HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-12-11, Page 4TIIE'\ ;LUC>6NOW •, ,TRAYEp'-large :collie dog, tan ,HQUSE FOR SALE --priced lob! ' and black. Call 1 I,52 -J ucKnow for quick disPosal. Forparticu•- lars please write Clifford Con - FOR S.ALE_Internatio, n,al separ-.•, gram, 12 Church E•, , $raacnptozl, a'tor ` laro a colony house, quant- yOntario, ity of loose and tialed hay,' Har- old iCongram, R. 6, iphone 10-r-•7, HOUSE FOR RENT at •Holy, Ripley; y • , rood; -hydro, bath,, all modern good. garden, Ap - • eonyeniences, g ., LOST -on Station Street, a fur ply to Ernest Ackert, :•phone 101- ; 01- -.. r-13. tzeck-piece � . Finder please e'on� . OLD ,HORSES . WANTED FOR SALE -••-5 'month, old Land.- wanted at, 31/2c per e York "sows, App Y to John lb.• dead cattle .at .value,' If dead• , °lac Ritchie, _ . . _ , ne ; phone at once to Gilbert. Bros. Mink 'Ranch, phone •;collect God- erich 1483J4 or 1483J1: HATS EXCHANGED --will the party who 'got the wrong :.grey .felt hat at the W.I. Shoot party in ;Lt cknow on Tuesday, please exchange with; Jack ... Ackert, IIalyrood , STRAYED --,a female collie -dog, black ` with 'White neck, , to the !premises • of the undersigned.. Owner may .'have sane - by. 'prey- ing' prey-in,g• .property and . paying ex-, penses. Wm,,i A:..Humphrey,' R..2,, Lucknow . •, FOR RENT -clean, ' comfortable apartment with built in. clip- boards, 'plenty' of `'closet space nd - Piot -' water • year: 'around:: Reasonable rent. Apply ,to:'IR•obt', :Finlay, . phone 218, Lticknow, Ont. COMPACTS Ranging''in value $4.00,,...$4.50, $5;00, $6.00, $6'.5.0,- $7.00, Twelve n ,the assortmeri`.t . While the last at JUST. HALF PRICE..•.: ° Waterloo .Cattle Breeding As- Mclii 's The Rexall Store t on 'at' Clinton HU 2-3441 school on. December 16th. at 8.(' W,J'1 IQ �ENTINFY•, �1��C . „ ON�'AR• WED'NESD lith,: 1957. COMING EVENTS '� BAZAAR'. Al•D BAKE:SALE. Hackett's bazaar, baking sale in theegioP ,Roams, Lucknow, on . Saturday afternoon, Decern-• ber 14th.: . C.. ISTMAS CONCERN The annual •Christrn.as enter- tainment ,aliment of .the .LucknowPres byteriaxiSunday;, School will .:be held on lVion'day, evening, • De4 cember . 16th at 7.30 when a .Christmas7-play will- be -present- ,ed You are 'cordially invited to attend, CONCERT• .AND: DANCE •, Fordyce School will hold . their annual Christmas concert . and dance, in .the Whitechurch corn?, munity hall, 9n, Friday, Decein ber•1.3th at 8.30 in.:tri.. Admission, adults ,50c ladies with lunch 25c, A nice new pain �o of hildren; 1�5c, t b oney by Crarruthers o chestra , Draw hot spray' method, fentler •and... fee percolator. CUSTOM CAR . PAINTING public scho c .Music , is m we11 rspent, single or two toriei will. be made forautomatic cof body Work; : rusted; panels ' and HOOh CONCERT .. ' sections replaced. • N. W. WINTERSTEIN (one building west of Town Hall) _JCKNOW HOUSE :FOR :. SALE One 7 -room ' 'house ,(3 . down., 4 Lip), . on :one• acre lot.' Double garageExcellent' buy. at $5,000 with' $2,000 down.. To view, ; write. - Walter ` Enskat Realty Ltd. Real, Estate Brokers,., 42 . Sterling • St., 'Harnilton, Ont: or 'Phone JA'2 0178 anytime., ARTIFICIAL 4111SEMINATION', For artificial' insemination . in. ' formation'' or service '- from.all breeds ': of •ca ttle, . phone'the S.49No. 15.; Ashifie `ean- lock City) , • will hold their • an- nual. Christmas concert:' at the' school on Friday,, December 13th at 8:15. Admission, .adults, 35c,. children 15c.:Operetta, • Cinder ella,. will ..be featured; AOR ALLTH,E FAMILYMen's, sizes 6 � and: u Ladies', sizes '6 and up K =;_�`- '. Figure to $ .i ure Skates, up Ladies', , Boys'and Grir ls, size ;3 to .5 ',� Children's sizes We also have Toboggans• and ° Sleighs in;; al sizes 4, . �.: 1and many other items suitable .for Christmas gifts. portsAuto .:.._: ���Supply � ',�+: - :'PHONE 65 ► SCHOOL CONCERT :: ;The. •pwpils'...of Belfast `• :sc'hool't will hold their . annual' Christinas -Concert at the 'school on: Thurs cay, ll ecember-l9ti -a't 830-iAd ults 35c, Students 25children . , free. CHRISTMAS ' .CONCERT Pupils' o£' S.S.No:: 9, .Ashfield �F:irilay.'s'.School) Will hold their annual.'Christmas '•concert in the m ' or Kincardine 460 between 710 -I P m • CEMENT ` Now in stocks •one load of and :•.9 30 a.m. We have all breeds CATTLEMEN'S .'MEETING: liable --= top quality, at low o . films of ,special interest: rah b irrO f!Yft. ne,4,10#i »41a«0i +eer a to, ] ab li y insurance ou will haeme ,.fie have t� , , 5 Ga : into. atherrvsp .you• will have to pay. $ - tl a Unsatisf d _ g in tion about auto,:Iiablity For 'helgful informs insurance please call' ' .me. ., W, Cement receive cost: to:;' cattlemen,:: • "Mea', week, John W: }lendersbn �Lum=.,� NOTES and Plasty (Move'. and "Diethylstilbestrol",' r Limited.. THANK YOU `ll be shown in the Town . dill; be Naps at 25 'cents " per t wi -.---: Dotes availableno this AT'PRACTiVE'. WAY' n MAKS package: of 10 cards :and snatching ILucl w, 8 00 m In ad MONEY! Always your own byoss: e enyelopeof 10 ri Thompson,'plione b 12th a P hi `Thursday, ',.De- eem- .er ' 2 - • aed from Paige 1) : ' - - ' cattle : (Contin �ditlon, Sebald, head bu er `for Swift.-: Canadian Col an annual outdoor religious' ser 11 s eek' on "What A Cattle 1 vice ' be held ' as' has • been done wi Bu er Lool s ,For"; .Refreshments,' ,ire. Grey County: An' invitation Y e. { 'hold . one . next r of: the hog producers marketing prizes: All ':cattlemen' , welcome ,was received' to to vote.: .. ' I'plan...•an'd 'encouraged. Sell Canada's ' largest and .finest line including cosmetics; • ' houuse- 33;. or 35:, 'hold nn ecessi 'es; ;farm specialties, "etc. There` is a .customer. '•in. every CHANGE :'OF. MEETINGS I Our ,sticcessfu _ salesmen l . horiie � } .. 75.00 ..a' • week. : To all ' members o f Maple, .,ear n'� mo�te�han $ , • -details• on re -.'Grove, 1044th rneeti rgs` will be Free catalogue .arid., west: M. A. Clark,,_ Dept 107, 1 held every ,second;. Thursday "of qMon,'i T , 1600' Deiorlmier, Station NOTICE HEADS. FEDERATION ,A .:resolution , was, 'passed - pro- testing. the:, increase in freight rates.. . That' the township` federations :r orgaiiaze' themselves:..to see that:•. every hog 'producer, is•°inforn'el SpOrksored .by Treleaven' Milling year at.., Arran Park. "Co.; makers---0.--Swifts Gro Mor _.. Feeds: ` ''SPECIA :` ➢t t; �r. C, leach' rnorith Aug:410y sumo?. PARTIES 1' ,real. NT•ICE Will-�aii-•-our patrons--p-1Qa5 T.uptiE'YS FOR SALE i •The -re gular Child r l iealth note that the weekly Shoot party ,Fresh,:' dressed fox Christmas. ! will lie distontrri led until• • fur, -.3_, - . ug = Conference will be held in the I mer notice. The Ladies until fry delivery;.; Please order': .before ..Legion- Hall. on Tuesday, Dece•m II t December 16th.bei 17th ,from, 10 to11, 30 d.m 1'taki this . opportunity to ' wish . Twaimley :Turkey Farm Babies and''pre school children t you, one and all, A Merry'. mien 77-r-8 I C and A NAPPY . NeVV � � hristinas Phane_Daina • • •• - for yau� __— — ' ear. 141 f • 44, DWELLING• FOR SALE' 7 t ' house with all d. TENDERS' past patronage • and • looking. for- to seeing you all. early in• • �t a modernn cony nierices and 'ward'. . • ; �...;Tenders will • be received by of St. ,Helens l ,parties- will be resumed age; the 'Estate -0 Joseph -Agnew- the_ undersigned Sale to December the New Year • when . the Shoot 20th for the Sae ; �, Church; shed ::Lowest or any ten CARD OF THANKS 1 der, not necessarily .accepted, •' �- Lorne Woods,'.Sec., R, 2, Luck MOFFAT-•We wish, to extend ;now, O, ntario:. ,•'our heartfelt. thanks and apprec - C -ARS~ -OR. -SLE 'Ration--for-the ' aC-•ts --of -.kindtYsss... °e'. S extended' to us by friends.and 1954 ' one -owner., low mileag ne1ghbors:. in the recent loss of :.;.R_....._.:rPontiac,. lovely condition ...w - „the ov' --- Other.. finished ' tiva-tone t e rife- , n lig-o 1950 Chew., re eciall thank Rev.. Mr. y. blue, motor ., clutch, trans e ' e - sb ,; and all those Who sent mission and. a,de- all check 1.. arshall ed over, a -good,car, -priced cards and floral tributes Special:, . .bank to `t"hose who': helped `a: -. the house,' Peter G. Moffat and' Family. ,,H. Crawford,' W'ingham, Ont..; E, H Agnew, Ltickilow, Ont„ executors.. : MEAT FOR R SALE -'tel cod -,beet: for : sale y the quarter. Beef, killed .inoet. lic- ense ic ense from ' the Department bf ealth'-Choat -=Hereford 1, lings, Custom.: butchering a . spec- iality, . ' '• Rayriard Ackert, Holvro•d: 1'ho're 24-30; 'Ripley NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Lillie. Jeanette. • Anderson,' Deceased:. • wfd ALL PERSONS having, claims against the Estate_ of Lillie Jean W.. ette Anderson, late or the age of. ' Lucknow, in . the County 'of Bruce, Widow, deceased, Who died on Or about the 7th' •day of .October; 1957,: in hereby not-, ified to send in their claims to. gnmd .E ecutbrs on or before the. 21st day of Deceriber: .:at after. ,the, said'. date, the ' 'estat6 'wi"l l •' b e; ; distributed a nixagst thsl e entitled• thereto, , :having regard, only to the claims of :'which the Executors ,.,shall then have notice. • Dated .at- Ltickrlow, Ontario, this 30th day of 'November '1957.. Harvey `,D, Anderson, • R.R. 6, Goderich, Ontario, and ,Thomas Anderson,' ', LucknoW• Ontario, • 'Executiirst • Ardreyr, Solicitor for the Estate. i:i reasonable :1949 :Dodge, refinished and .good running condition. ` •-Cash, Trade:•' or Terms. :. The'SisCcrs of tire..late. Vernon • W.1VIN`I'ERSTEII\T'��x� rens; their• � � I•Hamilton wish.toe p . sincere thanks • to those. who were sO. hind to their , brotheh- List .your property .with. thc�I, during his illness, .and for kind vV, '•L. Stevenson, Real'' Estate, '�icts and "expressions. of sym- Mount, Forest • Property for sale pithy extended., them at tile; all through . Western 'Ontario in- . , • - in time of 'his'• death. eludinga number of farms the Lucknow area, ` also several '1 omes'" air' . v 17--rift-W-14- - •Lucknow priced 'for quick sale. Johrt'Hall, ;representative, ;• Phone 116; Lucknow. CARD. OF THANKS it ,'would like to express my sincere thanks to ' all who sent me cards and treats, and all who visited me while I was ' in . the', hospital. Special thanks to Dr. I M Corrin and nairses and. staff Of Winghdrit . Hospital for their I' ' kindhes . rsyVLary Cltristorti, anoxia .f. "NG N -TR T 35% Protein $4.50 'per Cwt. / X CO-OP HOG CONCENTRATES weed . . . Will'Bi vu : . 4' 4. 4 4 4 i' g For The Month Of December OnlY. Market Your Hogs Akt —A_ • Leduce • Taktig Advantage Of This geduce ,Price,. 4 D. R. •FINLAYSON'' Luckno' 1 'hone ,i t, Luckn'