HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-12-04, Page 5• 4 'WEDNESDAY, DEC 4th, 1957
E, T,,.UGKNOW SE11t"F1NE4, • ,,'UCK QW, DNTTAR14
u Go: going,theatre, the
omfortable way. No matter where
CNIt the sure
yo' r you e travelling solo "or with your
family—you can y make your plans now!, Snow -filled skies
or icy roads will make no difference -you'll get where
you want to go?,. and" you'll; enjoy every relaxing minute of
your trip.
Insureyour holiday fun plans—by making your CNR
reservation now!' Check too, the money -saving features of
our Family Fare Plan. Ask about CNR', Gift Certificates, ideal
for holiday giving!
For tickets and information contact your local
Canadian National representative.
Every year, more and more people who
.are going visiting over the Christmas
Season go
Mrs •and Mrs:' Norman ,Fry,,:
Rickey' and H4thy; visited with
n L ..:l.'s..�-.•W , E., LH lder 'o
before" leaving; for Perth •...where.
he will_ rnai;ge a Stedman. store
there. - .
• •'. Leaders from ,tt.is area with
their 44H Members in- the Riv-
ersdale calf. Club: attended ` the
achievement.'night. in .the Walk-
erton District • IT.igh School Mr.
George -Gear•, BruceCounty ag
ricultural repreSerltative, • spoke'
on. 4:71-I,:feeder c
alf . clubs and • 4
:said he would: like to see a wider ay
Fine China Cups and Saucers,; •Wall ?laques and Wail
Packets,, Vases, Serving Trays: in wood or brass, Water '•W'
Glass Sets,,TV, Snack Sets; in -China or Glass, three-
. -_•. . _ _..-..._ . ... .:..
tier Plates and, m
' uerous ;'other. itenns,� �. ;
interest: in' the County; The'•as : Demi Tasse :Cup",, and Saucers; Miniature China Dolls; tit
'who Welcomed Members,.
�ag, rep,, .Mr. Wm Me- . ,: Metal Horses Banks, Story•Books Picture Books and
Bride, presided and called on Mr,
' Games.
R Barkley,. 4-H club president,.
anti .
w'is ting friends. .Mr. Nelson GIFT DRESSINGS {
Howe; presented awards accord:-
. ing to tlielr standing. and Dun-
can Campbell, Kinloss,' presenter
t<he Jr..•Farnneis trophy to Paisley
Club. ;The Paisley Grain Club'
• also +eceive"awa
drds. Miss Don.
la Goisler o Vall r:ton—d'eligh_t
av�tler l�lclntosh :1i
• R ER
I one Ru.Iding
eil'el"e Vii......" .Merton O #'
..rid' ,the. audience \vith• .her . tap',
da'nci(,ig,, also the junior dancers
which > she. had trained. High hon-
ors in . the '.'Te•eswater Beef. "Club
Plain .and 'Fancy Wrappings, Seals, Tags, :Ribbon,,
Low?' and :Christmas Scotch Tape. ''
•' A 'fine selection of Bgxed or Loose'Cards, by' Rust•
Craft ar-ds;. •
Call In and Look Around
went to Everett .: Pennington and.'..: y '
!irniny .Reid.. The Teeswater Jr:
Farmers prize' was'•presented by
Lloyd °Lamont In -the Teeswater•'
GrainClub, Arthur. Mc-
,Kague was the prize winner::andPHONE 21`8
the . T,eeswater . Dairy' 'Calf .Club .•.
to -Brian Ireland: v r. erbert`• •r.•
. ... ..
n0e o eesga o. estaa; nafe eiettO n0lieo nipl*O$ a l .a ai.
'LtrCKl TOW;. ONT:. .
Arkell spoke briefly at • this.
tine... A prize .donated by', the'�k Barr;
Lucknow Co-op 'was •ac
presented to
Gordon McDonald of Kinlough :Eleect Guild; Offi a Sden • a n -'
p, tors:. Harold .... al by
r the bessho
t. wmanshi ,,
Ted Weiss for -the best: calf, he •d
'dna Boyle' were • hostesses for
received a show::halter,, .Mr. Stan' . are, annual :meeting • of • the; <Even-'.
Stevenson of. River'sdale present king Guild `when the following of-
ed a feed :voucher which ,'was ' ficers_.. were elected honorary
wori ''by: Ted. and Ronald ._ Weiss., ores., Mrs J A. Palmer, ., pres.,
Mrs.• Ronald. Thacker; vice., ores:,
The Ontario i5horthorn 'Breeders �. •
royal blue jersey dress with
white •accessories
•Da've'B• rltwell. of Toronto was
groomsman... for his.. brother, •
Rosmari• Ingrid Brauer, °daugh-
ter of: Mr. and `'Mrs. Karl Brauer
of ' Baden; Germany,, ' became • the
tride .of: Lloyd J:: Barkwell , of
,Downsview :RCA.E;:'son of: Mrs.'.
Euelyn ,Barbwell: •of 3 Lue•ki ow;
and .the • late 'Gilbert; Barkwell,
in --a doable—ring ere noiiy per
'formed by. Padre.' Galbraith in
the RCAF chapel at DoWnsvie'w
on. Saturday, November :1 fife:
.The 'bride wore brocaded
sories and gardenia corsage. The
• matron "of honor was Mrs: H. J.
Smith' of ,Toronto; ; who wore a
•' A at
Weston Hall The grooxri'•s moth'
er, . ,
dress with ink .;corsae.
r p. g
• Following' a wedding• • trip . to
Niagara :1+ alls,. the y,oung .couple'
'have ttaken `up residence at 837
,De Quincy' Blvd., Dow-nsview,.
-"-The groorn`'s ;Riff to the . br rde'
.was a •lovely. bir.tulay_ ..rang,: to.
the beat- man, cuff links and -;to
the` matron of "honour,: nE�eklace'
and earrings.'
Mrs. Evelyn ;Bark.well r•e'-
No matter how high .a man.
rises, he needs something 'to ;look
up' to.
prizes. were awarded to Gordon; May Boyle,, sec, 7 reas., ,' rs ar-
MoD.onald ' of.Kinlough, ,.Ronald old lialdenby; • supply conveners,:.
Weiss, af;: Riversdale Gordon Mrs, : Bert Nicholson, , Mrs ; Roy
Stobo of Teeswater: Each rarely-
Schneller, ; May Boyle: ::Mrs.' ,Ron-
ed• a curry corrib'. and :brush. set .a10., Thacker presided for the )BORN
meeting. Mrs. Bert' ,Nicholson :PHILLIPS—at Alexandra Hos• i
Each .'.contestant' show i n:g, ;.'a p.
Shorthorn ;calf received a show read .the scripture The roll; call, •tal, '.Goderich, on '•November 21,
stick'. The Hereford Breeders As- a C'hristma's verse, Plans .'Were' 195.7 to: Mr : and .Mrs `Thomas
:made for . further inprovement Ph'iil s . 4-'R : '' l• '' :Dungannon, ,a.
ocia'tion awarded • to' the ,firs p s p
officers and the hostesses and re
reshinents 'were Served.,
Mr. P A Murray was . in Tor..
onto `, last, :week atteiading the:
Royal ' inter Fair, .
Mr, and Mrs.` Wm,, ,Wall and
Allan, spent Sunday with 'Mr. &
Mrs. .Jack : Schumache r, Mr•, and •`
Mrs:. . < Don . Robertson and baby.
Zrs, Dora Gillespie
Ronnie :spent . :the ' week -end i
'year contestants .ft sweater. crest
and :ball .point pen .The Angus
ree• prs' ssocia .ion •'aso aware
ed ball • point . pe.ns ,For.' . scoring.
the highest points ' .in', the • first.
year club, activity, 'Sharon I-�oc1-.
gins, ls.t:'and Keith Maulden', 2nd:
Other _ clubgf:,..part eipating ;were,_.
Mildmay• Beef Club; • Walkerton
Dairy Club,.. Walkerton" •0 -rain, •
Club, Chesley Sin Club and
Chesle:y .Beef • Club Members'.
from here belonoin�� to the Rit-
ersdale Club. are,. ' Keith .Mauld
en.; Sharon Hodgins;''Bill , Percy,.
Gerald Murray„ Johrn Hodgins,
-Kenneth'. •Mc:Dona:ld;:. Donald 'Ged-
des, .Cxordoi ;`' ` c oral:d Donarkr
Bari,:. Mae McDoria.ld of .K,inl;ough
and'. Kinloss, Mars, . Ronald and:
Ted Weiss,. of Riverstlale, .Lead-
ers are .Tom ::McDonald, :Duncan•'
tans bell and Ezra Weiss. 'Rei
freshments , were.; served at ' the
conclusion of, .the' meeting.
Mrs: Tom: Hodgins thanked the son, Grant Lawrence.
pr, D,.cDiEgeaDe0re'upiii4ri►;,ei,
Mi s -Perry-LHodgins =and--Shar
on entertained The. Happy, Hos
tesses: at their home : on Thurs..
day evening, Miss ,Alice Haiderr-
by, presided • and opened ° the'
meeting • :with the 4 H 'pledge,
Each member answ 9red, theroll
with a...courtesy yo i world show'
to a ,guest: ;,Miss May' Boyle, as
sistant leader, welcomed the
•home':. -,economist, ',Miss Shirley
Patterson, and also demonstrated,
-the-making 'of fancy sandwiches,
The .Club girls then 'made Sev-
eral varieties: of . sand' iche,s.
Miss '.Patterson said how rnuch
she etiteyed ; the ,meeting • with
.She also, spoke on their record
books and tiles and explained
the making of thorn,. The lead
-e;xs::.,wPe:t:r•�y .H,00gin.�.,poke.::onw
serving` at formal and informal
teas, All of ` the thirteen mem-
bers, Were •present :.and assisted
in..servimg at a . formal tea. Miss.
Beatrice Haldenby on behalf of
the girls, thanked our 'hostesses
and' Miss Patterson for attending
the meeting The next meeting.
.. 7 STCKNES ,»
. t
, Tee�pl>tstirie Alt%1Mgi181"1C1i
features ' r.
—the exciting new way
to cvt=Hdown--ironing bn '
today's man-madefabric's..
Set it! 'Forget it! And in
onlyminutes your wash
is dried . . sosoft, so
fluffy, wrinkle—free you
;SAW hourss ofir/Ming time.
See . this greatest of all
electric dryers .i i 'aetioni
today. Naturally it's by
Model DDC.58 •
• (,iaiit Lmi4 Iter Drawer"; •'
trails all line and fuzz,
•' Porcelain Enamel Finished
'o Automatic Tinie Controi
• .push-ltutt.on,Door Opener
• Opt.ibnal 3 -Way Venting
Co'n'trol ;
reer Radio' and .EIectr[-c
r ill be held at the, home' of :Mra, •tti,tttil,t ilk dill t t ;t ti44i r+ll'civ?1,c 1 11,c 440a+t"'it,i ti011eeligOl L :iat44• " "` •