HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-12-18, Page 1• -191.1111kII77"relS 't * ' • • • .f•• •' • • • ,.$2,59 A Yeor In AdV4TiOP,•-L-41.'MO; 4474 To J S A, LUcKNQW, ONTARIO • WESDA.Y, DEC • l8thia,57..'. FLEW OVERSEAS TO: VISITMOTHER Reuben Wilson of Ashfield left ,frcim Mallon on Saturday on TCA super constellation for, England, where he will spend a :Couple of weeks:with his moth- er: and other 'relatives. He • has • three brothers and three sisters in the Old Cpunt.11, His father. died about three years ago. His mother, Mrs. J. S. Wilson, • Who was 77 in August, is- in frail • health at present and is "bedfast. The. Wilson home is in Yorkshire . and it is, 'Reuben"s firsV return to the, land of his birth since leavingthere in June Of 1934= tlartrthree years ago: Reuben - came to Canada. asa young Man; ‘,.seeking a clithate. which might make it possible for: him to en- inost Certainly Reuben was placed on' the farn of Bill Kempton on.. Con: 12, Ashfield, 'and *Ashfield ': has •since, been. his home, and . for :a good number of years has .resid- ed, on.; the adjoining farm. to • where he first :loCated .• , 'His flight overseas; Was.. sched- uledto ' leave 1VIalton. at 3.30. Sat- urday afternoon,and, to arrive *at k ;Sunday, 'He Will. %spent •fifteen • days in England and is sched • uled be back .11010P. for New Year. . —,. During his absence .any ince- claims will be looked after • , by Walter .Pettrnan of Nile.' . . , • RECEIVE' CHHISTMA cM41.s. EHQM CALIFORNIA Mr, 4nd Mrs.: Jack- Gardner .,Of Zion had, their Christmas, visits ,by • t,elepho,nefroni their clau 'ghters in California. On separate nights last week the two girls plated calls. to their parents, do- ing so at that time to avoid the Christmas rush difficulty in get- ting 'through. : As well as talking with: 'their daughters, , Mrs, Bob • p*anter (Kathleen) and Mrs: Don Pin- colMi (Caryl), they also talked with their granddaughter, Linda Kae E,Aariter.' • ' HAS. SEEN BROTHER ONLY , 1. SEE SENTINEL r•• • Sandy of Ashfield are 'on their way 'this week to St. Peters-. burg, Florida where they Will , months: ' DEBENibURE: DEBT: -_spendabout two-anci- QUITE LOW • . .;. •had\ 'a THAT the Legion , suc- e retirement-this' year,of the cessful .fowl ,pings5 • on 'Satur- Arena debenture foeuteS, atten- ay .evening aridare. holding another . Such -pre-Christmas. tion on LucknoW remaining de-. en th1is_Satuidaiy_nightL at benture :th*--Vro.pre. • Apart from the. ,High School neSs: which is taken care Of out debenture, and utility indebted - of ' earned.., revenue, LiicknoW'S debenture' debt is little more than $12;000.... ' THAT the Legion and Auxiliary Christmas. party /or the child- ren is scl-r&luled for Thursday night in. the Receratioh •THAT it imaa . 72. yearsago on' The final P3rment.'of $492.5$ Monday, since the first funeral. ..onth.e._.20-yearArena_deben h in -the newly issue has been. paid. The, .9rig-: U n i t p d 0y/041041s sum •was ,' for '$7,000. •Church. The service was for This leaves the -following ;de- Mrs. eorgereer, mother of ben -tures which are-takeri-eare 'of a family of' _eleven' children, by direct taxation . whose . death .occurred Unex-. age. levy, Fire truck and equipment, $1,821.7. .This ' a 10 -year de- benture in the i original sum of $8;000, which retires; December lst,' .1959 • . . • THE 'ANSWER TO TEIAT. LAST 1V1N1TE 'GIFT PROBLEM • A subscrition to The, Sentinel" -new or renewal -may wellbef the .answer to that .last minute gift probleni. It's a., gift that is apreciated the year round. We send an attractive card announcing the gift,, so nothing 7 .could be quicker or easier. Just .tell' us where and to whom, and • it's done and the ' paper starts immediately. —Street -resurfacing. debenture ;of $5,922.86.. The original 10 -year levy was for $11,000 ,and retires •December 1st, 1961. - 1. • Winetam HoSpitaldebenture of $4,706.07. The original issue, 'for ten years,. was $5,777.77 and retires in 1965.. • . , • The unpaid • balance of these three debentures totals .$12,546.- 30.. The High 'School debenture,' ON VISIT WEST WHEN .• ;NIECE'S HUSBAND KILLED • . • Vernon Hunter left last Tues- day on a trip to;Deloraine, Man- itoba, AO visit at the home of his father,., . John :Hunter, • and with his sister, tilly. First word from Vernon was a7telegram staling that, sis- ter's son-in-law, WM. Henry, had been .killed in a hunting acci7 de4 was in his early twen- ties. • ' Vernon', aoompanied by , his. nephew,' Walter Arnold, went to the West by .motor. Walter,' son ...of 'Mr. and ,•;Ititrs, Jim Arnold of ,Idelfast,'-r,eturned.,frorn Germany :=Wherezilfwas.--serVing with the Princess Data, and left from here for' Calgary where: .he is to re- Vernon's visit in the West will be comparatively short. }re is ix3c-- cter.1 home at the week -end. provided for in the •school levy, is $48,060.49, with annual pay - menti of $4,630.26. It is a: 20 - year issue retiring in 1972. ' Public - utility .-(.water) . deben- tures are taken .care of out of revenue, and the "Geddes Moak" debenture' is providetl for by 'a sinking fund... CHRIirrifA'rt:REET1146 Issut ON MONDAY pectedly at, the age Of 47. Only two surviving ..rnernbers' of the family are. Mel Greer, the' Youngest, and MrS. Stewart of Detroit who is noW... 93 years of age. The. first marriage in TWICE.' JN SIXTY tgA13.$ * Only t e aboutsiXty years ha: • 1.AbPrt of tOwn-geen his . r-ri T H Culbert of MeadoW. Lake, sk,' T. H. went WeSt when Jim. was a: lad, and was first back °ast in 1928, at the time of their father's death.. He was again, "home" about four years ago. To keep his bro- ther in touch with doings in the Community %�f his birth Jim is sending him The. Sentinel for Christmas: ...• THAT . Mr. and' )Mrs .•• TEEN TOWN HELD. !ARENT_NIGHT N (By •Bob . Andrew) Teen Town held' their Parents' night in the ..R9crea4onaLgentre. on Friday evening with ninety. §ix Teen-ToWners and..asurmort- ing Tn.upbeT--ofrparenWand.-1.-iio-ns- in attendance. • • ' Donations .for the new Hi -Vi set and " public . address system reached well :Oyer, $lop:oo...,. The, parents arrived about 8.30 TWELVE PA stAGGg!t. puBLic sctioo: RECESS AS.a means of trying to• relieve. theo'vertaxed' z PlaYrOOril. acComo; -:aatiOn . at the Lti.okriAW:. School, staggered recess periods ,are to be given a trial. There are 120 boys and pc) girls attend- ing: public School,:and the indoor playroom facilities are inade- quate to, accomodate such an -en-' rollment. At the December '•• meeting of the . School Board, Principal Stuart Collyer suggested the staggered recess as a means of 'helping solve the problem. commencing in the New Year the serving of noon -hour hot drinks will be resumed for those children who find it necessary to. ' bring. their hinch. •• At. letter_ iirthir °J: M. • Game, 12 S, •stated that the .per pupil _pest...Re/12.day_ at..14ucknOW-Public School Was. 76cper pupil per day, based on 1956 expenditures. Gordon Bigler was ed. as the Public School Board's • representative .on the ,LuckriOw:. oq • 'rt A! • • •• 411, A • 1P• ,• •when the dancing was well kinder DistriHigh ScliOol Board, • Way, They watched for awhile. then went into the south,' wing to play. cards,lanet. tay_ner corned the parents and Lions. Janet, . the. Teen -Town president, thanked. the Lions Club for their, support, and the Committee for the time they had spent in pro- moting the project. She said. the Club now has: 106 members, and that they are proud �f • their, am-• plifier systern and . hope.. soon to have it paid Lunch was served at Af-, • it GIVE GIFTS FOR INDIAN . ••• , -, • •------ White • .Gift z Sunday was held •' in. the United. ,Church Sun- day, When gifts. :were: brought% for children and'adUlts, of ,the. Indian Mission at Cape •Crolier. During the Sunday School • ' period, gifts of'toys. and books were presented for the children and during the church service, gifts of clothing, for children and eeiVeclt-These-Werp I „ • eor e A. Siddall and Miss Ida ROok- • . : • • THAT during. last week's cold snap, Art Breckles•had .a. sheet of ice ready for the initial • skate; when "someone" turn- ed on the, water hose which gouged, out a big hole- in the, centre of the ice.. Mild weath- er. has prevented repair of the the dancing' until' 1,00: a.m. •. Winners of the, card games were asi follows: Euchre, Alex Hackett, Mrs. Harvey Brooks; Bridge,. Wm: Schmid, 'Mrs. .Clair Agnew; Shoot, Al Irwin, MrS'. Oarnet I-Tendefson. The :prize winners , were announced by Louise Andrew. • . • .dMnage, `' • • • •• THAT Bill Ritchie, son of -Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ritchie ° of town, is holidaying , here. Bill is ....,Northern • Ontario and has run into. both In Marshall Who., is ;working in the north with. the, 'CNR, and Bill Fisher of White- church °who is in, the bank at ',Week's issue of The ,Sentinel will carry qhristmas• .'---. greetings from local 'and dis- trictbusiness establishments,, and will be printed to be in ' the' mails on Monday for, .rk-ny76ire-,wising-a--,g-reet ing ' advertisementwho has, • not already, ordered it, must let OS' knovr-by-L-Friday----at• --7f-- the, latest. Call 15Andwe Will look. ' after .it for you. ,44 )Xifleija rrociamation., At ,t1.1 requost of the Lucicnow Busrness Men's Association, 1 "hereby : proclaim 'Boxing Day , f . Th—ursd4'--TDicem December 41,11VA crvic HOLIDAY IN THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW nd all citizens itie called upon to observe it aa such: GEORGE We JOYNT, leeve, Timmins. THAT some sharp lightning and HONIEt-L, Bob' Reid, who was injured' in a highway, accident east of town two, weeks .ago,' has made - a. "wonderful recovery", and was -permitted--to--return to his home on Saturday. Bob is able to . be 'about the house, but- is supposed to take it easy and it will Oen' _ a while before he is able. to get -back----in-the--harness" • again. . • .„ • .MRS., S. MALLOUGH PASSES a fewcracks of thunderstart • ' : , • y: day , afternoon, and . if : the . ,Sunday morning in Kincardine timers Weather -omen h (Ad s Hospital, of Mrs. Stanley Mal - true • that should mean,' a spell 'lough of LucknoWz. She ;Was the of Open ,weather. On a' tam in former Elizabeth' Lyons.; daugh- placed around/ the' altar by 'little Children,' virhd then stood before : the Manger 'scene which, was ex- , Platned,'::by Rev. ; 'IVIiiklej'Ohn.:. • Nancy Webster:. and ',loan ' - Craw- ford sang a duet associated with • • . the White' Gift ceremony and, leaders of the ission Mrs, George ilby and Mrs, Bruce MacKenzi „,, assisted the children in piaci the'.gifts.... • .•, . , • SATURDAY , JS DEADLINE FOR NEWS' COPY • 1" . _ - ^ " • • Next • weeks be :(we hope) in the mails ' MondayLfOrLpre-Christinas ••• ' distribution. This .means that -, Saturday- will be the deailL• line for news copy. • ' . However Much of our type setting will be done before • Saturday and reports that can 'be in earlier than that, -7-• the paPer. • • :••-• , . The saine, situation will :.,prevail 'the following week,: „ when The Sentinel will be • ' • . • 444 4 the St Helens district it blew ter, of. .a pioneer Lucknow fain- mailed on IVIonday previous. ,. :.out some: -.fuses,-- ily Vear-s. . ' appreciate personal • • •, The funeral serviee Was held , • • 1 • ' • • • THAT 'Lions Chili Meetings have been c_ance.110. Lduring.,_the. 'holiday season. The 'next, reg- ular' meeting, will ,be on Mop: - day, • latitrar--.1.3th-..---- , THAT the Lucknow Fire Com- panX hasplans completed for their annual holiday dances, ' The Christmas dance will be held 'Chriitrilas, night, and tho, New Year's dance will be staged on New,' 'Year's • Tuesday, •.December .31st. 'Car- ruthers' orchestra Will provide Music for both dances in the Town' Ha11, • • . • THAT Bruce Baker Suffered a • .„1 fractured arm in a ear accident . Or -Friday Eight:- ITHAT the first man street snow removal' a the season was car- THAT Mrs. .Ro'ss ,ctithming en_ tertained friends of Mrs., Nellie Scott recently before . Moving to I-Iensall. A Sheri program was enjoyed. and social hour followed. A number of gifts were presented to lArs., Seat • with the begttrighe8 'many friend& ' • , on Tuesday at the Johnstone ,Funeral-t-HOme -condticted-,by Rev. Wallace , McClean, Inter- ment was in Greenhill ,Ceniet- O'Y'• • • * items, reports of Christnias: , . ;, . • -coricertg, and-7-everytip--off''' that will help to' Make .The • .• • „ . .Sentinel: • the riewsier_But, • . 4rnist have them °early. . • • , • , : 1 Lucknow Stores • Will be - OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS isfmas._shOPping.._corivenieme... I•A ____ — Business1:31aCeS will be open each evening until Christmas — Wednesday, Thursday, ,FridaY,' Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, ; STORES WILL ALO BE:OPtil .„ • • THURSDAY AFTERNOON ;Per etonomy,- friendliness:and complete .SeitistitetiOrf, •• bring your shopping problems to LUCkilo. • LUCKNOW BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION , • . . . • , , . , , 1., 3 I 4 I' . t . • • . I • ' .