HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-12-24, Page 10!4 4' • i1 i• ril • • egaurt, i,anbe iPs04 74o t alrta►i�,art,�tt�►ei�$+o'I�ae�'te�4rF�+i+�*e,�i�`ew loliaay 11n9 again ...,,and we take; pleasure ' • In wishing you and your loved ones. n full measure, of. good •cheerl y.�o�,pOA'4?.a�ooatop�piwt • McKIM:, .e 1. RexaII" Store n. 11,..."%e it „.,,, „,kti.n.n...0,,„ _it1 0,,!,,, ,4 proii,e itirobig7$d nipt1d" 'NfolTr. D i it ,,tkani4*.4.tE, 4iiii iri,...w.0110,40,•r ti4viFattabuto,,,,wa„41 ++rid .: i !lto �_2ki 'he next regular meeting of the ` Luc Ow Lions Club will 'be on . � District . ,:. •' -NlflN)DAY, JANUARY -13th .. Officers and Members of the Club wish to sincerely thank all . those who supported the peanut and light bulb ,campaigns SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL for a Very:. Merry Christmas and a Health•' and Prosperous :New, Year I-1appY� . Y .... , . .. , . , • . LETTER (By ,A. !NI. Nicholson, December 14. 1957'. Although 80 percent of •. the 370n?ns�rr-��adla are fann- ers, you; find" the farm families living. in 600;000 ' villages.' Nehru's first Five-year :Pian in- chided• a, very ambitious• 'rural' Community ..Development Plan. :,Edward: Conserva tive , M,P. from': U.K.: who spent. 20. years in India prior to 1947, George Ihbrsan, Labor M.t. ,from U,K., w and the Member for MacKenziespent an . afternoon .visiting . two villages and talk ing .to the farm folk. The .Indian: ',farmer, • like his 'counterpart r1 ••t Canada is hard working, but he is semi -starved As'. a result of -inadequate :in- come.;:. About" 800:' people lived in. 'the first village where the total acreage. including the small fields' .adjacent ,to the village was just 00.0 acres. ' Qn• being met by •the village 'council, Mr. Wakefield inquired if the Chief had •a Map. Prinrrptl --a well worn reap mounted on• cotton, 'was prodw. ed. Each holding : was numbered. -As • in Canada,,. there was quite; a variety to ;the sizes of the. farms . The Director of the Program for. Mysore 'State:wals our guide for the afternoon.. He had 'sent out word in the morning that .visitors., Would• be out.' For a group olf villages ,they. have a staff of • experts . in:, agri= ;culture, veterinary s'c 1 e n:c e: health and sanitation; "home ec-' onomics,. 'and cooperative`- de- veloprnent and education: . Western • people- find: -it -Strange - to t strangeto find so " many', . people, ."cattle' vc F l tPaglaR YAn►i 4P N'S • GREETINGS. ,TO. ALL jQ,r n SRA►SO. •, • r a. DI F1 E i, g,44.110,.1047" • M;. • O4. �e;;�Ofi�n��rt,+qtr,Jnr.�sxe..►��rr.�itr�rr,c��e�.nr�ikr'^rn�.: .am„+ll�Oa�ii�.I��O�l140U.O�t tlit/}�1) O (+. i • • and. a HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR We take great pleasure in reflecting on the pleasant friendships' we have shared during the year and trust that the 'new business associations we, have been , favored . with will continue through the years to come. De th. ln' er ter ole an le Hamilton 1 Your Local' Cities Service 'Agent. a. 1m. 1?- se se and ' chickens in such • a • ;small. village. The statistics .for the two v111;' ages ..•' indicated t ra they. are Creaking, :'down ' the prejudices that -ore.' found .when University - 0=0,1 r'eople come .'to a rural Community., The Home Econom ics 'teacher arranged ..\a display in 'the • titan:. bungalow vvher'e they have ••been taught weaving ' and needle' work In four. : years' time, 'WOmer w he': ,had -a.:very: bleak'• 11fe rave 'found that Withf `.their ":own' hands 'they' can cre :ate �e garrnents more attractive• ,._ . ' aa' ever :seen' before. • than, tnev h 'But the brighter: :seen. were' the two achools. lever uritil 'the: ' • 1 Community : Development Pro�;•_� aram' started :did 'a.'.child in .•the -vi-1-1a-6.,- have a-_cha_n.ee" tb-, .go to school Iii. these 'schools they did: childr'eri, . sit ,on. their 'crossed . • leg's on ` wooden 'planks in very cr�� • ;news' lI$URAN(EAgeflC.y t3usiness 39 ,GENERAL .:INSURANCE. Established • Overp''Thirty Years Ago •Telehonest HOWARD AGNEW 'Residence 138 • �imaii r►,Coos Aar,r.�q� rli;itedgmbi hb t o.ogefvo tft4.,u,C.�7',1t'>r'tou t! u7 4Fug $ ".CKNOW--.FIRE- COMPANY'S _,1... .not 1ave desks nor benches. The • . - �- COLLISION SERVICE I,�JALINIT+iG zind. CO • pairs •to AllrlVialcea fear Repairs and, installed... W e will • never ,forget, Automotive Safety •Glass, '.cut inter of Education:mShe was the Auto Body Repairs The Town .: Ha11, Luacknow wn visite t4 iauonc •cH�RISTIKAS NIGHT DANCE ;WEDNESDAY;, DECEMBER 25th hlerito 'ne n sr. hrr NEW YEAR'S . EVE DANCING.: PARTY TUESDY DECEMBER. Aw�i,yt� w�y..y,�yiy .yy .. .. �. Dancin 10 00 to 1..00 — Admission $;1 00 Music : by .•CAR RUTHERS! .ORCHESTRA • s' just Russia, and they are uzpeeiing sndE of, her' nose. • Shp,. wa much •from .this new ekpe'rimen�t• iters 10 years.: old.' She' proudly ex- ztzded�lu F • plarinied—th.at .t-wac he '' duty •to in democratic •govcr nment. the Niro- . see that • the -blackboard was clean .every morning, that they had good .books and' a newspaper roost. beautiful.. Minister ;we had Wheel, and g ever seen Jet !black pigtails �l. g Align back Her eyes Huron Road Phone 320 Goderich t�tr�rtt,�Or!n�n�tt • aaaiiab.ie y hung downher as b!r� ht t as they jewels The Minister of Health ex- �were g eke' every. which Were embedded ort• either plained . that he.' checked' ' morning to see that the gi;rls r ��,�0�11�1twt,�M�U�t�i,irt�•�urt�ti�o. t .. .. • • HETNER Y'O�U'D'RATHER • or tw'o in the bush, you'll find Sterling( Trusts Guaranteed ' Trust. Certificates area wise i•nveAtnient: They pay- you - .5% interest .per annum, payable half • yearly . they',re unconditionally guaranteed as to pincipal and interest ,. they're authorized investment,- : for trust funds•.y. and they're fora short to -5 ar riot means $500.00 gccumt lates'to' $640.04 'in 5•years.. Ask us about • them. and boys; had `washd their hands, and (faces and brtished their ---- ---ieeth • b -;el ox coming t0--'4chooL.- The Prime 'Minister saw that all' 'the. ,r embers of • his cabinet were'attending .to----:thesr-;marious- duties. Before- .Iridependebce,, Mysore &as, ruled .-by_a Maharajah who 'lived in a fairy-tale palace which we - ltacl visited the previous day Thousands of 1abburers . (Must have left. their mud huts 'to gaze on;:the most beautiful structure 1, 'Have ever seen. I am sure ,the. farmers at Arasenakurite will eet, a great deal more, satisfac- tion from :sharing. in the new world which is •tieing opened to them as a result,` of • 'education • coming to • the • village; • We .:were ;irnpressect by ° the• -itrrsttrp=lacing gkue•1t1=1aythe TF At �:ran.cl:�, O.fe��,.,:•. : Dunlop Stay 'tattle • iload-Office ' 411 gel Star Tbriltdo'''' (;rood 'neighbor: One who'ean 'watch you take it easy , w ithout thinking: yourte 'lazy, young ,people all..under thirty They. recognized their goal :is not 1.0y be reached for a long long time - lout-•••4trh'e-v- :-ar-e-,---determined ,. that the people Must learn ' to help themselves. No outsidd. help has been provided for. 'the'' Commphity 'Detelopment Pro- gram ” to., raise living standards for farm people, •S,ohte • criticism has .. been cl rectgcl &sites the. Gov-. ernnrent for trying .tis, do tis y`n'' much in too shout 'a "tiime but. the people herr of conditions 1n the' , West changes in- Nina and:,., MONUMENTS WE LTC MEMORIALS: -- We are the only. _:manufac._:.• ttrers in this• -part of Ontario • of high class nionumehts who' import granite frein the • Old Country in the rough by the' carload arCd pt Cess from the ' rough 'to ` the 'finished monument:No No middleman. When, choosing tr mohufnent' come arid set: taro .' of the. . largest :setecti4.:ns tit °Mario, Established over Sixty' yea r' • ,-...31,!_ritecor_lilte_ne:W tlketto1i 8 d, reverse Glial g s. SK•ELTON' ME:MOI1 ` S