HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-12-11, Page 12THE, LUCKNOW SENTIN: v .S!1 +rrtaaaet.arthaari<?aae#= • .ADIES'' WEAR .:. cCAR COATS. -finest quality imported poplin, .Fully lined with • special quilted lining, Sizes 10 to 20. �Pr d ..,, �,, ..,..,,,, $12,95 to; $21.95 ice from •.,,,, ...., , ... .., SPECIAL ON WOOL CAR COATS' and poplin Car Coats with knitted collars. Values to', $19.95 ONLY ..,..$10.95 SiWEAT=STBt1lkee knit `"iOrlon• Sweaters, three •styles .' from, 'which to cheese,: sies • 1440, only , $4 95 •,r, Easy to care for—wash easily, dry fast, won't shrink or stretch. • .. ,...• . '. 4401100001torligoeivaeillatiakentOneoltiv141flay,ogitorkierike‘tteottoottes' .4. CARDIGANS & BUDLQVERS--Ban-Lon ' made of an, unique -, ' • yarn that defies pilling, retains shape, r esists moth and S. : anilet, ldewhw ite anitboaandsts luxurior bus .sluoftenesSitozes. the1r4, touch16,.18; Sca20r- cornflowe, .Priced . ....... ..... •;..,• ,.. 7.95 & $5.95 OOS-+C.AIRDZO.i 1STS�5 7es_1;4-2.0, a8 --`H $2.98 'to $6.95 .51 .t0i t i eirtotta 1.10.6 is i iri,4i baxif airatriisri of itcPl . S III-AULK, *ORLON=sizes 14-20, 33-44, • $3 95 •to $5.95 1„ oilairiaitgintoifittottinuormsetiottimOwtionituirtaiX**ftiOtafiangeriax- CAIRDiTGAN,Sbeautiftil. daisy,. -fresh' Nycara'. Cardigans .by. 0. Corticelli;. lull 2 ' ' AR- .lamorous , ' ewelled cardigans, ' +� AtTTD FOR EVENING WE .g .. ,l r ' 1 • colors black,' sky, .pink and white . - , '$9 95., F igrt a a acga• tikt oni ti tti&ia t osinfosOWIt akritaia { ' . •BT;.OU&ES�-in cotton, Dacron, Terrylerie,• sizes 12-20, 38=44 `• ACCESSORI= ESHandbags; 'Scarves, Jewelled'fabric). :Collars, • :. 4 _ . A. Gloves (leather and ). , 11,tvil 140,"t '0*1„ 'i .i i ?rats a ii'lh'i *1 "ice'#+S 141 flannelette ' n. lon �.� . Ni ltes (snu gledown, , . , ,y 1.• arnel and tricot),: Pyjamas: (ski•,.pyjarnas, sriuggledowri; flannelette); ;. •• Slips (nylon, ' crepe, arnel,' : cotton)•; .: Panties ('nylon, rayon) ( • Registered Trademark •'for DuPont Acrylic :Fibre I. CHILDREN.S WEAR• 1 CORDUROY . OVERALLS New: Disney' • Land patterns; red; - .%; ; pink; blue and yellow; sizes 6 anonth, 1 &•2 years, ' $-i.93 ' E i. "Q'ta'iC 'aC1 �'lest,*1* 'i 'i irctvi t tayi i a 'i1 TlC coria, ' g DR. DENTON SLEEPERS with 1 or 2 pair bottoms.- Known •• • • 'to, mothers; 'since 1895. Assorted• shades ,•• $2.9p .3 ‘3 oatioroisitaivopfoliplus**sy.tirwligioliortieslityl4weeirtophimiatri-.S BLOUSES- nylon, Dacron, .cotton, 1, 2,. • 3, • and 4 to 6x 1. priced98c tf $2.98 i seryprti a rimia iarOl x. is r l a s zterinyirvi SLIP .& : PANTIE SETS•-innylon in• sizes 2-4,6, Crinoline with .ballerina: Panties to match A gift that will please 'r • .. .:any little, . girl � ',, $2.98.2 OTHER SLIPS •• at. 98c, .$1:59 and . $1°98 •IlexpoirAtitortiOteAilifiottiOnirtiottni4iiiittin4inovinitivi+ icxl •!i 'i .J1• 59c & 69c of • �! `PiT�;RSiES=-Kiddies,' in' assorted :shades , For 8 'to 16, 89c to $1.59 ,� � , r ,. �•Ea C 29c to 98• c w 4 11 9 4, ANt..Y .rPANTiIiES x "'' r , M/ MJ ,mow �.►,/ y�,� .yy �1t rwi lP. . .,,�,�., i7 N>% ,� , �! y.� e;:9 •. .{t. y�:, r, .�' ��yy�� ��''"" �r� wry wYyl�wyy �A,yIN•'cif:�iGrri7:arllwrlF•L-i4FiF.clV.lfi�' •a1 f5:. �'i'� F i�r ;,t ,� :t�S�. �} �:� �_ r.. �^. �)➢IGfrF� i�TiCiT:+r-isaC N" riT� , ..I,E;i�.. �.£tw,���. �r`:,•.,'�5"�l'':.:'� 'and: �----_:�J-__..�.1.....-„....+i.h..�la in• 'ciao 'L1 CKNOW,, ONTARIO 104444 +10+1 4 `., 5 ):NESI}AYt PBC.' SEE..1' SENTINEL.: TIIAT the appeal' to parents to have students use Willoughby Street in going to and » corning 'from • the High School,' thus, 'avoiding 'Highway 86, appears to 'have had little response, al- though it has ' had- the •effect' of causing. Many students '•. to use . the sidewalk or Highway who appear to completely , d>s LE„ L AJ lbs.,. --T- M'IN� : EI A SERVIETTES: r„ .. • LUCK • MARGARIN�.E. GOOD L LOUR • FIVE. RQ.SES F _ • L61 G.A. SHORTBREAD RINGS. r -48 Biscuits -.:, •: shoulder, But . there are others regard, the safety, precaution,.' , as we noticed a - "5 -abreast par- i ode” -M1the-other day. at -'the• • noon -hour, The appealbe `' frig repeated. in this issue: • ' `Wm. ,'Hewat. o:f• Vancou- THAT •ver is on a "business, trip. to :the`, Nau` 'stuck' plant. at Elmira g this week.: On this "return by air next week he will be ac- , eompanied. by 1i>s daughter' Nancy, who. has completed her ''Mothereraft course, at •Ter'onto: :Bill• and, Nancy spent the • 1fufm 5+1 ' DRESSES -L,in nylo__ --- 1, . 2, : 3 ; and .4 to '6x, 'assorted ,Shades. and prices.tiR 1•• week -end ;here and will re- turn here this week -end or 14 or 63c • cy. Prices effective December 12, ''13, 14 • —: CHRISTMAS DRAW 4 Enough Groceries, Turkey, . etc., • for' N;ew Years Dinn•er . for Six, j THAT 'Chuck McDonagh, who I• was severely: injured: in .a , min- ing accident at Uranium City, to -ins :kioine was-a'ble to.°return hereast' week: —o- THAT Miss Mary MacIntyre,. Reg N.,wii ..has. been at the - �'f ave . C`�sh�R-egtster—Gift--F-or-�F-�ee O # . �f�',W+11;", �I;t,��,t��,t��, +��,I��,���w �+�l,�rrA�►v, vert, «�t,l�h�t�i�7��+a�i0��lt�o�4�� - University' iiosprtal• ,m Saska ' toon for several, 'months, has, :, me arrivin: ati • Mallon by' plane the': first: of the week., On Wednesday . Miss Maclntyre ' commenced • h e r •. new'' duties at the office of Dr., M. H. • Corrin • AGENT •FOR ' K1NCARDIN. E CLEANERS, Free Pick -Up and ` Delivery '.Monday and Thursday► ry Ladies' and M7en • Wear = Liackno it . Have You Renewed your Sub . Something to sell?' Something •scriptl•:.on . I to buy? Phone 35, Lucknow.' • • ?•, � . � : . —o— 'THAT Tenant and Donald Hen- derson of Wingham' were call-. ers. there in . the: old home town .. ,last week. Sons. of the late Mr., d Mrs TWrn• Henderson,' they ' remarked • on renewing their Sentinel suibscription that 1Saper.had .been subscribed . to •by ' the family sing.• it . was established in: ;1873. ` ways Acceptable :.. A GIFT' OF FOOTWEAR for very Member on. -Your :List. SLIPPERS FOR •, EVERY OCCASION for Men, Women and Children: FEN'S' and LADIES' BOWLING SHOES. _SAT Mrs. James A; Menefee of Oklahoma: City ;.says that The:, Sentinel ; reaches h e. r ;promptly. and each edition' is i o'k orw ` h- llti�. THAT a . Subscription ?' to , The Sentmel--. new or eelciewaT makes a Christmas gift .that is appreciated the year round.. We will ,'send a; greeting card ainnouneing the gift. • THAT ;Mr. and M Geo, Whitby , ,and ' 'Mr., and ,Mrs.' Jack 'Cook attended the regular, meeting_ • • . anis' social -evening, of the Brune County' Mutual Aid Fire r,. Parents dol Studer Thr. LIZekridvtr p rs c - 1 c ooar re= '* quests:A.that. all High, School Students . tse Willoughby_ Street • while', on• their way to and from th6, Lucknovlr bistrict ,High Sc" dol; and that students walki snore than» tw-; abreast: of any titrie • Lucknow District High SchO01 Board 'teary MacKenzie, ihainnarir WARM ' RUBBER or • NYLON . GALOSH.ES SHOE , SHINE ;KITS.; for Black .,Or Brown Shoes LADIES' and • MEN'S . DRESS gHOES .McBRINE 'MATCHED LUGGAGE AUER 'HOCKEY and SKATE ',OUTFITS ep. To.o V�ELL S .. .a FINE FOOTWEAR FOR 'ALL TSE. FAMILY` n4, -e+ n --. W'.0�#1�.'isri'�'ie�,rtrt'ii?i7srir�i�n'iisri'�'l�sr..-tis�ioi��ir.�'N xr, l•iTHAa paGtieonrdt_o-•,mn MWoirr.nisohnaan haHs obseein-1ntaoi,nwi tat__hana_d ,dsuh.ail nagtlteasc. k of pu- . ,• �gl. ..___-„ -\..,, iwfrkpeerrrwetyw vti witatav+actotr ua r o i ti Association, held at Formosa last week.' It was George's first LEGION meeting since his election .as president 'of the Association. ' THAT Mr.: and Mrs. W. A. Port '• r eous, Robert Rae and Miss ` Margaret Rae, started the local ::- exodus to the 'South; leaving• ' the first of the'week for a win- ter stay in . Florida. Mr. and. Mrs, • Newton James of Leain- ington wit 1 leave, for the 'south next week. l~i • in the. LEGIO ROOMS, LUCKNO'V • Barrister, Etc. . Wingiiam and Lucknow IN , L17 KNOW, ' Each. Monday and . We+nesday Located in the Municipal Office • Phone Winghai Chico 48• Residence: 87` 8:30 s ar' TURKEYS .and •CHICKENS' Here's` A Chance Tb Win Your, Holiday FOW1 Ever , yone� Welcome irs►iiba+ii lii►aririsr�lr�i�dwirdriare�ir,trd�n►` 'Free. Admission