HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-12-18, Page 4• • Cul- FOR SALE---' •W•C. Woods elec- ' PUPS. FOR SALE-Ja;ries. ''bert Lucknow,. • , • . ` two boys-'' FOR SAL . ' '.•� suits, bine . gab"ardine, • ages 14 and 16, reasonable in price,,, good • •condi- tion'; Mrs. Dari. T"homson . phone Lucknow� _• FOR" SALE 1950 GMC 3/4 toil truck with 4 meed transmission, ., also' manure loaders and snow blowers'.'built, for any ' tractor'. Morford . W.. MacKay, • welding &, machine shop, R.R. 2, Ripley. •IiIESSE FOR SALE ---alive; dress.= ed : or oven ready. Charlie Mac - • • Donald, R. 2, Lueknow, . phone • 2107r-12. ' FOR SALE, OR • EXCHANGE -7- Hereford -Hereford bull, 1.8' months , old, papers if desired. Will , exchange • tris grinder, • Ronald Forste , phone 29•, Lucknow. .. •:liQ.USE FOR. RENT at Halt'-• rood hydro, , bath, all;: moden• conveniences, : good' garden. Ap- p1-rto; Er --nest Ackert;;• phone '101- ults• .35c free ' Free OLD HORSES WANTED. :S�NTtNFL,�; LLT�I�QVI .CMI NGEVENTS . CHRISTMAS 'CONCERT concert Ashfield Thurs-Thur, hare: Adu Evex�ybQd SCIHQOL C,•QNCERT: . • Christmas,t' at S'S, • To. 7, A shfi (Lothian), will be" held an es .nber ,-19 at 8.30 s lts,�• 35c. child- ren free. Y : welcp e,: WEDNESDAY, DEC, "t8th, 1957 The pupils of Belfast. 5ehool will hold their annual, •ChriStrnas, concert at the day, peeeniber S 1 Oldhorses Wonted at 3,1/2o • pei r ,for, calves• or ;p7.•gs.. 'Charlie A d- erson, R.. R. 3, 'Lucknow, phone .69-r5 'Dungannon.' .4Partinent With built-in cup.. boards,' 'Plenty Of .closet '..space and *hot Water , year •around. Reasonable. rent. Apply tO,Aobt. Finlay; 'phone 218,•LucknoW, Ont: BOXED .eVeryday cards and. hasty:.noteS Make lovely iifts-for, • 11 -tat ."hard. to get" person. Hasty. , from 250; ',everyday Cards from. $1.00 ,up;• thank Voir mites Ib ;dead oattl„e :at .v,alue.. if dead,, , phone at once to Gilbert . Bros.. Elizabeth Robinson'would like Mink. Ranch, phone , collect God- to: thank:, all "those who "'rein,en�.- erich' 1483J4 or.• school ori. • Thurs,.: 10th at 8.30, •Ad-: udlen:ta.._,..25c; .chhldren. C Ak r r., t THANKS : E; tiered ered •her 'in various •ways while . a patient in . the . hospital and CUSTOM .CAR PAINTING A nice new, paint •job is money ve11 spent, _ single or . two• torte, holt . spray method, `.' fender • and, body, work,'. rusted., panels and sections 'replaced ' . N.. W. WINT ( one .building w since returning home Gordon " Congram v.Visles . to express his sincere • thanks, •stow relatives, •frjends and neighbors` Ifor,• visits, gifts and cards while . t • ERSTEIN ' G ill: T hanks to 'pr.. M, Corrin, ,2 es __ . • ow 1) Bab ,MacKenzie and . nuts. ; • FAMILY q p: sizes G and .up _: 99 Idlen s, Ladies', sures' 6 '•and . up rye: kates 'u to _ ,. �. 10.85 «. Ladi.es Figure $ . 1 ., P fi. ; , ;A .� :•,: � s�. and�•Gfrls; size 3.._. ;•... .,.�5r tldreln s' sYzes e:. in rid , COIYl., . �.. K . T H Y �� • EXC �: for either New or•• Used :ones and' Slei -,hs iri ail .size„ We: also :hawf Toboggans g T�. EUCKNOW HOUSE FOR SALkl.Wingharn 4. Up).; on. one: acre lot. Double garage. Exeelient buy at' 8M,99 To 'view, Writei-7 Walter Ensliat Realty Lid. , 42 Sterling St.; Hamilton, Ont, For 'artifiCial• insemination in.- gifts and .tO thoSe. Who visited Sincere thanks to all friends and rieighbOrS, Dr.. Mel corrin, pitat for eVerY kind ;Ref :While in the hespital: Merry chrisfinas and man . of , er items suitable for Christmas gifts • por and Auto- Su 'PHONE 6 WITH oNLY COLLISION and COMPREHENSIVE Auto Insurance you will find "that formation. or serVide from : all -me. wh.ile Was in the tiospi.t al. and stationery. Don Thorrippoil,, , •-,CHRISTMAS FLOWERS • •,sOOiation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 Potted 'Plants, azaleas, cycla- or • Kincardine .4.6o between .7,30. available top qiiality% at low, cost • " A meeting, of 'interest ,to cattle men Was. held reCently. in the .1 -men% , Poinsettias a'n d mixed and 9.30 a.m., We.' have all breeds. . palms, and all kinds of cut, flow-, BEEF 'mpsT ATTEND LOCAL PURINA ETING. 4General° Electric SPECIALS . . for. 39,95; 'Hoover yactOnn NOtes' available, :at 25 cents per Pacliag. Of 10 .Cards and matching° envelope's. Dori ThdinpSon, phone • TENDERS 'renders 'will 'be received the' undersigned 4) to' December. 20th 'for the sate of • St., Helens • • 4 If 'There *Ill be no Milk delivery 11 and IleaN' Yeai'a• DaY• Fairview In the Estate Of Edward 'm6(11.14-11 CARS FdR SALE PantiaC, lovely condition. me`4,,,,,t1 blue 'motor; clutch, trans - 1 rnigsio'n and axle all chec ‘ed over, a good ear, priCed ''d4Y 1953,, full., particuldit of • their goad running , condition. ,NEAT FOR SALE quarter. • Beef killed under lic- ense from the Department of 0 UTO Can NoW Accept TOWN .RESIPENTS & COMERCIAL ,us ,Iirelt as the farm . business. CECIL FALCON:Eli • Phone. Wingliarn. 570;443 MEMORIAL. SHOP lin, late 'pf the Tpwnship THE BEST. GRANITES IrriinediatWY : after workmanship. said date, the•aSse 'of the eState . this 14th day Of December, '195'7.: isioncg. TO CREDITOR'S In the .EState ,Jeanette Anderson, 'Deceased:: . ALL PERSONS having elaims, against the Estate of Lillie Jean- ette Anderson, late Of the Vill- age of Lppi:(noW; in the County of Bruce, WidoW, 'cle`Ceased, who 'October, :1957, are hereby net-. ffied .to send in ' their ,elairns EXecuters oh or 1957i as, after the..,said, date, the,' having regard. orifY-fOlhe-61Itnir Dated at', Lucknowi 'Ontario,. -this 39th day 'of November 1$51. Ilarvey D. Anderson, kit 6', t4oderich„ Ohtario, and Thomas g,,:tt, Andrew, solicitor for the A II which the: Administrator .'Shall Dated at Lticknow,t Ontaiia, e. an Uninsured . .4 , . ,. .when:y9u a1313.3r fOr yoUr 1958 :license ''Plates— To 'be "insUred" you miist have. auto Jiability'insurance, TOwn Hall, under the -spanscir- local ;Purina dealers. There wa§ gdod. attendance and Lloyd .IiiittOn, distfiet rep- resentative, -gave .•.a 'timely ad- dress: and illustrated lecture. 1 LtickY draw prizes .weie Award R. McQuillih, Andtew,.Salicitor fon :the Estate. my. dear, cotisin, Fraripes Lor -1 raine, *ha, passed a*ay years ago; December ,l7th, '1948, and my grandfather, 'Thomas H. ;Harris;,: -who -passed, away seven years ago, NOVernlier 3rd, 1950. `• Too dearly loved to ever be —Always remembered bY. Len. TIARRIS—in loving ,n'iemory df Frances 1..Jerraihe''' Hafiiis"; Who '',Railed 'way Docernber 1948, -at-inTa7-tirahl-4%,.;;Therrit,t; liarris, who' nassed away NoVember 3rd, 1956. The tender ,fhoughts that linger; Are linkS that ever bind The loved. ones. who hatie 'dOhe before missed. iby the 'rattily. IN I LLIAMS:- Office Optometrist the Main St. in. 'Professional Eye Ex.arniriation Phone 110,, Wingbam as • follows: Elliott Sandy., bag er Purina steer special; Les Ritchie, Purina. livestock . mineral; Jack Ritchie, bag pig••tabbs.; BO close of the meeting.. • • SPECIAL CO-OP HOG CONCENTRATE,5 Bw Reduced Per FUNERAL HOIME r Day or Sight :',U,SE OF FUNERAL HOME At No 'xtra Cost moderate, Prices or he Month 'Of •.December--.0rity, 4 4 UC Phinte •