HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-09-11, Page 2THE LUCKNOWSPrriNEf.4, LAMKNOW 19:57 ).194.14t."0.011.91,q19", .'T FIVE ROSES FLOUR • 14 oz. tins 00 int:. 2 for 33c. Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup 10 oz. tins — 3 for 35c BLUE SURF 7c off gt. size, free Silverplate-71c FRESH PRODUCE AT RED 44 WHITE Canada 'No 1 Potatoes, 50 lbbag 99e6' Plums„ 6__qt. basket , attractiVe price 4 Lettuce, •solit1 heads attractiie price Carrots, 3 lb. pony. bag .. .......... attractive price • Enter Red and White's Free, GIVEAWAY CONTEST York Choice Golden Wax Beans;' go. oz., 00C Deep Broivne4 Beans, 20 OZ... tilt 190 Hawes Paste Wax, Jumbo size one-third larger, Save .6c <,. , .r.4 444 47C .• . . -LEVER' CONTEST ITEMS Breeze, King size,yfree bath. towel, 15e off, g38 Breeze, Giant Size, free Tea towel .. . . . ... 83c Breeze, Large size, free Face Cloth, 42e lvisk, 16 oz. tin '43ei .32 °z: 83e; 64 oz. $1.,63 Lux Liquid ,Detergenti4-;.... giant 83c; large .43e New Lux . .. . giant, 79c; 'large 41c Rinso , • '79..large 41e Sunlight Soap .. . ....... . . 2 for .23c Lifebuoy Deodorant Soap; 4c oft, bath or .„ Aunt Mary's Coffee, lb. tag. .......... 89e •• --Cireus-LPail_Pure Peanut Otitter,4*113. tint $l.29 ,GROUNDS At the September meeting' of the ,Linplcnaw District #igh Schaol tiaard authority WaS giv4 en the ,Grounds Committee to bulldoz-eT'ant}-7--lc vel t'r°PQrtY 1011g. 'betwiPn't4le High- way' and thes , This .4rea...114.,§ • Odtrated'i; frorn, the fine' appearance of the: re- mainder df , the schaal .ground, and ..the .,eitiestion of to do Jwith, 'this section narth , of • the. 'preeli,, has freqpently been -• • R1141?.3! standardS '4110 baek; scp far girls' and ,,boys' sdftbalf iiiStalie&Vir • 'the c a M.-, 1,1[Np. CAMPAIGN TO •••• ••=••_• e • • V... , 1 I of 21/2 Petits a 'mile :was .granted I . Jack 'et:wren end W.M.:'Andreiv met with, the Baard and 'bus drivers to discuss the matter of re-routing to provide a more sat- isfactory student service•in some sections. It: did not •appear feas- ible to•Make any Major enanges, . An increase acr.oss' the board. •PIMA, •are 10d. fgr the annual' pig i Aid of the P011,4diun 'NatiOnal IntitUte for the Blind, in resPect to the .w9rk carried OR in this part of,•WeStern. Ontario; • Mr,Ptax.'Yfseiellt°wsie't16:;' out sight, s .currently \-Ti,siOng • - the • keriO4S• ,atairnien in area The IP.C.T4ilirm'ca4IpsPeanicg D.o' heeded up the campaign the past .few years: • BORN., • BUSHELL—in Kincardine 'Hos,- ).:pital/ on Tuesday, SePternhor 1957, t9MrandT sory, • R • :2 Haiyrood- a-s'O ' to • bns operators on, all routes., BIRliSEYE FROZEN Foops - Lemonade, 6 oz. "..., 2 tin§ 29c Strawberries, 15 oz. pkg. ... 39c .In:.`arder that , Beard Me.rnbers thaiVO t_t -,13c:tter ldiocimlOclge of • :the routes- travelled.; maps atie be Obtained frail.' the:‘Department covering the • ninnicipalities- in - 1410NE ..: DELIVERY . . . . . FREE. . ULROSS NATIVE DIEL. IN ACCIuENTital. on Friday,. SepteMber honour of .-Mr", and: Mrs.. p.ey Fiineral. serves were .held.in 14.int Websteil. Willawdale,. Friday, • August .2.1i•di Everybody welconte. • • for Daisy'lLa4retta, TUrner,'be-' • . loved -wife of Albert Blackwood wHiTgcHuggi at Willowdale, dear Mother off. Joyce, ;Orville,' Gordon,...: Evelyn, Several Carloads of 'fans, went .-Mrs Et 13t.trke. and Brian to Linwood on Friday night; to Interatent was in ResthaVen •WatCh WhitechurCh• and Linwood Memorial Garden.. ''Service was •play, ball. The wore,' was ease, condueted, by Rev A W Janes 6.5,. with Linwood in the lead: , and a few words were spoken by , Misses :Hazel and :Mary Smith ',6•:nephe*, Richard A. Turner, . ,• of Galt spent the weekend with Deatir•-carne-suddenly-aOhe-re.Nfri; Turner. - 'sult of an aceident near, North Mrs. Alma-CaMpbell, Jean -arid . Bair, Monday, ,Aulgt$ .19th, igra, Barbara of London, sPent. the BaielswOOd Was born in Culross Week...end with Mr arKi Mr.. Bob ,Township, December '26t0;--19017: 'Ross; •' • • e,•Was theyoungest daughter MrS, TiVithee Lamb- and. Mrs. , of Richard and dtth Turti-er. Harry Tic4tiourne. visited with • sheis also sitnived byto, sis, .1VIrs. Kennedy, Annie and: Pete ters. of Toronto ----her twin' sister :on Sunday afternoon'. ' Annie and Peirh-A brother - jehri: Miss Olive Terriff 'returned :passed away early in. June, Of this home cfr.arn Toronto ;on -Siniclay year. A,• sisterH.Hattie-Mrs7--.7M.: ni t-afterif-attendin ersis.tees, Dohaldi two brothers, :: Charles Mrs 'Cecil Parsons, funeral on ..antl Allen, predeceased her S.AT- Wednesday to :Park :tav,r;rn Cern- ago, • etery. RECEPTION. FRIDAY liteeeptian in -Wr)v.3xeter. ,ToWn A • * . . • OBITUARY MES. --J. M. 'GREER. heath :Came on :,SatiirclaY,: Aug- ust 31st • to-Mis. J. M. Greer,' at ie r home in' LucknoW.- She had been in frailbOalth• for some time but had :been confined to bed for only a •week 'prior .to her passing ,Mrs. Greer was the form , nie Georgina,' :Beaton, . daughter of the, late _Neil Beaton and 'Har- riett '13tateliie. She was ',barn in Kinleiss, Township .on ,March -4th, 1879,' and had Spent Most of ;1*.r. life in this coMnatinity. , • • AsTaL.-Yoting-z•lady' she -Was 'em- ployed. at Caluniet- and.. cbicago. In 1907 .she accompanied ,hpr -sis- ter Mary ,.t�• •Western' ''Canada, •••••••• eluded. in the High:School Area:: Board • -Members 'Signed , :the 'oath Of •allegiance, which ji a new"deparfilnental regtilation. Ther Matter Of a truant Officer was , discussed and the„' matter left aver for future. action', The :•eld power =Wet Was 'sold to Jim -Boyle,.. • - ' The Board was informed:. that the 6. percent superannuation _fee 'mug not,V.be • deducted ' fro* all teachers' .salaries, Previously any teachers employed less. then . 20 haws. a .'week • was exempt: • 'Presbyterian: Church . Tice .Septernber• meeting ol the' Senior . Auxiliary Of the of te Presibytrian Church met September 4th; .' Mrs.' 1NforgIn Henderson Was in the Chair..The illpetang was opened, ,w.itli-pray. • .er by the president and the sing- " ingof a. hymn.. The 'Bible readihg by Mrs: ;Little was the., story of the Talents:. Miss 'Mary MacLeod . . gave a: Paper' on Stewardship, Whith. Made' each, 'Inefriber feel her personal responsibility for all haVe.n..steWardshiP intrusted- 'th them, Titne, talents arid Money really belong to Gad. Miss' Mac- Leod, stressed : tithing .,-and' • 074, er2,,The'hUsineSs on hand ,was the appeal for -helpfrom the. Pein. rnarvian Horne, -:After :•conSider;.. .able discussion a;'.special 1,tiOri,lat the October _ meeting was" asked for to "help to Meet ' the oe,:ts ...of' the Home The W.M.S.. • members are reminded that the subscriptions to • the Glad 'Td JiTt4IvreitiN The . marriage of Mary Chin; eldest 'daughter Of Mrs. ,Charles Chin' of Toronta and the late Charles 'Chin, .to Henry Jung,' eldest son of: Mr. a.nd..Mrs. Wah Jung,. Philidelphia, was ized before a, beautiful setting. of White Standards .at IcnOic church; Toronto; Rev. 3. M. Laird °Oki- Mr • • • . The ;bride, giVeri in Marriage by herbrother Sam Chin, chose a traditional white gown with a Where th-reir parents had..previ- cathedi'al-train' Orf-tpeau-de.-7soiei :ottsly moved She .returned here featuritig •a..V7neckline, The bo& the..follawing. Year.: •:..: ,‘. ' "': ice Was'Of French lace. dipping.. On Decethiber, .,28th; ,1910, she to a V at the backller veil Of Was 'Married to her now bereft ,husband by Rev. Finlay. 'Mac- Lennan ;of South. Kinloss Pres-. • byterian Church, • - • , Mr. and Mrs,. Greer tobk up residence.pn the Greer home- stead east of LaicknoW, where they continued to., reside until inaVing to the:Village in ;1949. Mrs. Greer.was' of :a quidt,,ttii-:/ assuming nature, with' her home and, family her first interest. She was a Member of the United ur a SP -OrAlip VaVIS,-- the • • 41 !." . ARE NOW AVAILABLE , e havc:. a icainplete and varieseleeticin of -the a. es , oxe •—Chtistrnas—Car44. fur- the--1957seaSon. 'Niie have a Stock of Boxed Everyday . Cards, and would b. pleased if 'you, would drop in. -and. look. them OVer. The ,Neigiamtile17. Personalize men's Institute and the Ladies uxilia the Canadian ?The funeral Service was • held illusion net, was , held , in place. by a seqtieritecl tiara. She car- ried rasesyrnonrited ona white Her bridesmaids, Misi Ahce Lep; Miss •Giadyi ,Chin and, ',flow- er girl, MisS Joy Locke,' Wore• . dreSses--of Pastel turonoise:crys•-. tal „,chariti featuring a 17,nectk- line, and matching feather, ,hats. •' Mrs. Douglas :Wong .(Margaret •Chin), matrOn of honor, chose a Shnilar. dress of 'darker turquoise - . carriedCascadea. of 'pink= roseS. The beat inan. was Mr: George June 'arid' ushers were " ' • • ingS become %dile in, October. The roll ',call was•:answered by verses from the Praniise Box. ,Highlights from the Giad'Tidings. was'ably, CovOred' by Mrs. MacKenzie,: ltirrs. Henderson .• adding. -a . -beautiful (Verse on prayer ,Mrs Russell read the: Chapter. "The.' SUpreme, TeSt". from "The Friend, of the •Ttaad7. Miss 'Carrick read an in-. , te.restiriCKeport of • the work of the :Bible : WoMeri,. in • 'Forniosa. After singing, a. hyrrin, 'Anderson, closed • the... meeting WithL_Prayer, • • RE -ORGANIZE U ITED CHURCH. HI -C GROUP, MeLennaii4kacKeniie-t--Mrs:Xliin-,-received-guestsAn_a_ lifeMOrial, Chapel on -MancleY, turquoise lace sheath..,drest..Wear- September 2nd, . conducted by. Rev. G. A. •Meiklejblin arid. as- sisted by Re. Wallace: McClean, a •good: „neighbor ..of the •Crreer. 'Inter/tent was in 'Greenhill 'Cemetery, the-:pallbearer,S.'being.' Sandy.Purdori, Wm. Fisher; Alii7 ster • litighes, ,Sandy' MacLeod) GeOrge. Sttiart, Wm; McGi1l . Besides •. her, hitSband, Mrs. Greer is entyived fbY, one datich- ." One good reason why the .govri.taps. • o • ap v1/4r0 "larence on We ,have what. it 'takes. on ,MOnday,.Septem.er the hnt Oe,„farm, and Harold' of , • Lacktraw-,---fiVe.-grandchtlefrerr,Lote. .THE 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL . brather; Jame Baton Of Luck- . . , L•U,ChnOi# *O d- ntario- • are on display at The Sentinel. 4 • Drop in arid look them' ever,,or if you prefer we l'OOk. ;at, Whenkontiettlent, — Fr le. Most Complete' Greeting Card Selection available CALL Phone 33 or ,35 4.0.0•0 , • white aecesSories.. • The • newlYWeds. left for •6 honeymoon to Quebec Province and New • England States, , Itottsewife, hth.'W Ting finally elt, edT-Sinalrboy-TIfita-bed after an unusually. trYing day, sighed: "Well, I've certainlY worked from son -up to son-down.'todaY". Rev SU? '10.00 a 11.00 P• esSvl 'Rev P Georg( Ga:thi,,aV t 1 • • to1.4 Go.deri.011 ..and Torn .,Sp( • Sadbury •• as a gar ir • ,recOvery :been compha • tbp ,hosp Hackett • Of :Torcir in Well :Misse• -return& , With thi Mr. and 'keliTar-L and fart •.8unday_ • littahat Austin JoePh'.$ . , • The first nieeting df :the, tnit4 Church Hi -C. group was held 'on'. • • , SUriday- evening September 8th •-' at Mr and Mrs.. K. C. :Mu'raie's• Cottage at point, • .The ineetin.g, opened with : the, therrie. • 'Mrs.. R. Cummings read the scripture. Prayer, was , given. by Joyce' avidON?y` f0,116w- . ed With a 'poem by Joanne Hun- ter. • „ , Mt Meiklejbhn explarncd the -:organi-zatibri7of presid.-• ed , for the election ..Of 'Whare .aSifollovirs::pres.•Naney, 'Webster;.. , co-prelidene,--L-Ftiser Ashton; secretaryand, •press. re- --porter,--PatriciaT-TheMpsoni-treas•;- Dick Mttrdie. The leaders of,lhe tearns are jean Richards Elaine " MacNay; 'Shirley' • Moore •an Nancy Irwin. ThegrOUP then AASerribled ofl the beaoh around "a camp fire: Nancy Webster exprepse thanks to ,thp 'host and. llwites: The meeting was %biased. Avit,h' 'MO ter, Mrs. Eric t viTnaxisori• (LouiSel' err -in -lent loves ns dearly is that_ The next Meetin' will Ee. ii614 Mc Eiij( (Vie tom, sign --iittVeaYietWe*i.gtettiviik.-666 e . . 'Foster • (.18/fargAret)' ,61...;..4)unblArie, Authorized' 68 second class mail, .110'§t' Office .bepartment, Ottatya :Satke' Mit. "^ it.: A.. ...MeKenar ' ' , . . ' ' ',.. - - ' • . . - ' ' tise) ,of tr-stisie,, gdsk ., , Established 1.873,41:tib1fshecU Each Wednesday Aftert?n,b/1'.. ' tit(Mary) vassea Away. a Oetige. Su..h6eri' 'tiOti' 'taie.:4i,5:016 ear in aditattetoll:SA;;$3.50. - Another, siSteti, Mtg., Week • a*, Mg, .c0e,ees:''' death , ,... , „. ,... ,1. . .atid .a 'brother an of Vancouver : , .......,....,••-•••- L. Catnpbell , Thohipton4 Ptiblither . t3gstett sway. A few years Ago, - : IMBOINTESDAYi .SEPrr: Ittf.i* 1961 ....... , ••••••6•