HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-11-13, Page 51 i WEDNESDAY, NOVFJ , ER 1 h , ESSO DEALER ea,vy PAY. Bat f cries . ,. • , , . . terse 'oto " Exchange ,, .4 . a ,:. , e, a ...e, , 4•,r .; Fuel `Pumps,. aa,' IoW as Voltagec,Reglatars: , . Brake Shoes Exchange, 'ATE' I.UC NQWSENTINEL.'LU'CKNAWW, .-ONTARIO . 'x:95'. .:.1:.t P• P. K.!, .9•,A. ,.: . $1',98„ ft $3.98, $;7.90 full set .'". .• MUFFLERS: heel Alignment and Balancing • -_• 'PHONE-•3,'-L��LYQW;..:�LV'C�. - � - . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. B 11 Telephone Building'. V ; alkeraon, .Ont. K ..1' THROUGH Ten .Years. Ago The Clansmen bought . one .of the' Mess Ha11 buildings at'Port Albert airport and moved .it- to Lucknow as ' a` Recreation Cen- tre. The :'first ' week'. • :df ' : March brought'. a bowling blizzard that :stalled" traffic •and: 'bl cked�•• the `railway, a. resulting1 QQ waw..n a•�Sno low Y, � derailn ent ,north .pf. •the VIII- • age: Rev.. C • R H. MacDonald was named' a •candidate . for `the mod erator,•ship of the General Ascan-: bly Rev.. J. !Angus Smith' was., in= Aided. minister -at .S.otithiNo s and Kinlough, • Jac1 Car-npbel--wasappo.nted lighthouse keeper .at Point Clark, succeeding ari Ainberley resident of the, same :name. ; ' 0 ,:Thomas ' F,' Wilson' 'was ,uosthivriiti,tcty• a var-ded opera4ie al. wings and a• certificate: The award was received within a few 'days of the third, anniversary • of, his death on active 'service,' on. April; 10th, -:.1944, . E SENTINEL FILES' The, The.,lody: ;of Roy Henry Jones of Dungannon wag recovered from, Kingston :Harbor. ' He was 21 and had been sailing .for four years.,' • Lucknow 'Business Men's. As . sociation decided: to , return to the Thursday ,half holiday, fol- lowing a year Of Wednesday: ob servance. .. 'Vile ', death' occurred of • Piper Kenny MacLennan. ' • Do' oily : Mae, 5 -year-old . , dau- ` h et of Mr.. and Mrs..',Gordon g �. f l:i. ..• es erl',o ff `Mc ' ba n , sl a t? disease. • • The death of :John 'Barr age X51,; occurred suddenly at his. home -at Kinlougtti •• Dr. ' Wm. ; ,Connell ''suffered a severe heartttack .., Presbyterian Church, 'Toronto, after' •a 27-yeare ministry. He Was ;,at Lucknow' from 1904 'to 1910. He went froth Toronto. to St. Andrew's Ohurcyh, _ Niagara- on -the -Lake,, itxtral hydro extension w.as__il iseuss � . ine was proposed: to• " .St.. Helens WhiteChur h. An arena for • Ltickno* was again a live, question,,, with: the pt'o]:ect again • sPearheaded by, G. H. Smith; , at had been 4- dead; issue since .the firsts try `;,blew up" with thn'e s�tQek market `crasl in 1929, . Bill Mair,; Ripley C..N R , 'agent, was.. transf er.red. ao 1 ramp:ton -L- , Ewart MacPherson ,had ..a nar- row escape, while .buzz . sawing wood. His 'clothes were stripped from his body .upon ,becoming entangled in the spinning Inland rel. Wilfiann Lane,:a native' of Ash- f ld, died in his 86th year. He served: as:_:T_ownship_ clerk_ until mowing to: Goder' ch. in 1890. to accept the position of Huron Co; •With-- 2.1 .hydrp: contracts sighed hydro ,was assured for residents of .the Kinlough aid 10th Conces- -cion district. P,AG.. E FNS h We. -,a -11 -..,know, --the,, Fable o! the; • Grasshorper whp.:gaily danced • the summer away while the .int was busr laying aside-. , P;ovisi9n4 Arid . preparing for:. ..-, the. cold' winter., ' -4: Employees: of the ' Lucknovv. ' .Tarbie Company, in common with I . other furniture factories.. in Wes- tern Ontario, went -out on' strike. -the'. ,first. in the history Of the 'Village.. About,; 25 men were af- fected, ' about threerquarters: of Whom .had .joined. the .local 'Union 1Vo 13.79„ -which'--was.'. not recog nized by the. local • niariagement: Supplementary e s :t i na a t e s' ibrought down 'in the. House of Commons provided $15,000, for, the . construction . ,of ' a new Post Office °in Luoknow Wmt Floyd of the local: Bank.' of ,Montreal staff,. *as tranafer red to Wales ' as manager Eldon Johnston'sold his..'barCber business. to Jack Campbell ' of Hillsbuiig:,. . ' . There are some people: who dance through the summer of their lives as unconcerned and .unprepared as the Grasshopper. But other, wiser,. . men and women •provide funds against the cold winter day when they will be urgently needed. You can still enjoy life,,and you will have added peace of mind, knowing that you and your loved ones are safeguarded by a life. insurance contract of the Sun Life of Canada. Whey not • discuss your life insurance probleiniwith me todayP You will be under no . 'obligation. R,R. 2, Lucknow .. Phone 'lVingham '717-W-4 Forty Years!.. Ago vice in France and was a visitor • • at the of his wife's parents,''` Mr. Ashley Blair ani, faiiiU moved to 'Harriston Wa.Dawsori, pioneer'resident of Con. ' 2,, Kinloss, died in chis. 89th.: year. ' —Garfield 'Ostrander' . boughtthe: ;Royal Hotel stabling across from his : iblaokstiith• Dr. . D.. A,. McCri on° ' died at Ripley at the age of 81. He taught school at, Ludknow for two years' a _ . M,r. and Mrs:". James Lyons - Mrs, Thomas : Chisl olm of town 'lost two' children within ten.:•days:;Henry, age+3, died frown. inflamation of the ` bowels and`• 'IThornas, • , ag•e` 6, 'died "less than :'. two weeks later :ffroin scarlet fever,/ ; Councillors' ' Lyons ' and' Me- Chaiies, resigned from ., the Vill-.• age, Council over ;the .appointment • in. Premier Mitchell HeIlburn's� third budget, he :announced 4.1;. mill '•s'ulbsidy to' •munici ' alities for. 'p '"taxation.. relief, This : meant about $414 to:'Lucknow.' It • was officially 'announced by' Charles •Robertson, M P,P.: for Huro-Bruce, that the Province was 'taking over the 'road,: 'from Elmira .to Amberley Rev -CC. I4--Di=ckrnsoii vas ap- pointed book'. 'stew'ard of the United. Church..PuCblishing•.House.'• Mrs. Helen Hudson of Elora, and formerly - ... of :Kinloss, o�bser-. ved •' .her '9nd :•ibi.rtliday. Mr: and Mrs. Tom. Magoffiri• • "• received the posthumous .;award Thirty' Years ; Ago of . operational .wings ;`awarded their., son, Sgt. J.:'Ivan ,Magoffin lest ii ife -on—boinlber mission over Gerrriany in 1944 Twenty Years Ago Rev, D. T. L Iyk I erroll re ►DAY ,IONS. • Con Decker , reported having. seen •. and 'heard' a half '. dozen; European starlings, which, he re, membered very :well. They were reported as becoming troublesome in the Niagara fruit district.. Iugh Morrison, a,' Lucknow lawyer until about 1911, .passed away in Toionto.. Harold Reed, 1-year=old son of A`Ifr, and Mxs Wi11 Reed; ' Can: 10; Ashfield, died ''after a 10 -day:. illness with pneumonia.. :.,Mr. *and Mrs.. Wesley •Hender s—ding d non Celebrated their 50th ' 'wed- g . inn versar:V.'T— P Uipor graduating from the, O -A C;-,- David' -Andrew:: was .ap- ' r_pin:ter a.ariculturaLM_representa, tive .i Hilton County. ' ‘: Mrs. Adan ,`P,hompson died hi' Winnipeg. Her husband was . a 'blacksmith' it Lucknow, and died in 1898, .Mrs: Thompson was but. 'ied in the family plot in Cod crr-h emetery: DunCcan Finlayson,, died at. Lochalsh ''at, the: age- ot" 92 _ ,,_ . . With motor traffic on' the iris crease •stop signswere erected at Main St. intersections., : ' Ex'reeve • Robert JbhnstSi Was EVERY SATURDAY: {TO ANII•••.INCL., DEC.:14th) Good going and returnin same orf( y s Saturday:y EXCURSION FARES FROM ' Ahenford Palmerston Brampton .i95 Hanover 4,60;, Sarnia 0.85 Brussels ":".,••••:. 4.60. Harriston '' 4 00 ' :SouthamRton 6 25 Chesley' , ,,; 5,05 Ingersoll ',.:,. ,>;; '3,05 ' Stratford 65 .. Clinton',,,,;r�..r• 5:05 Kincardine , 6.20 Strathroy .....,,. 5.50 Elora _� .... •. 2+60 Kitchener engus 2 60 7 iiatoWa. 380 Watford ... 6,05' n 1 30 Mitchell 4:20 Wingham 0,05. oderi h 6.0 Owen `S' Pd. 5.05 Wyoming 6.50 Paisley 5,50 r eSp� riding .£ares, .from Inierm,edi .tc. of s,, :. ,.. ON FROM'' AGENTS • 'FOIL INFORMATION. • sity where, he graduated in med- icine:in ..1869.. .He 'practiced in Lucknow until 1888 when , he went to 'Edinburg to take a .post -graduate Course: He return: - ed to: •Lucknow. 'two ' years later and • remained .here ' until 1890 When- he °` went to Underwood. and later toy Ripley., While :Viii Lucknow he Was Chief :and the' moving s irit :of the Caledonian Society and 'his. stalwart 'six-foot stature made him a'.strikng ,chart acter. W rdth,at-Ge orge Burgess, was Wounded 'in France. .• Capt.- Dr. Carmiehael :Of E i•�- monto.n . had :returned 'tram. ser - presen e• w:i T a gran • a't'lier ss clock in recognition of years' of g service" as ' councillor, reeve ` and citizen:"Mit, .Johnston "was Tiiey ri'ieved •to' Gilder ich pre- set here Mr, dti1 nsteri assumed- his; tie* duties., l�ew�sigii boards were `erected at, the approaches to ',tickn&W. The prize winning slogan "Vat- Are. "Vat• '-Are, in i"tick-no*Wntri"6 wro'Ptibhlttt,sci ." 44•A • Cameron . Was re -appointed; at an increase in,. salary.. -$200 .ra year. • 'The' tWo .mem.bers .favored W. J' Douglas'., . appointmentat a Sar ary of : $100: . Jahn • HabCbick sold Ina, Inglis; St. ,:residence. to S. •.MaG lire of Huron Towunsliip. Fift .Years ire . ex nsively' :damaged .;• the choChurppichngSh. milled: . and ; Presbyterian;. . ' • The Misses Harris of. ,,. � ,. ,._:. opened '.a branch millinery' store at • Kintail: • . (Continued•. on page 6) 'N�. OW'S.. TH;E. TIME TO $E THINKING :OF A. NEW *CLARY } MORE ADVANTAGES, with • • McCLARY' ;HEATING:: Economical! ..Guaranteed!'-- Autoniatic! Compact! . Clean! Attractive! • Quickly 'Installed! Efficient! • Effective! • Quiet! , Enjoy greater heating ef- ficiency combined with compact, attractive de- sign with a; :McClary. F) .Oli Inns, l~'URNACE TENDING BANISHED Enquiries:invited No Obligation rs,terH& Ma Plumbing, Heating, Wiring: Eavetroughing / PHONE 56, .LUCKNoW