HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2016-01-14, Page 7THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2016. PAGE 7.
Sympathies, well -wishes extended to community
By Jo -Ann
Winter finally made its presence
felt with some cold and blustery
weather on the weekend. Sunday
was a windy snowy day and a great
day to stay inside. Many school
children had the day off in the area,
but not the Seaforth schools. We
were out and about as usual and the
roads were slippery in places and
visibility good most of the time. I
had been anticipating a day off, but it
was not to be!
Our sympathies are also extended
to Marie McCutcheon and Clarence
on the passing of her sister Jean
MacDonald. Our sympathies are
extended to Janet Engel and Dave
and family on the passing of her
mother Betty Humphries. She will
also be missed by her sister Shirley
and Ross Smith.
The Cranbrook Dart Club has
started play for the 2016 season.
There were 18 eager darters out to
play on Jan. 6. The teams were
drawn and play began. Winners
were: high, Jane Zwep, 103 and
Frank Workman, 131. They haven't
lost their touch or maybe they have
been practising. Team 5 consisting
of Murray Houston, Rita Bowers and
Evelyn Blake won all six games.
Team 7 members Brad Speiran and
Pat Gillis were also lucky to win
their six games. Marita Lefor was
the lucky shooter of the night.
Hopefully week two will see all the
rest of the darters out to play.
We send out get -well wishes to
Jim Ryan, who is a patient in
hospital at time of writing. We
hope his health problems are
sorted out quickly.
Our get -well wishes go to Neil
Schade who has suffered a fall and is
Helping out
When it comes to fighting fires, the equipment is expensive, so when a 30 -year-old
compressor needed to be replaced, the Huron East Fire Department looked to grants and
other funding opportunities to help cover the $20,000 expense for the Brussels Fire Hall. The
Brussels/Huron East Community Development Trust and the Trillium Mutual Insurance
Recognizing Our Opportunity To Support (ROOTS) committee answered the call and donated
$2,000 and $10,000, respectively, to the cause. Above is the donation from the
Brussels/Huron East Community Development Trust. From left: Brussels District Deputy -Chief
Brian Deitner, Huron East Fire Chief Marty Bedard, Brussels District Chief Max McLellan and
Huron East Councillor and Trust member John Lowe. Below is the donation from the ROOTS
committee. From left: Deitner, Trillium Mutual Fund representative Rhonda Ryan, Bedard,
ROOTS council member Karen Schmalz and McLellan. The remaining $8,000 was raised
through community donations during a swim rally at the Brussels pool featuring local
firefighters last summer. (Denny Scott photos)
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recovering from broken ribs. We
hope he comes along well.
Bob Hess is in hospital at this time
and we hope he comes along well
and is soon home again.
Celebrating birthdays this past
week include Sal Curreri, David
Huether, Ryan Marks, Jaxon
Bromley, Jarrett Humphries, Brian
Marks, Rick Pethick, Canon
Beuerman, BJ DeJong, Sherri
Hackwell, Hugh Nichol, Danica
Zwep, Aiden Hackwell, Kelly
McDonald Jarosz, Sarah McDonald
Young, Lucas Mader, Brad Pryce,
Hailey Steinman, Ron Stevenson
and George Zwep. Happy birthday
to all!
ii4t Township of
HN North Huron
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of North Huron passed
By -Law No. 7-2016 on the 4th day of January 2016 under Section 34 of
the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. This by-law applies to all lands within the
Township of North Huron.
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the
Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By -Law by filing with the Clerk
of the Township of North Huron, not later than the 2nd day of February
2016 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the
reasons in support of the objection, accompanied by payment of the fee
prescribed under the Ontario Municipal Board Act.
AMOUNT OF FEE for an appeal is $125.00 payable by Certified
Cheque or Money Order in Canadian funds, made out to the Minister of
Finance and accompanied by OMB Appellant Form (A1) which is
available on their web site at www.omb.gov.on.ca or at the Municipal
Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a zoning
by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be
filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of
appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the
association or the group on its behalf.
No person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the
appeal unless, before the by-law was passed, the person or public body
made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the
Council or, in the opinion of the Ontario Municipal Board, there are
reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
AN EXPLANATION of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing
the lands to which the by-law applies is provided below. The complete
by-law is available for inspection at the Township of North Huron office
during regular office hours or online at www.northhuron.ca/building,
under `Zoning'
Dated at the Township of North Huron this 7 day of January 2016.
Kathy Adams, Clerk
Corporation of the Township of North Huron
P.0 Box 90, 274 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0
Phone: 519-357-3550 Fax: 519-357-1110
By-law No. 7-2016 has the following Purpose and Effect:
1. The purpose of this municipally initiated Zoning By-law Update is
to correct or update provisions and mapping changes to be
consistent with the Official Plan and Provincial Policy Statement. This
Update is required by Section 26 of the Planning Act following a Five
Year Review of an Official Plan.
The 2015 Zoning By-law Update proposes the following changes:
1. Revision of definitions to be more descriptive and consistent with the
2014 Provincial Policy Statement.
2. Revision to General Provisions to remove outdated references and
update provisions to be more consistent with planning documents,
Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, and the Provincial Policy
3. Addition of a provision that after the approval of a surplus farm
dwelling severance, the Zone Map will be automatically amended to
reflect the change from AG1 (General Agriculture) to AG2 (Restricted
Agriculture) for the retained farmland, and AG4 (Agricultural Small
Holding) for the severed farm dwelling.
4. Addition of new permitted uses: licensed medical marihuana facility,
winery, group home, and second dwelling units in appropriate zones.
5. Addition of 2 new Zones to recognize the existing Floodways and
Flood Fringes identified by Maitland Valley Conservation Authority
6. Removal of NE5- Natural Environment Zone.
7. Change existing NE5 Zones to NE1- Natural Environment Zone and
change existing NE1 Zones to NE2- Natural Environment Zone,
including existing NE1 Special Zones.
8. Addition of the Floodway (FW) Zone and Flood Fringe overlay zone
(FF) to the Zoning Maps.
9. Removal of Special Zones R1-8 and CF -2.
2. The Council of the Township of North Huron has adopted a related
Housekeeping Official Plan Amendment 10 for the Township of North
Huron Official Plan.