HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-10-02, Page 7DNFSl7AY. car.: ;211d . 1957 PAIR t1onlu!!ted ROM Page.' G) Girl's sl:ar't, ' Mr$•. Kirkland,,. Mrs.' Hei ipOl;s dre0s,hMles; Mrs. tin iyrartir,, • Heinipcl; , : boy's Windbreaker., Mrs..,_Iiejn?',el; _rb0y's paxrts,: Mrs : • SaikeT1d;' ``s`�-M 7VteChar�es,' R, Hein:Welt,• Cotton q �lt, ,Mrs, rray; ¥aap. plique quilt, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Stewari" Hunter, Mrs. "Salkeld; p iecced and, applique, Mrs. quilt,, lleiinpel,, ,Mrs: :;Murray;. .quilt, over 50•' years old, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Lavis, Mrs. -Mcbll arles;; =Qiearth 'rug, braided, •Mrs,• Heim.- Roach; Mrs, Hunter;• Yrearth fug, •• .eroe+hete^d, _ Mrs Heimpel,.,heatih ring, other. kind,, e1 _ 1VIrs MoChar)cs;; Mrs. Hemp , porch ICUShiori, Mrs,. Heiirape•1, Mrs.. M&Charles; Mrs, Murray; quilted cushion,` Mrs.' Salkeld,, Mrs. mepharles,,H Mrs. • eimpel; .p cushion, unch .work, Mrs.; Mur- ray, ',Mrs. 1VMcCharles,, Mrs. Heim- pel,_.place. rn,ats "crocheted,' Mrs. 117cCliarl.gs;place .mats, . 4, r ,.: Heimipel;:buffet set, ':Mrs. .Salk- tald, • Mrs. %Ieimi el, Mrs. MeChar- s•._.do.iiie,- Mrs, • •Murray, Heirripel, • Mrs.' 'Arnold; pillow case, ;wLh:ite,•,Mia, 'Luther., ei el ' Mrs: Salkeld;:- ;ease; alkeld;: ease, colored, Mrs'. Liither,. Mrs.: Salkeld, •Mrs.: Heimpel; pillow case; 'cross ,stitch Mrs.. Heimpel', } ' Mx: Salkeld, ;Mrs•: ; Luther; pit -lolly' 'ease,; lace trim, A Mrs; Henn-: pet; :.Mrs, Arnold,,. Mrs.. Murray;. pillow • Case, serviceable, Mrs: Luther, :Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs. Benin • pel;' *tattin'g; Mrs'. Kirkland, 'Mrs, Heimpel, Mrs. ; Arnold;': diest'er 'field set, Mrs. Heimpel,. Mrs. • Ani. - 'old,: Luther; shopping bag,. Mrs:,Heimpel, Mrs :Murray,' Mrs: Roach, cross .,stitch. letule,''Mts.. •Salkeld, Mid Hei Pei .Mrs A'i f- old;: • needlepoint picture,; •Mrs; l+irdrik 1VIc.Quilaixi, SVi?rs Luther; Mrs. Heimpel;; thrift arit;rcles,; 'Mrs. Murray, Mrs., ' .Salkeld;. ; ' : Mrs.. Heimpel;' 'Christmas ''•gift$,:',, Mrs: rnri?ia,, Mrs S:alk�lcli.",Mrs I,uth- mals, Mrs, Salkeld, Mrs.' Ste.w- ar,t white' roses, s, Salkeld, table bouquet, Mrs Martin, Mrs. Sa�l.keld, Mrs, .Luther;•calendula,. Mrs, Martin, Mrs; Salkeld, Mrs. Stewart; nasturtiums Mrs; , Ste- wart,:, . argage,• Mrs,. Salkeld, Mrs. 'Mrti Mrs. Luther; Miniature ,'bouquet, Mrs: Salkeld, Mrs. Hun= ter, ,Mrs. Luther; African' violet, 1Vf'rs, • Stevart, Mrs', Lui.ther, ,Mrs .Arnold; cactus, eollection, Mrs: Hunter, Mrs, McCharies;.. fern, Mrs.r Hunter, Mrs. • Arnold; ger.-' aniwm, Mrs. ''Hunter, Mts. Arn- old,; ,begonia, Mrs, •; Hunter; Martini •eoleous, • , Mrs... Hunt'lr; • hWinig .room (bouquet,, Mrs.' Salk • ,eld, :1VZrs, _ ,Luther, . Mrs_, iaeiennial,, collection, • M;rs.' Salk:• :Mrs, Stewart. • SCIIOOL CHILDREN. Larnb, Isabelle 1MaoMillan, ' 1,. 2; beef, calf: Isabelle MacMViillan,' John MciQharles, Robert Watson; • dairy calf, Marlene Johnston;,• asa- •belle MacMillan; Kenneth • Kirit-: land; -market _bog, Shirley -.._Mc;' Neil, Kenneth Houston; Kenneth= Kirkland, Wallace Houston, Ann• • Ritchie. . .• P'o ut Utility fciw'1, M. •Cri•eh,: Jethri•• 1V`•cC'harle;s;: Harold .'Menary,.R . . • . ay Elliott; 'light ,breed ' fowl; Ray. Elil'iatt,..M. 'Crich • bantams, ' M. Crich 1,.2, Ray .Eliiott,•Carl,:Gilbb, 'pigeons, Elliott Whitby; Ra El- liott Paul •:Hamil,ton, rabbits, El= liott Whitby; Ra Linda y Elliot.t , inda Little, . "unusual pet, Sharon Courtney;Donald Scott;, cat`, Isa- belle • Ma;c'Mi11•an,: 'Eleanor'. Whit- by,: Marjorie Burt, .Jim. Scott, • dog, .Ray Elliott. .:- • Fruit: ,. •' o . • Salkeld; article from•'flour. week, Mrs: Salkeld, Mrs., Luther, Mrs: • McCiharles; 'hooked trtig special, Betty McFarlan; hearth hooked, Mrs Heimpel. • WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS Class' -.23 .Display, Lucknow W.I., St.: Helens W Z;; Dungan 'non WI., `Kairshea W.I. • Kiritail ',I W . Special, Class�4,. KintaiI W I ,, Dungannon ' W,Z':, Kairshea WI Junior ('nils 'Club. Work •Kair- shea, St- Helens;:: Calwanasfh: Girl Sewing ..:Display; 'cotton Russets, Linda Little; 'Fall var; rety, Tom Andrew, '.Donald' Al- ton.; Dianne Anger; Wilri a 'Esk- rit; pears, Bobby. Garbutt, Ri.Ll h White; 'toinatoes, •Berrance •Tharp' - p. son,' Larry :Hunter, Ray Elliott, S ;S. No.. 7, Lothian. ' Vegetables, e- -ogres.; -ay io:,. Murray .Morrison,•:Larry Hunter, Ann Arnold;,carrots'(20 entries), Douglas Alton,,, Wilma, Eskritt, ,B e r n•i c e `• Thornpsori, Kenneth Kirkland;. onions„ `Larry'' Hrariter,.; ',Mary r Andrew, :L' ' Y .Linda •Lttile.,�ta• y Ehiott; •'• potatoes Linda Little Barry 1Vlenary,: . Billy.; Garbutt y.. > Ray Elliott.;:..cabbage,.: Linda • tie 'Donald'. Alton ` Doug ',Alto• , o g n 'Barry '4IVrenaa•y,;' pi mpkrny'. Ron nie Austin ,•;. Ken . Kirkland; Steph- en. Andrew,' Mary 'Andrew;' ' cu- •cumtbers, Billy Garbutt, Larry Hunter, Barry: `Menary, Doug A1 - OW SENT` /in., JUCi OW, ONTARIO CU.LROSS. 'CORNERS Miss i-elen. Collison '.has gone' toy 'Kitchener where, she is tak- ing a business: course, Mrs, Cecil McN:all and Mrs:, Fran1v' Brown attended the Colli son-Scharbach wedding in, Sacred, Heart.-1Ghureh.:-....in :Teesvi�ater""`-oxi_ Monday morning. In •the after- noon ,Mrs: Brown helped with lunch at the Sdharbach, ho rie, M rs, Midtord were , and Mrs,. Alex Whytock" were guest;, at the meeting at • .KiigosS:i n ted' (,)hurch,. • `he community was well rep: resented, at • the rummage. sale: sponsored by the Lions:: Club in Teeswat'er • Friday evening ` We ; are• sorry .t'o rep• ort -that Mr. ° Frank-. Brown. is confined, to bed •at his home'there; The problem of whether to put •the . ,clock back or' Leave it as' is, is',confronting the people. of : the eb nmunity,: Spea] inj :for fanners' in 'general they seem agreed. that they wish' the clock Would -Abe left in one—pia e --the-. year ".around„ 'The ' comrnunity : Was represent -c:d` "at ; Lveknow:''Fair • last W'ed- iicsday.' afternoon:= 'Congra:ti.ulatiori - to • Bob Wall,: 'who .celebratedhis birthc1 .;on. Saturday 'and had . a party, . • :for: his,..:bo_y friends Mr. 'ai`id 'Mrs Scan .Anderson and :family 'of St. C, athar•ines and ,Mrs Wm. Henry and children. Of Wfhltech'urch visited: Sunday •Mr..,and�.:Mrs•, Gec l .McNall. •Crafts and Hobbies Plasticene' model, David 'Black,': Gloria ..Bushell.; article; in wood, Donald aunt, ' 'Joanne ' ,Conley; Roddy Finlayson,. Arietta lock, 'embroidered ' artiel'e, Mar- len:.e- Johns -ton; Marjorie. •` Tho rnp scan, .Karen ' ;Carruthers, Donna Black; stamp collee,tion : Dianne Janiieson,, .Mary Andrew, ,coin. col'lect'ion; Kennetih :.Kirkland; ac cident' prevention poster, 'Brenda' 'Eckenawiller •.. health • osier • Jim Scott,. Linda Button, Jimmy'' ,Mac Donald, S.S. No; 7 Lothian; Fair. iposter; Jofhn:: MoC harlesl: Bruce ,McKenzie;„ 'shadow box, 'Karen, Kilpatrick Social. Studies Expl6fer: map; Phyllis Bradley, Esther `Gibson, " Joyce T'horburn, Billy Finlayson .British Isles map, S':S . No'. 7 • Lothiai, Edna Carter, Jane Finlayson,: Dorothy •- ' Halla�rn ; relief map • of ' ` South •America, : S S, 7 Lothian, ;:1st, grid, 3rd;' picture;atory,'Jim McNaught Seienee. ,Spa4te-r:--work, :.Marry-• 4•ndre .. Louise, Jones,.: Tari ,' Morton, Clif- n, Ston. -apron, Barbara; 3Vltirray,—J Flower s. Richards .cotton .dress, Shirley Ithelure FINE' ARTS Landscape, Mrs.,. Norval : Stenit= -art -Naird - ry; anima pain ing, Mrs: Oliver Mlarles;ag- ricultural. poster, Mrs: Salkeld;.. Mrs. Heimpel,.:: 'Mrs. McChar1es; _. snapshots Mrs. McCl arles,: Mrs: Arnold;. alumtn- um tray, Petty. 'MeF'anlari , ; firs.. *Charles; M`rs ;M•urra Y, ; copper er article; • Betty, . McFarlan,..:, Mrs. Heimpel; ... •`Mrs. • • Murra'• shell Voik, Mrs:: Heimpel,. • Mrs Mc:- 'Charles; c='Charles; .leathr work, • hrllfold, Mrs. McOharles ' , Mrs. H.eimi ft, leather befit, 'Mrs. Kirkland; tal- ly. cards; ' Mrs I'M Charles, ' Mrs: Kirkland; P; Mrs .Roach, place. cards, Mrs, Ilenael, ;1VIrs,. Kirk-`: land, Mrs: Salkeld; neckla eal!rrigs,. 1VLrs, . Ki rkla:nd; •Mrs: Heimpel, Uri; MoCha les;. dec- •Orated tal;lc, ,Mr; : Kirkl.atid,' '11hrs ' Murry Y,, water `color scene Jinn; 4:401"S'; Salkeld; dahl- vigt Mrs, Luther, Mrs. McCharles; MCCharles, 'Mrs. • Martin; red /3iirple gladioli, Mrs. Lather; 'African marigold; Mrs. S.,61kolcli Mrs. lVicCharieS, Mrs.: Ri"Atittragorig, , Mrs,. Salkeld; • Asters, S S, ' 0' Ashfield,, Harold •Menary; •.:Barry'' ,Ann Airnold, zinnias, Larry .:Hunter' s ie . , ' ary C' ea 'don ,• • Linda Little-`cbsriios, Jim :my McDonald; Harold Menary; Bary _ 1Vleuary,_ ... H_i 1_ cLa R't- chie;.: collection Of :.annuals. :Alin Arnold ; Bobby: '.Hunter,'Harold Menary, S.S. 9''Ashfield;. colllect- 1? ion is erennials Elaine : Murray, Y. 9: -Ashfield; bouquet' Barry Menary, Grace MacDougall, Har- old,Menary„ Bobby� H.'ter• 1'a M Y,,..urr ,g;d Jimmy MacDonald;, :Bobby : %iuh�ter; •-H:ai,ol�'' Menai y;-' Do,u gla Altbn; ;Af •ican marigolds, . 'S,S.' 9 Ashfic,ld, Bobby Hunter, . Jimmy. Mac-Donald, Ray Elliott; _French rrraiigo]ds, Bobby Hu telJirony MacDonald, ,;1k/Liry Bea Pfuel SS., 9'Ashfieldf` ford Wagner.; c011eetidn leaves, Mary, ,244iiiidirew,. Elaine • Murray, Larry .Hunter;' collection weeds; any=Adr , scrap: book, 1Vllary Andrew, ,Mary r3' Bea; Purclon,t MciGharles; in- sect •collection, Mary. Andrew,.' A't Cut out Mac MeI n l n al Sharon ell' rt Y, W l+ C g� Patsy McOharles, ,action picture, crag- on Donna Corrin,:Sh•arron Mow- bray,* Mary F" Clayson, Gert :De Jong, f;iower •.•. in color, Terry l ;athw e11 ; Nicole Degange, • Mar- leve : Johnston,: Anetta ,�cn•e••- , ,p s �,• .DorabYiy Hal lam, Karon i iipatrie,k, Mary White, Clifford Wagner. ,Crafts, and Pr•ojectsS.S, • Ntr,. 1t3,' AshAeld; S.S.NO. 9, ,Aihfie:ld;. ug en --'-Ma-c-Mi 11 am, S-.;5 . ' 1 E.SSO DEALER 1-!eavy .Duty Batteries, +enerfttor Exchange ..• • , w,• Fuel •PtuItPs, as Iow as ..... VoltageRegulators , : . .; e . . .i.,; • �,,., $8,95• :23:: R , , ..' . : 2 , $ 7,90 Brake. -.:Shares:; Exchange,' fulfi•. sets MUFFLERS, AT LOW-COST- - ►'peel A'Itgnrn€it an • • Balancing •' 'PHO .-. f NE. 3, ' LXJCKNOW, ONT+ �..}. �,ii.w,,,,�ur�74th.,��t��•..Pt.�r,.�i.�i��,N�t�1A�„��a�!i. !Mfr: '• and Mrs.Ronald. Stanley. and Toronto friends, at the .week - and family of 'Kinlo•ss 'spent :Sung daywith r. and' Mrs. •T �n .Ste. M o, wart, , , Mr. 'William Wall, . and' Allan Kinlough visited .Saturday ''with r y lVlr. and •Mrs,: John Schumacher iMrs Wm:, Wall. Mr.' and. Mrs. Dan. Vanh;ie and M family ;and Mr Jim ;!Milne,: all . of:. ,London, •spent'.Su+riday with Mr; and •,Mrs: Jahn' Schumacher. Billy Wall,: of Walkerton spent the•'week=esti- with Bob, Walland attended Bob's • birthday ,party, on Saturday: ' • • 1VIr: arid Mrs. Grant. Wall and family :of Walkerton, :were, Sun,-; day visitors -'}with :lVir: arid•,' 1Virs: . Morley 'Wal.i and. faanily: b Miss Sharon.Ho imus : wras a dg recent • visitor with :''Miss. Elda. Mr•:: and Mts..Midford 'Wall. '& Donnie • :s est -Sunda' after.... with.:Mr and 'Mrs, Toni Hackett and Doug, Ashfield. Mr. George Bannerman :spent .. Thursday With,. Mr: and Mrs. G ' LEGION NOTES Bannerman, Sr: Dr and:' Mrs. Colin Wellum 'and Dirk. of ;:Burlington • spent': Sun- day.; .evening ,with • Mr. .4. -Mrs. Midfoi,d .Wall• and: Donnei. ' ”. Mr. ,and Mrs.: A'l'ex. 'Whytock and Mr::' George. 'Bannerman _ends-.__ �._ w •Many.. froth here attended; suer cessful; anniversary :services in Bluevalel' 'United 'Church: ' Rev. Hazelwood of 1Vift. Forest •, wwasf the; guest speaker with. special musi;c;:. rendered by . the choir. Mr: Gar- net ''Farrier assisted the ,Choir the eveniing • Congratulations to 'the newly .weds,'`Miss Margaret Gollan.•and' .Lail : McCle �ivhd .were tri,. married at . Byron` on Saturday." We welebane ;:the bride ` to ' our comanunity. • Next Sunday the services in• the United : Church here reverts, ,• to aftern_ooa Service_ at 2.30: p:fxi: Sacrament: will be ' observed. • Mr.. Wm:Courtney" and • son Milford .of, Belwood, and Baugh - ter, " Mrs, Percy May, :arid :Mr.. May of Orton °visited on Sunday: with Mrs. Kennedy and Mr. And"- rs., a o er an rs 'Alf Mcereigiht. r spent Sunday' with 'Mr:. and .'Mrs.. -Bert- Barinerinan • • Th'e,, September. .'meeting of Branoh 309 was ' held' last. , week.' A new corrirade, in'':the person Of Ted Collyer, ' became . the :fift ieth (50th) paid up member. The members • ;we�1coine Ted to :the Legion. Bud•Thompson. was• the.:win-' ' iier of a cash prize; 'as . his' n,urn-r ber.:was, drawn ,for �beiia . presen t WHTECHUI g __ -._._• H ;.-'and ,being ; on tinier . Tlh,is •. "draw :'wily ,he Made monthly.. • .The: cribbage. parties will re- sweek.'` ua' on . �M'onday . night, next . ` Ten dollars .Was voted to the ;Ca.nadian National , Institute for - the Blind: W.estminister H The secretary was instruccted ospit'al for' • ten •: : . days•• to •contact. Dr.'. Heath, famous .•Mr . .and:Mrs._.:_Henb_:-Buckton hypnotist in , an ' effort to have and Marion' of South Kinloss .vis- hi'm come : to Lucknow: l ou wilZ. . ited . on „Sunday' with thein par ' no doubt remember 'Dr.: 'Heath,"'.. ., and his hv� .. n�otic feats ents,•'1Vi°r:, aind'1VIrs: A, .E:. Buck-, •• - F ., as he w+as here.:a f • e'Vv: •Years ago:for six .: , .. •:` . ... . ~sera' �Iht ni .hes ' •• : .,:. , . � , :.• . Mrs.. J. ",Carruthers of Lucknow �, . r �Ig g Th isannular� s 'en•L• � Spending n a' ; f eu� days with'' tier'. • �, ., e '.' dance and :' daughter; , Mrs, •:George ''Fisher &` for ,31, cash: prizes will be held • familyori '�N vemb • � '; n bei, 8th ." Tickets are lVli• George- Ro:�S •returrre "'."'r"' now available•from..,•:,rienrber. Owen' Sound ori Sunday. • • after Spending the past two Weeks with`•h:is mother,,, •Mrs, R. Ross. Rernemberi, thelast•,Tuesday of 11?r., and Mrsvt Cha an Gar.- ;each month is •L-g`�` ,, • •, ,�--: ,. •. •,.. p'i?i � . eb.ion meeting .. `t vim- M"�, 5`1V1`s�Chap niglY_, an -"those that have been man, 'with•. Aurora forgetting, let's . ett �•a , yet see you out, .• Miss --=Janet Gaunt --of ' Tor� spent the week -end with - her •.pa'rents, Mr. :.and . Mrs Russe11 Gaunt and Donald, . , : .•' Mrs: TMorrison and: :Jim ane! Visiting ` her.' husband, 'who .is 'in and Ken Cameron is'ohairma.n of i 1" • •