HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-09-18, Page 2• 1. PAGE Two 11•415.040.0000:00...*****.'.,9.1* 'ME Wekill•QW SENTINEL, clew*, ONTARIO misp.:!..414..144.1i4i4,114414.1..44,1144,•06mounKrim.k.m•Nkas•1144.11.1,„ ,.,441!49.!•Si-, 411.414*.$4...)ritlia"lre e 440 . , ilASHFIELD ..CRASH WZPI'a Heinz' Freili. Pack. 'Ketchup . save -Si; 11 di,' :bottle 2 fOr. 45c Pillsbury Cake Mix . . , . rainboley White, Chocoiat 16 oz.' pkg. 31c • Eisifirst 'Shortening' 3c :off pack save 9e . lbs 49c * /, • / 14 1 • •Rosedaie Tomato juice, ,save 5, 4 oz., tin, 29c. CnIVerhouse Fancy Corn, cream style, 20 oz, save 2d .. 2 for Rose BYand SeeUdCki.S,, 16.oz. " .,....... 29c‘ National Tea bags, Cello bag of 50, saVe 6e, 39e Velvet.Pastry Flour, 5 lb. bag , 39c Johnson's Paste Wax, lb. tin 590 Aylmer Fruit COcktail, 15 oz. ' • , 260 Libby's Fancy Peas, 15 oz. tin . . 2.for 35c. R & W Artificial 'Vanilla Extract, 8 oz. 18c Sliced Bread, 24 oz. loaf • 17e - Choice 'Quality Tomatoes, -28 -.oz. fr45c_ BIEDSEYE FROZEN FOODS Chase and Sailgorn Instant Coffee 25c off pack, save 36c, 6 oz.'jar $1.23 Interlake White Cross Toilet Tissue Save 7c 4 for 47c John' Little, 80-yearr01a field • Township' farmer suffered. BAPTISMAI ARNPQ•ucift.NE**,... - .Ort.• 51.41.c3aY• afteirnoen L'he N. a broken nose and a salaiting 14P: presiby.erian ;Church a beautiful in a ,ear crash TI.le$. ay, Pir•P.11- - • ; a-1 1-.)0W). 4 was ing bout , ,rou , ancl On .Weelne:Sday,inoining his JT j• -.his.' bogie in Ash -field .sino%rittiegodv,i: `tbnovituiraillgiAripOiyMy Soo if. 4God tni • dtconditiofl was d: ac:isuetesr4t.isnfacatOj_zekar... Mr. Litto:e will .be 01 P.P.Xt inonth, Mrs I; .1-481?e; ws4•S• 4 'efil•ar,-.' Scott rnade driven'. by 1;4. JAI:ile..s Little; ',Ic'bre:cliCri.e:t.' 7werebaptizetl.. They were, Wi111iam, Morley, which. was C0,11iSith." with a: on 0 Mr "CollinsOflS Corner on the -9t of A,shfield. • . 'I..' • Morley'1314.41.el Dale• ears ' Were ',ei.;iensively 01 son c:of arid Mr,sjPie . Dan, :CIDM aaged but neiTher driver a- Mr ▪ and Mrs Geore TMr and Mrs Jack Barr, elot D'onaid, Son' of'Mr. and Mrs. Don: :a:l.cliHMIErveest,"Tnh':ank.s‘giving Seryices will be, heldin tilke. Anglie.an. • Church, next Sunday, Septfroe'ri Mrs. James Hddig.e,n who s.ha's been a .P,ati,e1A, in: Victoria pital, London,f'aanie. . 77- 1:13!1' na7n (Scri Cue). eicix WaYa's'" n Lon d.on..for few.•daYs where he ,417;,. *nded the the Dio-- Huron 'cfel`kresNidoas.f:J.. W. Colwell spen a k: McCOsh at,PurPle • Grove. • Mrand MrsRoy motored, ct.,Ici.tchener on Mon- . . ... Wallace-s-Turkeys—Turkey Rolls. , • Legs,. NVings,. Pies. and Steaks FRESH PRODUCE AT RED e WHITE ' I er'.4t. a0cfeic alli: family Tlfy to°fwiheni,s_Jaacbkr °Ltd- , . . , AUTOMAT) C WALL CAN OPENER, . Sweet, juicy S'unkist , Oranges ....:.„ . 2 doz.; .55c , . , . only 99e , each ' with • $5-.00 purchase-- , Ocean Spray brand Fresh Cranberries; •,: his .brother Fred are the only • 1 lb., pkg; , , . . 's4vivors. ' The others, have ,all Fresh Cauliflower, Onions, Spinach•? "e passed away since Jack came to Enter The Red and Whit , Lucknow 19 years ago• • ,e , .. • FREE. BUICK CONTEST ' attractive •prices , The oftineral service was' held , in the .,Baptist Church..on Sunday. Mr. and .. Mis.,Hall spent . the week -end at Hillsburg and Lloyd Hall and -Mrs., Eileen White at: - tended the funeral on Sunday.- , BROTHER OF JOHN HALL. PASSED AWAY. FRIDAY The death Of Harry Hall occur- red at Hillsburg.on Friday,'where he• had been in the,•• grocery business and 7 fafed7411-111-s-life: He Was 15 yeas of .4gand pas - 'Orange. Juice, 6 .oztins ed away in hs sleep from heart . • • ItOeCOP SPefIT-S.,-10-0Z„,p1(44%;:!, ..condition iArith which he was first affecited ,ten years ago. :French Fries, a oz.. plig: 4 for 39e Pres .arid .Mrs..Toni-HedginS ,• rtnrtit)1hornet'i:ciun vThrurwishdoarye: .athft:yr :. • • • . . , ,.,. EE DELIVERY THREE LOCAL LADIES WON, visited With Mr.'„ and .N1f8,. pok PHONE 26 ., . . 808 EACH IN STAR CONTEST laS Teixeria' and • Mr. Jim Had • •. i. . ., , • .•. •-•7':41.4,001....41!0*0004,i0-00.,•siii*-i-,w)-4.4.....-.4•0411,4.40,4.4.1•19.•****0...4....•01,.....ti..• . . • ., . .., THAT ono Crawford le:lia`ving. . in Sent tio(ne:Until:.the injurY. THAT, MrS. , ,$ein. Dtirrun has • Results were •announc. , . . The.. WA. and Evening, 'Guild . • • . . .. , . . -. ' • ..' ' . , . ., , . entonced holiday las. a re,heals. ' ' 4.‘oxie • id stay for awhile with days . Ago . ixi. :the Toronto •• stios. met at the Church: on 'Tln,trsday an ' •• suit of,,injUrifig ' the .ligainents• , -..her mece,W-T-oin 1Vcagpffin,. $10;000.' contest "Know' canada. afternoonwith ..mr.8..,. witj. . :cox., , .. .ii -i: his. leg, When he slipped :On, who resides On gigh:itay, 48; Bettex7:.4hree local "Udies, liv- hostess . Mrs. }toward Thomson e stairWaya.:while'•edming , near Zetland. This . latter ... iri. ing. Within a bi.ock.Or.:two of each presided.' The *SeriPtUre :and. tned- ' *li g• formation iS . so ,Mri. • tit.trnin'S Ohm,: each Won. :awards: of : $98„ itatiOn :was react. bY'..1grs:., -Stick . . , .ur ere o ,, - - . . . • Scott. - Prayers , .follawed. : •J'he., Rei 1.4.4:At., Mit: Charles Lorenz is iZed for a few days before be- ;NOtchin a *reek. ` thia ieai,on. on the ;lake im raid uali at Victor- . • pected she ;will return .ia Hospital, 1.,:,Ondon: It is efrien WI TIOW, be weliconied. • . le - til 'er Wireldoc...He'waS find her'', and their Mrs Lloyd Hall and Misi. Chas. . thought for the. *day was given *Webster. had...ftq do a be -breaker contest, With.: Mrs. Webster. out by one WOrd from Winning one Of the pries- Worth close t� $5,06.„' visits will iby Mrs.' Jim ,Sinith: The t'oll . .was , woman Of the , " The Fall Deaperrmeeting wilt: e held in Paisley on ,ThUrSday, ePtember 19ih. An v..nas accepted frorn .the.' to :be guests...lat mee• ting on September .;Or- ders - were taken , for the Chuich • Calendars. 'A; :presentation of pil lows and pillow cases' Walamade.1 tO'. Mrs. Cliff. ,Hobib Whose :horde •'was „partly destroyed by /fire', earlier in the year .and is boa: reAbuilt..,11,faSt' Boyle Made a few fittink remarks on behalf of the; ladies and Mrs, Harold by made the presentation. Mar.:. 'jorie 'thanked the, ':;tadiee.. Mrs... COIWell 'read':a leiter •frorn our ,prayer..• partner,: Mr. ''Eric .13ar2. rington..MiS. Jirn Smith gave 'the' Closing remarkS. Rev. 4.. ,clased the Meeting With the WA. ' litany.' The October 'esS will be • Mrs. Midford Wall.:. quilt was quilted at. this: meet4,.. ing after which 'a' ,:da.4ity lunch7, eon .was served, • Misses 'Edna' and.'..May Boyle • spent ,th'e Week,end:at,WingliO• and London. • 11.00 a 3.00. 0014).11* '• Mr., a • of ..Kapt •swith George :Andrew t:he COITI attendee tival an . • FALL FAIR NOTES. :Dave Andrew is 'unable la be present to open the Fair, and of- liciating." in ' his , place will be. Doig Miles, the new, Huron Co. agrkillturar representative: I :,..On the official opening of -the new printing office, , . which-is-a-cornplimentitry-addition-to-Lucknow's MainStreet. May the Paper, long, continue to he Of , . , • r ' serVic to the community.- . . . The tttg-,o' ,war captains are be- . ing l'eininded to have their team ready forrthe dra*,fOr the John Hanna trophy.' • * * 'Secretary Alex ;IfilaNady .urges exhibitors to have their indoor entries made.'Well in advance of. the . first,' day. ' of . the _Fair, as Tuesday ' morning is always. a !`mad. ruSh" , with last, minute Ientries: 1 James Forster is expected to.. again 'have a teain An the horse. ;show. Mr.- Fo;ster-Jvis• been a: showman for j4st about 70 years, and ,has only missed once—last Ifia Ch 0.. wasn't in the show ring somewhere: , He has missed -a,couple of ;years Lucknow, but showed ' elseWhere, except last year •Twberk ill health pre-. vented.' Mr. Forster is now . 86' and he 'started in the horse ring. as a lad, of '11; ' " , • ' son .retitrned, home frOm Kincar- dine Hospital, • ... • :Sdnie 'froth-- liere-ittencled-the- , _ ...____ _, -4Whe-,,estweTe7*,i LondonLondondaVing ho:MitilsestiDercen.na... 17c.holS,on : * kit 3,f.Wa.,11i- erton spent a. few , days- at her • _sto,_Arriy_v.,adlysiwerthi,seermeepitiianct., ,a1...ril, , IVIirs. ,Rowena' Needham of. Kan , , .summarizes . the day's activities -:76;anitd-:9111:1;r;,.vb. je-sr°iterstiisitolee:,mNIVIoCrieSIdallariTIWIte:it°r:r and it all adds. up to what Should avrrs, win, per0, ' , • ' - be afair 'worth' attending. ' . l ,Sehool children will i'pe play.. dthicl'ilse;I:va':e44 t111'-'7,rslallig. j-:(.;n.,M.tcl:11:1.11jine ir7°: , ing a larger part , than ti Club aotiyit, : - I - 1 " 3 7 - 4 - e 1 IP: c h u r c h :---- j h e x n t . thu'e---..nd-PEtyrt't,,\.:tiic't:itlil,,. ,1 ' • _ • pt.*• ever i the ..Fair sand 4,,H Jfiit w4Thilita'ghnldikrqsa'ag:iVili;eihc!g13:w1:8h1;jel1:;° Ji th( ' Mr. . Laoe viiItTi"iTh w 'Mr, and Uri, Arthur Philp -PA at, • ' r: otMthr.eAgloeitxraeri.. Perey,,, Obit rnoti ,croryi t1.4.1e..Westwhere he has AT50111' plIrt • 1:1;11\11.0;t16;:i11s16 and Mrs itiheardirie 'ut'dtg recoil : t�ra With s. 16 Sch ,PubI cit.4 SSo7 --,0 •wr • K. irist'alled.,. umbing,. and MacKINN Phone 50, Luckno* eating, EitVetttiughitig , ivies have been expanded this year. • , 13tt one .1iTIMY- ariFirrtartt, platter thta11Clire'ctors and atly volunteers to keep, in nil/id is the iWcirk be this' Saturday. al- ternoor. at the Park. - It takes a lOt et:tett' to' Pro-. are the grotincl4 ,and hall,•for' , the :show and a full tttrnout of hOIP&r•S is gekrk .9 •