HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-10-02, Page 4sir•• • •ROUSE. FOR SALE -six rooms • and ibath,.;hardwood flodits: Phone 146' ' Lucknow, • D— ir' 1 to Work in. SDLP` W,EINTF+, . g, .clot iin g, store, single, ,'.itl : some. . f rred. •� sewr<n • , exnerueri•ce preferred, , A+P-•. g ply to •Box • A, LucknoW Sentinel', THE `Luh yW SENTINEL, LUQK . QW ' QNTA I0 '�~�-•..,... • � " COMING NGE N:.�' S • ve SPARE RIBS' KRAUT.' • Every• dnesday, Friday and Saturday' , n}ga etc .1�� Hotelat ,.F.ormosa Commi.:, Potatoes and Onions For Sale N'S ,CRIBBAGE: Good table potatoes, $1.35 for Monday night will abe. Cribbage d Cooking WIEDNESDA, OCT, 24:'1057' 75 " •lib `bang a1siA goo coo in 7th apt 12-r-7 Dun antro ]?m es and nun h rye ON RALLY DAY � n came., • TRACTORR TIRES ' • . ... z T.. , . , , .,. 'FRIDAY � pow :united it CEFTION I , ` ` -Lueki 'Un" Sun= Sold, filled and serviced, also t,i • ` ill be held in ;the, 'clay _ School held their Rally Day A rece+P on w d y �• •., „--. *. Night beginning October. 5 for •59•• N,ow is the time to order your . Fall, Fertilizer TILIZER A I:.OWEST PRICE see Or MacMILLAN BROS., LUCKNOW. lobe ibag,:111hac , �`. moans s1,3 . :. , w Rooms: PROMOTIONS.HELD A + , P e 8.30 'p.m. , in the Legtou PRQry!, Donald's Store, Kintail, ,phon :.4. 'c Eve One -+GIRDER. OI Tih.anksgivxng': car and • or oven ready:: , rices: •.dwcks, dressed, .... , ' veer 1, Lucknow. MacMILLAN ' BROS., Lucknuw Kenneth ,Pur , R truck tires, at . lowest � ow da Centre- L:,uckn_ _.�,_. _-._-on,_Sun.. y" ,morning. at., -son -_..._LI., -r ata:ona�---_Ce�r.,...,►--�- _ - sexvxocs •:•. , k R�ec e � • .. "--,- r'4th in honor m;, withl50 • attending; ,, ..Nancy •Webster, o on. Friday, OG�tabe .;, 5 a. _., 'Of r•. and. Mrs. Jack, Johnston ; •tiperintendent H. D. Thump- Anderson •,(Junior) •' Pc;gY•But M ' ewl' ' eds. Car- s• charge 'of the •service, ton, 'Cheryl Jardine, ,.,Lucy 'N t. a. . ;:(Jean Stanley), n yw •. son , a• in,he ,. ser- : "' June •A .keit Cheryl . W' 't- • on ruuthers orchestra, .everyone w,el Those ',participating . ins • the rison, .._c t,• hi a by,.. Karen •Carruther, `ll came. • �` •vice.were •>Fraser Ashton, Rev, G, d Blue ,' Meiklejohn, ;Assocnate. Super- Bruce ' McKenzie' to, Hr • B,. ' ANNIVERSARY : SPRVICE... Morrreson and Junior. Russe:.. r. lk r.- :intendents. Mel Thompson ( ). 1 Ai Kenzie, Mrs. Ross Gym- - t ,Anniversary services will be , Bruc+e McKenzie, conducted a s o dei Gond � : ..a � row.. Marlene Porter, Barbara Canner NT,a.r• on,Jane Joynt, Marion' Buttin,'. Janice 'Brooks,' Islay Howalci, Mrs. Ienderson' to Bruco Mc- • Kertzier • (Junior).: -1 lliott, tiV,ihitby Donald' Andrew, Bruce- l:icn.dei• T FOR RENT -- ZONE 2 YORKSHIRE .SAME �APAR:TMEN . ,S . also,. One garage, Apply, . to Mrs,.. Tuesday, Oct. 8th at• •Walkert g �Viiellingtori; ';Henderson, Lucknow: ! . 30 ' bred sows, 12 iboa res A :have • A.B. ancestry: Donal • a e Jack Van Osch, R. 3, Luclknow ' ',phone 61,-r-7. Dungannon. 'P :,FOE SALE — 20 weanling pigs. Auc+tioner G',; ''R; Gear; W t S T • SALE—six Leicester .sheep, 4• years old.'Alex Hackett, •R. 7, Liucknow, : phone . 67-r-12 ' Dun FOR; :'SALE -girl's station.. wagon. coat, 14x, in good condition. Mrs. •. ; hone Ed., mhornpson; • Holyrood, phone Ripley 24-20.. on � e•c,- , teas; • :. d t A hfueld Presby- • .• . ,� . _ mings and .. g p . f S ors Jahn Pritchard- Wayne'- Wagner, IN`yHEIFER CLASSIC . terian._Ghurch..;on S�und�ay: Octo: - Who -_ ., . rs: Gordon:Monbgarn- 1 s )E�'O�.STE . , . ., w.hosan, . M. Douglas a •• • g , Friday Oct 11th at Walkerton er 6th, minister Rev. Neul IVIG he children s story Rev Yp er told t . Anderson to NIrs H•rrrrard 1 ' s Pe ua e .. ' ; , adN it eag 1 h Ot b r 'the rnu • , Mrs. a� o , y to i 35 bred. Holstein heufers duet Cumbie,; a chn :lhowed •a lin A .. : ;. ., .:• Me}it•1 j Ackert.. (f nterm •d , t ),.. • L• � rrda n .' ovem- ' re` x fres. zee r< c o e DRQ ° based, on e sc _ ...... ,...• ..:; , PAPER �' , .. ,:• . • : utl�ox►, Helen, .. , a+cNay„ l:lrtty • Iber. lVl A. B ibv_and bred,:to Unif Bo ` Scouts, will .hold Trhe s�uperm'tendent�"OxPrai-n•ed Marriott: ki A I; Lwekno Pu Y S h '1 wcsuld • • . B. ,Bruibac er, ;,uc.; • ; o : oo: sires. A collecstlon on that the Suntlay �( :waste ager, :H D• Thompson` .to ;Tiiliior•. P 1 ..• BRUCE '•. ;; .., i. •: ruck'" .. •; - ; :; 'Swn� MATCH apt. •Dungannon:.. ' will be called ,back. to. the: 'PLOWING P ol,ro�m earlier to awold i day :Sciho • �' Friday; October .4th' � : • ': � , ,- . With :. ' � rete i•rin, ..,, S 'MINATION , conflicting with •those •.a g 'ARTIFICIAL :: IN . L �. • u: ro Phis •,is .ib.e ng .done Tran Towns ,u For artificial: insema•tuon ' in for 'cho h. P or ervise %tom a1D ifgir the ; lyexrefrt of those who,' foi ri�ation S Phone .Wel take• their telasses ; in the main: .. o cattle,' Phu. TICS �.bre�d5 � , NO � • u:rch. o�: , •rdine� See.-Treas•. ' a . l • to their classes .. ., • . . R..id, Kincardine, , . afternoon Octobe 17. � •naw ,go: directy David fiharri, son,.. K•e'nelnth Kirk, .�.y�A uck'" ill al., r �h inn .They Da F •iso make 'a' 'Ick following the first y NTY" t k � will a n , COUNTY: A C Q FOR ,SALE—hardwood slabs and i;ii; t '32 ' Alfred Brunton s • Fa_ , sawdust: James S•tevenson,. Luck � •. ' Con. 7,, ,A' ' h. now Sawmill; ;'I�7R.SALE-200 pullets, Leghorn Light -Sussex', 5 :triune . old. and and g xa iii 'Ross MacKenzie, phone' R 1e 110-r-6 light — � ekee er 'for • . W,ANTEb,.: hours . P , ., housework, one in ; family Ap- !to William Kerr, R.R. 5, Sea- :forth,. ea- P Y forth' phone 635,T-15: . • . tele Breeding 'AS-;lauditorium' . of' the eh • •. • au:rart 'will• be '.Wa.te.rloo. Cat g ' . . ihrLs ons Re to - 1 '• otio o were' held on Sun. Jc t ... � ' sociatiori at:; `.Clinton NU 2' 344 Px om ri„ .Fri;da Octobe'r 4th Sun- . -closed frarxr' Y, between . . 30 ,d'a. Morning" fo.11Owing ,the ''Rally i or ' Kincardine 460 be � y Pi"im ble • to qua yF‹ g . ry NOTICE .:.. • ;availa p1',,i,.•floW: twin teacher. Jimmy + cast: �. a ' d gun • L a � Collyer; e Work .bce will ,.be held. t � Butto •" • : Ti:in±my Co, .ytoNiondaOctober 21stit:•breeds• ..'. services. .'Y.a• d. 9.30 aria: W e have a� � Dayn � ,to: •der arterc• :quality iin YEARS Boyle, Nancy urkI-and,; Eugene- .. .. , .... Rg OVER :.50 . y ,. • _�-�_-October' • W'hi;tb• Mur-•. ,Fes.. • J F�OiR; ,SAI�E=-•upri'ght piano,. s � ed to be ::.res- .., ector's are .rQques�t P. . , CLE . 3rd i, died; rd Elearscrr Y,. . da afternoon on I'ruteFra ,. Y ahn A Johnston, 713, . , W,ynte„ BrUan' Gardner.;: v Gazette and . Mr ,net, Mrs: a of the —1dma ' hen �aab a R•t .• .+ : ri�c rarge�,:. Kitchen •. r. ..: • ; NQT'ICE • ,° � ton. rurn�ary) . Donn ... � .• o B; •ce;uance. • � �: � ., 1905 John (p • om-.: Se tcmther 19tih;, follownig a.. ray °'. heater, typewriter; :an c• P. Wagner; Laura: Gard e !space. ent: ,•.:.. = r~ publish-> 'S:har3'n . .. • _elect- • ' .. , . coal .arid �-+----;rstrake He•;.was, a •for�rte • p.. vers • a mati�an wood or, elect: .:,�... { W. � - '.win 'to• .Lfilirs: Red b Mrs. oW hr :r i- rs--since — •Senn)' ..Frank 1VMurdre'; Gary for c�t?er. fafty'•ye�a . ...' ; .. '':, :' , .. •. �. ... • .land• ..Glen Port=er, Ellinlersnrk' Howald .• to"'Alegi .Aid- rrnn��.:ia;te : To•.i And-' .• erme'du . r � re�w ` (hent ) revcr, : Bt11 'Gardner Al'ex': Andi ew: to InterMedate D'ic'k; .Richards :• , Erneest ..Ack'ert; Topic Rathwell,•.Bob'`Hunter„:'Gus= don MacNa •Y, Glen '•Cow•an'.. Intermedi:ate-. eight; to nine: Bob Andrew,':Thom Collyt r.:.icor'= don ,.Congrarn Kenneth, - Jonas, :George Humph:reY, Kenneth Mac Do ,al: ,Donald Paul' Ffen•derson,' .Murray, ;to :Rei=, Meikle. , john (Senior); Leona Collins,, . Carohrce. mothers, Shi'rlcy Moore: ; Al' ]twin , to 'Rev: Mciklejohn had 'been or :.o, arri used wood°l chool Coinime`ncement . will iae . Jerk -treasurer' FOR SALE t+vvo,}good S I h' d was also c•• • �airl' coal stoves (�a furnacetrte and • Sieater) and 2 used: No .;.30 range boilers, one'with 3000 -watt elect; rip .heater TedCollyer,: R :R: 5, Lwcknow , mhone 46-4.45. 'R' SLE -girl's' thar"eoal wool FO SA. s: .p an •Button, Andy A idye�rson, •Evelyn: on`;Frida `•:October 25that s• :Maelvay. Doug Struther„ .Bar- • held Y, - I of M%tdirr.�ay 'ftlr' 37 :year ritclBal' 8:.00 nsn,, Judge Stewart •Mac b.ara : Whitby, Ricky; ' P , aid Ber • ie. of Walkerton wilt be:, the I David .Eadie, Bu11y HOWaid„ t; enz • speaker. :announce niece Thompson Nancy .Corrin,; N • J d Stewart Lit�cla LVlar'rrott• NOTICE Judy , 1 ' ' Co..O ,erative Life Insurance Bully „Con�ram t P Mrs: Garnet , o -Op rata we. Autoimobi�ie f lFllrs.' Johnstom' to -12 and baby s r Bruce: . . 1 scar: acaat,'. age: 11 ..., T e anrittal meetin>g:: of I. pink nylon p><ani suitwith de- tachable, e- i Co-opere• =ta�chal mu .s- -< --- -� � ld- e Legion , October; phone 33, •'Lucknuw. . f • Insurance • time .: •Medical Service's.:nn Fore a � , , Mercantile' & Fa bl tt and tbootees Ay_ th L Hall e he ixi urance-'; - ibIns so i to Mrs. • L. C... Thornp n, i-wi'lle.Tuesda eliable..' • p1Y Kincardine on Y, 1✓c,nomical •and, _Reliable.. h A. .,' ,. o . .S. T J E m I i .:3th :at••2 00 p.m.., �• • :'er'.26th in':the' .McMuroh.y,. Pres:, Lorne • LST --on September I rnb O , -Treas:. :