HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-10-02, Page 54nd, 1957' • O' LUCKNOW SENTIIttE. ; T,'1C_. W O ...., .�.Q ... R Nr;ARI :P• PAGE FIyy '. .Fog N EWLYWED$' (KINLOUGH NEWS) Friel -Ids of •Mr. axed 1VIrs. Ralph' Ha:tcle•nby gathered in the sPhool: on' Saturday evening to; jhoiror h: Hal denb recent newlyweds, Mr: -Waite pre(10,5. made a capable crha'ir rata contributed by Mrs. .loDiari• Emerson and • Mrs Harold ; Haldenby. • 'Reuben 4e.t tier favbreCl .w th violin, numbers 'A piano nrriltber, was ,played by Helen. McFal°lian, All j•Q ned in • •cornmrtnity singing: Miss Erlrna b ROSEMARY THYME` s - r I cau. t1:ank of'. a . nurztib x things' •to say to myself, .kno,Wing my �cQi:urrin' is going to be late for press. I- could say, Never put Off.' unt l'. tbrng.xtow ' what, - you• "should' do today"'� ,which' is to say that 'I. ,could have written., ti.tis • some day 'age,:or "`Pxocrastation g -iTe” ¥r ` Lane last visited 'here annd needless to say. he ' Fei•cy i'r::ad.ari addross expresso food wishes to the bride anct .groorri; Missy B4�ve ley :Stanley presented them with a purse'.tof money and other gifts, Ralph. ex- pressed . their ' 'thanks and the singing of Auld. Lang Syne brought the evening to 'a Close. Lraneh :vvas served. Suitable. dec- orations made an attractive set- ' ting, Mi s. James Hodge is ,now, a patient at the "Carruther,s N'irrs- ing, Hone. . Mi and Mrs Perry 'Bu be.f1 entertains relatives at t.heir hetne an 'evening• last week, when William Morley,;infant• son:: erf • • "Mr:; and • Mrs, .Morley Bushell, ' '•was honored. wfh. a 'baby • sh'ow• ei. •• Mr.' and, Mrs: Karl .Boyle. left '1VIOnday on .a motor trip to •'North $ay ' Mr: ` and Mrs. Ralph : Iialdenby of 'Torbn;to .spent the week=end tiv bh Mr:. and ,.Mrs. W. E• Hal- 'denby and: Mrs: W es'ley Guest and Fred . motored to',London. on Saturday' Where. Wes is, .under • going, further' .medical treatment ••-Aorr is eine- 1� -i ss -Guest ---stiff eared a +heart ',attack • while •there ,The: ,'October.. • meeti.ng °':of '..the H':W I will be'Ield oi4` Thursd aY, October `3rd, in.`•the Ball. Hostess- es,• Mrs: Frank . Th.ompaon, Roy Graham; entertain •grand- . mothers; 'roll call, A . verse :from an .old.. autograp'�h. album topic', p,, History ,of. Kinlour h, of g ., History your farm; current • events; dir- ectors, Mrs, Perry, Hodins, Mrs. , Hodgins, ..'.Lorne. Eadie,..Mrs, Frank..;Ma.uld-, en, ,iVli s. P.A. Murray Mr and Mrs: Lester' ',Fast of .Grand Ra-� ids : r .� p M ch>l��an arid .1VIr. :and Mrs;,. Jelin Nesbitt : •of tri . °Fal- . '. erston ti isite:d during the week saw_ great whanv charges i le' 'Ru and' • of Lambeth •visited with •'th.eir graridparerits, Mr;` and'. 'Mrs. L ' man .Sutton: . Big Potato Challenge! • Mr, William Cox and, Rev., Bensox .Cox are • noted -for their. usan > son -beautiful flower `garden; .a;lso a bountiful vegetable •garden and this.week Williarn 'brought ii a •potato: whioh tipped -the scales -a 21/2 lbs.. Can. 'any of ,our readers bring forth a,:werghtrer'specimen. • 'Miss Beverley Stanley of, Kit, ohener'',''spent , the`•woek-end • • at her home.here: NIi s , Laura B're'ckles ' had. the misfortune, to be thi owwia from a • -horse-At!.the Ripley ','Farr •She received• a • hip injury::'' • , ilii, and Mrs.' Bert, .Nicholson ani'. family _:'visited,. on Sunday wityh `Mr; Walter ',Nicholson and Mr, and Mrs..` Norm.arr• N'ieholson, South' L'iric: Mr and Mrs•Ray tanley of St: Thomas .visited Stdav with Mrd, and 1VIrs. Alex Percy..and � +family�.,� _ ,Russell Barr . of Tr oro to spent .th.e 'reek-en.d ' at his .home • +here ' Mass 'Erlma 'Jean :Percy Was a :guest' Saturday at , the .Johnstone- •S•tanley ;wedding at::Lucknow' • Sunday visitors ,wit rs. ori ton: Walsh 'were' Mr..and Mrs: Ed- •wa'rd', Lineer and fain,]'", Mr. and Y Miss Jim Young. ,:. of `:'Goderic'h; Mrs. .' W 'd . Clayton: and . Mrs.; A'. Boss' 'Of Th'amesville, ': Mrs: .Ben • •.Scott and Miss Elizabeth S . a. Scott 'Of t e4 . tQ i,ptation":s But,, Since I •have already, yielded to temptation, I'm telling myself, '"`Enjoy, you.self, enjoy yourself,.. ;i,t's later : than you think". This ,fine Sunday :after- _noon '.l. -too ni,cc ,_to; spe }d.-sl;eep..- ing, �, >? . oing any of the 'lazy_ thirugs, that one•. does'on 'Sun day:'s, and °so my far - ily, thought that it .would be the right day 1 for •a .drive into, .the 'high hills, Friend „husband ;had..,his i eart, set on' 'acquririn.g; 'a "icertain, rock.• that he had'Seen iii a, $tone fence,' 'one day,. Nihon •' I was ".out with hirrr, aid he ...had to leave; ' as : it' -was too big to;: carry GQut to the.., car. Heka goxae; armed ,hammer to;' •„bre'ak off the part .• he 'wanted has neverbe able' • : en . ..to find the fence. since Siince '•I. ..had pieked • beautiful apples • from a, roadside tree the day: he had found his prize -rock, he thought..: "I : ori ight remember the location 'Of the fence. I ' was q'ui'te sure that 1' reimernber,; but;. the Boys: were -equally sure .. that I was wrong, since . they have been. .over that particular .read ;recent • ly and had' failed Ito •find it: However they agreed -to try my choice Of road•, and here •we ar.e- 1 have .filled my �ba,slieer : with apples from; ' the. roadside :tree and am sitting in 'the warn% Sep. 7temfr` surshine, • writing... and enjoying the..sPweep• .of. `hills :'and:. trees:, just beginri%ri.g to: be' n 'tinged. •with autumn 'colors: Now,, ;(2,f ,caurse,';when the boys.. come back. AO theear, I .'shall nof. fail to.: Say'.. smulgly ``I -'was pret- .ty'•sure that :this was .:the Wirth a ' woman's logic ,I reason Edd it this way; and:.1-.1:46,0e ; you• follow me • lt•lbad 'tobe, one of f1oti'r ide piads :off this ,�aarffc=: ,Jar '•highway,. it couldn't . be .the second 'one, because about •a•mile in on 'it, :there' is . the most': ter rific hi 1, which, `]i :_ha'e7. stead fastly, refl.—sed.fo; go d:aw'n ' ._ Purple �Gro.ve,: , one ' • ne i• � , •. road and. �' a do.vur an` at her Lh: t a. r •c of industry being rote e t d rn fists who would work' f th Y ep int Kr •d M R - the too of this hill,: where 1 will- .objection to the Georgian Bay. •' ABY` ASSOCIATION, Development all along:. You paid, rngl'y parka,. and .pick apples'1: .. p g: p whicht: :: year :fees: ,and,got`,, abound in.. quantity... and . s : g uadi I reme•mb'er ReporKtiri� foil'• . the industrial. absolutely: nothing rin' r e�turn: Mr. g....; ..�' ed well,:, the committee of Kincardine :Town McKeeinan : was of the Opinion., n day himself extilored this ..per �. '. • .Council,' •Couneilloi.."1,Remirigton:'•the town she:til' al -l: :` tieu,lar• .fence,': anl:the turning. tip n d y bhemselve.s+. head• Tittle to piotnise in the.: way with.'a reputable. firm of,::s eci'a1 We. .did 'that love]' .5..te .loci.',' ,, . interested• ...;o � � •�• .. • , � • .,:or � the • • ny • , �It's good.„to ileal” your .voice again,. Son!".'' .0010.0: o io . v .. a ..hear o�r� • voce o e�;t lu oi evvou elegy THE B.ELL TEL.EPHONE'.COMgANV OF'CANADA "hong Distance bargain.'rat'es— nights after 6 and•all da :'Sunda. ' vet', •Been •••fartiher` on 'that ,road 'than. .GLtITIGAL.."O1F GEORGIi1�T �•. e . a• c ttr 'lti.- an • rs, Janes 1VI Iodgrns,' . ;:A n umbcr 'from here attended the Confirm' io t.___n service _at Kii� •garf on :Sui)d:iy' when the 'Right • Y t... gh.t nd ell ed"aBlas of 18: .Mr, aii'dCo Mrs: Cu r; i r e 'arid' faririly visited. ion Sund:a. Y with Mrs. J. W. ;Colwell Mr and Mrs: W' T T,a . • ' . torten :viisted here itch Mr. '& 1Vlrs Frank 111VIa:ulden .and Keith and. with, Mr. .and...Mrs. M:alicoli • •Zane a.nct fami:Iy It -Is 50 years .MONUMENTS 'SKELTON StEMORIALS e arc the 'only nianufac M tarers fir► thin part of Ontario "`high, class monuments' Who import granite from the Old Country 14 the .rough by the carload and 'process from`' the rough to therFstz1= monument. No niddleriian., ` When choosing a monument come and see one of -112e largest, selections in 'Ontario. rite or phone Walkerton 8 Trsiicl reverso +r tiiairgeg, -:-- /SK ELTON -/SKELTON MEM R1 . AL5 L.K E RTO N:: • r nca.r•. ine. ;: r. errrington'stat= tonin,:. ani .offered ..to. ;seek. out.' day last year, a thoroughly "en ed that .it';:is -u.p...to'•tlie.,toWn t-o•.na.nies df: 'such Tri :,. lovable• afternoo ,: iii ,: & h.ich- fon.e_ m f . . �� . by nett . -mall's the adv2nces' :t ,..linidusti yfnieeting: of my :cowardly ',mh.ikitroiis re and t: e:i the. Georgian• Ba ..,.De- � �' The.�councrll•or a': .; ga.rdrn , b g:l� : stee ...and 'narrow.s d hat he wa's p veto meat `Association . will', len hills ...were' aroused 1? _ d' not' I nce; kir. g ahs Georgian• Ba ': Hi.nself • an'd : t;... Y • ' . , .. • .• ... , • .. . their, a�si•stanice.' : ,,'` . . •' . room . t .... , : Develo merit. but he felt that.-.• .-:_, hought rt Was ,the frist' • . . p� rt -i -_-,01- .: Was sale _ .A(*crtirthng•',` top -the • Kincardine more than. Coincidence ,that.. liacl; ne�re 1VewsTtbis pit -i r'pted deputy res- om.c. 'fifteen 4 -of. '' the --fist .-two - r ^he�e'ir-.-on, and. w>-rrch y , FARM FORUM TO H .VE.TV TRIAL R "Farm • Fel urn will • be :.�given a g.. trial r.tin oir tele vision• this :seas, over .'CGKNX• in Wing;harii, On taric • This station `also• 'pio:rieer e •eat v, xa io' : ro.adcasts *hieh led. to .National Farm Radio For- u•m,. A'ppr oxirnately. 200 Farm F:oiun - s are lcrciated in. the ,'area covered by the `,Wingha:m .sta. ion The , telecasts , will . ibe the basis for a• research Program on the effect Of TV....on Farm . Forums. The organization- af'-'`ground the:'' gathering ' of, •,facts Will be conducted 'by' local people ' co'n- nected with ` rural organizations and Farm Forums i'n eco operation• with a National ...cornm ttee rep resentati:ve of the sponsors The telecast: will precede the radjo broadcast ,,of the and go ..the air at 10 P.m'. on ' Thursday evening ' dur- ing ; January and March. Topics discussed •during- this ex erim'ent i ` : nue y vtr111 in c• ucle a series On "Modern Mar, keting", covering] production' re- strictions, price and 'income sup poets and ' producer . .marketing. In March • they will feature dis'- cussions'-on the "Low ,income Farmer„ "-Canada's B'o'le in World Affairs" and' a' special tonic of interest. to women. At a recent meeting Tri Wing ham, poisons representing Ideal Farm.._Fti'utiifi.:'.he `Federatiotr' Agricultut'e, Ont.arib and Nation airFaim > adio'Fortini, rural clef,, gt, ,ontai'tio •A1grieulttrte .College, tatiir,1 C`KNX mid-. the Canadian Broadcasting Corpcii•at ion set ttn <a crnarnit,tc e. .c ;.1'atr the 'round- work forthe. e 'j�crrtnent. This . Cor wiittee will meet ' again on September7ti', ititic+llah.• COtnniitt( me iher;s ;are Mrs. Verra Gr5iq,'. I7r. Norman,' Iaoti, 13-ryvdon. .laines. Pow« I' was even Ma, s' re that e W: • C. Mc.Keeman to. 'state. 'that firths- settling in this area had. •. ..u.. t tiv, ,44d,,.riot been ori that 'day :.. To. this has'"been. the .basis Of -his ended tip' in 'Midland: •me;' this, was a most .lo+gicai; line. of reasoning on • the . fir:st bounded bn':one%side by the h,>gh'- way,. •and • on, the other' 'side by •this, •to .' me,•impassable.'' road. onsequently,= I . hou-ld most ser tainly not 'have. enjoyed• myself •..at• all on that afternoon, •Since I should have • 'been 'expecting rr'ibmentarily ; to find.; •myself. at • the foot Of • That Hill, and ,been forced . to climb it;. which would have, been infinitely, worse than goring down it- ...Therefore since my-merniories ofd that• day : were all pleasant, ' it ,wasn't .posSibl'e that we were. eiL that,first:'sicle - road ',Logical,, isn't it? We are. ee.::l' ain..1y go ng-•to;.liaye- 6- Make, a map of: 'our Arips, and, Mark the roads `in the•. way: in :Which ;we can identify them for otirselves..We want to find' again the road, , wwlere. we . found tile' lovely red- epi -ries :one day when Mrs, Gage was. with us, the day she lost her shoe in. the swampy spot. BLit on th'e' map which, road' is it. Did we corn's • out .around G,... Lake, or at •a dead enol at: S Lake? Or the road...;.we took ono day • w.hen Helen wa.S, where we found -,4l1 'th'e' `1,11tMbelis, and"",li"'ad lune a , n picttiresque spot, a bend m the 1 road. Was rias' crs ,•,Gordon..S ott Lirassay the r'oma'ntic old log cabin,' or,l'. the ghostly u;}ottcls?: We' are now familiar ' with,' `the.• ruins •road', Arid the rile ...tt itli .the 'Old • man, ti itli W1h'iskers and •a • cane, wiio scared 'Mt'a, ', Grige -so . tktaf's '. the tl.tire for -wild ,grapes. -Then en • ry . • SMA1x IN APPEARANCE ne-`Third to one -haat, of atria All welded construction @ircid�yatirig Pati° is" th t7 itostatttealiy eOntrillittK or yourpresent:heaer-• th(ro are tfereads With:Bid Itrlls, where re t refuse to' .two. ` • Cu�ai�+ plioNE0 LUC i r4OW `..♦rf:*44-4*44_ 4t *-. :.444444,44**** 44 4 44 44444- j•i'".:..,:_