HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-12-24, Page 3• BEit 2.4th, 1957, 7T,HE LUCKNOW SENTINEL', LUCKNOWt ()WO . • PAGg.:Tligigg • ..0*****.it.f*aa LuCi(NOW uNITEO. CHURCH,, mini• 1 ster: I Roy,a A. Meiklejohn, • / • SYNRAYP. PECE1V,MER 29th 11)0.9,a.m.4- .•'.'9hurch:!•..„SehoOl, •..'i . .. ,,..,, .., ....ILO a.,M,,,,:• •WorshiP," "Things- -..1 . ' '.1,ortiar:!..• . ••••••......P4"“ -.H411.144400.4 • tucknow -Piesbyterian Church 1, ; • . Minister:. • • Rev. 'Wallace McClean . SUAY;:i)ECIEMBER 29th .1 10:00 a.m.,: Sunday SChool. 11,:00 •1Vlorning worship,: (Man?S. Place in, "Christ- mas". :1.00 gWorshlrLi lizsottokiAieogreiiiemotreneonftL0401.1*. .. She also gave a wonderful •dern-. • onstration on • wrapping and: deCorating •glfts for various oc- casionS.:. Mrs.-Kaitting .faVoured with .a Sole,. "He", and , Mrs.. :40ges,.gaVe a paper on "In dostry:•keePs the :body healthy, • the mind 'clear, the heart whole and the :p7s'e exchange 'Of. gifts' arid, singing of the•National .Anthem; the meet- ing •was closedo ,' • .1, After Car- , • • . DuAganoon The ladies of Dtingqnnon Wo- men's Institute, enjoyed a loN*701Y., Cli11st.nlis. party . at. the. Tiger Inn On Thursday .plien- ing Dcember 19th Ellington presiding and 'thir,t5r three ladies present, After the, 'toast to the Queen' and, Institute Grace, we partook ...of. a turkey dinner with all thejrimmings.• During the prograin ' which fol-: lowed, theroll call was answered; with "new. ideas fOr.,the coming.. •ng- :year". ,Some suggestions. were giv.en .with. 'regard's a: short Play to, be Presented at,•a, later date. A, cOtrimittee. was . named. i charge. LFive. dollars ,was voted to the...SaVe the •Children.'kund; a gift•,was presented to a .ber who'has. moved away ,ancl . Mrs. C. 131ake--gaVethe 'motto, • "It •is More blessed AO '.give than receive". A •reading,was•given by Beth 1VICCornell; "The Story of n LOIIIsIQ.Jknra1 services' for JOsepil. 13radY,. whose. mother was a. native of Ashfield Township, wqr,e held at Strathroy Rai/Ian •Catholic Church on -Thursday ,* .:'7h,32-y04r-014 an died in Victoria, HesPital,.,Landon, of in- juries received in a' car -train Collision the. previous Saturday night 'about. 11.00 p.m: • ,The. atcidenLvictim is.'a nepht_ ew of n, W. Hogan, of Ash- field andH Michael Rogan of Lticknow. • ,His mether- was . the former Margaret- Hogan, of" Ash-. field. •Joseph had Operated' the. borne fan and resided with his. mother. His father. died in 1992. Joseph„ was the youngest of three by.,, brothers i He is survived ,Ins mother and two brothers, John The level; and James.. •accident..occurred .at ••a Crossing_ (near ,Kerwood with:hich Josph.•Was fazniliar. He struck an Icy • eh section ,as lhe riAma telied--thwossing, and. sid •presided. at 'the „piano for carol . t the. apreachingfreight. The, car was 'demolished and ,a ,hex,:rear derailed.'Mr. Brady was :the ' driver of the. car and the only one . of five young men . to be injore,d. All five 'were thrown from the. car. Joseph suffered a. severe skull •.fracture . was' taken to :Strathroy..hospital- and :On ,Sunday was. removed to Lon - 'don 'where he underwent ..sorg-' ery,; , • p singing and Mrs. Kennedy's topic was in keeping ,with the -motto. • ''•••0,1•400 • • We have along, tong list of -warm wishes for all our friends fora ..bright and loyous holiday! —GORDON—BROOKS TaANspoRT • . • • .,- •Mi .1 and Mrs Wallace :•Hege.;- boeit,i -.and Children of N.apariee, ere week -end guests of, lier rrother, Mrs; filbert Alten. ' • . . a •patient in Wingharri, Hospital, isnow Convalescing: at the home ...of Mt. and IVIrS. Malcolm •Stew- art at Presten. • ' • ...We: would appreciate personal terns -about holiday comings and. •• oin0.'••To have them correct,. end them in, bring them in, or lrop- in,•the lettser-dreP, at the office door:. But, please send. them4n-•-e-a, Y.. : .Bok., MacNay spent •a couple, of dayi; last week with, his par - Alex Mac, Nay, before leaving. forhiglioTne it Pert ArthurBob' ship,*.the CollingWood,, tied op'.at. "Toronto rot, the , winter: -77'Me 'frolin a • distance attend- ing' the funeral 'of Mrs, Stanley were ' Mr. Johnsen Hall, Isabel and Fulton Conning- hina, 1VIr.• and Mr. George Ber- . ry, Tara; Mr. and Mrs.' Harold Cruickshank, •Kitchener; and Mr. and Serimgeour • , Pl- me'ston. Miss . Cunningham re- mained for a week with hei' cousin, Miss :jean Lyons, ;who has sufficiently recovered from -Pneumona to.. remain at her homehere7She -,retiltriett "Tf tom Wingham Hospital upon the death •of rho.' sister. • .14 1 NETY-FIVE, QN CHRISTMAS DAY Duncan MacLeod will observe his •95th birthday at his home, Lucknow on, Christmas- Day., He is still bale' and hearty, and retains his faculties to a reniark-• a •eitia a le has • (been" his :recovery :from ,a fractuted hip, which he sOffer-; ed °a couple of years ago.., A native of the 8ecorid " Con- cession. 'Of '..Kinloss, Dunean has been .practically a lifelong resi- dent :of this immediate coin/Mtn- itY and for years his servieeS.as a., plasterer and • bricklayer were in wide 'deniand, • ,, ..•,, ' iMr .ivreLeod has been anavid reader, arid possibly levy any. in the CoMmunity have: *ired ,through as, Many bobks from the P-°°471 • " 404/„Of 4000041POOVOLV40,44171101047111V11001V00000040110141404041P40 .. , . P. -HIENDERSO'N TO. HEAD .LEGION , • • LEGION NEWS • The annual Christmas party for Children of the, Legion and Aux- iliary was held in, the Recreation Hall with. Santa Claus giving 'presents' te -soMe ninety, At the list ineetingrof the Leg- ion, nominations were held for all the Officers for 1958. -Garnet liederson, and_Harold • Ritchie yvere nominaTed for presidenti Harold ;withdrew .in favor Of • Witivilf,p CO% go, two Joliet okoriO 46040910qmv wkay.#4. r.. V .1 4 • • .... .•' • • LI 0 .0tir .loyal friends and° patrons: we .Send :this, Holiday greeting with -the wish that you , enjoy the delights, of this festive, 5eo..coil. 4. • , . • , • ,•• • • . . -he- Ladies' and Men's War urti,voivtiotembosit,heoholioirirAureinotteooiltenivinientootl'ivitagiefiotogo:- mi&tter.ifivitorogowitigitievttoionortirii.te*tioliiviiemieolfewheizegoltaittfeivta.. .4:••••t• • , ° ^ " •‘• • • ' • ' , • • • •-•• •' • 'f'') • • • • ' • • " A' • • • . • . Our Yuletide best to ail our friends . for a season packed' with all the wonderful things that Christmas Means!, The Set, y Store • L; ell 04 ivieut•-mamio.',44earti474f.o4.41,-400. e.A1 41.1!e.olutoif okii ram 4.0-aator'.'!)'•,00S . . . Garnet,:_havinig served two Years in that position.' , . , and ,.131$ ,.orr .0 Were ,given acclamationsTfortte'm ••Seconcl - re- • spectively.- ,Sid' ,WhitbY will ba.4. 'the new Sergeant at.. Arms for 1958.•7 • • '.. :• • •• • . For:the foor executive posiL: fienS, there were seven Members,: who stated ,,they wail& stand for election, • This •election „Will' take ,n•1 ace *at' 'the. next meeting, which Wil1 he held eti, Friday-, •Decem,- bay27th. Oete the change in date., :All metribers are requested to -.bd. present 0,_as ize ,for . the attendance .• The meeting voted to present. the".Ripley, . branch witha', past nieSiderIt's platie for their pew, Logion• hall' , • ,..••• • .:In, cribbage, Leo Huber has been the big gun, and has a geed: lead in total- 4core:. The 'next, . „ • party 'Will be oit:.1Vfohday,.. enrk':i'.Fiuit.::::Matkpt ,eifiber • '••• As the' Year eridSi. WO. tesiOn - - 'wishes ail the :•cOmplimpnt§. of • . the. SeasOn. • .• ••• . , • . 1 1 , ' • • " • • 4. • , ,• 't•' • •' • ,f • E. . ,.„ . • • • • „1• "1.• 4. • • ,•••!;.•:,i• ti*laisitirboviiiii$101/00014140101/10101010.1k4tOiteitietonotolosiotOtakiitA, , • 4• '•, , • , ,