HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-10-30, Page 2Ta : - ,.,.,aR..�+,...t,•.•aN Mme,�•Ir�'• • • k p. • p �lii1).t�f. T■ !HE• LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 'L] OATS INSTANT , OGfILVIE ., . S . • • . ... 44 oz. pkg. 7c save 3c, .: . PARAMOUNT SALMON ancy pink.;; save ,4c—lb. tin .49c. HEINZ BABY FOODS. • save 12c, 1 • allard- samPion Dog Food: J. save .8c 8 tins.$1:00 Bonded Tissues Face -Elle Mello.' Bon. •1Oc-3 for 49c x 'save : reeri `bo , 2•' 1. : CHRISTMAS DOLL( Only . $2.99 with $5.00 'order 11 ONTAI :I! WE. 141411......„AY, OCT.. 30.04 •19.5: ` • ,attVe _ ece T ,'H on ora ry Degree "In r.eeognition of outstanding 8r7aduate foresters staffing the' n" ---forestry ._the_ Un# operatlops, 'including a forest Ieaik�rshl>� i athola�Iist "anti. for eft c utQ versity of Toronto :Friday con- p' a n-' fried an honorary Doctor of. ologist;: the first suich s:pecxalils, Liavs, degree; on Robt. • W. Lyons, in forest protection emplgyed: 447 E. 'Wisconsin ave,:' Neena)?, a Pu1P and paper industry. In Wsconsi.n," -vice � ]OGlark cora salesio the ''number etr��lcluaand 1 h g to director "of K,iin�b Y, • r . p a native foresters employed Xs" higljer Cake Mixes .white,. chocolate, of Lucknow, a son of the late than . for any • other.company rn , oration • Mr. Lyons is i>fetty. Crocker• k $1.00., 'Mrs James Lyons.:' He Mirth America. peanut delight, save 5c .,,.• 3 P. Mr, and M • � brother'of Mrs" •Stanley Mr; Lyons was 'honored. not iK' �s cb' Pie Crust. "Mix, save 7e, 1$' oz. , : f is a for •59c ' 1 Malloti,gh, and Mrs$. Jean Lyons only for his 'contributions 'tofob=. onar.. . pkgs. �:,,i , :... �• � ,_ . . ',,.,,. 2, i:of Lucknow .and Car-. estry in Kimberly. -Clark and its Mrs J. E. a R & W Instant Coffee save 6c, 5 oz, jar I The cerem Y t industry generally Re* is 1 char for 55c suibsidiary . and associated coin oln •:Brand : Margariine, Ib., Dkgs* inicliael of • Edmonton. . • • � cted panies!but in the 'pulp 'and°paper Sob.) ,;,;,, 2 ... 93c on was condu.a 'during. spy vocation, pear f theC - Ba s .-. cal con k of 100, •save 6c ,,....•..79c � .b. Crown Tea , P g� Libby's Fruit Cocktail; For- v Q ': a ter member o or poration of the university's. observance of of Forest.. Engineers of the Pr,o, the"• `,50th anniversary. of • '�? ... • e 'of uefbec ' a member• o save 4c, 28 oz. tin 39c incf..' save'Se 10 oz. 8 tins 51 founding•' ofthe ac the �Can,adi'an• Insititute of For ix ' anion s ces , n. e�ree Aylmer Vegetable Soup, F silty of M Lyons was, g ry r Yo try the Society of Aim rica • • est •Libby's • Deep :Browned Beans, save , 79c ,, on whom the honorary d g e Foresters,• • the woodlands section • ...... ........ . 4. for •erred including on _ . 20 oz.. tins...................„;,,,was coil , of the iCanadian :Pulpiand -Japer' k . ..�•. 32c from, Good Luck ',Margarine, • lb.p. g. b' ilrood All. Purpose' Flour, 7: , • ' ' . outstanding author- R,o ><n. • • ' Americas u FRESH PRODUCE AT 'RED & WHITE a pioneer • . s 50 lb., bag ..:.. $1.29 P.E..I, •Select' No...1 Potatoe , , , . rn Oxford, England. . association, a• direcitor of the ledged as one of North American Pulpwood" Assoc iatign, past -president ' of' the,. Northern Hemlock and HardwoodTassoci- '•atiorYP a member' of the' forest, policy committee • of. the 4rneri'- 1 b bag 5 3c • � Ack no w ' -- ities on industrial forestry- and : in establishing the. �plade of • technical foresters' ; in industrY, Mr. Lyons was the can 'Paper:Pulp : association, s.:29c; first Canadian• forester to `enter the 'committee on imports ; of • °n, 1CiruncbY� McIntosh Apples 3 is..2.9c:Pulpwood private industry. He joined the Amex association P - s 24' oz,.'cello• 19c coinpafY ,of C�aniada er,steerin,g `cornmitaee; .and the for NLId, flavorful .No. 1, Parsiup. , • is ' for: degree xng h e�s'Y estryr . committee; •of, the Forest Extra fancy, Celery Stalks; each r� .:..:..,13c, th _,_ >w Select,' firm,: Ripe Bananas, lb. Laurehtide Pa er and Power : P thea Wisconsin ' Farest• Inven�toi•y: aft civ from a same umver„.�y Wu,,.,= Industries Council. honored him Friday. • His assign- , . . ment with :the .industrial., firm was . to bu-ld up `that conrpanY1S tree 'nursery, and he did, trans,. T ,forming it' from, a small unit to Mr•• Alpert Simpson of Lorido Alb t n One With visited Monday with Misses' FREE .DELIVER'Y sib miiliion transplants. He,work- na and May Boyle Mr &Mrs' I I4LOUGI • • • , . , ,.moi VOIWO ;.)1� � ` > o• -ed closely -at this: time': with Ell-: ' m.: Cox atrd ev Be�i,o-► -fox,. r 'wood 'Wil on, farrious; authority NIr. Isaac Graham; who has .. in industrial forest nurseries:; e a •; Patient in Kii'icardine highest•.';standing in six,. su:b- 1VIr : Lyons not: only :worked • in .ben P. . • Y •Hospital for. some' time,: ` passe ' Jects • $500 d Iti: a Sat Governors • 'scholarship. , fo Scholarships Union Carbide Co:, . $2,000.00, Archie McQuillan: Must be re- tained tainedby academic standing:each 'SUMMARY .'.OF Apt. . 'STUDENT .,AW Graduates.•' acf , Lucknow District High Soh�ool had, outstanding achievements during "fie _,t past term These -=•have previously: nced biutr theSchool been -announced, feels that in view of the oinplishments it would Ibe; ate. Wel' to sum marrize theun ::coin- ,•pletely. . wards. received are at The award's follows:, . i oin- on Z'rovnwial Bursaries • Joan ' Donaldson, IIL J :Grad. 100; ' Emmeline ` Miller, :$100: ' 1Tn versi `, Archie MoQui:1-' 500 Jameseec$00;. n e year. • International Nickel Co'a $3,040 GGa • Suter: Must be'retained by academie ,:standing:, each year: W.O. Board o -f Governors, $500, Ii.ge Sinter. . Suter,: $5-00:.• 'Atkinson Foundation: James Archib-14eQuillan o Board •n1V ersi Reed, • $400; � Ruth Treleaven; $400 , (1) The University. . �- .�.�, ...�.- --... _ •. LiterarySociety : scholarship; $50, Inge'Suter: • Women's Institute.,, Scholarship $50, Louise' Andrew ie Mc: uillan "Gary Suter Q ► . nursery, operation. ;and ,pro' nuc Awa on, '1Vlonc'iay. ' Symp'athy ,is ex, tion but .l l l g Y r- (2) by reversion off g i ging . in road building' . and in the. • • t• ' din � at' ' deceased_ who qualified for schola an sr vmcu re,.extended' to° the .relatives• of the : .m th- a and e woods,Seeking ide s . e ter ' ob he in G e r Ari i zn est. stand ( g e ship .for highest .s. a� g :Yj:H :S: 2 00 ow. $ ckn I1u • • ods of doing a better. l Gary Suter` Went abro� d in 1927 to study for- stry and logging methods in 100..00. •• IC:rtilyan:ri,dS,wsweditezTriaFnrdan. ce, Ger, (2) • Highest standing : in Physics 100A0: . and Chemistry, $ Sunday; ay ' the next , Be -ginning Y, Anglican, •.servic' will be 'held at 3 . o'clock . for . the month, ' of lvo.- vem�ber•• We • are sorry 'to report. that ' •• .Mrs.. ;Catherine Hewitt is c�onfin,- A year after :phis overseas study, ° ed ,.to ••bed: 'at the. ' h:pane: of My'. • Mr. ' Lyons• became associated 'and 'Mrs:, ' G•eonge 'Graham.' We . with Ki,m�berly-Clark throug�h.it5 .hope for im+proved• hc1dth. affiliated company,; the Spruce; he' second meeting cif Tnt- T ,.Falls..Powex and Paper `company Hao • Hoste'sses. was hetd i., the of I apuskasirig•, Ontario; to re- . estford school' with” an <rilttna,, ar a 'ize .its woodlands operations 1;2; .e ,tan : ance,'hof . . h. . • and . establish a:' forest•. manage- with . 'the . 4-H pledge: The (3). by ` reversion of ` Inge ..Suter and. ,Archie • McQuiilin, who ..qualified for scholarship for highest standing at Luck - and r H:S.—$20O OD :. d§uter' : who ..each . won . . and Inge.... , 'Inge :Suter- . • , major scholarships, could' •not It of Western Ori they. •(1), University retain another,; although , y • tario scholarship •f highest h listed p gr - J irienx T r�o am H, g. 113' ide-n-t, Ali4e Hal limited the.system `.of , contract . The next meeting N 11'be: 200:00; Y charge. ,. ho in and be an-irodcing -'.. ht�rne- c�€-Mrs: 'Ja Scholarship's • itx�`siTgle�s•ab gg . g g h-eld---ate--tkre--T �2). P stand -Mg were-clualified-.for ; t ase i mg at1 clrnow 1� H• S:; below: ti jests; French ' $100.; Gerinan Mrs. Morgan • Henderson. guest spec er a e ' l,tai'ned /�by natural means, then ' were also given ;o•n entni taming.,. Th koffering meeting in Walk was :pulpwood .•:with :,•corrpany :.operat- ed ,camps:' -udder: the direction of foresters, , to help assure; i axi- mum, production. •• and protection: . ' c Barr on November, 5th.:A i ccord ,file. was: discussed,• also different' flower` settings. Notes wei�fe cop ied.' Packing. a •week -end suit Notes, itofooff 10..0 i 11.0' sU 10.0 11,0 7.0 or. fMI' • Mr, sons spent • "Fred, .Mr: `John Wind h�Ve. Of 'W :with `Spro Mr of `D Price Mn. two Flori ley's a wq We�stJ Mr and Davi week 4v a'. r• t e foresters must la n ' trees a:cir :1111. is to the :ern hasized: _ aT and informal When the Kimberly-Clark.for-- vitation. :and suitable replies \to, estry programs grew in the, Lake 'States, .'Mr. :Lyons. was assigned, to ,direct thein. Iii 1936, ."he took over . direction ;' of the corpor- ation's' activities in . Michigan, Minnesota and •Wisconsin,-•-ern-ad dit'ion to .geieral,supervision, of' the woodlands , org;anizat°ion he 'haddeveloped'1'at'Sprucer.Palls:- He' moved : his ;headquarters; to' Neenah : in 1940. • ,' an h P , a house guest. E �, •erton Pr• esbyterian Church:p bring a form 5i F9, r,! After visiting 1VIME. MARGUERITE E BUCK from' New York,who was ,present in Toronto for a three-day HAIR FASHION CLINIC, we take pleasure in . introducing these NEW. 1958 STYLE TRENDS ' ROYAL GUARDSMAN 4.1 A • j 5'ir fi 4. 'SUCH AS: :The•,: 'reviving ,of the twenties, : called the Charl- Ston--, -The-_eighteermthi.,:. century look for : evening. - year . .—Arced -up :: fantasy. creation 'the ' new"Star Cut,' especially, adaptable . to thin, fine hair• where themore flair -look ,is needed .,,0...Many . new and'' . helpful .hints on the care `.of everyday : hairdoos. 0 f. the next .meeting. The .,meting.' •closed ,with "the Queen Mr. Arthur ' Graham was , in`: Toronto last' :'week where' he 4117 derwerit : surgery. • Postwar development .brought additional' expansion. Mr.. "Lyons "a-1 atly`7htard bu:ilt-= oodlands- heael'quarters at •Loriglac, Ontario. .and, established the Knife River ,nursery of Kimberly-Clark of, Minnesota in .the Two Harbors _: ar,�a-`Tli�..L-o�giae--ape�in__w lowing a nice needed to feed the new built at Terrace Bay.A forest nursery established. at Kapttsk!as- ing in 1947 was the first indus,- trial nursery in Ontario. :Wood- lands limits of Canada .were exu pie• 1.—t eet--the 11- HOLD MAR:KETI:NG:. � oT:E_ I N.I SPWR - The „�controvei sial :Ir e market, ing.legislation is to, 1)6 voted 6 1 next- spraru ;Zo s_c e tf hoi pI a` ducers' want, the :press i1t nYiarke 1 ' in,g plan 'continued. ''rNtls Ws S ari� nounced 'last:week. �w ''grieul- fol. tune MVIinisterC, Goodfi'11( , as - - eting .with r,iarinbM mill of. 'the Ontario. • l o 1 taker. ore'st Marke'tin:o $pard • This decision has .been :reached, g ,taueen's' Far'k'_• as the• r"esult, of, opposition that ih licti'g yore ed at • ..protest , rneettngs` oeiiig: .hel.d_...at. Uhe `various pr,{iit , and from Critical coriespl7tic ing 'received by the Department and appearing it�i'`the press. The of :hog mat keting THE CORREC!r SHAMPOO OOR YOUR: HAIR.:'I5 A 11IUST: ,so PROPER HAIR CUTTING METHODS =befgre having your permanent wave or style, Yr and. THE .DO'S ' ND DONT'S . keepyour hair l earth. �,- .eas':� � to manage and On. how' 1�o �`, • New. . • more obeautiful for the coriring New Year; Wilt Be fleessir `•'To Hel p You • ' It Our p • • SOLVE, YOUR' HAM. PROBLEMS a • For apliol itinen:t photic 115, Lttcknow, Ont. A rcraftsni ni Fred Emi -Capacity. Additional expansioi 'to -,Alabama 'through the 'associated cornpany which Kimberly-Clark was to . manage, caned. for • a sMi of Mr. and Mrs. berlin of Lucknow, Ont,,' was a memlber„of the Tri -Service Royal Guard on y a Government G d duty t' G t - fol Mouse in' Ottawa during the visit woodlands operation in thatdates back•°'to-the ...... a�, ., ...ttlilt.r:r •tri )ctirtgs' _ ;. .. ,... ...... ..� le� _islation 1f tieerr-`E`hzaubetit-card Prince' area...: were .held, 1iog proclrrt.(18. '"v Philip to the Capital...The Royal Today corpt�ratioh activities • • , � ciriri •the» ' + . re .aired to reigistor„ Couple stayed at• the Governor- include ,five farest'nurseries'wth q - rsduring had the privilege of balloting .al capacity. in •excess of Gene•{ail. s residence,their an ;arinu . In .,fvor: Visit. • ` 16,000;000, trees and managethent of e he s praposedre, ()r � `: i°ib ' h0g • •Dennis, Who has been` posted control of ten :million acres of Producers' ,Markctirig to •;clic e ' w 8- ;woodlands kir the .an nta '1 prop• . L�_�. �x .:�.in. rt,1r•c1 II. '�nw. to Camp Borden to take' 'an m.onthS 'MAWS e,, spent the *eek- �� end at' his. home he're.• ,'• 1 the' class Sch for Al' night