HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-12-04, Page 7WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4th; 1957 • THE LUOKNOW SENTINEL, • LUQKNQW, ONT41.lQ • .• PAGE SEVEN; gnews GENERAL INSURANCE • s � � -stableshed•--F}vei-hi-r-ty ears-�-Ago Kuiness:• ¶i ciebwies: JI �WARIy:'AG1ZlE1 SCOTTISH . PAPER CARRIES STORY OI' LUCKNOW .SIE GE, T • The Sunday.: Post, a • Scottish' publication, carried a brief sketch in a recent issue ' of the siege of Lueknow, India,, under the caption, "It Happened A Hundred Years Ago". Here's how we r eeived •the paper. A few Months •Alan. McCourty came to Canada from Scotland., and became a friend,. of a, fellow worker, , Wallace; Hogeboom of . Napanee, a son -in- law Of Ars., Albert Alton.. It was through_,_ Wallace;;_.that, we • •re eiv •ed. 'the, . paper, and here's the sto`Y; • Wednesday, September 25th, marks 'the centenary : of the re- lief of Lucknow. One. hundred :years' ago, .Mayor -General Have- lock, commanding a 'relief force of the 78th Highlanders •(now' Seaforths), broke through the ring:of besiegingIndian Seaoys and . ;entered the ,hard-pressed . Resldence 138 A, :r. The • Indian Mutiny was at its height and for eighty-seven: days the . small garrison at Lucknow had been slowly.' fighting a los ing ba,ftle ' 'against far superior numbers 'of mutinous • Indian troops. Food was getting low and the garrison''s. number • grew smaller every ,day, ' but still the •.gallant defenders held out.' By Sdptem- ber• the, situation was really desperate and it looked as if the town must 'fall. •Then, on , .the :25th; :the weary defenders . heard a• Sound • that Sent ••their flagging spirit's., 'soar-` -Ing. aii tly, above the noise 'of the Indians' 'fire .came ,the,, stirs- Jing. sound •of; the pipes. Have - lock's relief col•unin • had arrived: With • pipers '<plaving,...the . High- landers fought 'their ,way th>?ough': the :besieging 'troops. Although the siege was not raised, Have - lock's , reinforcements; were all that • was , needed to. beat' Iba'ck the: ,fierce attacks •of , the : Sepoys' until ':the final relief, six weeks . 7Own;: A1►1 1 CT" ER 04y A. M. Nicholson, 1VI P,)- ` J November 25, 1957. This letter is, being written while flying from Karachi ,to Colombo on November. 19.The Pakistan Branch of the Com- monwealth 'arijarrnPntary AcSoe:- iation has: entertained us. most ,graciously; •in : Karachi the, capi. tal, ' Lahore • .the. capital , of the Province - of 'West Pakistan, and a1s .i o. _ n Peshawar in, the far north Where we''wer.e able:to: go thru the Khyber Pass, : There we vis- ited the Canadians .at the dam being built .as..a Joint anadi n.- Pakistan project' under the 'COI - combo .plan, at Warsak,', Lahore : Euerythir� but the wheels arP.. being Trade here There is • a good deal rrtore 'hand Tabor than in similar Canadian .shops. In.. the foundry menin bare feet were Ioi`ng very heaver :physical jo'hs • which would be .dome .by' Machines; in Canada , - who had ' been in . Canada' under the Colombo or . U.N.T.A. pro-- grains, ro-grams. They, Were very happy" to see Canadians. in •Lahore. What. impressed mer ssecl them most; in Canada; was the friendliness;• of :the' rank and file of ,the ,Peopie ,who spoke' to them on the trains, in the . ho- tels or restaurants,,_ They_._ .all., had. passes on, both' ,CN and •CP • anad saw :indre ..of Canada than most Canadians. It has been a. -good Lahore, nearly :eight hundred investment 'to . ;have 'helped their miles north of Karachi, was the top officials do a; better Joh ir• Emperor's home. , several' hundred 'solving••their: rail. ,pr'oblems. • years ago ,' and ` would probably • Lahore: Fort, the Badshahi have been..the capital , now were Mosque, Jehangir's Tomb and not for . the fact that it is only :Shalimar Gardens .were' ,places about eight miles from India and we 'Will; never forget: We, saw they. feared India 'Might have de- ,the way the Emperors three , or signs •on their' .capital four hundred: years ago lived. A Visit to , the . mainPakistan. • and the sort oaf tombs arranged railwaysl ops:.:gave Us -a • ehar}ce when they . died.Millions _ of ! to , appreciate some ,of' the accoin plishments in' 10 " years. The shops originally built by the Br.i- tish abo'u't ''50: years ago are hours of Tabor' • went into ;the building, of each.: • Peshawar •Peshawar is the first city 'peo-. :manned • entirely 1-;y Pakistani ple . visited after, 'coming • through meci:,now. About •15,000 are 'ein- •the Khyber Pass' from the north, played. < The; men.;' work . 6 . days It is the gateway,, of Central Asia: ,..1. ;Of .8: hours' each and`.wage's seem Mr: 'St, Laurent' was given .ant to ranee from about 50 ;cents' a honorary degree , when he , visit-' da`,,u. w.ard.•`'To wa es would• ed Pakistan duri ' ,his' Y P p. , g hgI. round - be about $100 per month for the -world'. tour. Near .Peshawar• an engineer on' a fast train is.' found the . Warsalk�`Dam' where Theyare •n 'vis making, about- t 150 Canadians and.: .8000 4 ,g freightu , and passenger' •cars=-locomotves..local . people.: are bu-irding• Pakis- a.,ii�.�u i► n a tan's largest darn koitzuvuO est ooreeon� c ooa oeA stir 8 le 0. 000,Vtir taquO tiilii Ae. uwoar: hrva nr Started in 1985: t •it .is to be finished.•m 196,1 •' '' • :� .. NI' This is. one of our major pro- �.. - . _.. '� jects .• under the ','Colombo `Pl`ai5. 'Engineers diesel and motor ex- perts are in the main groups -of 4 Canadians They have built very 4 domfortable .quarters for married; 14; and single men There`: are four. . teachers for about.' 80 'children. i\\\\.NA, 1,1" 7 hi Ifrt Clug-6 •modern. and traditionnl'share"vaiue: honors:,. for every home' oourift.lisand r•own' . I' 1 • • • ..:S.. 11 . to ;what 'they would receive ,in { Canada plus a bonus with free rent. and light. They, do not pay any incom: e. tax -'in either coon It is. interesting :to. see' •dgnkeys:l 4. and 25 -ton s 'au euclid'hauling rock,ear on . the • same .project..A • donkey. carries .about 100 lbs, Of rock, on .,, its back.. One of the tribesmen • . . • 4 will 'br lvha�e three ni • four donkeys Nand'. will Jibe paid on " a niece -work basis.,, Most of t:he cat operators are local men Can, aches recent shipment of-wheat`i Sold':for rupees and the ,money . is =used to.Pay-part 'of -the -wages - . earned by the: local'. men. While 3: wages. to local ,men are Low by our standards, there are five, men looking :for: 'every :available u L.r.3 We are : theonl;v rnan fac- •turers .in.this part of •Ontario -of high -e'Lass-m-unurirents- • HUNDREDS -'OF TRADITIONAL TABLES • roam. Masi. in worm .inahagany and.Walnut *litany with hand tooted, lenthei fops ... all MODERN YAIBLE4, GALORE! ReadTY to solve every modern!ininded'htimemaker gift needs, (lig round and oblong Cotktait tablet included. ln light' and dark wdods. At -t '041.44 • It COLS only to look lke g I�l.lion in Tip Top's New 'MEDALIST" ' Snit • not, just another suit,but the greatest. ieady-to-wear-value-.of all •fh c!..�•. not a synthetic,' not .a tntxture, but the highest possible quality all wool fabrics!. • not yesterday's look. but, brand nes superior styling plus , superb new tailoring perfection! See t e. "MEDALIST" today. • ,o rso Ladies'' and Men's Wear TIP TOP TAILORS 4. af' TRr II MONUMENTS. ' SKELTON,• AEMORIALS who import granite f corn • the'': Old Country'•in the rough, by the carload'and process from ' ''the rough 16 •the finished • monument. No • midd'leman ewe oosing a monume come and see one of' the largest .selections, in Ontario irrigation will 'raise living Stan- dards for. a great :many; • •• The 13. Canadians on .:'the „trip :hada slimier at the home OL_ r Miller' of Montreal : •The two men. 1 who •do' his cooking had .a •typ-. ' - .ical .Canadian. ''meat, the second. we :have'4had in. ten.',days. +.. Khyber.. Pass Ir =11i iT1er-. -and- three`" ofhe Canadans- • drove. us through the • Khyber Pass of Afghanistan:' No - /41 -*We're in•°,the Roeki` std°o your • ex:perieince so many sharp turns 111 • mOngolS. ,and Afghahs moved. Hitler had planned 'on haVing IALS troops . conquer India by coining, to •do their dances. ti4ht days in a country do not ority. We have been' here long 16 enough to 'realize that people all Over the world have a great 'deal 3 my on hospitality iri` Canada. StandardS of living are very loW 2 They are trying to raise 'theft? Attoitioit, Thgy have not good VOA: • ,Write or phone Walkerton and reverse charges., it the power ancl climate that we have. If . they only had Wateivor, rainfall they icould fdgek, progress in fighting . hiingeri They have large tracts of seTrii: cannot solVe. problemS of the Istan but bur cOntributicifis, have Canada Ave would like to have, ••• ;available vfor all,in Pakistan. The third meeting' of the Col - held at the home of ,.lo Anne and Dorothy AltOri With. nitie,! ineniberi. Present,' The meeting