HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-12-04, Page 4••• ,p • W*,ii.+UA'S, 'i. PVC 44,. 1957 o WANTED torn 'burlap tOMING�� :EVE' Nil BAZAAR AND:. ,KE ALJ H ckett�s bazaar, bald g+ 'sale. ,and afterngon ea in the t will, e �- „ ...,•:,, Nt r.. ,»•. Legion' R Le on Qomss Lucknow, ,..r,.. .... ;�„ x• • Saturday afternOOn, =; . SALE -=priced low P feed I -OUSE FOR SAL k hone 42-r-3,. for � quick• disposal, For �particu- CHRISTMAS CON R b F P + ags. , . ,or a pick-up, . ow or write. G. Dorscht; Lars please write' Clifford Lucke a I gram, 12 Church E,,. Brampton, •R.R. 2; Lucknow: ' bur 14th. CE T Pupils of S.$ • ' 16, . Ashfield (Crewe) will hold their,,annual Christmas concert in the School Ontario , FARM WANTED --party, wishes -• _ on December 12th at 8.30. Every to rent a 1QQ-acre farm with y" rood hydro, bat one welco,ne.. �., h, .all . modern. . --- dro: ApP Y, •. _ z _.._.., . -._ A _-� - .._..,,...., • • ZA-NGSIDE� h HOUSE FOR, RENT at I4oly • conveniences, ood garden P E EPTION AT g R C FOL SALE :x1949 Chev., pick-up ply to Ernest Ackert, phone ,101- A reception will .be held ,in truck<'m ggod condition? Floyd' 13 ' Langside Hall on Friday, ELECTIOP To the ,Electors of the Township of•. Kinloss Ladies , and Gentlemen ~ ere an s , ;or ;the su Please aceept my . sinc p pert received on MondaY xn Amy re-election to the pq assure. you 'lt�. 011 , t e 'my. continued reeveshiup „Z.. ossible. se ini . 3cteavour to give you the best p ibl r cc. In. -cases of Township ,matters requiring atter tion, I would appreciate it these were xesented theCouncil so they'may be 'dealt with promptly. to. I Wish: to express my appreciation, of the, services. of -Mr---Mur-r-ay-.ant--lvI �-Mo£fak and . to extend; .to• De- r- FOR ,SALE -.,-lady's' white figure, Milne phone 93 Lucknow. OLD HORSES WANTED cumber 6th for Mr...and M Lloyd Fluffman. Ladies please • Old horses wanted at 31/2c per . bring everyone welcome. skates, size' 8, like new, '$5 00• ib ; dead, .cattle.' at value If_ dead, bring lunch,cheve Mrs.' Petersen, phone ;,,luck -phone at once to • Gilbert, Bros. now. a' Mink Ranch, phone collect Goci, VESPER SERVICE � FOR ,SALE -some well: bred col- erich 1483J4 or One• and All •the. ' :Season's Greetings. .. , Sincerely, . The Stepping St on.. es C.G I T:. ,r. lie pups, ready to . wean. Apply: CugTowic,CAtt PAINTING group invites you to attend `the ,•to•James Forsterr R.• 1, s.ucknow; A nice new.,. paint. job 'is.money annual Christmas • Vesper Ser Phone 43.12; well spent, single or two tone, vice in Lucknow Presbyterian hot spray method, . fender and Church this Sunday. evening, De and ,.ember 8tYi at 7.00 p:m. body work, rusted`. panels sections replaced..---- FOR e placed, ••---� .1".183J1. • FOR ,SALE --electric train. with -station,_ tower, etc., running VWell, suitable for ;Christmas : gift; Ar'- tl ur Short, .phone 20? Lucknow. FOR SAIF 1954. Pontiac coach, private' owner has ':no' further use for it lovely. condition, in- side .and. out. N. W, Winterstein. FOR SALE --electric rangette in good condition, -gat a• bargain; also a 2 -burner; hot -plate. "Mrs. •Jun. McNaughton, phone 155; ,Lucknow. —. CHRISTMAS TUR'. or apply Intent. ,Deliveries,Made in Luck - CHRISTMAS CONCERT. HAROLD PERCY (one billicling-West•of Town,,Hall) tainment. of the Lucknow pres. One 7-rooin. house, ' (3 .deliin,. held on .Monday evening, De- .. 4 up) on • one acre' lot. Double •cember . 16th. at 7.30 when a . garage.. Excellent buy ai $5,000 Christznas play *ill be Present- . with' $2,000 down. • ed.. YOu are cordiallY invited ta , .. Real Estate 'Brokers, . SHOOT rARTY ' ,or" phone JA 2-01'78 -. in -AIM -6: , evening; •---the-1---Legion-,-AuxiliarY ' . . are• holding. weekly Shoat Parties , For artiffeiat insemtnation; ind FridaY evening at 8.00 p.m. Caine formation. , or: service from all along'. and ,hring." your friends. l*eede of . cattle, phone the EverYone ,ArVelCiarne, 'the mote the To the Electors of the Township: of KinlOss; ,Ladies' and Gentlernen:. Many thanki. Congratulations tp Reeve Harold' Percy uPon re-election on. Monday and best -wishes to: Kinloss Council for 1958. a.'HaPPY New Y.ear to 42 Sterling' St, Hamilton, Ont. To all:interested in a pleaSant Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- merrier, Prizes. Lunch served. or Kincardine 460 betweeri 7.3u Gordon Grahain. of the and .9.30 a.m. We have all breeds ;Department. of As,_ troniany and available top quality at low -- • Mathematics 'will give a demon'- Treali. ' dretSed for Christmas: THANk YOlj .NOTES ;and H ' ,scope at the Lucknow District • delivery. Please order 'before Notes. available, at 25- ten's. per, Hil h Scheel and a tiinely lect- Twamtey Turkey rarm envelppes; Don Thornpson,.. phone 3.15 in the School Auditdriuin. 4 DWEIAING NOR ':SALE, .--- • MAKE' MORE MONEY' than, y'OU ' CROP ',CONVENTION thought ..Possible. Sell . to , your' • truce- County Soil .and Crop .roreootte;';lonee-litovreenyiehoneete.,awriaithiaarl-1 piends ed territory;,our 'guaranteed' riec-,' Meeting and 'ICrop .Convention,. age, the Estate of Joseph Agneir.' r•E.• II' AgrieW,.' LueknoW, :Ont., atione, larm specialties, large as- aln.''T-itinch served, 2:00 p.in;F-11,-- : executers: • , .sortthent ot gift boxes,. tosmetics. 1:1-• Graham,. AssOciate Livestock F141SH:..1010EfAT.'. ig-coiMnission-and the:. chance, talk to the "dairy 'farmers` in the establishing a business of: County. • -Picked up promptly in sanitary of, trueks. Small 'Cliarid- niad0 JOY 70.111;- Own:: Write -for -free tletail.&• co•N'Ic'ER T-AN,D DANCE -.1 • animals •under 600 lbs. s total.. and catalogue to: M1.11'. Gardner; Phone collect, Ripley 40. Williain2DePt. 106,. 1600 Delorim,ier, sta7 'a „Scipn,ceNrto.an8d, dKlarincleosisn; thwieilL • Stone Sons, LiMited, IngerSoll. tion C, ber: 11, Commencing. at 8.30 „pin. 10 ELECTIO o the Electors of the 4Ladies' and Gentlemen: sincerelv thank you or the support every success. ' ,- Again wishing you Compliments' of thp RespectfutlY: yours, SPECIAL ter Of LEite seri • Sara Cards with yam; naMe printed on Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Altoni schoolers free. Draw for lamp. :at 25, far $1.59. Complete selec- end family wish, ta extend their Ladies please bring hinch. Danee I tion ef Christmas cards, and •ac: heartfelt thanks and aPpreciatiOn I Will follow • 'Concert Carrutheii ' ' hastr,notes stocked 'all the tithe. and • te the:. many • #lends.., and , . , , ., who *ere' so helpfUl, thaughtfdl MEAT FOR SALE '_. ;and kind,. at the time: of,, and- ......„.. , I .would like to. express my :Greve, 1044, the meetings *ill be' thanks to 'all who 4sent cards, I held' every second Thursday Of if • quarter. Beef killed index -lic- ense frOm 'the Department of -'-„Ilealth...._Choice_liereford _year- lings. Custom butchering a spie--- ' Phone 24-30, Ripley NOTICE TO-CREIiITORS.------ Iti the Estate, Of 'Lillie 4leanette ALL PERSONS having claims •against the. Estate 'of Lillie Jean-. ette 'Anders -OM af -the Of Lucknow, in the Cotinty: of Bruce; Widowdeceased, Wha died oh or about, the. 7th day of' October,. i967 -i ate. hereby* not- -Hied .to sencrin their Claims to the undersigned, t)iectitorS, fon or 190, .as after .the-, said date, the aMongst those entitled thereto, of. which -the 'ExeCtitOrS. shall then have notice., , Dated, at Luoknow,, Ontario, this, tOth day Of Novernber 1957. &aerial., Ontario, arid Thomas the hosoita4. Special thanki to. Dr. Mel torrin, „Rev. ,•Jerinings and te the stiff' of .'N-Fr.ingham Mrs. James JohnstOne, • wigh to express their •SinCere s Caarri'dd; .7aaPnPd.ott.e;it:hiteoi6rn't S. HETHERINGTON, Barrister, Etc. . •,Wingliam and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW ach • 'Located in theunicfpal Office ' 48 Residence '91 CO-OP HOG CONCENTRAT ecluced- By, 1 atIOrtl ENTLEY PUBLIc Taking Advantage.Of This Reduced .Price. FREE-DELIVERYlog ROUTE DA_ Lucktiow uckno ',Teletiliene 'Bolt 418, • ucknow