HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-03-03, Page 17THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016. PAGE 17. Duffs `sold' sign a source of sorrow in Walton PEOPLE AROUND WALTON By Jo -Ann McDonald Call 887-6570 It is hard to keep up with the weather and what to wear. We started the week with running shoes and then went back into snow boots for a day or two and then back to running shoes. Sunday was a great day and I was even able to hang the wash out to dry. Wow! For the end of February, that's a little out of the ordinary. It is another stab of sorrow to see the "sold" signs that have appeared at the "former" Duff's United Church property. The deal will be finalized before the end of the month and that will be that. The Trustees are still keeping busy with the meetings and making decisions. For the trustees, it is good news that the bulk of their job will soon be over. You should have your income tax receipts by now and if you haven't or have questions about them, please call Glenda Morrison immediately. It is nice to report that Dave Smith is now resting at home. We still need to keep him in our thoughts and prayers as he has a long road ahead for recovery. It is very understandable to lessen the burden for the family, that the Brussels Taxi and Up to Par garage are now closed. We understand that Stewart Steiss is coming along very well following his knee surgery. Hope to see you out and about soon! I came across an interesting article from 1983 at my mom's house. It was about food basket prices. Back in 1983 round steak roast was $1.99 per lb., ground beef $2.39 per lb., 2% milk was 95 cents a litre, a dozen eggs $1.41, bread was $1.00 a loaf and 2 kilograms of sugar was $1.99. Compared to today's prices, some things have risen a lot and others really, not so bad in 33 years. Eggs have doubled, bread has tripled, milk has doubled, ground beef is double but round steak roast can be quadrupled and sugar is about the same. Just something to think about from the "good old days". The Cranbrook Dart Club seems to have all the worst weather on the nights they play darts. It was an icy night last week with 17 enthusiastic darters arriving to have a fun night. Murray Houston and Rita Bowers had no problem winning five games. The high lady of the night was Marita LeFor hitting 93 and Rob Vanderveen for the men hitting 116. Lucky shot of the night was by Pat Gillis. They hope the weather will improve for the final six weeks of the dart season. Celebrating birthdays this past week include Carly Terpstra, Terry Grey 4-H Chocolate Lovers hold `sweet' meeting near Walton By Anna Fear The Grey Township Chocolate Lovers 4-H Club met for their last meeting on Friday night at the horn of leader Monique Baan. We had a fun blindfold activity where we got to taste pieces of chocolate bars and guess which kind of bar it was; we were all very good at that. We made a fondant filling that we rolled into Easter egg shapes and we FINANCIAL SERVICES $$ CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT $$ HOME EQUITY LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE!! Bank turn downs, Tax or Mortgage arrears, Self Employed, Bad Credit, Bankruptcy. Creative Mortgage Specialists! No proof of income 1st, 2nd, and 3rd's Up to 85% Borrow: $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 Pay Monthly: $105.40 $237.11 $474.21 LARGER AMOUNTS AND COMMERCIAL FUNDS AVAILABLE !!Decrease monthly payments up to 75%!! Based on 3% APR. OAC 1-888-307-7799 ONTARIO -WIDE FINANCIAL 1801347inc FSCO Licence #12456 www.ontario-widefinancial.com !! LET US HELP !! CAREER TRAINING HEALTHCARE DOCUMENTATION SPECIALISTS are in huge demand. Employers want CanScribe graduates. A great work -from - home career! Train with Canada's best -rated program. 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We also made a `brownie in a jar' recipe, that we delivered to McCall Livestock in Brussels to thank them for their donations of Ivomec labels for our 4-H Club. In our last meeting we melted chocolate to create fancy filigrees. We created our names and other designs out of chocolate and they turned out perfectly! Then with the left -over chocolate we made a chocolate fondue. First we had to learn all the etiquette rules involved in using a fondue pot. The club members brought fruit and other yummy treats like, rice crispy squares, meringues, pretzels, marshmallows and red liquorice to dip in the fondue. It was one delicious meeting! Nichol, Andrew Black, Beverly Stevenson, Drew Wilts, Ava Robinson, leap year babies include Ryan Baan, Nathan Bachert and Pam McLellan. March starts with Stacey Linton Courtney, Emmett Houston, George Somers, Jeff Huether, Holly Ryan, Audrey Mcllwain, Crystal White, Adam and Owen Ryan, Megan den Dekker, Kathy Ryan and Ava Sutcliffe. 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