed rate. Often, he said, cross-border servicing is indeed charged at a rate of 1.5 time the normal rate, but there is often an end -date to that arrangement. In many of Central Huron's dealings, he said, the municipality is charged, or has been charged, 1.5 times the normal rate, but for a span of 10 years. At the end of that 10 - year period, the property is then charged just as it would be if it were in the home municipality. Council directed its chief administrative officer and other applicable staff to begin meeting with staff from North Huron and to report back to council on the happenings of those meetings. "We'll leave this in the hands of staff and they can bring it back to council," Ginn said. HAHN accepting nominations The Huron Arts & Heritage Network (HAHN), in partnership with Cultural Services of the County of Huron, is accepting nominations for its seventh annual Cultural Awards celebration. The awards recognize the exceptional achievements of Huron County residents, businesses and organizations in the following categories: Cultural Event/ Organization, Individual Artist Community Contribution, Heritage and Innovation. Nomination submissions require a nomination form and a short description (maximum of one page) explaining what the nominee accomplished in 2015 as it relates to the category they are being nominated in and why you think it is worthy of recognition. Nomination forms can be found at creativehuron.ca or at any Huron County Library branch. Deadline for submissions is April 8, 2016. Finalists and winners in each category will be selected by a jury from the eligible nominations received. The Cultural Awards Gala is Friday, May 6 at the White Carnation Banquet Hall in Holmesville. As well as recognizing the finalists and winners, this special evening also features entertainment by a variety of local artists. There is also a silent auction of unique items at the awards gala supporting the activities of Huron Arts & Heritage Network. The event starts with a cocktail social at 7:30 p.m. followed by the awards presentations at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased through the Blyth Festival box office at 519-523-9300 or toll- free at 1-877-862-5984. NetworkCLASSIFI COMING EVENTS 27th Annual HAVELOCK COUNTRY JAMBOREE - The Band Perry, Scotty McCreery, Terri Clark, The Road Hammers, Sammy Kershaw, Asleep At The Wheel, Chad Brownlee, Jess Moskaluke, Tebey, Bobby Wills, & more, OVER 25 ACTS... Canada's Largest Live Coun- try Music & Camping Festival - AUG. 18-21/16 - TICKETS 1-800-539-3353, www.HavelockJamboree.com. BUY NOW & SAVE! HAVEROCK REVIVAL - Live Classic Rock Concert & Camping Festival - Featuring - George Thorogood & The Destroyers, Loverboy, Canned Heat, Trooper, Kim Mitchell, Sass Jordan, David Wilcox, Chilliwack, The Legendary Downchild Blues Band & more, OVER 12 ACTS.. 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