HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-12-04, Page 9DNi$D .YR, PVC. 4t11, 19.57.
FIELD M: ' ' MAn
P4_9_, `N
' (Continued from• page
80. •
• percent grant on
ge ,lt that now 'was
bridges. dad ' fe
�t'o be building. '"We
rknow when this will
change'', he • said. "Ashfield `hay
r-as-geod a -road • system' as, any.
wrishl in: the' county'` -t.:
Blake co er gh School ,rate
The Goderm h .
Two. shows peach, night
' First at 7,15 :
da Tuesday, 'Wednesday
Mon Y,
of eaeh..,weelc', '
Fri., Sat Dec; ,5-6-7
'Thurs.,. � ►
W diriark, Jade. Greer.
Richard •
nse'•and' ;adventure in. this
inelodrania in Mexico.
was .;9` mills this. year and it is
under $390
for indigents.. Tw,o
ibility' that it may :have,. to be
raised, next. ,.year, , This would
eliminate• any 00.6sihlity of low
er taxation.
On_, 'Coanty IZ9ad: Vommittee
Reeve Blake ' c;ontpleting. his
secondf,,year on thecounty road
cornu ttee .And e cpressed his de-
sire to complete his', third year
in the office of 'chairman. ":This
`year'the bounty ?expeiienced one
of the 'largest' road programs in
hi•story", , the Reeve„ stated, Three
budges were built,;.one m
of, the
the second largest in the county.
paid the • honey . as, •' they .were :
financially able,; The .county this
Year' :haS ,received 'back,•7',500
frorn estates; of thcise , being .paid.
for. .
'Fox bounties; will cost ,.the.
county about' $3,000", ;Mr. Blake.
stated:Irrref-erri g' a—possible
election ,the Reeve stated, that he.
would:" be a, contestant;
. Remarks .of the four" .council-
lors : were, brief..
Andrew,,. Ritchie said they hada
a fairly ' easy year with very'
.Mr:: B1ako felt . that Ashfield 'little expense with . municipalwas .
fortunate' in.avin so•much ',ditches.. Sandy:,Contracting •had''
county ' road wo k•,•done.• in the .the best bid for the gravel. con -
township. as• there were sixteen tract. There were two bids for
p Contracting •had.
ether townships to be considered' the .• job., 3£ing,"', :' .
the. programs rains 'were being the best •bid for the bridge work:
When p g.
mapped•• out Mr.. Ritchie "felt that Ashfield
residents are now had roads second to none in the
.county. ,He stated that he would
living at the I-lurori 'County•. not cause an election,
Home ` w 5, h, as been 'operating. In commenting on the hospital
since'. 1895. • %� • ,
situation in the, Township, John
Indmgent patient costs presents.
a. ' large drain• .ori.' the,.'county
funds: It is expected, that by the
end "of the yea. the: county, will
.have paid out :'$109,0.00 'for
digeri,t patients,.. Ashfield is for-,
tunate in• this ;ease, having paid
Dakota" -•-a technicolor Western with
-• • Luana Patten
:. • . Lost, Planet:
atprday: Matinee—Episode No, .21 -"The
Zon ,; Tues and e
'Jeff Chandler Jeanne Crain and Jack Carson
s s ense- acked:melodra;na coriceriia*s;
A compelling and .0 p ,, f P
a criminal lawyer . who: is:.involved in.' a bribery charge.
In Cinemascope
Thurs., Fri, and Sat. Dec. 12-13;14
. • ' "�U1�IFLGHT ' AT. THE � O.K.
.. •.: In . Vistavision-Technicolor --
'One f the West's most • farnot s gun battles is: recreated,
I. Burt Lancaster, Rhonda Fleming and: Kirk Douglas.
ne o
in this exceptional story of Wyatt Earp & Doc Holliday.
ur Christmas:'•S �ecial--"Kell',. and.. Me"---
• Coming= --O :. . ; Q
with Piper Laurie
Bradley stated.at, they had of-,
therequired sums•
Hand Sleighs
Baby Sleighs
Toboggans and ' Cushibns:
Roast Pans
Cooking Utensils
Handy' Kitchen", Gadgets
fere to pay .. eq
to • G,oderich, •K
a and 1 • ',0.,:..)4110o..r i .ter >i• . '- •j
Wingham if given live • years to •
do so. Goderie'h had ..requested '
$11,000, Kincardine. $1,484'-a'nl
Wingham .$8,000. The answer
from Goderich•1 is • not, definite.
Kincardine has accepted the of-
fer,:. but. Wingham, has °refused:`
Donald MacKenzie : referred . to
the unconditional grant-'. received
by the township for .the amount
of $4;800: This: arriounts .to $3.00.
per, • person There_: are 1.,600 in:.
the township>. This ,year the grant,,
is'•s.ipposed to be for the ;benefit•,
of farmers. Mr. MacKenzie spoke
of four ; lake banks. that: ;are: be-
ing ` subdivided. and. which, • will
soon represent: a .reveaae , for • the
''township. '
' ' Tom • Haward :. stated ,ghat',chis'
year .'the' township;, had 'sprayed
Weeds, for the first time.',,.$280'
had been spent and/.Mr; 'Howard 1
felt that the results„ ,had been'
veer, satisfactory Cost is $10 per
mi eabides-etoad.°
A' /few ,blocks were done. with
br.ughkill at 'a .costof. ' $34:',.,per
t. f •
tle• . ', but • :the: explanation . • was h • as not present
given. that it 'wash t
. Other Counetl Nominees. weed cutting:this y. ear, . •'It 'Waal appoin ee' ,
• The otber';two ' men :nominated suggested' 'by some' present that lSchoo
for council were' Allan Reed and one cutting i�x Reeve Speaks
• 6.00-16
6.70' 15,
2nd •lice.'
2nd 'line
1st• line:,
tubeless 320.9.5
CO* Ties.
Louse Powder d'
bre- ove
Wire or. the Poultry ' Hose
Wire; 'Mesh f u .. .
:70-15, 1st, line,
o ',Trade-ins Required
otorcade Dealer
-mile., Oie taxpayer quest lone L
the. spray was injurious' to cat
was 'very • successful this year: w etchabaw reported as
The township `spent ,$1,200.. on •- James. K
•" t to.. the Ripley : High
Phone: '3
: # Roy .,1VlaaKay. Mr Reed said 'that'
e�-fie courrei��-were doing
good fob. and'he wouldp not'
cause; , an.. election The • other
nom nation',was 'not valid .as Mi.,
MacKay was not present '
Road' superintendent H.e r• b:,
Curran gave •adetailed .break --
down` of the expenses involved
in. operating • the ;Ashfield .road
systenn. Mr. ,Curran gave :consid-
erable ' comment on the weed
spraying that was •s
summer Ile strongly: favored the
spray method and felt that it
"School, ,thanke •-
'� the council for the excellent .co-
operation in snowplowing the..For School Area
�' 1 .roads for the school busses, He
'aid: tribute :ft,170itlew_sxturidQewhis and Walter Alton .b 'Marvin ,Dur-
p'sc hoof nin and Gordon .. au...,���`--teaohi�ng__staS
" s ` in 'referring to the awards won Re•
u13-e`riM WTl on by' , a r°
... by--�tli�e-•graduating classv,.T�e men- soRobert 5 inpsod' .Henry nibY I%nj�'` Gs�b�•
tinned the Work being done ' on
M land between the and . David Johnston
\,•t stream ande the
the, •
ected that this 'hwou d be ,finish-dDi71,L, DARK AND VYINDY
�naiderablc a .
Vit -the , .
difficulty 'had been experienced November,...as the -weather' and when work commenced., ;A •fours- cords prove, was dull,
, I elation of an old 'building had
was- 6'1 Td`eg deghe rees wiith.for t a lowhe nor
, : been•struck:wby .theauldozer - _
coiisidcirable, 'tile 5drairi•age .was. f degrees: 'There -was total -rain- �
- i - fill. o -'3.16 ditches; and' a total
necessary: Transportation Xs co$t f , .• ,. •
f�:nine'inches of 'snow.
Mg 2i/z ,cents per mile more, buty ,
the mill . rate has, ter/tab-tea /tamed
z,r A person all 'wrapped. up itt•
steady.. .
Omar Brooks; the represents- himSeif generally makesa PPretty
Goderich High sm
i ► �a��'r tive to: the
school' all package.,
t' � and one .spray • in-
stead of two :cuttings could .be
-66/16—.111t1 ; still--trot-increase—tom
•cost too much.: •
'The. general• opinion, .was •the
spray'i'ng had • its place but'that .
:considerable ` cutting' was nece-
..aary :too.
r'or• Area Board
re 1'Lave
.TO.u With Your
t .Suggestions Galore Help Yo
ristmas Shopping
t. ,
,t0.44,4000,0,.14040.4v a4ra a40o ►Q;mor. Qr. l,0+tr o> 04,0.0 0,0 • :
..on. all 'sma
'. .
..,Elmer Graham; an e't-Reeve of
tie-to�uiskiip,-c�u.{stsined Rich
and ,Kilpatrick in regard • to. School'.
'matters. . lie also fired questions
at ' Reeve.. Cecil ''Blake in regard
o Yip-preset*t.•'1rosgital quests
.. ; . he'
matters.. T
and • o
cussion b 7am-e-�'g a.iteis heated - — �--
Acclamation •
e . dMimes but'a:ter several; rounds
The three retiring members, of at,: •
the Ashfield Township School the bout ended
n .4 draw:.
Areae Board were Marshall Gibe, Others to sped d Chester Ilugh
lien and Reuben •McWhinney
Wilson C.
Mr, Alton Mr. 1 • .gan. •
son • were re-elected to (lice but
Mr. Gibson this, not eligible as
_his _school section is 'no longer.
in :the area. •---'Robert S: riTpson
'signed' ug to fill: the vacancy
The • other two members of the
. -
! Board who have another year• to'
serve: spoke briefly . They are
- =ohairman:: Rod_'nMacKenzie • tici
Ross Henry • ..
• Richard T. Kilpa�tricl.,i secret~•-
dry of the- achool__loaar .Spoke
on school business. • '
Hear' 'High School 'Reps
Henry MacKenzie, Ashfietd
representative to the Luckno d
For Reeve
Cecil, Blake by Ben Mole and
Allan Petrie
.. Wilfiez .
Andrew � Ritchie ���' by•
Hackett' and Dynes' 'Campbell. -
For,' Council
John Bradley by Tient Mac
Kenzie and Jacob .Hunter.
. Airdr�ver-� R;•tehie-�=-b�= ; D�zriesi.. __...
Campbell : and 'Wilfred. Hackett..
Tom Howard by'.Millie O'Neil.
;Tarries es..i ne ;_.
' Donald MacKenzie •by• William, •
and Rod MacKenzie.'
Alan Reed by ' Arnold Stotli ,
ers` and Elden, Culbert
R'oy . `l\ita Kay- ,by R. A. Gran .
and David._ Johnston.