HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-09-18, Page 12
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2,50 A Year In Aclyance-41.0Q Extra To U.S.4
or .Black.Top.
Ontintling apO!icY• of hard's;iir4
acing of Villageroads, that
ventually give this, Municipality.
treetS that 'are. second .to none;
ncl will cut maintenance 'costs.
iarply, as well..as'permanently
liminat:ng any dust nuisance.
...'Bridge itepaired •
It.. had been .the -intention, this
Tear, to .hard surface. WilloUghby
>t.•east cf:fiaVeloCk..Street to the
Iigh ''Scillooi,„"b4t.......eXtens. re -
)sirs hat.-• beeri necassary to the,' „
IDC4,10..1F; and this paving
irOgrain has ben deferred until
ie..xt year when other .streets
)0 blaArt 1..),1xecP,a.t.ttne saine time;
['his bridge to „ lie reinforced
end changes made to the method
'Supporting, it. New:1Planking ,
was also required.
*SOine bulldozing and cutting
las; been. .done • .at . the Bowling
J.reen hill on Harriilten ..St., and
he Canning St, hill west of. the
Fla* '..Mill. The. approaches' ,t6
these hills havealso received at -
cation. At the . Bowling. Green.
yand the Anglican- Church; has . •
been .filied and- Widefied.
These'roads.will:, be graded .,and.
gravelled,' along With.. Rose St.,
we Understand; and ,Will bein
shape for. a'paYing program .neoct
SEPT,I8th, 1957 : . , • . SIXTEEN PAES• •
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ictured-ils'fh-e-fron,t a theliew '.---- .: . : ,
A ,
iiitOtiEER.S .OPERATED 6Si . .1 efitiriel. buildirio-4he..first. time : ...OPEN HOUSE AT -SENTINEL
' 'OFFICE 0N FRIDAY . . - : ••
that the publication-riles-had"a:
Council this year purchased
their Own Vatching", Machine; so
that black top roads in the,•Vill:
age, can be kept in the best re -
Mrs. Evelyn Barkweill has re-
turned -from a two weeks' visit
with her 'family in Toro*. She
hadspent_the' sumarier_aet
agan)1 Camp; whichmarked her
fifth season 'there. •
•lior of its own"in tie paper
• Two Soni. of Nie. and Mrs... •
Clifford Young of the Lang -
side district underwent
i last week just
-PeP0e.cn es ,
two,o :days apart, at .Winghain
Jim Young,- age 19, 4r1,.Cer'
. Went;Surgery on Monday and
on Wednesday his 12. -year-
old brother, Donald, had, a
Similar operation.,
. .
was established,84:. years ago.
The building is axe/pent block
coinstruction with a`irode'rn 'front
The upper portion of the front
and the side •pillars are of black
Mirawallwith. aluminum
Grey ',brick with a .heavy black
mortar line -surround; the display
windoW, and glass ,bkick • offiee.
• window, The full • glass door has.
a :vented glass transom :and 'The'
Lucknow Sentinel" in a golden-
, rod- ;yellow, stands out •against
A---Spcious----0014-c 'Office- arid
PriVate • office qUarters, ,are Val-
ued facilities that space. did not
Previously perm' ,A -day
lighting. system illuMinates the'
entire, . 80x20 'foot. building.
Moving OperationS. Started. On
completed in the same week, but
publication was' suspended for
the following weekalso, in Order,
to get some sort Of order out ;0f
the "chaos of such a move.
The first issue of The. Sentinel
in the new: quarters appeared on
September 4th,ancl this, the .third.
issue'in our new hoine, is sonie-
what. of ,a special effort to mark
the red letter event in the PaPeri.
histary. r .
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, • cr. r 2 . • 4..
Tli •last -Origirial'77inree..
'hanicat .. :4 • '.'1-77"-:- i , ---7:5;t1-4*Yv'"-;7+-12-7"7"'-2-7:t' - r
link with the .first publication of • • ' '", , .';'•',,' '"' . .... .., ..-.. • ..'",..''•'1.1 . ' 4". -• • „
Ittle ' 'Sentinel is to become, a .. ..' ,..- , ••• '„ ''' •:',..",, ':';'.''''!...'::;:;,, ,..;,...--•„,",:•:.''''2.i:'.;':.1.4`;'
museum picce. . • ' . . - • ,* • . - . ' ' ' ' -''. .
It's the Wathington hand press ' ,•;,•.''.. ' ,.,.'
upon Which the 'paper . was Print"' ' '', • •
pd for, a miinber of. years. after
,its '.eDtablishMent. It is being do- •, . . ' •• ,„'‘..,.,.„,.,, • ' ,,
rated to the T3i.zee. County mus- :- ,' .', , ''.., '-,:' • -,,
-eurn, and Reeve Harold Percy.---:., ,1,-,-: . -.: .1:„„
of Kinloss is making arrange-, • .. -..,• . •, ., • '..,1. .
rh en t s to have it taken to South-' •- , -
arnptori •• • ,.„ • . ..: • ... ..• ., . . 1i, ., :, ,
.14-1-0.-WaVittrinTWaS" lir u,S-e a I, "!. •:• • 4 . . r
,Th q Sentinell'aS' a ,proOf- prest, : : .' ',' .• • : • . ,. '.''' ,•• '''. •, , ,
until :mOving, to the new guar- •
teis.. It, however,: 'is a cuiribet, • , , .'; .•• , - .,., , ,., . .., •
0, , ,,„ • ,,... to .;,•
sthine substitute for this task, and :, • - i-:-
, ,
has been-' replaced by a 'modern, . ,
, . , .
. „. : ••• •.;
:spa.-...e•.saving proof, 'press:, ,, , - ,
'S'4.itTilhee prWinCsillpairiii,gib9urit'weciar!sidbetr.ah' .1411Y. ..,.‘.: / y, 1 :,,,tl:,.:
improved, over ' the Gruteriberg • -
. • •
first printed. •Iri, Gerinanj. eyi-' ,
rress -on :which the ''Bible w4s •
,.. 4 '
, • ,t
• . 8•
, A
," • ,
ir)der'; power .driven fireSses,, lat-
er ' antiquated •these:. "squeeze -
type": pisseS, • , . • ;.!••
.The -''. recess A; -'involved hand-'
inking the .type page, , inserting ,
t-W-ffe-et,-7-ffillitig` Tin the flat .
bed , and i'squeeiing", down, the.,
,patenwith hand 1e;ier. Then
:-printed sheet:-. • '
qtrle fOti"OaPd.'remove the
• ".. ,•
• 1....:By.'a•Cos-Operative• e.ffrt...and a . ..,
co.'U.Ple-er.strono.''.-64:Teat6". . :. . "
theweekly press run Was fedi- .
oi,.4sly.aCCOMpliited..-'• ...,••• '. ..•.y -.' ; • •• ''•: '' :'•''
:-.Th'iS ..". ..34'-year-old"..',..Seritinel:
..•:.,'..,. .,.....::....,,...
PresS, was', 'bUilt 0•Sliawa
„in ;lbY.
A •firzne:that,.',exists•only• -..on •the ..
. • ;...• • •
records •••and.. isn t -even •,a ,•mem-
oryto,..,i)teseiit'-day:',"Chatricber"of'..:...- .,: .,....:. ' ,.,','..,:..•7'..',..:0•.!„.!:.),
COmMeree: men .:Of that .City,:• : :'.'-'• • ' ' '. •.••:,.. ,,....-, • .,.:.,i.i...,..
, .. ,
Moving of The S ti el • t tion of this type setting machine
ing 'plant provided some fascin-
ating' activity jrorn_A,Agg.etittor,
The, plate 'glass window ' was
lemporarily'• 'removed from the
JonBlock, to avoid the :dis.
niatitting • of , some of the
Here the linOtYpe is shown be -
ng winched, up the ,plank onto
Ed atint s truck. The upper Set -
had' to beThiliPped dt6-:c1'ear
the j&kpjill.,
The Sentinel rad---eir raga=
herefor thirty-seven years. A4D
Via.ckenzie moved the plant to,
this locatiom in November 1920,
fl had' 'briefly ibee'n used as
a Silverwood buying station af-
ter Ackert and • Rathwell had
moved .t� their new store across
the street. Photo,
Because Of • the interest.
Shown by So many people,
we have decided to hold open.
house at' The Sentinel Office
this Friday,Septernber 20th
, Although we, 'are .by no.
means settled," in „our 'new ,
quarters, Wie .have decided to. •
' Associateopen house with
this- week's special isue.
Visiting hourS,
.will be from.300 :to 5.00 p4n.:'
and from 7.30 to 9.30: ' • ,
It will' nOt, be a pretentious
occasion, 'bars -will permit .
those Who SO *ish„to have '
"a loOlc• :around".
t%:: ,
• 44 4,
' " •
• ;;; i;•'2'222
THAT Dennis Ernberlin was home •••••• • •t,
tforhe week -end. He has been ' •
, transferred' ,to the RCAF base • ,
at ROckeliffe' from St Johns, '
• Quebec. ' • •
. •
44 •
' ' . • ..
Sotnething to Sell? Somet.hing'd ' • •• •• 4' •
to bur?) Phone 35, ttiClcriovv., .• 0.;
Mr; and, Mrs. Norma' - Wilson
, and daughters lVfarjon and Linda
of Hamilton were
week -end vlsi-
tors With ,relatives.
Brownies 'are' making plans- for
immediate' re -organization;
The Brownies will, hold 'their
first meeting in the Guide Rooms
.at the Recreatiorocentre on Sat-
urday Morning Of, this week. Sep',
41,1yone Bro. ie
dress' to sell should citify .trs:
Jim, Boyle.. ,Brownies w' be in
char,g.of Mrs. Boyle, ced•-bk-,
Miss. Beverley Ashton, •
, 011 Friday evening of next
week, September 27th, the Girl
Guides will hold their first meet-
ing at the nee Hall at 7 o'clock.
Mrs. Harvey Irwin will be the.
r .
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r .
• I .
44 44
• 2 "•'. 2..'• •
The biggest taSk was the
equipment (was •derie'bY: Harry cd 'skill and .care, and the work '
onto. Here they are shown using out mishap,
tackle to skid the automatik.,, '
Knipe and his associa.tes o Tor- was Stiacessfully completed with-'
HeidfOkeM press up the ramp and mantling Of the riews13aPer otith,
through the rear door of -the new . new quarters.
- —Sentinel rinti•b,TdE:
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• 44,,
,•9 4;
• . •
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