HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-12-24, Page 7*DECEMBEsR 2011, 1957 •
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. •• SgVATI..
We illak all our friends
a heart:watinyig holiday, full
Of 10Y.. and ,good, :fellowship!
• — • • — V—-1*" " A
• • •••,„
Rev. Wallace .Mclean. -mini-
ster of the Lucnkow Presbyter-
ian Church, received Word on
Thursday morning of the death
of mother; Mrs. Wallace Mc-
Clean, Sr., who passed away on
WednesdaY, Decemlber 18th, in
Belfast, Ireland.
Mrs: McClean' was: 81 years .ot
age and had been ailing:
ani. Mrs. McClean, visited his
aged. ?:notke.T in trethild a. year
ago last. spring.„ „
•• Surviving *besides Rey.* 'MC,
'Clan are four daughters and a
sort, all in Ireland, •.. •
The engagement is annou
of Betty Jane* Newman, 'young,
est, daughter Of' Mrs. Lillian
Nevvmati, ,Clinton, and the late
Mr. Fred Newnan, to John Gill,
yOtingeSt .sOn. of Mr. •and Mrs.
B. S. Gil, of Shawinigan Falls,
Que. The marriage will talse
place on Saturday, December 28
in the Roman Catholic Chapel #000itivit4qtivaerisntePlurobivg.lierivile#42'040t0aerotteonsobsoliezofte'Ao
RAF Station,':WhitehorSe
" •
the'seqs01 to be iollY..:aed happy are
'we to everYoee a'verY MerrY ChirstrnaC
ussels •
Motors. . ant:ended fOr. Last :I/Vek)
04,..,,iptOilaia0Or,...,-atatii,4.1do.voz•ieg?agFoilani4ve4nial000kle,v04.;a414.4.,14, •
.7-U1+444VE AND •.DRAMATIC; that. , progress
• ..• Made' against bee on thi cPP-
`71.1p. Complete Beer Book is ,tinent? One fact that'StatidS: out
IS that, beer, Sales America:
.continue .to -decline. .dcline. Another fact,
too little known and ptiblicizek
that-,c-burChes. and,terriper.ance
organizations are slowly • Vitt
•surely stepping up alcohol
education programs: .:Witness- 'the,
intensive work Abeing done, in
our OntAriO• rid :high
schools under.the inSpices of
the. 'Ontario Teniperance Feder-
ation. Also the , plans' for a' Pro,:.
*Iricial 'Youth CO,r0rence• on t .
atcohol problem to be:held in
Toronto:.1)ecerriber to 40.: •
the 'name. ,It is . a, "unique\ and
dramatic presentation". It ...will
be 'published ,in a full-sized vol-
iiiite,--to-_appeal to won -ten,_
This rbook:will be. verY com-
prehensive and will give women
many interesting facts about
beer that every. woman • should,
know. For example it will . have
• chapters On (1) Story or 'beer,
.(2) Beer at its best, (3) Cooking
with beer,- (4) food for beer and
(5) beer drinks.
•Vihat really lies lq•ehinct this
unusual; project? Will: it educate
tirwornert—and--stinwlat •
appetite Tor .beer? That is the •
hope of course. Could it be hOw-. "Education is the • answer:" --
.ever that the Beer Barons re- Advt • • . • '
''Ihe W.M.S. and, W.A. Met. oh
TucAdaY afternoon' Eft tl-d hornt:
f. Mrs; Ed. •Robillsdfi' with ten
ladieS present:: Mrs. I. . Jeffer-
son Was in charge .of the W.M.S.
theeting using ::the...•ChriStrrid$
program from :the Missionary . ;•
Monthly .with aeyeral ladies tak-, ...
ing,---Part.--.--M-rS. atuart-,--C:hamney-.-.--.1.,
read :the chapter frornthe study, ..
topic. Mrs. J. Leddy .gayea read-',
'ing "The- .Littlest' Angei". The
treasurer's report ' Showed, that
'our .allocationhad, been„reached. ..
Mrs: . (Rev.), Hiltz• explained the
work ,Of the ' Sitriday School in
the home, -of which she is. DIS:!
'trict supervisor,. families : where
there are children ,are enrolling
in thus service for , the winter
, . ,
• AD." ss • co
man s
coming yearsare; pad pres., Mrs.
WM.Hardy; pres..,Mrs: Charles
Jefferson, Mrs. H.
reinemotateritivirariourarirtirahi ofboinssolissollsomoisePlevrievitavoite"40114 YstoOds and Mrs. S.. :Thompson.
sec-treas. , Mrs. Stuart eham-
to 4r
• 0
4 111,StewardShiP, Mrs. R.' Chamney;
MiiSiOnary, ',Monthly, Mrs. H Jet-
cor :sec., .Mrs..E. Snowden;
ferson; Citizenship and .Ternper.
ance, Mrs,. Morley Johnston;
Heralds;'. Mrs. . Hardy; or-
Aanists, 'Mrs. J.'R.. Thompson: Sz•
Mrs. H.: Jefferson; Flower fund,
-Mrs. 'Gordon -4. Naylor;- press. -see:,:
Mrs,: R. chamney. :
—"-Mrs:-R:-Charnney presided -746r -
the W.A„rneeting WhiCh follow-
ed.. Psalm 693 was read-inzni
• son. Mrsgap:15i read "The Story
• of the ChristiTias-:•Candle7.Mrs
,......,..,:.:.... rvi.e.,::..,.
• . . . ..... ;•.. • '• ALEX:, ANDREW, Itop, .,. ..-
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May this joyous • „
:Christrnia -season
bring you all the
efts of Happiness,
Peace and Friendihifr.
• •
r, •
• •
• : ,
' .,••••
• A , •
' ' " iN4
. •
• •' •,.... • is
,•••• .
• hest
what, we: '
wish •
011, Oai,
good friends
, •Christmas
•panied by Mrs. Hiltz. Mrs. Jas.
Ledd' read some verses entitled
' i'l Xnow Something Good About
'You": Ws. 'li, Jefferson, .the past
tiresident, • conducted.. the :busi-
ness. .4 was decided to buy" a
piano, :for the Suncla,v: Sehool:
•The committee appOinted to lOok
after this' was Mrs, H. Jefferson;
•-Mr.c4-.7....-7S.,:..-Ithl—M-re. Te• --
Robinson.. ' After the : closing'
reeting. to wish hymn the following were 'elected
yearv. Pres.„3/14.,s,
Tom Armstrong; sec,-treas., Mrs,
E. Robinson. Lunch was'. served.
by:th.eThOsteSS --eS•sisied—by
you and yours
. •
season! Hope 'you
1 ' Groat ,•minds discuss ideas,
mediocre /hinds ,discussevents",
mall minds discuss.personali-,
Wave a very ties.
ern; ehrisiwtas!
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ay Elia
ChiThitsialt , .... :,:t.,
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'The Girl, .Guides had' a Christ, ' : 00r,1 of Poit0 and 670d. ' 'N.<„,t,,',--• .. .
.'ular meeting:Gifts , Were, dona.7,1, .
tritritead -of-lheit'r°g-,40 '6krii4-4r , --,,- •-•,,,---..., ,......_. ,..,.,...,...-,...„..--; •,:.....,.......:,-....„-..............,.
• •
s happy families everywhere gather
together to celebrate this
.most festive of
seasons; we wish you an
• '
• s' •S'W •
Best Wish6s. fOr.,th.e New Year . •
‘s • '
:•1 ' ,
. • •
• .
0 4
pea -u
jrM, RUNTER, Prop.
• ted to • the Children's Aid, $ot-
iety.' G-ames .Were played, and
carols sung around .an: imitatien
Camp fire. Cookies and cocoa
were, served and'', the party 'W&f,4
closed -with .the, singing,:of
There will be A. Meeting neXt
• • ;'oart now .
' t
• '
• • • •
• •
• • • • •
• •
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