HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-10-09, Page 8i =2- 14t1ONTARIO URSIONS 0 B.LL BLUE ENT . „ The iiiany 'friena4. of .3.1Yilliain (Bil1)-.811.1%-.4- native of the Arn- berley .distrip an in the corrimunity will be inter -'1 ested ,in learning about the nuM, . .erous *Mots •and ;gifts bestOwed. on Bill iby iii -friends and associ- ates, at Cadillac MAO; Oar Div- ision • in Detroit, Upon the occaS-' , ion of. his ,tecent retirement as a ' alApervisoi. at Cadillac. Mr. Blue's official, retVernent date iw4s Sep- 'thdriber, 3,Gth.,,,:alfter:24.1.years. Of tcritinnoug,,....servig.e.,' at ,.. this, 400;1- 100bile 'platit . • , ; ' • : .. , , . . . --. SqVeral:dinners:, and )inneho.ox* . , Were held for 'him,•with .the big, gest One OR WOlneSday.. night, September., 25th, atttended, by most 200 renew supervisors ' of Bill. On. this Occasion,. li?.. Vas: presented with, a camera,: ,,Pro- jectorind several other accesser- ies to go- alOrig ' with theseriteiris. At the . dinner, Mr. Blue's „tep .• supeiviSor. and head plant engin-: -eeri, Mr.George F..1:: Elges, Corn- : .interided him for .his fine .reeord, .and mentioning also ' the -esteem.' in Whieli he was 'held by every,.. one;,, at.. Cadillac, kt.... :Elges , also eorninented en- the part Bill's Wife . haS. played in hisexPerienCeS there. . A. bouquet. of. roses. was Sent ,to her asa. ineniento 'of , the OcCasion, Mrs t - Bide' is the :forrn-: 'er. Ethet'AriclerSon, daughtet. Of Mi -s ? J; ,,D.. . Anderson of Luck,.. ilOW.. i•i..' attendance at the i dinner also Was. Mr. Irving. Berison,.... a VIEPNES,P4t 105;1 EVERY SATURDAY (rO.'AND'INCL.,.1)1(...1401), Good going ancEreturning same Saturclilyonlyt • EXOURSION FARES tROlvi" 11-611--ftirdif.„....$5.05 .ralinerst,on" _Brampton :95 Hanover, 4760 Sarnia . ........, 6.85 -- Brussels 4:60 Harriston 4:00 Southampton 6.25 Chesley 5.05 Ingersoll ..,......, 3.95 ,Stratford. 3.65 Clinton • 5.05 Kincardine ... 6.20. .Strathroy• t„.,.... 5.50 .,Elora 2.60 Kitchener 2.60 Wal.kertOn 4.85 •Fergu:s . 2.60 Listowel ' 3.80 'Watford 6.05 Georgetown 1.30 1VIitchell. , 4.20 Winghairi 5.05 Goderich, 5.30 Owen Sound „ 5.05 Wyoming. **„.„. 6.50 - • .._ • - PaiSley• ...... 5.50 Correiponding,, fares from •Interniediate Pointi ; ii**1 • a 0. • '444% X...4 • ' Thurs. • .Dirk Par' see, V Or; •I JULL INFORMATIOtt FROM AGENTS -;41,4144'41~440.:41f, :4"1"1".".9.:••••4•044.?4,404P44 , cintos an ar CHARtERED ACCOUNTANT ell Telepirne Walkerton, Ont. sUrnmet resident at Airiberley . . Beach and a fellow.siiperviscit of Mr: Blue at Cadillge. The Pen- son utik. cottage,, mcidentally; is the ART IN, APPEARACE Saves to- one-half, On •fuel . All welded construetionY. . • Circnlating fan. Is thermostatically controlled„,... or your present heater.- • PHONE,1 ,.:LtICKNOW London Spealer. At Thankoffering • „ We Cra ern Phix A;..n.m.jffering .. 'area *acliaCent to .mrhat was 'once The • • 1 ;os.;,..••••••••1.•#•;.;1i..,!•••444.44;r9'• SHOWER' FOR kORMER S' door that can : • • the 'Mae. family farm..;. • service., held in. the: Fellowship . Several Other parties. were RODin Pf the United Church on held in his. honor too, by mon .1VIonday evenirig,-SePternloer 30th, ho have *orkedfor him; by Was well attended by members ,I11/31.4I A 'pre-riuptiai shower was heldlIt may be a neighbor for -.1VIiSs Joan .Cormack, by a •'AUMber of Lila -now friends. A ,T With Pleasure each time . , Just Coming to call, Or someone Who's bringing The kiddies. and, -all.' •• It may ibe Somebody , Donald with Mts. J. C. MoNab. Wno's nee0ing a nurse Lest the patient gets •wO.rse• 'A set of chimes was presen,ted pleasant social evening was held -at the 'horne of ,:Mrs.,D,unean Mae - is. hostess. . ' • And you'll hurry" away ' ' But it might be, indeed, ' 'Tittle Donna Plichie after. the ' . • just. same folk or this croWd,.. reading. of .an expressive poiem. And then, .Mrs: 'Gibson Miss 'Cormack 'was. 'forinetly la-, 'There's laughter allowed, cated in Lucknovir with the Bruce With .Past and the 'present --7Courity-inealthilnit. ...Feniiiiiiig •,:iogotie,.., ... .1 T :0. ' • Dear-Jcian; And everyone happy : .Maintenance of the Afternoon and Evell:ing. bivision. office, :and by merribers of the Cadillac .:-Masonic :Square Club; am,ong :other's.. . • Bill spent his last day. at Cad- illac : going, around' • the plant Shals.in.g ...hands With :all, Of .his f.ornier .associates and co-work- ers, all pf,,Whom Wished. himileed healtharid Many lOPPy Years :of •retirement* TOnighti a 'small .group Of-yOurleorrit--wind or -come -weather-- . Here have met, • For said of true friends That they never. forget, • 3-rears-t4atTate past: . You have 'guarded mit heal* Alia that of Our. childten .A.nation'S tfue.,wealth. , • The roads and-the-,sideroads, The near and the far,: ;You've' braved in all 'weather " . Alpne in your car. •., • S� when the goOd news -Prom' the ,nOrth drifted down, It had .tepercussionS--1::-----,..--- In our Seipoy Town. • We're' glad you've .decided To'Set up, YOUr-.heme,; • That Mark did ',perSuade Yoti: No-ilortget_torOain: We think of the farni house.. Where; you ;Will reside And this gift we will aSlciott.. To fasten inside.-; • Now *hat is so nice 'WI:noon • Auxiliary and guests. from London met for supper at 5,30 'Prior.' to the service During the slipper hour, the president, Mi•S: Drennan, .presented ' the guest speaker, Mrs. C. IL Childs .of Londorii: With: a pretty china gift , as 'a token Of .appreciation for: her corning to address the Meeting. Mrs', R. Cummings Itertained with pinno.'inusic, Mrs. • TIIANKS, . NEIGHBORS ..TOOPS Drennan condi:bet:2, fed: the ThankOfferir4 .service We'd like,:ta'extend a word Of.' whiCh opened with hyrnii 252 fol - congratulations to Editor CaniF lowed. by proyer-by-114-rs7--Dyen•-•- hell-Thompsna,.,his: son Den,- and. flan'. Mrs: Jones read the serip- Staff Of the.''LUaknow Sentinel', ttire*.lessm-i7M07.-404t; .in 0 - for the : leorriPletion of a new dt:iced the ,Speaker, Mrs, :t. building •to house their. Wight I Childs of London" a former dean Weekly Paper. The building is of of Alma College, . who tgave a, . , .the imost imodern design' and ',is. very- inspiring address • Her Ceoted , Repair' All Makes . . . fraCtors, MitchinS'4,-$114ip ivCETYLENE &'"Alt:c WEL:DING NLOUGH GARAGE ' :.Phone .WORST HARVEST WEATIAER : WM. MILLER HAS EVES SEEN:. , • In renewing his Sentinel .su0-7- seription,: Mr., WM. 1VIiller of Saskatoon, and. 'formerly of the St Helens • diStriet, .remarks about: the bad' .lial0egt ',Weather this year. He sayS:. "We have had one . Week .of good harvest ,weather .:since; the \ first of Aligust and this inorn- •ing's, fOreCast.' (October 3rd): is ,fOr snowflutries. in the after- noon. Good Weather fer the rest of-ther4a11-71,s-rieecledL te4..get• -Atie. crops harvested ' good shape. This, has been the :worst t%ill of harvest -.-7-Weatlfer seen". de-serVino- of the fine •paper put orrie-w, s • • The tongue 'runs faster when the 'brain is in neutral • lished by the Thomipsons.-Tees-,ful fer:a all the blessings ancl priy- Water liewS. I lieges We enjoy?'' ,She, stressed .Congratulations are - certainly .in: order for, ,Carnpbell Thomp- son and his ,SOn,'.D.On, .of' -Luck - now, . ,the Proprietors of The Lucknoir Sentinel. ..Last Friday afternoon and .eyening seVeral, hundred; people Visited the. Sen- tinel's new plant, Iodated On.. the, ...sotitivAide., of the. Mairi,street, a' cornriletely' Modern front, arid interior fittingS,.:, the " 'neve-building -presents-aTmost tractive appearance • and IAD: ealiAnuch to the_efficient opera- ation of the newspaper and print- ing'plant.-Advance-Times. . „ he needs and suffering. of those -in:pther lands who -lack -food -and clothing': We. Can best show our .gratitude tO'God.,bY Sharing and supporting. our missionary.' ;work' to the point 'Of -pacrilice:.Mri. W. JoYnt Sang "A' Light Along: the Way'"- accompanied by, aktfr.. J. Hall. 'Miss. Helen Thompson gave an appropriate reading TThankfuir' '11i 'clostrig, -hymn was 56.Lafter. whiehthe,Members Of-2-the--EVenirig-Aipciliary;_servesi_ lunch. , • THE HOME CF QUAL and 'Genuine JOHN stop WE] and Eye Fut rt4 culosis: tliiiicS' with cost; t6 the ,concerned and to the '.annual Christmas. Seal :Campaign. Thih Will get UnderWaY, in .Novena.ber-1 this year, will: assist in :maintaiii,. ing this imPortant work 9f the . NAME' OFFICERS AND' IHRECTORS OF BRUCE T.B. ASSOCIATION • • tikei Mi rtis0 • , • .-tloyt tliette • toturOtt.N.04s,, tncl ' OCTOBER . CHEESE FESTIVAL ruur•V 4RMiHS �i4D*• ' #46 #-NiPt•et %IpterroptAg t4h*--annuit.--tileetin County. 'Tuberculosis . and Health, Association. held in • Walidoron. recently„. the following :were' el- ected tp,represent the.ASsOciation for 1957-1958: . irnitediate pat ,"..preisdent, Dr, J. T. H. Robinson, l'itatittittierpresid. , nochif :Southarripton.', .vide • latesi* -dent; R.,' H.' King, Tcesvvater',,,:,s6- retary; Mts, Norman.' MacKay', -11,iipfeyrifetstrem-Wt-L-1,ty4ti'llit4- Walkerton. ; • ., Directors are. 'apOinted fion :aniou muticipa1t1e .LucknOw AepteSentttiVes a.re-Gorden. IVIent- .gernery and Jerry RathWell, Rip Icy representatives are. Dr: John MaeDbitild, Mtg., ,MatDOnald and Mrs.', MacKaY, • • During „ the past ytar etWbr Association's. 'activities./ • MONUMENTS. SKELTON EMORtAtS .e are the only manufac- • itireii in this,patt of.,9nta110' .Of high 'class hionti:i799'nfse Who import granite frol:i, the "Old country in the i the rough to the finished 'Monument, No middleman, Wheri ehoosing a ,rntriiii,i.ne,:nt. • come and se. 'env "o'f. 'largest selections' in (1.111'.:i1o, Estoo$tied • . and reVersc cbarg ' • WALKERON