HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-09-25, Page 6LIIICKNOW SENTINEL A. _-_ O�rmA.T7 t1�hT�1��+�'71'��T'��o�1i�,+�!�fE�!� ,,,w,, K .•.. r, r � .,.. S Come see the new HOOVER 140 iHOWER 'FRIDA'Y (ST. °HELENS NEWS) Although unpleasant showers prevailed outside,allwas; bright and..'gay..14. the,, ornmwnity Hall <on Friday" : evening tar .a shower' in - honor of Miss MargaretGot lan; whose .marriage to. Mr. Carl 1VIeClenaglhan of ' Whitechurch takes, place ri�n ' the near future Music. by, 'Mrs° Chester Taylor: was .renjoyed as :thee ladies • gath-4 'bred. and as she:'playerd"trtlhe wed- ding, ..march, Margaret and . Miss Beverley Ashton wer'e escorted to the platform andf;: seated be- side -a la.ee�covered table-eentre with. a huige wedding cake fill- ed with: gifts, Pink and white' streamers and white bells werke used offectively,for decorations. WEI N �DAXi, ;� `...r 20 1115 '. . WEPl Hoover leaner , Just a foot in diameter from. swivel'. top ;to easy:glidebase, yet it's; the world's; most poweful :cleaner!, 'And easiest to use! New hose practically,.doubl• es its' length;_yet.:_co,mPresses for storage. New,, Hoovernozzle and more powerful, motor -L-7. get more dirt with' far:, less work! .A • .ATTENDED CONFERENCE OF,, AGROUND°.OBSERVER CORPSI A conference.. which brought lI Chief Observers .olid. Regional •Siperatisors in the . area was 'held :recently at Owen :Sowid Arm- 'cries. ,FIL W. ,,S. E :Wood, fid: 'Ground Observer Corps >Detaeh� ment,; Peteiiborough,. , welcomed'. the: (group, and :called upgn FL Lanelev:'from 5 Ground.Observer 'while Mr. Clare-iteevily anont; 'gave a brief outline- of • ptiblitity and *advertising now being used:by the Detachment. 'Allister Hughes., of los... Town.ship attended the Confer- . ence ifroin this area... i treastirer's report' and Siek -.0001.7 busineSs ;Was .over D44'S.• George a musical, . number, Mrs.. Oliver , Mccharles gave a - taut sin'. hOr. ;T.. J.''''Sdikeld;• .a. Hawaiian :dance Lois Miller read a : poetic:ad dressr'and the •;bride -elect was as- sisted in opening the' man• y love 1.y gifts by Beverley, whore• ad the cards,... and by Lois 1Vliller, Pasty' Foran,•; Mar4lyn- McTavish and . Margaret Lyons. ,1VMargaret exipressed .her deep appreciation,. and -,—invited the ... ladies—to her. trousseau 'tear oii Tuesday evem ; mg,; after. which For She's a Jol- ly Good. Fellow was sung:. Mrs., Harold 'Gaunt was chair - „lady for ari interesting' 'program consisting 'of a• duet by Beverley. Gaunt and Betty McDonald, "Re memlber, You're Mine”; a read- ing, "About 'Husbands' 'iby Mrs: .*FOR :LOWEST, LOW AFPLE JUICE, Largey48 oz. m.11.C�il7t n'. �rata`iiii?ecl fur' healt'h. HUNT'S :CATSUP, 1'1 oz..01. Ric' : red.,' fla,..i i : i3argair _ I' Oliye Wei)ster thanked hiimorous. 'skit by Mrs.- Short 'and by. the 'hoStesses; `1"The Bells lot. St.. 1VItarys"' MacLeod and :Mathersi, urr9up '3 The . September meeting. of ,School roam of the .Unite, Church 'at .8.0Q .o'clock on Tues- day, ,September .10th. Mrs.. Mar- .*, Mathers, presided'. The scrip - LIONS HOPE BRI*6 bottles 33t .mOniER PARKER'S COFFEE Regt'tktr tncls Drip Grind Po nd tin Lar e 5 Lb. R._S N'YRUP, g.. Ci o r 'bl"�l'nd 5:ale; m TULIP MARGARINE, 29c. 'or table use and baking Headquarters for All Fresh TV_h.__ TSand_. VEGETABLES Daily FR '',_. _... Heaping Baskets of Fresh Ontario Grapes ... • w.� WE : SELL FOR LESS:" Values, Effective • September 26, 27, ,PhylliS Barbour' and ,a reading,, Philip MacMillan, Preceding, the lunch- Of, ice cream and, take, One 119, LuCknow I3uy.. Here and WESTON'S . Week -,end; Feature «.NEW Iced Cherry :Filled COFFEE CAKE, 3 R; U the Pi nianse, ' :ton un' Rose, Goldie Ar ar. Mrs:°- Roulst. The dress red baa ter, sis brides. street • Lend, Mr. side i vH.e. • • tilat 00 a,. • / • ..• " • To. t r . cOntest "Parts Of a Ericle'S BrY"‘ ` , th • Fruite was watcson, iOcar Li6ns presi- Col.14uctfed b3r- 3417** 'iner the title of the address .given bY .dent. ahcV, DePiitk District Gov- F9t.,-th ' .Rev. 'A., Cragg; president • sion, to ,the 'Nation thiS t., Hamilton Conference, of the. Un- 'in'. Christian Editcation,, evangel- ''claY tianS Cabinet ai North BaY,. ft& affair Were::made by MTS.' ited- church, *hen he spoke , to yin ,and hen*. life:will be,effe0..1. elilar..s pieent• frorn- aCross,'Can- .Lyons,' Mrs.: •,,T, currajl,• Mrs. b. Bfuee •'PreghYtetY oil .SePtornber: ect'hy this ireportant emphasis, : 'W'ith gOvernors and' 'district *gertr- Millet,. Mrs:: E. •Gaunt, .Mks. G. d There ,were..rePresentatiVeS Struthers.' and.. Mis.'"11. GamMie. llth. He referred to 'the. p.assiOn - 'The Pine- RiVer., Ong,' t• • -An effort is being made ta try a.z.ld have the International Con, veritiOn ,held in C0nada :in 1062, the OnlY . city in: the.' Dominidn capable. of achomadating-suCh a their,: 1058 cOriVention ..at. North MacKenzie • and meditation, .iiicT13-ay--41lrid yecq in • tri using..St9rm Wind'Owi,, (either Wood: or , Three Year's' TiMe, • Presented the urgency cif its pre- • sent 'situation—The "peoble that Of inaving the present • Of providing more., rOCY1T1'' for.' the week -end, visitors with ,Mr. ' arid , Mrs, W• I.. Miller. They:Were a,.0 Of Scotland, and' the 'Methodists ,tiornPanied• by ...Miss :W. -.K.. Iliith-• and ',Congregatienalists 'of Eng- otord who has. spent ,;the ..:1-,a'st land in earlier ...daks, :If y‘iFe are .fet,ii:;:week.sLat_Kirkland_14ake and_ . tor this vitality Of our; rtiotstiz-4A. Qhicago were ',guests af:Mr., 'and, Mrs. George Stuart:: during :the kpr many. friends 'are glad to kn?yvkr that Miss Beatrice 'McQuil--. lin, who IhaS. spirit the past: feW. Weeks in Wingham, Hospital,. waS'•1 OU'r Master, an. EVangelistic• zeal; :renewal: !Of- lay -..activity the life, of ilre—cfnirch.: :The 'Presbytery met in. the* re - 'Modelled: ofiureli of St..AndreVei. in; Ripley, Where the laying ,of Strip al Carpet ,Sorne years. ago. • er. Sister,' . and Mrs:'. in. has • came true in thre"pVhesenat Pmfdon, ' beauty and :dignity' Of the The regular meeting:, of the' uaiy.' Rev. A. 'Brydon,-Mini- 'day afternoon„' October • 3rd• the fine achievement. tog' large for worry, too .sensible anger, too. strong for fear and ; too hapriY think about trouble, 'I by Mrs. Wm., .Rutherford; toPic 'on : Home " Economics and Health Lorne Woods. 'Held Trousseau Tea . promptly as. ,circurnstances 'de - Renner •of..Teeswater and W..: Stipp *of Lion's Head. the 17th General Councir 'meet, ST INDOWS Akt AN INVESTMENT NOt: Expense et us estirnate the cost of Storm Windo*s for Your 'HiOnie Prompt Seririce :scripture "read 1VIrs.. Ross Er - reading. based ort.hrnri 392: She also. introduced our new st,tidy. "cress ahd Crisis in .japan",.' The topie Was in dialogue ferrii-i With Mrs, 'Prank, McQuilliti.takin part 'di Canada•and Mrs.. Ch 'Were hoStesses for a 'troUSseaulary reported $75 sent to, Pr tea fo •their sister, Miss Jean terfal..,It was moved that g the arles 'invitation Was from meeting 6n cict'ober tiy su.z.,tgested -w9 have a meeting to - plan, for. topiCs. in 'the near .fut-' NO31EL NIGHT' Aitchison,. at her. hame. on Wed- nesday afterneon and; 'evening. .Aitehison and ;. the trousseau ...Were displayed .ty Miss Dowling:In the' after - ThUrsclay evening: 'when n'te0., 'banquet , hostesses '11,.0411- , DUring• the' year ed.ch gill, had ,to her" Mother and ,'orr 4412,61241404 00114. HENPEHROO Meeting' with prayer. . the United Chureh next Sunday, CainerOn, rea'd the scripture les- mornin'g with serviee-at; 11 a.m. 'son: and Mrs. McQuillin the les - standard time. , .., ..'.. sor thoughts., It was decided tO bold a bazaar, the •date.fOr Which Fifteen ladies, and 1 .children will :be Saturday, November 16. attended at the home of .Mrs. T. At the conclusion., a; social hour .L J, -.Todd, The theme was ,Joy ,Of was, enjoyed "with- Mrs.; ..E.1.ion ., ,v0thars,trianbyFrivrietirti.h_wircy h .n :and Miller and, Mrs. Gibib "as +iostess. MacKenzie eXpresSed'..fluinks' t° the -girls and their J046,Q, Ic41°' a§ Gladys 'Macnohald •