HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-12-04, Page 7WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4th; 1957 •
s � �
-stableshed•--F}vei-hi-r-ty ears-�-Ago
¶i ciebwies:
T •
The Sunday.: Post, a • Scottish'
publication, carried a brief
sketch in a recent issue ' of the
siege of Lueknow, India,, under
the caption, "It Happened A
Hundred Years Ago".
Here's how we r eeived •the
paper. A few Months •Alan.
McCourty came to Canada from
Scotland., and became a friend,.
of a, fellow worker, , Wallace;
Hogeboom of . Napanee, a son -in-
law Of Ars., Albert Alton.. It was
through_,_ Wallace;;_.that, we • •re eiv
•ed. 'the, . paper, and here's the
sto`Y; •
Wednesday, September 25th,
marks 'the centenary : of the re-
lief of Lucknow. One. hundred
:years' ago, .Mayor -General Have-
lock, commanding a 'relief force
of the 78th Highlanders •(now'
Seaforths), broke through the
ring:of besiegingIndian Seaoys
and . ;entered the ,hard-pressed
. Resldence 138 A,
The • Indian Mutiny was at its
height and for eighty-seven: days
the . small garrison at Lucknow
had been slowly.' fighting a los
ing ba,ftle ' 'against far superior
numbers 'of mutinous • Indian
Food was getting low and the
garrison''s. number • grew smaller
every ,day, ' but still the •.gallant
defenders held out.' By Sdptem-
ber• the, situation was really
desperate and it looked as if the
town must 'fall.
•Then, on , .the :25th; :the weary
defenders . heard a• Sound • that
Sent ••their flagging spirit's., 'soar-`
-Ing. aii tly, above the noise 'of
the Indians' 'fire .came ,the,, stirs-
Jing. sound •of; the pipes. Have -
lock's relief col•unin • had arrived:
With • pipers '<plaving,...the . High-
landers fought 'their ,way th>?ough':
the :besieging 'troops. Although
the siege was not raised, Have -
lock's , reinforcements; were all
that • was , needed to. beat' Iba'ck
the: ,fierce attacks •of , the : Sepoys'
until ':the final relief, six weeks
. 7Own;:
A1►1 1 CT"
04y A. M. Nicholson, 1VI P,)- ` J
November 25, 1957.
This letter is, being written
while flying from Karachi ,to
Colombo on November. 19.The
Pakistan Branch of the Com-
monwealth 'arijarrnPntary AcSoe:-
iation has: entertained us. most
,graciously; •in : Karachi the, capi.
tal, ' Lahore • .the. capital , of the
Province - of 'West Pakistan, and
a1s .i
o. _ n Peshawar in, the far north
Where we''wer.e able:to: go thru
the Khyber Pass, : There we vis-
ited the Canadians .at the dam
being built .as..a Joint anadi
project' under the 'COI -
combo .plan, at Warsak,',
Lahore :
Euerythir� but the wheels arP..
being Trade here There is • a
good deal rrtore 'hand Tabor than
in similar Canadian .shops. In..
the foundry menin bare feet
were Ioi`ng very heaver :physical
jo'hs • which would be .dome .by'
Machines; in Canada ,
who had ' been in . Canada' under
the Colombo or . U.N.T.A. pro--
ro-grams. They, Were very happy" to
see Canadians. in •Lahore. What.
impressed mer ssecl them most; in Canada;
was the friendliness;• of :the' rank
and file of ,the ,Peopie ,who spoke'
to them on the trains, in the . ho-
tels or restaurants,,_ They_._ .all., had.
passes on, both' ,CN and •CP • anad
saw :indre ..of Canada than most
Canadians. It has been a. -good
Lahore, nearly :eight hundred investment 'to . ;have 'helped their
miles north of Karachi, was the top officials do a; better Joh ir•
Emperor's home. , several' hundred 'solving••their: rail. ,pr'oblems. •
years ago ,' and ` would probably • Lahore: Fort, the Badshahi
have been..the capital , now were Mosque, Jehangir's Tomb and
not for . the fact that it is only :Shalimar Gardens .were' ,places
about eight miles from India and we 'Will; never forget: We, saw
they. feared India 'Might have de- ,the way the Emperors three , or
signs •on their' .capital four hundred: years ago lived.
Visit to , the . mainPakistan. • and the sort oaf tombs arranged
railwaysl ops:.:gave Us -a • ehar}ce when they . died.Millions _ of !
to , appreciate some ,of' the accoin
plishments in' 10 " years. The
shops originally built by the Br.i-
tish abo'u't ''50: years ago are
hours of Tabor' • went into ;the
building, of each.:
• Peshawar
•Peshawar is the first city 'peo-.
:manned • entirely 1-;y Pakistani ple . visited after, 'coming • through
meci:,now. About •15,000 are 'ein- •the Khyber Pass' from the north,
played. < The; men.;' work . 6 . days It is the gateway,, of Central Asia:
;Of .8: hours' each and`.wage's seem Mr: 'St, Laurent' was given .ant
to ranee from about 50 ;cents' a honorary degree , when he , visit-'
da`,,u. w.ard.•`'To wa es would• ed Pakistan duri ' ,his'
Y P p. , g hgI.
round -
be about $100 per month for the -world'. tour. Near .Peshawar•
an engineer on' a fast train is.' found the . Warsalk�`Dam' where
Theyare •n 'vis making, about- t 150 Canadians and.: .8000
4 ,g freightu ,
and passenger' •cars=-locomotves..local . people.: are bu-irding• Pakis-
a.,ii�.�u i► n a tan's largest darn
koitzuvuO est ooreeon� c ooa oeA stir 8 le 0. 000,Vtir taquO tiilii Ae. uwoar: hrva nr Started in 1985:
t •it .is to be finished.•m 196,1
•' '' • :� .. NI' This is. one of our major pro-
- . _.. '� jects .• under the ','Colombo `Pl`ai5.
'Engineers diesel and motor ex-
perts are in the main groups -of
4 Canadians They have built very
4 domfortable .quarters for married;
14; and single men There`: are four.
. teachers for about.' 80 'children.
•modern. and traditionnl'share"vaiue: honors:,.
for every home' oourift.lisand r•own' .
I' 1 • •
• ..:S.. 11 .
to ;what 'they would receive ,in
{ Canada plus a bonus with free
rent. and light. They, do not pay
any incom: e. tax -'in either coon
It is. interesting :to. see' •dgnkeys:l
4. and 25 -ton s 'au
euclid'hauling rock,ear
on . the • same .project..A • donkey.
carries .about 100 lbs, Of rock, on
.,, its back.. One of the tribesmen
. . • 4 will 'br lvha�e three ni • four
donkeys Nand'. will Jibe paid on
" a niece -work basis.,, Most of t:he
cat operators are local men Can,
aches recent shipment of-wheat`i
Sold':for rupees and the ,money
. is =used to.Pay-part 'of -the -wages -
earned by the: local'. men. While
3: wages. to local ,men are Low by
our standards, there are five,
men looking :for: 'every :available
u L.r.3
We are : theonl;v rnan fac-
•turers .in.this part of •Ontario
-of high -e'Lass-m-unurirents-
roam. Masi. in worm .inahagany and.Walnut
*litany with hand tooted, lenthei fops ... all
ReadTY to solve every modern!ininded'htimemaker
gift needs, (lig round and oblong Cotktait tablet
included. ln light' and dark wdods.
At -t '041.44
It COLS only
to look lke g I�l.lion
in Tip Top's New
• not, just another suit,but the greatest.
ieady-to-wear-value-.of all •fh c!..�•.
not a synthetic,' not .a tntxture, but
the highest possible quality all wool
fabrics!. • not yesterday's look. but,
brand nes superior styling plus
, superb new tailoring perfection!
See t e. "MEDALIST" today.
Ladies'' and Men's Wear
who import granite f corn • the'':
Old Country'•in the rough, by
the carload'and process from
' ''the rough 16 •the finished
• monument. No • midd'leman
ewe oosing a monume
come and see one of' the
largest .selections, in Ontario
irrigation will 'raise living Stan-
dards for. a great :many; • ••
The 13. Canadians on .:'the „trip
:hada slimier at the home OL_
r Miller' of Montreal : •The two men.
1 who •do' his cooking had .a •typ-.
' - .ical .Canadian. ''meat, the second.
we :have'4had in. ten.',days.
Khyber.. Pass
Ir =11i iT1er-. -and- three`" ofhe
Canadans- • drove. us through the
• Khyber Pass of Afghanistan:' No -
-*We're in•°,the Roeki` std°o your
• ex:perieince so many sharp turns
mOngolS. ,and Afghahs moved.
Hitler had planned 'on haVing IALS
troops . conquer India by coining,
to •do their dances.
ti4ht days in a country do not
ority. We have been' here long
16 enough to 'realize that people all
Over the world have a great 'deal
3 my on hospitality iri` Canada.
StandardS of living are very loW
2 They are trying to raise 'theft?
Attoitioit, Thgy have not good VOA: •
,Write or phone Walkerton
and reverse charges.,
the power ancl climate that we
have. If . they only had Wateivor,
rainfall they icould fdgek,
progress in fighting . hiingeri
They have large tracts of seTrii:
cannot solVe. problemS of the
Istan but bur cOntributicifis, have
Canada Ave would like to have, •••
;available vfor all,in Pakistan.
The third meeting' of the Col -
held at the home of ,.lo Anne
and Dorothy AltOri With. nitie,!
ineniberi. Present,' The meeting