HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-11-13, Page 9WEDNESDAY., NOVA MBER 13th
temembr t nce• Pay Q:! erved
On: Monday morning the Holy
rood Women's, Institute ,held a
Service in. the hall., Mr. .Ernest
Ackert. was: chairman" and made
ing rein:.''
Dear . Sir 01 Madam'.;
November ,13,_ 1957
Ripley, Ontario
Due to, the increase :cost of Taxes;;•,Mate'fial and L
. about,
.fin ecessar to; ise the.' rates to' iva
we. tend it e Y ,, .. •1� � _.. g ,e
>^ •
improved: service.:
Application has been made to. the .Ontario. Telephone'
t_ithorit'•y fol authority tomake• the following; charges. for;
telephone service effective. as at January. 1, ' 1058;
tatting on :this date ail. :billing, will be' Oma quarterly
basis from Telephone Business . Office ` at. Ripley, .•..
,Exchange .Rates - • Renters • Subscriber's
(on circuits . haYVing.
3:'tp 1.0 telephones)
Resid;en- ee
,,.44.10 $3.85 per month
3,.10 2.85 ;per month
3.85 3.60 per month,
. '" 185 2760 - per -Month
• Residence ; , 2,7.5
(on' circuits: having . Business
11 or. snore. telophones)Residene; ..... ?.¢0 2:35 per month
p •
er:: zaaozit-}1
The above rates for' indivi� p
dual and two ar•ty line scr •
rice.:will . appl'y .otily within the Base Rate ,Area which; is
:'detined as 'that 'area' within ,the 'municipal limits of 'the
Villages pf Ripley and Dungannon.
If. individual or tWo •pal ty line service is required be-
•yond. the above limits, there will be an additional charge
-'for extra:. Mileage of forty-five "eents a ,rhorith for , each" rh
mile or fraction thereof for individual. • line' and .,twenty-five,
:cents a `Month for each 1/4 mile or fraction thereof -for each
party on a two=party line.
• :Service may'..;be furnished on: „a• season basis., for tempor
•'ary residents where the • telephone.• company.. has: the necess- •
ary acili'ties :available. This. season :service will be "sup
plied for a . minimuni of seven months at the exctthange rate,'
service connection charge, and any .Construction and install-
ation' charges ,applicable,: are. ,•payaple in 'advance... I•f •the'.
,seasonal subscrilber wishes to.. retain •his telephone. from
year to ' yea], ,a suspeiisiorr' of service charge .6f $im° tier
month will apply during the months the telephone • is not
inuse, in:which case no.. re -connection change is ,applicable; •
Supplementary. Charges:
Extension telephone ori same
Extension. Bell', small
Extension Bell, large,
Service Connection Charge, .
premises ,7-77,7
:..1•:25,'per' month
30 pet • month
60' per month
(insti u;merit • not • in ' place)
`(instrument iii place).'
pits 'f;ornfour local schools Sang,
in '•a . chorus under.. the direction
of the.bul?eryiso,r Qf .Musrc,,,,1VIr3,
William Scott; Mrs. Harold Hal
denby; ,was soloist, sirngin;, "1
heard the:Voice of Jesus say.
The,e4ymn.;was, • ``Q God, "Our• Help,
In Ages Past." Mrs. ''Frank : Maul
den read a suitable -poem. Mrs,
:Allister' Hug:hes placed' the wre,a-
Jarrtes A. Rattner. was
guest' speaker and gave .,;a- very:'
fitting,: address' and also led in•
•prayer. Mrs, Jim Smith thanked
everyone and the service closed.
wit}a God Save The Queen. " •
Rev. and :Mrs. D. J ' Lane of
Clinton, Dr._' and Mrs.D. Lane'
of Port Elgin;, Rev.. and Mrs.
Andrew •L'ai.e of Lakeside, •were;.
re`cent- vi iThT ilh relatives.
'this comanunity;a , '. ' .
.The H.W.I:.m,et n Thursday at
'the ,home of Mia.' Perry HOdgin's.
Mrs. • Jim Smith presided, A:ba
zaar ° was' to: be held : Tatar. They.
rug-making'r.will take place: on.
Tuesday. Reports were heard
.from.: sthc" ;Standing . Committees..
" o'Seholu d hits. n '
were".` .ive '"'
!; n by
M'rs. William ' Eadie. Thee Insti'
p...pub.I•C. speaking. trop .'y was won
by Miss - Wilhernina Smith. The
.roll call , was, "A,'nylon ,product
I enjoy using, "x Mrs, Lyman Slit -
ton, cotavener, . ;a * paper of
i ,Ion,
7hc motto, ",W'e . will „re
m,crlut:,r" was .read ;b.y. Mrs,- Win.
Mrs. Frank Maulden read-
tlre p.oen,. "In >a'landexs r Lid" by:
Jahn McRae. 'A heart' contest w:as •
conducted by .N rs, Ed Thompson.
and •Mrs. William f Graham ,de,-
mnnstrated:'leather craft and also,
showed hand painted :trays.' Re
•f resh'ments ,were served • by the
hostess and committee in charge, •
Mr; and Mrs.. , Wrr.. Jerome 'of.
De r..oit': are • visit"n
. t.,..... .z.., . ,x; g with Mrs:.
'Harvey Ho gins, and. ether telati
ves here.
• and Mrs, . Bert : Nicholsdn,,
Evelyn, Aldan and . Los, 'visited
on Sunday with 'Mr. ' and. .Mrs.
Rex ,Stewart, Mllarton.' , '
• Mr.; and Mrs.. ltay 'Stanley and
Barbara spent •. Sunday evening
'with Mr,, and'' Mrs; Bert .Nichol7
son and family;
Mr... and .Mrs„- Ardrll Mason-
'apent Sunday • with Mrs: J, W.
Mr' .arse]:. Mrs. Karl 134:1.e,_ .
oxne frcm..Wingh'i a Hospital,
where she- •had been a l?atient. ' •
The meeting kof the Chk, Girls:
was held at May Boyl'e',s home
with twelve members present:
iviis:', Shirley Pat „e:rson 'will be at
the .next meeting at the home of
Mrs. Perr Hod • ins '►'..1-
ing ' was demonstrated and soup
was. served for lunch, `
The Nove bei rneeti nn ., of the
rFv.. g
Kii tail W. T. was held at the •
•home, of: 'Mrs. Vanderlay, "The
roh. •ca11, .was'` answered' . With a
hint on health . and.:a eft to thee' .
Cance, Society,., Theschool carne. •
up for disetussion and. an 'open,
Meeting" is being Called ".at . the.,
home of Jack 'Collinson'for Nov-
ember 18th , to'.plan its. destiny,:
Mrs.- Gordon' Finlayson had the
topic• • on health. and spoke • on
`,What ' you eat "tells ,wihat iseat-
ing 'you". She told us that a hus-
ing if his wife Was ad cook.
We; omitted to •mention that .Mr.
and ..Mrs. Blake sent a note of •
that due to • a' ,previous. ,en.gage-
ment :th.eywere linable to ,a;ttenct
the "A't Home ''held .• twoweeks,
agd. Mrs, Bill • Johnston_ played:'
for ''The Queen and. : Institute >'.
Grace after 'which '' 1 n'
c u ch,'was
served .by those in 'charge,
Carol . of , London spent the . week-
enol with' Edna and May . Boyle..
We are . sorry.. " to report that
Mr.:, Donald' I alden,by.• had. ,the
misfortune to Islip e'ff road
. 7777t., .,...,.., .,�� n�:a.. ,...r.
and damage•. :his car, ,•
Miss.:Cathy tHeclley returned
Moving :telephone On' same /premises 2;00'
Any representations t'o :be: made to the Authority with
respect to this application, should _be _suhm�,tted ori'_Q2 _b Q1.e
7Npveinber;" �, 1951, and addressed' to the Chairman, Ontario
Telephone Authority, 7 Queen's• Park Crescent East, Toronto;',.
If you desire. any' further infoi ration in reference ,to
i g=t:Le -=teleti!1ion e rates•- you ; may appl'Y:.:
undersigned . either personally, by telephone' or by
Yours very truly,. '
N Clayton Nicholson, Manager,
.Huron and Kinloss' Municipal 'Telephone System•;,
oral were ,buoy rounding up' .tho ' .
livest ekr �
'With .'Monday, :being: Reniem--
ranc e ;,bays_- tie _out d;ay
season opened on Tuesday, If ;th'a
fleet footed anlrnais 'are as Tscaree
-now as--: then --appt'rcntly_ I vo
-been•' all sut :me.r;: the . take •will�
1 e arxtalL
to the
Mr. 'eorge .Bannerman, Who
has spent'•the• last couple of rnott.
-ths t1 -Vi . alio] • Mrs. Alex
'Whytock has gone to the home
°f Mr... nd vrrs- W lliain .Carne-,
bell, Kinlos:S; .
Ne11ie MacPherson died
nt:Wrngham Hospital. Th"ee f'ur-
oral ,was held ft•om Church's
Fuireral 'Parlors on Saturday:
The 'community extends' s,ympa
thy to Mrs Dryden Green in thtl.
&-:of:-bier sister ----
The High school students had
1he1iday Wednesday in order to
Itt• the teachers attend convent
Mr.' 1,obert Mc1Vall has ,'t+ettirn-
r.a, to Folktwir_h.-
. ews .da ; �
ywith Mr, & Mrs; Cee"rt
l, and Mrs, Don. Robertson
nf'llan '1:ten.. ent -th w' It rir.q-
Vith Mr,. and. Ari. John
nIbt'hei Mrs, Robertson retraatiied
,1Vtr�. and Mrs, Midford Wall and
Donnie spent. • Sunday with Mir.
and 'Mrs.' Trrvin'and fatiiht
:of. L' ucknow. • , ,„
Mss. -F,a r lw-4iodgi :trisi ted =o*t-
Thursday with Mrs., John Schu-
inacher. ' .•
Miss .Ldis.• ialdenby o. Cat`i•u
.thers.l ,ursiii'g T-Ior e Spent 'the':
,week -end at` Sci 'iiacher's.
M.ri,' Harold..Stewart Kinc{a:rr
Canada"s-;m-ost•---attra:ctive '
luggage. at at sensa- ..:
tionally row prices' look; at (Al.'.
'thefettures-: the smart
styling ' .. and,you'II know '"
Nrhy; you:;; can't afford tv:'
miss.` this' great bargain!,...
A Train'. Case $1:5=
6 Overnight` Case,.; : 12.95
1 C Weekend Case 14.95
D' Kingsize: Wardrobe Case 19.95
E • Kingsize Pullman Case • ' 19.95:'
en's- Two-Sviter:
"(Tan colour only)
Men's One-Suiter
• :(Tan colour only)
• Newest steel foundation carrying. haddles
HUsky bottoM glides to rest pts
.111 Holds 25% more clothes zvithout
Convenieht folding fixtures
eadi. ease!
yptI NOM and •Hasty'l
Notes available .61.,* 2,5 ccniS per
onVelor.jos, Don Thonmson, phone(