HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-10-30, Page 4° ..
AndyRobinson, Fede.
.....-.-s� _-- .. ,.... , ruce - ove CC'KNN,,.
� . �...,�,««...... _.. ,.. �ber for -
.✓ .•�""~.d �+... Wingham, . B..up ay,
_ iso over
. r
3rd, 1 5 a m., and a
APARTMENTS: FOR' RENT •— ' CAR FOR isALE- 954 Pontiac ;C�FCa$ : Oven Sound:'. on Tued er
also one garage, . Apply..•to Mrs. coach, only ' 35,000c miles, in ex- Novein Owen h at 7::..p...111, Willi ton Henderson, . ucknovv. ellent shape; Murray Gaunt:, R,
l,; Lucknovu, .,phone 87--r42. E�
F g• SALE - ,14 weanling pigs:
• Sam Chislett, phone :179, Luck
• ,now.
FOR 'SALE -kitchen cabinet, in
good,:conditi-en. Win, G.. Irwin,' .R;
6' Lucknow phone 10r77' Ripley,. F
the °Time to or,. er
NOV } ,
our. Fall Fertilizer
see ,.or .
ZiOn W.A. will; .be holding ',a, e would lae pleased to
a VICE -7 -We W
sale; of homeJbaking and sewing demonstrate "the lmels.
in the Legion Rooms on Satur-:i in �cle;aners . and polishers odSer-
l♦QR • SALE -7 Hereford steers;
between 790 and 800 lbs. ' Doug
D 3, Gpderich, phone da November `.2nd,: Tea wllx om t
ren ? , g. C Y . vice and xepairs; given pr: p:
fib 5 Dungannon. al -o be served �. Doors open at
t t Ed lVioo� a phone ..�3 M
OR SALE or trade for .live 2,30•. " . Lucknnw.
�---- stock,• once Ford baler, ,Bob Beak, SHOOT PARTY '
_ .. 'aten ion. ;
FOR 'SALE -hardwood' slabs and
sawdust. James Stevenson, Luck
now Sawmill.
FOR SALE. -50 Hybrid • pullets,
ready to lay. Wilfred •mall,.
Phone X82 -r-16, Dungannon. '
FOR,,LSALE kitchen chairs, iron_
• bed, small table; •buffet. Mrs.
FOR SALE -;--1946 Ford CoaCh in
., good running order. Only t
owners.: Phone 279 .LucknoNi.J
know hone 68=r '5 .Dun-- - ..• : a • „ and Hasty
R,3,L;uc :p.
.. . To all interested in a, pleasan THANK YOU ; NOTES . per
Bannon, evening, the Legion , Auxiliary. Notes available at.. 25 cents . p
... g
FOR SALE—number of.,Red
are holding weekly Shoot parties package' of.10 cards and matching
ssex" ullets starting to lay; in the ,Auxiliary, Rooms'''each envelopes, Don Thompson, phone
Su _. p •
29 -month-old . re istered:Friday evening at 8,00 p.m.;C.oxne 33 or 35.
also., g
York,. sine breeder:.along ,and bring.. your friends; .
boar, Can.. k,
the more the BONUS" OFFER to ` new sub:
Y,eonard CUhishoIm, •phone .13-r-2 Everyone.. welcome, , • el until the
Prizes. Lunch . served. scribers, The ,Sentinel
.Dungannon. _Merrier,
+, SA `end' of 1.958 for $2.5.03r ;rfierc
COST . ,in the Whitechuruh BAZAAR, I in Canada: This offer ends on-
Wingham area, .a ;brown, suit bag • The I.ucknow 'Branch 309 of t?'' `-'- $1st Order, now it The
rants: ��„ r .,�a;aa� Auxiliary the Can- .nti , ,Office.
containing:maws suits and
Beatrice: McQuill'iii +, i;'hc , 'tu
sincerely thank all . who kindly
re-rnernbered her dt.i in g 1� ' re.
cent illness. • ”
Mrs, G' ;Weathearhead ,wihe,,
thank ,a11 those - who: sena:. cards'
'flowers, and `fruit the' week.:she,
was in : the hospital and singe.
coming ,home, '
Mrs George Lane and. Family,
wish to sincerelythank all those
who 'were So- very kin.d,and sy'ni-
pathetic. at the: time elf their -be
reavemer t. • •
Rewa:rd. Contact 'Police adian LegiOn will hold their an-:. - •
• • sincere thanks -to neighbors :and
•niaPle, body Wood. John Gaunt'
frieeds ‘for -their - many. acts ."0f
• tin' NoveMber 9th. ,There Will be - ' TRACTQR Tti.tES, .,_,
uP : timP *. at the MildmaY,Furni- m, otieles for. aie,,.,a.,Isa' home_ car and, troCk: tires - at lowest ,oilflitheeSra da:adill.toTi;m:th6osv..\\t,,illioe lt6iamne.
clerful • selectien •of hOnie-• Sold,. filled and, service4; alSo kindness .to Tena during.buieers, lo,atindg.
turd S4WroOrns. Show., cushion 'made candir and ;cakes, .etc..Af- priceS... ; •
frorn . your sulte - 0. .Sc uett's ternOOn tea Will be' served. " ' , meSsageS., Of sytoPathy, also to ,
lister .HugheS• for their. nursing
ion, $149.00. Seleet. from '25 liv- 1.innuai dance .and .Prize :draW.' .
-Rev.. Benson, CoX f,o-r-ttrirli-yVoi'ds
. AUCT:ION SALE . . .". November. ath•:. music . i:3i. -car- ,
2,piece sulto, fciam. rubber ictish- LIEG4ON DANCE. DRAVV DEAD STOCK. . t,hoSe who helped in tho
years ' old, due , about .December
-28th. Alvin Hamilton, R,. 3, Luck -
Stone Sons, LiMited,
good feeder cattle and. 'calves at for $300' in cash , prizes. Admis . JAMES HODGE,
AuCtion sale Of 68 head Of, ruthera orchestra, Prize • draw
ichairs, dining rooin .table and. a ship on TuesdaY, November 5th, • : •HALIEVWE'EN "ANC -PT --
Email oval shaPed. table (''----' at 130. 'See'. bills for list and, 0,The Ladies" Auxiliary to- the
• ' 'Donald B. Blue, 'Aue.- - 'Branch '309,' will hold a ,HalloW-
e'en Dance in Lucknow Town
Hall en Thursday, October 31st
dance prizes & door prize. Lunch
'Hanover, lopmerly Sankey and counter with sandwiches. and _ ,
Vickers,' for,. yOur foot troubles. homemade pies. Carruthers Or- PERSONAL CARDS,' aren't ex -
Open afternoons.. Evenings, Tues- chestra. -Admission 75c. .pensivel See the selection of
NOTICE at. 25 for, $1.50. .c,ixtnplete selec-
hind Hanover Printing Office. • tion of Christmas cards and ac -
Otto Pederson wishes to an- .
eessories. Every daY cards and
-work, about 1400 113s. Apply; to :A. Vickers, . Foot Correctioniat,
:Ken, Pattterion, R. 3, Winglikin,
Jets, 51/4 .tnonths old, laying; also
FOR :F..Al4E7--babY's Pink riylen :-. MEAT FOR :SALE
ense from the Department ol- Will %be. calling aoOn..
si;in, tame 33... Health. 'Choice Hereford .. year. , • . . '
- . , Phone 24-30, Thple**, LiNotera' List 1.957; ToWnshi of
West .'W.atvanosli, 'County
:Auxiliary to the Canadian Leg-
ion are requesteck-Tto---bringt-
These, aProos are to ,be a special,
feature at , annul bazaar.
Meeting date, November 5th' in
Legion Roams at '8, p.in."Please
hasty ootes stocked all the time.
. Don, Thorripson, phene 33. or 35.
=-43.er and lower sections,,, easily
dismantled' 134:eh in good condi-
. FOR • SALE -1939 PlyMouth se- fore you order: ...Will supply Notice iS hereby giVeri that I
goOd motor, goo,c1--tireS,, materi • , will install have Com lied with 'Section, 9 of
radio,. above average Condition. I rOof , cOhlPlete• ' Yving Ceyes,IThe • Voters' List Act; 1951, an
.-Ronaki Thompson; . lOth Conees- 1 Manus,' PhOne. Paisley .114-r-4. that I have posted up at my of: -
FOR 'S . - -•-. ' ' . t. ' her *Old horse§ wanted at 31/2c - Per ' all persons entitled,to vote iti: the
pow sALE___girys 3 -piece green For• artificial insemtnation in-,
wip-ter:,,,,poot _..p.j.rnined wIt h 'formation or„ service' 'from' 'all
(brown fur, , size 6-7--of-T--srysTratio- •breeds,...4.0f.....„ cattle,. :phone, The
girl's ,red flYlon jacket trimmed Waterloo Cattle Breeding As -
with fur, size -6 -or -
Mrs, 'Clare • Johnston, Rex 27, or .1-Cri-eirdine---460' betikeen 7.3a-
. size 10. to 12, gold girl's coat, size,'
12 to 13, grey wool jersey dress,
size • 12; navy with red , aline
coal or 'i,v,00cl range, upright
s 4S
• The Court of ReVision 'on the
.1•957- R011 of the
ToWnship'ef Kinloss will be held
at•the rieXt'regular Council Meet-
, ing otpiqoveinbp,i 4th, 1951; at 2
o'clock., in the 'afternoon:.
, Ali, having', business with: the'
said • Municipality' at Municipal
,Mains. there for inaPection. I
Elections' and' that auCh list re-='
And I hereby call upon all
ceedings to have any omissions
or errors corrected according ‘to
Iii, ,the Eitate -Of Elizabeth ' Ann
-ALL PERSONS having: claims
against the EState of Elizabeth
Anne Cummingi, late Of the Vill-i
age Of LticknOw: in tile, County I'
ef Bruce, RetireCI Saito]. Teach -I,
1957, are hereby nOtified to send
in,..their.,cialmsito the Undersign-, I
ed solieitor for the Adreinistra-1
of -NoveMber, 1057, as after the
said date the.'Zstate wit be dis-
tributed aniongst thoSe entitled
thereto, haVing regard • only„- to
the claims cif 1;Vhich the Adtrin-
istrators shall then have notice,
DATED at LucknoW; Ontario, 11
this 19th, day -of OctOber, 1957, i
IL W.- Andrew, Solicitor for
the Adniiiiiatrators.
radio conibitiedi 75 feet gardero
coat, raglan sleeve stYle, almost
like new, aize- lb -to -12 years;
' -Cinnamon brown cordurey Skirt'
and Matching westkit, siZe 10,
navy•taffeta polka dot skirt and to leave them at' your home for
'crinoline attached,, site. 10, one you to inspect. Its not to early
each Outfit. Mrs. Jarnea McNain,idelivered. Drop in St The Sen-'
or 45.
-We.-have in-:•stock-sarriples-Of--
the 19547 selection of Christmas
cards' and accesSories, everyday,
card.S, novel gifts and,- personal-
ized ' cards and would, be pleased
4440440 so swim'
LaolunCeovidrt hni nea:
wo of IN
That- tail granari. of yours, cait help you elit—teediog , costs---,
thit year. Mit Co=op: Concentrates with yoUr' grain. "a 1°t1
Will•...litiiii—an—eCoriotildeal.,_and_,ItighAkowered ,feed. Let co-op
1, Yes, 'tor a result -getting and colt-eutting feeding program, use