HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-02-25, Page 3Snow (and mud) volleyball
The Blyth Lions Club held its annual snow volleyball tournament on Saturday, though the warm
weather saw the ground a little muddier than the players would have liked. The event is a
fundraiser for the group and all money from it goes back into the Lions Park where the event
is held. (Vicky Bremner photo)
Potiphar teaches avoiding bias
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on Sunday, Feb. 21
was Terry Richmond. Ushering were
Hope Button and Tom Cronin.
Marilyn Scott was pianist and Katie
Dockstader was choir director.
Connor Brooks ran the power point.
Rev. Gary Clark welcomed
everyone to church and drew
attention to the announcements with
special mention that the ladies will
be making turkey pies on March 9.
Call Donna Moore at 519-523-9855
to order. Pies can be picked up
between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. the day
they're made. He also mentioned the
broomball event on March Break.
Wednesday, March 16 there will be
broomball for ages seven to 14 years
of age. Registration is 9:30 a.m. It is
a fun day to play or try out
broomball. The cost is $10 per
person. You can pre -register with
Gary at 226-963-1175 or e-mail
gclarkbuc @ gmail com
The first hymn "Come Touch Our
Hearts" was sung followed by
Hayden Lee and Tanner Brooks
lighting the Lenten candles. The
opening prayer was repeated
responsively followed by the singing
of the Lord's Prayer. Rev. Clark
invited everyone to greet one
another. The first two verses of the
hymn "Throughout These Lenten
Days and Nights" was sung. The
first scripture reading was from
Genesis 39:1-20. The hymn "I've
Got Peace Like a River" was sung as
the children came to the front for
their story time.
Rev. Clark told the children he
was tired of himself, he took off his
jacket and put on a robe. He asked
the children if he was different. They
told him he still looked the same. He
then put on a red nose but he was
still the same person.
In the scripture on Sunday,
Potiphar saw Joseph differently than
his wife did. Potiphar saw Joseph in
the best way and his wife saw him in
the worst way.
How do we show people who we
really are? We can show them who
we really are by saying kind, loving
and caring things. We show the
world who we are by speaking and
acting kindly and only we can do
The children said a prayer along
with the congregation and went
downstairs for their time of
fellowship. The second scripture
was from Mark 6:7-13.
Rev. Clark's message to the
congregation was "The Wrong
Number." When we dial the wrong
number on the phone, we say sorry.
We often misinterpret something
about others and it is hard to say
sorry when we are wrong. We are
often fooled by what we see others
from the outside. Potiphar saw God
was with Joseph even when he was a
slave. Potiphar's wife sees him
differently and makes advances
towards Joseph and he runs away,
leaving his coat behind. Potiphar's
wife uses the coat to convince her
husband that Joseph made the
We often use our perception to
convince others of our thoughts. We
spread our prejudice to our children
and grandchildren. Our prejudice
becomes theirs. We try to build
resilience in our children. We tell
them not to hang out with the wrong
crowd. We protect our children from
kids that are mean and angry. We
miss a lot when we hang out with
someone who is unhappy. Jesus
talks to His disciples and builds a
church on them. They communicate
God's love.
We know that refugees are happy
to find a place to live but if they are
not happy they have nowhere to go.
As Canadians we can show them we
care. If we look back over our
mistakes we can learn from them
and have pride in ourselves. Can
others see God in us? We can invite
others to know Jesus and invite them
to church.
The next hymn was "Will You
Come and Follow Me" was sung
followed by the receiving of the
offering, the offertory response "For
the Gift of Creation" the offertory
prayer, prayers for the people and
silent prayers led by Lori Brooks.
The last hymn "0 Master Let Me
Walk with Thee" was followed by
the benediction and the singing of
the response "Go Now In Peace."
Everyone enjoyed coffee and treats.
An Indulgent old man!
(Arthur Pink)
"You hate all workers of iniquity!" Psalm 5:5
The god which the vast majority of professing Christians `love' is looked upon
very much like an indulgent old man, who Himself has no relish for folly, but
leniently winks at sin. Yet for one sin...
the fallen angels were thrown out of Heaven,
our first parents were banished from Eden,
Moses was excluded from the promised land,
Elisha's servant smitten with leprosy, and
Ananias and Sapphira were cut off from the land of the living.
But men refuse to believe in this God, and gnash their teeth when His hatred of sin
is faithfully pressed upon their attention.
Sinful man was no more likely to devise a holy God, than to create the Lake of Fire
in which he will be tormented forever and ever!
"God is angry with the wicked every day!" Psalm 7:11
"Our God is a consuming fire!" Hebrews 12:29
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956
Carter, Boonstoppel
win big in euchre
From Marilyn's Desk
By Marilyn
Happy birthday to Sharon
Bromley who celebrates Feb. 25;
Elsie Walsh, Huronview, Feb. 26;
Joann MacDonald, Feb. 28 and
Dana Weber, the actual day this year,
Feb. 29.
There were six tables of players at
the first euchre held at the Legion
hall. Winners were: high lady,
Dorothy Carter; second; Audrey
Boonstoppel; ladies' lone hands,
Kay Hesselwood; high man, Joann
MacDonald; second, Murray
Forbes; men's lone hand, Doug
Cartwright; share the wealth, Jewel
Plunkett and Dianne Clark.
Everyone enjoyed lunch and
coffee and the new renovations to
the legion hall. The next euchre will
be on Feb. 29 at 1 p.m. in the Legion
hall. Come out and enjoy the fun!
The Township of North Huron will have trees available on a first-
come, first -serve basis, limited to one (1) tree per urban property
and two (2) trees per rural property. Residents are responsible for
picking up trees from the Wingham Public Work Shed, planting
and maintenance of these trees. Trees available include Sugar
Maple, Silver Maple, Red Oak, which are bare root trees and
Colorado Blue Spruce which are bagged. Specify type of tree
when placing order. Place your order early as supplies are limited.
To order your free tree or for further information,
please call the Municipal Office,
at 519-357-3550 Ext. 21 by March 25, 2016.
Let us know what is happening in your area by
emailing a picture for possible inclusion
on our website's "Picture of the Day".
Please include a small caption about the picture.
Visit our website at northhuron.on.ca
- maybe your picture will be the
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